"Twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine! Twenty-nine! Twenty-nine!"

"It's my turn, it's my turn."

A few young women at the village entrance were kicking a shuttlecock.

These days, the security in the village was excellent. Although many displaced people, reformed bandits, and wealthy households who had gotten lost on their way to move had been accepted, they had all been properly accommodated.

Kan'er Village had the feel of a small town.

A small trading area had even emerged in the village.

Leading the shuttlecock-kicking was Jiang Yu.

Originally, she had intended to make something for her younger sister to play with.

Her sister wanted chicken feather flowers; her sister was truly a genius, able to make flowers from chicken feathers.

She had plucked the feathers and discovered they were indeed quite beautiful.

But then her sister complained they were prickly and dirty.

She had to tie them together and make a base out of cloth to hold them in place.

Unexpectedly, she found out that this contraption could actually be kicked and played with.

Although her little sister's short legs could only kick it a couple of times.

But with her own long legs, Jiang Yu could kick it many times.

She once broke the record by kicking it fifty-one times without letting it drop.

Unfortunately, she never managed to kick it that many times again.

Though she found it boring to play alone, her little sister Mianmian was too lazy, except when she had just learned to crawl and would crawl everywhere. Now that she could walk, she was always lazy and wanted to be carried.

Heavy as a little stone.

So Jiang Yu took it out to play with her little friends in the village.

The weather was nice.

She also brought Mianmian along.

That way, she could both play and watch over her sister.

Jiang Mianmian watched her older sister and friends kicking the shuttlecock happily, thinking that while other transmigrated beings contributed great inventions, all she had were clothes pockets suitable only for infants and a chicken feather shuttlecock~~

Just for playing.

Ah, despite being only three years old, one could already see what she would be doing in the future - playing.

Jiang Mianmian clapped for her older sister, but soon grew tired. She released Jiang Xiaoshu, watching the little ant go and direct the other tiny ants, a group busy scurrying around, which was also quite fun.

She squatted on the ground, using a stick to poke at the little ants.

She moved her stick forward, and a group of ants moved forward. She moved her stick to the left, and a group of ants moved left.

Ant block set, so much fun.


Yin Ping arrived at Kan'er Village.

She got off the carriage.

And asked around.

She inquired if there was a girl surnamed Qin in the village.

Surnamed Qin, that was the Luoxia girl, the only one.

"Yes, old ma'am, are you some relative of Sister-in-law Luoxia?"

"I'm her paternal aunt, separated for many years, now come to find her."

"Oh, Aunt! Please come, come. Luoxia girl will surely be delighted to know a relative has come for her. She's a most sincere person."

"I'll take you to her."

The one leading the way was an enthusiastic woman.

Seeing the two girls kicking the shuttlecock and playing with ants, she quickly called out, "Sister Yu, Sister Mian, come quick, you have a relative visiting!"

Following the woman's call, Yin Ping saw among the group of young women a tall girl kicking the feather shuttlecock with her legs raised high.

This girl, her gaze was too sharp, too sharp a gaze would lead to misfortune.

One should not appear too intelligent in this life, especially for a woman.

Nor should one be too unrestrained.

This girl's character showed she had grown up pampered at home, unrestrained and smiling without any restraint.

That was fine for a young girl, but after marriage, such an unrestrained character could offend others without even realizing it.

She also didn't seem to have come of age, still not having come of age at this age.

Her personality was also too frank, her every emotion showing on her face.

She would surely suffer misfortune after misfortune in life.

The younger one, though.

As Yin Ping quietly observed her with those eyes, her heart couldn't help but skip a beat.

She rarely let her emotions show.

In a place like the palace, showing emotion could easily lead to death.

She was so old now.

She thought she had seen life and death, that she had become detached.

But the moment she saw that baby's face, she was still struck with terror.

It was as if she had returned to the palace.

At this moment, the sky was clear and bright, and the surroundings were bustling with lively sounds and a harmonious atmosphere.

Yet her palms were sweating cold.

A group of people accompanied an elderly lady to the Jiang family.

Her mother was at home.

Her father and elder brother were out.

Her mother heard the clamoring from the crowd, saying they had come to find her elderly relative.

What a load of nonsense about an aunt-in-law.

She was certain she didn't have one.

But now, she had seen the world by accompanying her husband.

Instead of causing a scene, she calmly sent everyone away, leaving only the elderly lady, and closed the door.

Yin Ping sat openly in the courtyard, sipping on the not-so-sweet hot water from a bamboo cup. It was chilly, and even with the warm sun, a cup of hot water was needed to warm her insides.

Looking at the woman smiling at her, she said, "Old lady, if you have any troubles that prompted you to impersonate a relative of mine, you can tell me. I may not have much money, but my husband is a very kind man and is happy to help others. When he returns, perhaps he can assist in finding you a place to stay."

Yin Ping was somewhat surprised.

She had just met this woman, who seemed muddled and nodded agreeably to anyone, smiling at everyone.

When called an aunt-in-law, she warmly responded as such, and then promptly dismissed the crowd of onlookers.

She closed the door.

And immediately exposed her ruse.

Yet she did not become angry or agitated, but remained calm.

Yin Ping, who had struggled at the lowest levels of the palace, was surprised by this woman's composed demeanor as she changed her behavior.

If one were to put it bluntly, this ordinary village woman possessed the bearing of a great general.

If a housewife was muddled, the entire household would lack accomplishment.

A wise housewife brings harmony and prosperity, with each day better than the last.

At least this housewife brought a pleasant surprise to Yin Ping.

She stood up and respectfully bowed.

"This old woman is named Yin Ping, a female teacher gifted by General Zi to two young ladies. I have met Madam Qin."

Jiang Yu widened her eyes, this was her female teacher? She seemed quite formidable, even a little intimidating.

Jiang Mianmian also widened her eyes. Good heavens, it was already outrageous to be gifted homework practice books, but in ancient times, they directly gifted teachers! Too outrageous!!!