The weather was mild and sunny.

Tourists thronged the streets.

It was perfect for a stroll.

Although Ming County was now under rebel control, it showed no signs of decline.

In fact, compared to previous years, it was even more lively.

Despite occasional bad news from the outside world, the common people still felt quite fortunate.

The shopkeeper ran out and saw the maid by the carriage, as well as the people alighting from it.

Two women were holding an infant.

Their faces were unfamiliar; he hadn't seen them before.

Though not dressed lavishly, their demeanor was quite extraordinary.

Aunt Yin allowed Qin Madam and Elder Sister Yu to be scrutinized.

If they couldn't pass the inspection of a small shop's manager, they would be completely unqualified.

There were plenty of shrewd people around.

She wasn't worried about the little one in her arms.

This small one was too good at fooling people; she had even fooled Aunt Yin herself.

She noticed that Qin Madam and the elder young lady were still slightly nervous.

Their footsteps were different from when they were at home.

But the little one was merely curious, not afraid, and even had a slightly disdainful look in her eyes.

She seemed to think the jewelry store was too small.

Aunt Yin could now interpret the young mistress's expressions with 90% accuracy, if not 100%.

Jiang Mianmian was indeed a little disappointed.

The invincible jewelry store her elder sister had been longing for turned out to be so small and ordinary.

But then again, for a small county town, it was probably quite impressive.

Jiang Yu was genuinely nervous, especially when she saw the shopkeeper bowing and smiling in welcome, being extremely enthusiastic. She felt doomed, thankful that she had no money. If she did, she would certainly be the type to spend recklessly.

Unable to resist people's obsequious smiles, she would feel compelled to spend a lot and buy many things.

No, no, the family wasn't that wealthy, they needed to be frugal. She couldn't be swayed by smiles. As her great-aunt said, she needed to put on airs, not let people see through them, to bargain better.

This was just a jewelry store, nothing to eat or drink, nothing really special.

Thinking this way, Jiang Yu applied all the lessons her great-aunt had taught her.

Walk with a straight back, confidently.

Don't avoid people's gazes.

Keep your pace steady, neither hurried nor slow.

It's no big deal, she was super pretty, that's why people kept looking at her.

Unattractive things don't get attention.

Don't smile carelessly, and when you do smile, your eyes must be focused, don't casually flirt.

Especially with men, speak frankly, don't leave things half-said.

For people you don't like, just treat them like food you don't enjoy.

Stay calm, stay calm, stay calm.

Jiang Yu encouraged herself.

Qin Luoxia was also giving herself a pep talk.

With her husband's looks and his new status, if she remained timid, she would certainly not be worthy of him.

She had heard that many shameless girls were still circling the County Government Office, hoping to chance upon her husband.

Qin Luoxia certainly believed in her husband; with his looks, if he really wanted someone else, it wouldn't have been her.

Although her husband always encouraged her, saying she was the best,

women's thoughts were different. She needed to learn and grow, needed affirmation from the outside world, needed Aunt Yin's guidance.

She had already applied her hunting skills to practicing her walk, carefully observing how Aunt Yin walked.

However, Aunt Yin said that different statuses required different gaits, and she couldn't copy everything exactly.

Aunt Yin discovered that Qin Madam's learning ability was too strong; she could walk exactly like her in just one day. But their statuses were different, so it still wasn't quite right.

Qin Luoxia had also noticed that Aunt Yin must have worked in service for a long time. She instinctively bowed to her husband, and did the same for Mianmian.

After exchanging pleasantries, she decisively concluded the chat and went to look at jewelry.

Aunt Yin had advised her not to stand talking for too long outside, unless specifically invited. "Loose lips sink ships," she'd said. "Listen more, speak less."

While her mother conversed, Jiang Yu kept her eyes from wandering, obediently staying close, the picture of good behavior.

Jiang Mianmian, being younger, looked around curiously.

As a result, she spotted a familiar face.

While Jiang Mianmian couldn't recall most people here, that particular young lady had left a deep impression on her.

Aunt Yin followed Mianmian's gaze.

She saw a young woman.

Aunt Yin couldn't help but be surprised.

She looked again, more closely.

Of course, Aunt Yin observed discreetly, careful not to make anyone feel uncomfortable under her scrutiny.

Aunt Yin thought this young lady carried herself with unusual poise, exuding a maturity beyond her years.

She was strikingly beautiful and well-dressed.

Her natural beauty, an eight out of ten, was enhanced to perfection through subtle artifice that ordinary people wouldn't notice.

She appeared effortlessly stunning, like a lotus rising from the water, seemingly unadorned yet flawless.

Her every movement suggested nobility.

Aunt Yin felt puzzled.

She watched as the young lady approached to greet them.

"Elder Sister, Second Aunt," she said.

Qin Luoxia frowned slightly upon seeing the young girl before her.

She loved what her husband loved and hated what he hated. She deeply disliked anyone her husband disapproved of.

Although that family seemed different, Jiang Wan had always appeared kind-hearted and polite.

Previously, Qin Luoxia had thought this girl was good-natured, not understanding the disputes of the older generation.

But after the incident with the kidnappers, were children truly innocent? Her silk garments and jade ornaments were not innocent. Her privileged lifestyle was not innocent.

Moreover, she now realized that this young lady had never called her "Second Aunt" before.

Though well-mannered, she had never treated her as an elder.

Qin Luoxia acted as if she hadn't seen her, ignoring her completely.

"Let's go upstairs," Qin Luoxia said. "It's noisy down here, with too many unnecessary people around."

She then turned to the lady she had been talking to earlier and added with a smile, "Wang Lady, I didn't mean you."

The lady smiled understandingly.

Jiang Wan felt extremely awkward, sensing all eyes on her.

Yet her expression remained unchanged, projecting an air of calm indifference.

She merely nodded with a smile, appearing so sensible that she could gracefully endure even being spat upon.

This startled Aunt Yin.

She felt the young lady's composure was unnaturally deep for her age.

When Jiang Yu saw Jiang Wan, her first instinct was to notice her new clothes, jewelry, and embroidered shoes.

Though Jiang Wan's attire seemed slightly plainer than before, it was still quite luxurious.

After her great-aunt's recent training, Jiang Yu now understood a bit about women's fashion techniques.

She used to feel inferior in Jiang Wan's presence, despite sharing the same surname. Her way of expressing this inferiority was through stubbornness, blurting out whatever unpleasant thoughts came to mind, constantly picking fights.

But now, after so long, as Jiang Yu recalled her former self, she suddenly realized how childish she had been.

It dawned on her that Jiang Wan wasn't so intimidating after all. She just dressed better, used better things, and groomed herself better. These were all achievable with the right conditions; there wasn't much difference between them.

In fact, her father was more beautiful, so she was more beautiful too – something Mianmian had called "genetic advantage."

For the first time, she noticed that Jiang Wan was actually quite short, not as tall as her.

Surprisingly, Jiang Wan wasn't even as fair-skinned as her; her own complexion was fairer.

Moreover, Jiang Wan's brows and eyes seemed tense. Her great-aunt had said such girls were unlikeable, carrying too many worries.

Jiang Yu looked at her a bit longer, then lifted her head high, like a true little phoenix, and ascended the stairs.

Just as she reached the top of the staircase, she couldn't resist turning back to make a face at Jiang Wan.
