Chapter 108

The snow had melted.

The air was moist.

Taking a deep breath, the lungs felt so comfortable.

It was New Year's Eve today.

Many guests had come to Jiang Mianmian's home.

Her family had received many gifts.

There were frozen fish, frozen pears, and polished tree branches suitable for children to play with, even adorned with red ropes.

They were gifts from the villagers.

The well-known old hunter in the village shyly brought out two frozen fish and said, "I don't know what happened this year, all the animals in the mountains seemed to have disappeared, I couldn't find them anywhere, so I could only go to the water and catch a couple of fish."

Qin Luoxia warmly received them, smiling, "Indeed, the weather has been so cold that those animals must have all gone into hiding. Elder Brother Liu is amazing to still be able to find fish."

After taking the frozen fish, Qin Luoxia also gave a gift in return, a bag of sweet fruit candies made by adding sugar to dough, rolling them into small balls, and baking them, which could keep for a long time.

Compared to the frozen fish, these sweet fruit candies were a more presentable gift, after all, they required the use of sugar and flour.

All the villagers who came to deliver gifts received a return gift.

On their way back, they couldn't help but praise, "Sister-in-law Qin is a truly kind-hearted person."

Those who came to deliver gifts would see Jiang Yu helping to prepare food, and they would also praise Yu for being diligent and skilled in cooking.

Jiang Changtian and Jiang Feng were doing woodwork.

Hei Ta was lending a hand.

Since Jiang Mianmian could walk now, seeing her plucking the hair from the little white horse every day, she must really want to ride a horse.

Jiang Changtian was planning to make a small wooden horse for his daughter.

Jiang Changtian was not skilled at woodwork, and the design of this wooden horse was actually helped by the Former County Magistrate.

Speaking of which, the Former County Magistrate was indeed a top student who had passed the imperial examinations.

Jiang Changtian mentioned his request, wanting a wooden horse that his daughter could sit on, rock back and forth, and not fall off.

Surprisingly, the Former County Magistrate designed it.

He spent three days and nights drawing, without any sleep, to come up with the design, even losing a few strands of hair.

His main concern was that he was still living in a house behind the county office, and he would have to move out, but Jiang refused to let him.

However, during this period, watching what Jiang had been doing, just thinking about it made him lose a strand of hair, just thinking about it made him lose another strand of hair, and he had lost more hair recently than in half his lifetime.

On the first day Jiang reported for duty at the county office, he hung a calligraphy banner that read:

"I reflect on my conduct three times a day.

Was I too courteous?

Did I give him face?

Should I have taken action?"

Jiang Mianmian sat on the small stool, with Young Lord Zi sitting beside her.

Young Lord Zi was lost in thought.

He was thinking that his father would probably come to pick him up soon after receiving his gift.

He had started to want to go home.

Initially, he had wanted to stay because he didn't want to listen to his tutor's nagging, and he had also found Jiang Xiaogui's family quite interesting.

He had wanted Jiang Xiaogui's mother to become his bodyguard, but it didn't work out.

After observing for two days, he realized it would never succeed, so he gave up.

But it seemed that Jiang Xiaogui had not given up.

Jiang Xiaogui seemed to really like him, clinging to him wherever he went.

He sat there a little worried, unsure if Jiang Xiaogui would cry when his father came to pick him up.

She clung to herself too much, grabbing onto her wherever they went.

At every meal, she would share the delicious leafy greens with him.

She was more clingy to him than the pet tortoise he raised.

Jiang Mianmian didn't know what the little brat was thinking, she clung to him because her mother said he was so pitiful, without a mother, and his father didn't care about him either, so she should play with him more.

She was just a little cub, what could she do? Anyway, it was just something convenient, whatever she did, dragging him along to do the same.

Jiang Mianmian pulled Young Lord Zi along to wait for her father to make a wooden horse for her.

Seeing Young Lord Zi daydreaming again, she spoke in a childish voice: "When it's done, I'll let you ride it for a bit."

Young Lord Zi imagined himself, a grown man, sitting on a rocking horse, and felt a chill, shaking his head to refuse: "No thanks."

Jiang Mianmian didn't mind, those rocking cars at the supermarket entrance, no six-year-old could refuse, hmph.


An hour later, Young Lord Zi sat expressionless on the rocking horse with Little Tortoise Jiang, the wooden horse swaying back and forth.

His body swayed along with it.

He thought to himself that he had ridden real horses before, this wooden horse was so silly.

But Little Tortoise Jiang's little green onion sprout on her head tickled his face.

He hugged Little Tortoise Jiang, listening to her laughing ha ha ha ha.

Watching the lanterns at the entrance swaying back and forth.

It was the New Year.



