Ch. 51 - You Just Have to Control the Weight

The distance from the North Pocheon Guild headquarters to South Pocheon was not that far. The only problem was the monsters roaming about on the way back and forth.But monsters were not a serious concern.

It wasn't as if Kang Mu-hyuk was moving alone; having a reliable A-rank Hunter as a bodyguard, ordinary monsters couldn't threaten him.

Moreover, since Hunters were periodically deployed to clean the path, the monsters had even learned to stay away from the area.

"So why do I have to escort the Guild Leader?"

"If you move in a small group, one A-rank should be enough. But right now, the only available A-rank is Team Leader Yeom Soo-hyung."

"There's also Division Head Jang Deuk-goo."

"Mr. Jo is very shy, isn't he? Division Head Jang will be considered a risk factor."

At the mention of "Mr. Jo," the previously expressionless face of Yeom Soo-hyung twisted.

"What? You're going to meet that guy? Why are you telling me now?"

"If I'd told you before, you wouldn't have come."

"I can still turn back now."

"U-turning isn't possible. Do you know how much it costs to drive this car in a high mana density area? We can't afford it. Even the cost of periodically replacing the engine protection cartridge needs to be saved."

"Ugh, looking at your recent work, you seem more like a treasurer than a Guild Leader. Every time you open your mouth, it's about money."

"What can I do? That's the situation of our small guild."

Even though they had borrowed several billion from the bank, the guild still had many expenses. Between headquarters maintenance, ranch facility construction, and other new business projects, money was always required.

Knowing the financial pinch all too well, Yeom Soo-hyung couldn't bring himself to turn the wheel.

"Damn it! Whenever I see that guy's face, I feel like I'll have bad luck for at least a year. I'll wait outside; go meet the Guild Master alone."

The car entered South Pocheon city center, passing through the checkpoint that separated North and South Pocheon, and headed towards the Pocheon City Hall.

Upon arriving at the designated cafe, Kang Mu-hyuk got out of the car. Yeom Soo-hyung remained in the driver's seat.

"You really won't come in? It's been a while; why not at least see his face?"

"It's hard enough to see his real face anyway, and we're not exactly close friends. Just go and do what you need to do. I'll wait here."

With Yeom Soo-hyung's firm refusal, Kang Mu-hyuk didn't press any further.

Mr. Jo was a colleague from his previous job at Titan, but he was not someone with smooth human relations. Up until his resignation, the number of people he had conversed with could be counted on one hand.

His gloomy personality played a part, but he himself had drawn lines with people. He had caused various incidents that had put those around him in difficult positions. Especially Yeom Soo-hyung, who had been unusually involved, so he shook his head with a resentful expression.

If it had been the meddlesome Pyo Beom-hee, he would have greeted her happily, but unfortunately, she was interviewing those returning from vacation related to the recent incident and couldn't join them.

Kang Mu-hyuk entered the cafe, ordered coffee, and sat in a corner, waiting.

It was a weekday morning, and aside from a takeout customer, the interior was utterly vacant. A sense of desolation was beginning to envelop the room when a painting hung on the entrance door rattled noisily.

"It's been a while, hasn't it?"

A deep voice sounded from above. When Kang Mu-hyuk looked up, a middle-aged man with a chiseled chin was standing there.

"Mister... Jo?"

"Yes, indeed. Who else could it be?"

His casual tone didn't match his serious appearance.

His voice was raspy, but his speech was as effervescent as soda, bubbling with energy.

"How am I supposed to recognize you? Your face changes, your voice changes every time. Why don't you just come as yourself? It's not like we don't know each other."

"Like this? Just be myself, you mean?"

Suddenly, a young girl's voice sprang from the middle-aged man's mouth.

Kang Mu-hyuk scowled. A young woman's voice coming from a middle-aged man's face; it was a dissonance difficult to overlook.

"That 'doppelganger' trait is amazing, even when I know about it, Miss Jo."

"Don't call me that. Call me 'Mr.' Do you think I become a man for fun?"

"It's just us in the café, why bother?"

"A freelance spy must guard everything, even in their grave. You must hide everything, name, age, gender, to be safe."

Mr. Jo was a guild spy, and ironically, had an obsession with his own safety and security.

Thanks to his cautious nature, even in his previous job at Titan, there were only a handful of people who knew his real face. Even the head investigator at Titan, who had captured him in an accident, knew him only as Mr. Detective.

"Enough with the voice, please change it."

"Enough with the pleasantries. Let's talk business. You want to know about Titan Guild?"

With that, Mr. Jo's voice turned gruff again, and he got down to business.

"It's strange though. The former team leader of the Strategy and Tactics team comes to me for information on Titan. A few phone calls to some team leaders you're acquainted with would give you all you need."

"It's related to the HR team. It's difficult to inquire there."

"Indeed, Hunter personnel are handled by higher-ups, so if Guild Leader Kang makes contact, it will be reported right away."

"If an outsider pokes around, it might lead to misunderstandings."

"You have a contract with Vice Guild Master Ma Taesu, right?"

A contract with Titan Guild to not interfere.

A fact known only to Ma Taesu and Kang Mu-hyuk, but Mr. Jo had already figured it out.

Ordinarily, this would have angered him, but Kang Mu-hyuk calmly acknowledged it.

"You knew, of course. That's the crux of this request. No matter how I look at it, the only reason for Titan to mess with Iron Will is me, and the only person in Titan who would be hostile to me is Vice Guild Master Ma Taesu. The problem is, I haven't breached the contract. Of course, contracts in this world are as fragile as paper, but still, it's not typical for them to be broken all of a sudden. As far as I can see, there's no particular incident in the guild. I thought I might be missing something, that is why I came to you, Mr. Jo."

"That's true. At least on the surface, there's nothing unusual."

"On the surface? So, was there some hidden movement?"

"It's nothing unexpected? A shareholder who supported the guild master and a neutral shareholder who sided with the vice guild master. It hasn't been revealed to the public yet, but maybe soon Ma Taesu will become the guild master."

Kang Mu-hyuk tightly closed his eyes.

On the matter of guild politics, it was difficult for Guild Master Lee Cheoljung to handle Ma Taesu, although it might be different in other situations.

Once, he had inadvertently pushed the vice guild master forward due to his younger brother Ma Taesik's mistake, but even this seemed to have run its course.

'Now that I've left Titan, I have no regrets, but Guild Master Lee Cheoljung, who was friendly to me, would have been better than Ma Taesu. So, is this some kind of grudge of Ma Taesu?'

Soon, Kang Mu-hyuk shook his head horizontally. He hadn't fully ascended to the position of guild master yet, and even if he had, he was not a person who would move emotionally.

It was hard to logically accept that Titan, aiming for the Tier-ed Guild, would antagonize Iron Will who was capable of supplying them with Rider Wolves.

"Vice Guild Master Ma Taesu may be ambitious, but he's not someone without reason. Is there a matter involving Iron Will and the shareholders?"

"Bingo. You're sharp as ever? I've found something interesting. I was lucky. Have you heard of 'Union Asset Management'?"

"Of course, I know. It's one of Titan's shareholders. Did they side with the vice guild master this time? Hmm, it certainly won't be easy for Guild Master Lee Cheoljung to win."

It was not just that it wouldn't be easy; the game seemed to be already tilted.

Kang Mu-hyuk, who was well aware of Titan's internal affairs, found this puzzling.

Why had the powerful shareholder, who had been maintaining neutrality, suddenly shifted to Ma Taesu's side?

Mr. Jo spoke with a significant smile.

"You remember asking me for that favor last time? The place Gong Du-ri hacked, Hanseong Enterprise. You asked me to dig into what's behind it?"

"Why Hanseong Enterprise all of a sudden..."

"The funds for Union come from a Japanese financial company. I heard that the person pulling the strings there also visits Hanseong Enterprise."

Kang Mu-hyuk felt a chill down his spine. A bad premonition suddenly surged up.

"Did the Slayer Guild bribe them by any chance?"

"Usually, it would connect that way. But you even made an MOU with Slayer, didn't you? Holding the priority to receive Rider Wolves, why would they bother? Their Strategy and Tactics team leader isn't a fool."

"That's exactly it. There's absolutely no reason for them to."

"I found out by snooping around as a staff member in the matter of Hanseong Enterprise that you asked me to investigate. From the time the Japanese buyer started visiting, it felt odd. The identity was a Hunter. A Hunter disguised as a salaryman in a small enterprise? Completely suspicious. So I followed and Union came up. At first, I didn't know, but when you mentioned Titan, it was strangely connected. It was very thrilling."

Kang Mu-hyuk looked at the puzzle pieces he had been given so far. There were many missing pieces along the way, but he could roughly make out the picture.

One of the major shareholders of Titan, Union Asset Management, had supported Ma Taesu. Ma Taesu had suddenly started to shake Iron Will. Union Asset Management was suspected of having some relationship with Hanseong Enterprise. Hanseong Enterprise was a satellite guild of the Slayer guild. But the Slayer had only a few days ago decided to strengthen cooperation with Iron Will. Of course, it could also be a ruse to weaken Iron Will, assuming that the Hanseong Enterprise hadn't been exposed. If Iron Will could not recover on its own, Slayer might intervene and take over. Were they planning to devour the entire Rider Wolves?

It wasn't perfect, but the rough outline was drawn.

However, Kang Mu-hyuk was still weighing more on a different possibility rather than the conclusion that the Slayer guild had caused the confusion.

And at the center of that possibility:

"Mr. Jo, let's make an additional request. Please dig deeper into the relationship between Hanseong Enterprise and Union Asset Management. Specifically, focus on Hanseong Enterprise's Executive Director Kim Myung-jun."

"Okay. Send the payment to that old foreign account."

Mr. Jo got up and left the café.

Yeom Soo-hyung came in as Kang Mu-hyuk was lost in thought.

"The guy who just left waved at me. Was that him?"


"His taste is still the same. Changing into such a neighborhood old man. Anyway, it's more than unique, it's downright unpleasant."

"Isn't that unique trait the reason he's recognized as a top investigator? Being able to call him so often is thanks to the connection from the Titan times, so we should respect his taste at least."

Yeom Soo-hyung shook his head to dismiss Mr. Jo's appearance.

"So, anything new from the Titan side?"

"It seems that Ma Taesu's witch has intervened."

"Ma Taesu? That's unlikely..."

Yeom Soo-hyung's head tilted in disbelief, and Kang Mu-hyuk, finding his reaction strange, asked:

"Why do you say that?"

"No, it's nothing big. It just feels weird."

"What part are you referring to?"

"You know his style. Extremely persistent and meticulous. Once he starts something, he finishes it. But this time, it's somewhat clumsy. If it were me, I would have swept up all the vacationers. What's he trying to do by coaxing just fourteen people?"

"A sweep?"

"Honestly, current Iron Will guild members have no pride in their affiliated guild, right? But if it's Titan, the most likely to be promoted to a Tier-ed guild, even I would have jumped right in. Of course, I came from there, too."

Suddenly, a danger signal flashed in Kang Mu-hyuk's mind.

"We must return to headquarters immediately. It seems I've missed something."

"Missed something?"

"The returnees. Perhaps they all may have already defected."

Upon seeing Kang Mu-hyuk return hastily to the headquarters, Ju Se-ah drew a question mark in her head.

"What happened? Why the expression?"

Kang Mu-hyuk quickly summarized the key points and explained the situation.

"They all might have gone to Titan? Then why the return...?"

"We'll have to check now. Maybe they're trying to persuade the remaining guild members too."

"These damned, despicable brats! Oh, dear? I seem to have lost my composure."

In a moment, Ju Se-ah, who had exuded an air of vitality with a fierce expression, calmed down and regained his composure.

Kang Mu-hyuk secretly called for Pyo Beom-hee and headed to the dressing room with Ju Se-ah.

"Have you finished the interviews with the returnees?"

"Whose orders, you say? It's already done. But there wasn't much to it."

"Did you fill out the interview records?"

"They're uploaded in the approval folder."

Kang Mu-hyuk turned on his tablet and checked the names of the 13 returning vacationers, comparing them with the profiles of the members he knew. While scanning, he singled out one and asked:

"What about this person?"

"Who? Lee Jungmin? Well, I'm not sure what you mean."

"In the individual Hunter evaluation, it says he lacks audacity for the front lines and is timid for a middle position. The peer evaluations were similar. Was there anything uneasy about him during the interview?"

"Oh? Now that you mention it, he did seem a bit like that. He couldn't make eye contact, his posture was awkward, and his legs were shaking badly."

"If questioned, will he easily confess?"

"I wouldn't know. It was the first time I spoke to him today."

"Since you've spoken to him directly, you should have some insight."

"I'm not sure what you're trying to dig up, but we probably won't need an interrogation. Our Guild Master could make him spill everything with just a glare."

"That's a good idea. You heard that, Guild Master?"

Kang Mu-hyuk looked at Ju Se-ah. Ju Se-ah, taken aback by the sudden mention, asked, "What do you want me to do?"

"Just put some pressure on Hunter Lee Jungmin."


Lee Jungmin was highly tense, being called by the Guild Master.

In the office, not only was Kang Mu-hyuk present but also Ju Se-ah, Pyo Beom-hee, and the very suspicious Yeom Soo-hyung, whose activities and identity had been heavily questioned.

They hadn't seemed so intimidating individually, but together, the combination was quite overwhelming.

Especially Ju Se-ah, glaring with her eyes, was so intimidating that he couldn't even look at her.

"You, you called for me? What's the matter...?"

"We know everything, so you'd better confess."

As Ju Se-ah laid down the law, Lee Jungmin's face turned pale in an instant.

His lips seemed glued together, unable to part, but cold sweat flowed like a fountain from his forehead.

The natural aura exuding from the Guild Master indirectly demonstrated the power of the next S-rank, something never to be endured by a mere C-rank Hunter like him.

Moreover, Lee Jungmin had an even more timid personality, lacking the strength expected of a Hunter.

Kang Mu-hyuk, noticing Lee Jungmin's shaky legs, gently added, "The Guild Master is quite angry. But we're not here to torment you. We just have a few questions for Hunter Lee Jungmin. Answer them properly, and there will be no problems."

Kang Mu-hyuk's words were soothing, but to Lee Jungmin's ears, they sounded like a threat: 'You better not lie, or it won't be fun.'

In the end, he gave in and hung his head low.

"Go, go ahead and ask."

"The returning vacationers. Have they all fallen for Titan's transfer offer?"


"The purpose of the return is to recruit the remaining members of the guild?"

"Yes... That's right."

Kang Mu-hyuk laid out the pre-printed list of returnees on his desk, fanning them out like a fan.

"In a bold move like a large-scale transfer through an insider, the guild members need a trustworthy person in charge. Was there someone who took on that role among them?"


"Of course not. There are no great characters to scheme such a big event with their low rank and nature. Now, then. Let's ask the final question."

Lee Jungmin's gaze focused on Kang Mu-hyuk as he lightly tapped the desk.

"Who did Titan want to assign this role to in the guild?"

We'd have to cut out the rotten part.

"H-how did you..."

Lee Jungmin was unable to continue his words at Kang Mu-hyuk's probing.

"There was a ringleader after all."

"Who's that guy?"

Ju Se-ah pushed his face forward, prying. Lee Jungmin flinched in surprise, then covered his opening mouth with his palm and shook his head.

"I cannot say with my mouth."

"Hunters, regardless of rank, are not the tribe that listens to words."

As if to show his power, Ju Se-ah pushed her fist forward. Though she was pretending to threaten, Lee Jungmin, cornered as he was, couldn't tell. But he still did not speak.

"My life is at stake. If I'm caught revealing this, it's all over." Sᴇaʀᴄh the NʘvᴇlFire.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of nøvels early and in the highest quality.

"You'd be suspected even for being called here, wouldn't you?"

At Pyo Beom-hee's pointed words, Lee Jungmin twisted his lips, almost about to cry. Kang Mu-hyuk calmed him down.

"I won't force you. There are a few people I can guess even if you don't say. Instead, let me ask one more thing. What did Titan say to him? Since no one has left the guild other than vacationers, it seems like they must have left a note or something. Or was it conveyed verbally?"


"If you won't open your mouth even about this, then I'll have no choice but to use force."

"No, it's a letter. Of course, I don't know the content. They used an item that leaves a mark when opened, so I couldn't tamper with it."

Lee Jungmin hastily added, fearing he might be caught in a trap.

'Using a sealing item to send the letter in such secrecy means there was no one trustworthy enough to be a messenger. No one to trust means that things were proceeding quickly without enough time to interact. Since the recent change in Vice Guild Master Ma Taesu's action, preparing in advance would have been even more difficult.'

It would have been hard to win over the ringleader's heart without prior interaction, with just a few words written in a Special Activities Zone with restricted communication. Besides, a high-ranking Hunter who would betray the guild wouldn't be foolish enough to carry out a plan without trust.

Kang Mu-hyuk asked again to confirm the doubtful part.

"Was there nothing else besides the letter? Any messages or objects to deliver?"

"There was nothing else... Ah? Come to think of it, among the conversations we had, the vacation returnees, that is. Anyway, I heard that one of the members received something else from Titan."

"Which member? What object?"

"I just overheard it, so I don't know who, but it seemed to be mana stones... Ah! I heard they received two intermediate mana stones."

"Two intermediate mana stones?"

Ju Se-ah asked, her voice rising in disbelief. Intermediate stones were quite valuable. Lee Jungmin quickly explained the whole situation to avoid any misunderstanding.

"I found out when I asked if it was a substitute for the contract money that no one else received. But it turned out to be an object not for the person himself but to be handed over to the person who brought the letter. So, I heard they were disappointed."

"Intermediate mana stones are expensive, but not to the point of distress. Hmm, is it like a deposit?"

"No. It's not an object bestowed as a reward."

Kang Mu-hyuk answered Ju Se-ah's question, his face becoming solemn. There was a knowing look in his eyes.

"Is there anything you're suspicious of?"

"We must check it first."

"What is it?"

"The equipment room."


Strategic Tactical Supply Warehouse.

That was the new name Kang Mu-hyuk had given to C-Warehouse after taking it over from Titan.

It was casually referred to as the equipment room, but the official department name was used in the documents.

On the way to the equipment room, Ju Se-ah asked, "Why are we going to the equipment room?"

"Because of the intermediate mana stones."

"Mana stones?"

"The question that came to me after hearing Hunter Lee Jungmin's words was how Titan and the insider could have communicated. It's difficult to communicate with the outside due to the special characteristics of the Special Activities Zone. The people on my suspected insider list haven't taken a vacation yet."

"That makes sense."

"But the moment the clue about intermediate mana stones came up, something suddenly occurred to me."

"What was it?"

"An equipment that I had approved for development when I was with Titan in C-Warehouse. Its efficiency dropped sharply, and it was almost sealed as scrap..."

"What kind of equipment?"

"A satellite phone. A device that allows communication within high mana density areas like the vehicle engine protection cartridge. But it chews up one intermediate mana stone for every five minutes of use."

Ju Se-ah was horrified at the extreme waste of one intermediate mana stone for just five minutes of use. Even the Slayer Guild, where she had been before, would have found such costs burdensome.

They hurried to the equipment room and arrived in no time.

An Ji-il, who oversaw the equipment team, was servicing rusty equipment. He stopped his work when he saw Kang Mu-hyuk.

"There's no raid, so what brings you to this shabby equipment room? Ah, Guild Master is here too... Team Leader Pyo, Team Leader Yeom as well? What on earth happened?"

"Can we check the satellite phone now?"

"Why this expensive equipment?"

"I need to check something. Please give me the ledger for incoming and outgoing equipment as well."

"Hold on a moment. Hey, bring the ledger for the incoming and outgoing, and over there... no, I'll find the equipment myself. It'll be faster."

Kang Mu-hyuk was examining the equipment ledger when An Ji-il came out with something. It was a satellite phone, several times larger than a typical one, and the expression on his face as he held it was far from pleasant.

An Ji-il held the satellite phone aloft and shook it violently in anger.

"Who touched this? I sealed it, why is it open? Moreover, one is missing. Who took out the equipment without permission?!"

"It's not written in the ledger who used the satellite phone," said Kang Mu-hyuk.

As Kang Mu-hyuk thrust the papers forward, An Ji-il's face turned a mottled red with rage.

"Darn it... how embarrassing. I'm really angry. Who took the equipment out like this without my permission? Confess before I find you and crush you! Huh?!"

Perhaps because of An Ji-il's threats, or the grave atmosphere created by the Guild Master and the Guild Leader, there was a staff member who looked uneasy.

Kang Mu-hyuk spotted him and approached. On the badge pinned to his chest was the name 'Yoo Dong-soo.'

"Mr. Yoo Dong-soo?"

"Yes, yes..."

"Did you take the satellite phone, Mr. Yoo Dong-soo?"

"I didn't take it out, the Expedition Team Leader asked me to see it...!"

"Expedition Team Leader?"

Ju Se-ah momentarily groped for the memory of who the Expedition Leader was, then realized that the expedition team had been disbanded. A guild without an expedition team was like a steamed bun without filling, but under the circumstances of the Special Activities Zone, unable to conquer the Gates, it had become a needless organization.

But until the guild's restructuring, it had been a bona fide department, and among the members unfamiliar with the new organizational chart, they were still called by their old titles.

The former Expedition Leader...

"Hunter Do Gyeong-hoon. I'm not surprised he's one of the suspected insiders."

Kang Mu-hyuk said, and a beat later, Ju Se-ah responded.

"Why would he?"

"His position as Expedition Leader was taken away. Though he didn't lose his influence, he would've felt demoted on the surface. He must have been discontented. Moreover, he'd shown resistance to the Guild's move, and he must have grown uneasy as the Guild Master trained the young Hunters."

"Why would the training matter?"

"He must have seen it as an attempt to take his people away."

Before Kang Mu-hyuk's appointment as Guild Leader, Ju Se-ah had never directly communicated with the Hunters. Each faction openly controlled the Hunters, making it difficult to even create a close relationship.

Nor could she provide a stage for them to show their skills. Guild Master couldn't go out to conquer the Gates alone, and there were no staff with the ability to collaborate with other guilds.

In addition to that, the Slayer Guild kept picking fights, and Taesung Group's disparate brothers also applied pressure, leaving them isolated and surrounded by enemies. To the ordinary members, the Guild Master's position seemed precarious. No matter how capable Ju Se-ah was, she could only appear weak.

But since Kang Mu-hyuk's arrival, the guild had gradually changed.

The changes within the guild after the Guild Master and Guild Leader made their stance known, felt more threatening to Do Gyeong-hoon than the actual pressure they exerted. Perhaps he didn't even realize how it felt.

"All this time, I gave you a chance, and only watched.... but this has crossed the line. Let's go, Guild Master. We must cut away the rotten parts now."

In the cafeteria set up on the first floor of the previous resort building, Do Gyeong-hoon was leisurely enjoying his coffee after his meal.

Around him were seated those who could be considered his faction, including former expedition members and some Hunters.

Among them, Choi Mi-ran and Kim Seong-hyun were seated, enjoying their afternoon tea time.

"Ah, but I like it here anyway. It feels like a resort, and I love it. It's decorated so beautifully."

"It used to be a remodeled buffet place. Of course, it would be nice."

"Do you know how much of a mess it was when we first came here? I thought I was going to throw up from the smell of goblin urine, yuck."

"Now that you mention it, yes. The Guild Leader, he really does things quickly. When did he get this place fixed up?"

"Well, I agree with that. When I first saw him from the parking lot, he seemed a bit off, but experiencing it shows he's not a bad person. He finished the construction of the accommodations and restaurant for the members first. Remember how uncomfortable it was living in the tents? At least there was groundwater to shower with, otherwise, I might have quit."

"I stayed because I would miss the Guild Master's training. It's special private tutoring that's hard to find anywhere else."

"True, after fighting alongside the Guild Master, monsters seem bland. My reaction time improved, and since everyone's movements have become better, it's easier to apply buffs and debuffs."

Choi Mi-ran and Kim Seong-hyun chattered thoughtlessly.

Thanks to them, Do Gyeong-hoon could hear all of their conversation.

'Youngsters do seem to be leaning towards Guild Leader and Guild Master. Right now, they may be scared of my scolding, but soon, my commands will fall on deaf ears. If I need to make a move, it has to be now.'

This situation had prevented him from even suggesting a transfer to Titan to the young Hunters. If a traitor appeared and the word got to the Guild Leader, it could ruin everything.


Do Gyeong-hoon clicked his tongue as he noticed Kang Mu-hyuk entering the cafeteria, followed by Ju Se-ah.

The moment their eyes met, he knew something was wrong. The emotions seemed to be charged in the steps that were approaching him.

As Kang Mu-hyuk and Ju Se-ah entered, the dining members' eyes focused on them. Tension could be felt by some of the Hunters aligned with Do Gyeong-hoon.

"Hunter Do Gyeong-hoon, let's talk."

"Please speak, Guild Leader."

Kang Mu-hyuk noticed Do Gyeong-hoon's stiffness as he looked at him.

"Are you sure we can really talk here?"

"I'm not running away. I have nothing to be ashamed of or to hide."

"I knew you were thick-skinned from before, but to speak like this in front of me? You must have quite the nerve, Mr. Do Gyeong-hoon."

"I'm not as bold as the Guild Master, who treats Red Gates like a daily meal."

At Ju Se-Ah's provocation, Do Gyeong-hoon chuckled faintly and replied.

Kang Mu-hyuk signaled to the clenching-fist Ju Se-Ah to calm down, then spoke.

"It seems you know why we're here. I won't speak at length. Please resign now."

"Why should I?"

"Because it will be good for both of us. If you resist, it won't end well."

"Come evening, Director Jang Deuk-goo will arrive. It would be wise to listen, as I'm really saying this for Mr. Do Gyeong-hoon."

Ju Se-Ah interrupted Kang Mu-hyuk.

The party leaders of the old expedition team, who knew well about Jang Deuk-goo, shivered. Do Gyeong-hoon also wanted to avoid him, but he couldn't back down and lose face. The reason was that he hadn't yet recruited members beyond his close aides.

Do Gyeong-hoon had no choice but to pull out the insurance he'd set before Ju Se-Ah became a Guild Master.

"Fine. Let's say I'm resigning. Will you properly provide me with the penalty fee? It's 30 billion won."

"We know. 30 billion won if you resign at the guild's request. 100 million won if you quit yourself. A completely unfair contract. You've really played the former Guild Master. Your ability is quite good."

"I am quite competent."

"I wish you had used that ability in Iron Will. Don't use it for your own greed."

"So will you give it or not? Oh, is the guild short on money now? Should I take this in installments?"

Knowing the guild's financial situation through the finance team, Do Gyeong-hoon wore a triumphant smile.

But there was something he didn't know. It was a loan of several hundred billion won received from Hanshin Financial Group. Kang Mu-hyuk had not yet shared the details with the finance team, and since the amount wasn't in the account, it remained unknown.

From Do Gyeong-hoon's perspective, it was significant bluffing, but thanks to the loan, Kang Mu-hyuk could respond without faltering.

"I'll give it to you. All at once."


"Well, I can give it. But it makes me angry to give it to someone like you. Even if I have the money, I hate to give it to you."

Do Gyeong-hoon was flustered when he agreed to give the penalty fee but then capriciously changed his mind. He became angry. Was he toying with people? No, it was more the emotionless gaze of Kang Mu-hyuk that irritated him.

"What kind of game are you playing?!"

"How about this? Mutual agreement to terminate the contract."

Do Gyeong-hoon's mouth fell open. A hollow laugh escaped.

"So that's what it was. You didn't want to give a single penny? You think I'll accept that?"

"You should accept this offer. If not, the deeds you've committed here will be spread all over this place."


"I'll brand you as a treacherous Hunter who systematically poached the guild's Hunters to another guild. You won't be able to find a place anywhere."

"Is that all, spreading rumors? What can you do about it? I already have a prior agreement."

"You think you can just join Titan? I assure you, you won't be able to join Titan. I'll make sure of that."

"Guild Leader, this isn't the Titan that once felt your influence. Are you under some kind of illusion?"

"Then try it."


"Let's see if my words hold weight or not."