Ch. 44 - There Was A Reason For The Annihilation

"Gasp!"Kang Mu-hyuk felt a suffocating sensation. His heart rate quickened, and his body trembled violently. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ɴovᴇlꜰirᴇ.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of nøvels early and in the highest quality.

It was a precursor symptom of mana addiction.

"Guild Leader Kang, what's wrong? Are you hurt?" Pyo Beom-hee exclaimed in shock, propping up the staggering Kang Mu-hyuk.

Kang Mu-hyuk braced his legs. He couldn't afford to collapse. He might not be a Hunter, but as the Guild Leader, he needed to be sturdy. If his team members found out about his illness, it would only cast further doubt on his leadership, which was already under question.

Fortunately, no Hunter noticed Kang Mu-hyuk's anomaly as they were all engrossed in the battle against the goblins.

'That black thing... Is it mana?'

Sometimes, instinct could be more accurate than reason. Much like the intuition of an experienced Hunter, Kang Mu-hyuk's keen senses perceived the ominous aura rising towards the sky.

He noticed that this unseen entity was a different kind of mana, something not even an A-rank Hunter could see. It occurred to him that he might be seeing this due to symptoms brought on by his illness.

Struggling to breathe, Kang Mu-hyuk took a metal case out of his chest pocket. As his fingers were trembling, the case slipped from his hand, but Pyo Beom-hee caught it.

"The, in... injection..."

Watching the barely coherent Kang Mu-hyuk, Pyo Beom-hee didn't ask what was in the case and opened it.

Inside were neatly arranged syringes.

Being a Hunter, she was familiar with various emergency equipment and recognized the objects as laser injectors.

"Your butt?"

No, no.

Gathering all his strength, Kang Mu-hyuk shook his head.

"What a shame."

Pyo Beom-hee promptly took out a syringe and injected the substance into Kang Mu-hyuk's arm.

A moment later, Kang Mu-hyuk's pale complexion returned to normal. He surveyed his surroundings. Thanks to the quick treatment, it seemed no one had noticed.

Looking at him with sympathetic eyes, Pyo Beom-hee spoke, "Is this an aftereffect from when you were hurt by Ma Taesik?"

"How did you know about the Ma Taesik incident?"

"Just because I come from Titan doesn't mean I don't know a thing or two... Quit changing the subject!"

"I have a slight chronic illness. It's nothing serious. It's not fatal. As long as I take my injections and medicine, I'm fine."

It was an explanation that was half true, half false.

With a skeptical gaze, Pyo Beom-hee asked again, "Really?"

"Do you think I would be here doing this if I had a terminal illness?"

"We're hunting monsters. As Guild Leader Kang, it would be insane not to."

Left speechless by her irrefutable argument, Kang Mu-hyuk attempted to change the subject but something else came to mind.

"There's something else I want to ask."

"What is it?"

"Can we break through that goblin troop ahead?"

"Breakthrough? It depends on the goal. The conditions? Annihilation? Or securing a route?"

"Your task is to escort me to Sanjeong Lake as quickly as possible."

Pyo Beom-hee looked towards the front where the battle was raging at full force. With a slight bounce, she leaped nearly three meters into the air. After briefly assessing the situation from above, she landed lightly and continued, "It might be possible. But it would be better to annihilate them before moving on. If we move, it leaves our rear vulnerable."

"If we put all our energy into Team Leader Pyo, it might be possible, but it will take time. Additionally, speeding up the pace of our strategy might lead to casualties. We lack the strength to change the strategy midway."

Most guild strategy and tactics teams would often refer to raids as 'paper war.'

It was a term for wars fought with plans previously crafted on paper. The success or failure of a raid was usually determined during the planning stage. Because the training and equipment were set according to it, changing the plan in the middle of the raid was difficult.

Of course, a raid had many variables, and improvisation was important, but one had to stick to the main line of the strategy to avoid problems. Successful outcomes were only possible when unplanned actions were backed by sound reasons and capabilities.

If it failed, the Hunter had to bear the full brunt of the consequences, so they couldn't just change it haphazardly.

Kang Mu-hyuk decided that a tactical change would be toxic to the Iron Will guild in its current state.

"Hunting isn't as easy as it sounds. If you insist, Guild Leader Kang, we might be able to break through. Why do you ask?"

"I think we have a new variable."


"I have a communication channel that only I use. It connected briefly, then got cut off. I think something happened to the Guild Master."

Kang Mu-hyuk maintained his expression and lied.

'There's no time to explain. And I don't have the confidence to make you understand.'

How could he explain the ominous black mana that only he could see?

Just talking about mana addiction would take an eternity, and he didn't understand the phenomenon himself. He didn't have the ability to explain something he didn't know.

Pyo Beom-hee was suspicious but decided to follow Kang Mu-hyuk's words. She was well aware of his abilities, and his instincts had always been extraordinary, so she trusted him.

Even if she couldn't entrust him with her life, she felt secure when it came to monster hunting.

"Well then. It's been a while since I've swung a sword, so why not."

As Pyo Beom-hee took off her jacket, her muscular upper body clad in dark leather armor was revealed. She put on a black 'armor coat' that reached down to her knees, and her aura completely changed.

While she was getting ready for combat, Kang Mu-hyuk also put on his armor coat. He might not be able to use it as well as a Hunter, but it would provide some protection.

He then reached out to Cho Chung-hyun through his left earset.

"Yes, Guild Leader."

"Starting now, Team Leader Pyo and I will be leaving our posts."

"Is there a problem?"

"It's part of our prearranged plan. We will break through the goblin unit. I trust and leave all orders here to you, our Strategy and Tactics Team Leader. I'll also call for reinforcements, just in case."

The reinforcements were Yeom Soo-hyung, who would be dealing with the goblin riders.

The rest of the information was far from a kind explanation, but Cho Chung-hyun didn't pry.

The Guild Leader had negotiated with Tae Soo-man, the second son of the Taesung group, and obtained his cooperation. Since he was commanded by Tae Soo-man to assist Kang Mu-hyuk, there was no need for further inquiries.

Even though curiosity was natural, it was a Hunter's priority to first focus on the monster in front of them during a hunt.

"Understood. Is there anything I can assist with?"

"When I give the signal, aggressively push the tanker line. I will penetrate the gaps created as the goblins' ranks falter."

Afterward, Kang Mu-hyuk laid out the order of priorities to Cho Chung-hyun in case any issues arose.

Pyo Beom-hee, who had been checking her weapons and Ampule kits, finished her preparations and approached Kang Mu-hyuk.

"It's been a while since we were on the field, hasn't it? It'll be a bit dangerous. You'll see things that might be hard to watch."

"I'd appreciate your care."

"Then, excuse me."

As Kang Mu-hyuk took a deep breath, Pyo Beom-hee caught his waist with her left hand.

In the next moment, his view rose. The Hunters were located below his feet. And in the blink of an eye, he was stepping on the head of a goblin.


Amid the wavering view, a disoriented Kang Mu-hyuk signaled to Cho Chung-hyun as if he was groaning.

As the tanker line pushed back using their skills, the goblins that were in their ranks lost balance and fell over.

Taking advantage of the sudden panic, Pyo Beom-hee jumped into the midst of the goblins and swung her sword.

【Toxin Strike】

It was a skill unique to Pyo Beom-hee, who had the characteristic of extracting poison from blood and breath.

Poison skills were relatively easy to learn but difficult to handle. The biggest issue was the requirement of preparing the poison in advance. Handling it was precarious for fear of being self-poisoned, and if one was not careful, it could lead to major accidents.

The worst-case scenario was contaminating other party members. The utility of poison was well known to any Hunter, but this was why not just anyone could use it. However, when a poison-related skill was in the hands of Pyo Beom-hee, the story was entirely different.

Her awakened abilities were specifically specialized for poison. She was able to safely extract and use the poison from the body, making it a skill solely for her use.

Even though goblins also used various kinds of creature poisons, including paralytic poison, they were as insignificant as fireflies before the moonlight.

In the blink of an eye, the skin of the surrounding goblins turned horribly discolored and they foamed at the mouth.

As monsters well-versed in poison, the goblins recoiled in surprise when they realized how potent Pyo Beom-hee's poison was.

A space opened up around Pyo Beom-hee.

At the sight of her prowess, which he hadn't witnessed in a while, Kang Mu-hyuk swallowed dryly from the tension.

"Your power is as remarkable as ever."

"If you're surprised by this much, you're in trouble. I'm going to show you that I've not been idle."

Kang Mu-hyuk's eyes widened in surprise.

He was well aware of Pyo Beom-hee's capabilities, so he hadn't considered anything beyond what he already knew. His calculations were limited to what he knew.

But now--

'I didn't expect this.'

The skill performance Pyo Beom-hee was demonstrating against the goblins surpassed the old Pyo Beom-hee he knew.

'She's covered her weaknesses. I can make more diverse use of Team Leader Pyo.'

Pyo Beom-hee felt a chill at the eager look in Kang Mu-hyuk's eyes, as he considered how to leverage her.

"Why is it so chilly?"

The thought that she shouldn't have boasted about her progress brushed past her mind.

At the moment of breaking the goblin matriarch's breastbone and piercing her heart.

Ju Se-ah felt a sharp twinge.

A black aura erupted and clung to her arm. She quickly kicked the abdomen of the Matriarch, withdrawing her body. The black mist that attempted to entangle her lost its grip and swayed erratically.

Once she distanced herself from the Matriarch, the black aura was no longer visible. However, a lingering presence still orbited her vicinity.

Ju Se-ah couldn't tear her gaze away from the now lifeless Matriarch. The hostages did not cheer. The goblins neither turned their faces away nor charged forward, they merely stared incessantly at the dead Matriarch.



At the hostages' groans, Ju Se-ah snapped back to her senses. Saliva dribbled from their mouths, their eyes lost focus.

They appeared utterly disoriented. It wasn't only the humans; the goblins displayed the same symptoms.

Ju Se-ah soon realized her condition was no different from the others.

Thanks to her high magic resistance fiercely counteracting, she had narrowly avoided losing consciousness. However, her body was completely immobilized.

She had no idea how much time had passed. Whether for a brief moment or a long period, she remained in a trance. Any person, even an exceptional Hunter, would succumb to fear when they lose control over their body.

But Ju Se-ah didn't yield. She gritted her teeth and endured, attempting to break free from this confinement.

The Indomitable Witch.

Strong monsters, powerful villains, no matter how desperate the situation, her unyielding spirit upheld her.

'Move. I have to move.'

The black aura continuously flowing from the Matriarch's body showed signs of ceasing. She didn't know what had transpired.

But instinctively, she felt an impending misfortune lurking behind it.

Move... move... move.


【Brave Heart】

With a shout that made her vomit blood, her heart surged with heat. Finally, she managed to take a step forward, breaking free from the intangible restraint.

"Huff! Pant, pant...."

In the brief moment of catching her breath.


Ju Se-ah heard the sound of some beast's hooves.


It was very close.

"Drzuphlem shikadoo."

A delicate voice tickled her ears.


Ju Se-ah vomited blood and slumped down.

Struggling, she turned her head towards where the voice had come from.

The Matriarch had collapsed unexpectedly. Her insides were empty, leaving only a husk. She could not even become a hunk of meat, her flesh merely rolled about the floor in a pulpy mass.

In her wake, a black aura swirled and formed a shape. However, for some reason, Ju Se-ah couldn't see it.

All she could see in her eyes were some symbols or patterns. Two overlapping circles, large and small, with an unidentified string of characters inserted between them.

A sinister pattern symbolizing a uterus. It seemed like some kind of mark, but its meaning was completely unfathomable.

'An unknown? I've never heard of such a monster.'

A monster that wouldn't even allow its form to be seen. Could it even be called a monster in the first place?

The monster, revealing itself only through a symbol, spoke.

"Drzuphlem shikadoo. So vopt piddychel aepick."

Ju Se-ah chewed her tongue and yelled back at the unfamiliar language.

"What, what...are you saying? Kuhuck!"

As she managed to barely support her stumbling body, a familiar voice echoed from behind her.

"Foolish human. Do not stand before me."

"Kang... Kang Mu... hyuk."

"I wonder why I can hear it."

Kang Mu-hyuk stood nonchalantly next to Ju Se-ah.

"There was a reason why the Brazilian guild was annihilated."

At his words, Ju Se-ah nodded her head.

Kang Mu-hyuk spoke towards the entity that was visible but couldn't be seen.

"Are you... The one who invited me?"