Ch. 71 - Such a Miserable Turn of Events

Just yesterday, the two Hunters had been strolling around Sanjeong Lake, dreaming of a bright future. Today, they were dragging their feet as if they were prisoners heading to the gallows."Ugh, I should've known when they said the boss was a hero for saving a kindergarten, and that she had a promising future."

"Sister, did anyone ever say that?"

"Didn't they?"

"Nope, never heard that. Really."

"That's odd. I thought I heard it."

"Well, I did hear that I'm good at drawing monster aggro. Not sure if that's a compliment or an insult. But, well, that turned out to be true."

"Indeed. Just our luck, right? A thousand orcs as a welcome gift for joining the guild."

Kim Su-jeong shook her head so vigorously that her cheeks wobbled.

"Anyway, we shouldn't have signed up."

"Exactly. I told you we should think more carefully. What's the plan now that we joined so recklessly?"

"Come on! The Guild Master herself is training us. It's a rare privilege you can't even buy. Why are you complaining only to me?"

"Because... I got swept away by the atmosphere... Anyway! A thousand orcs, okay? Have you seen their muscles? They're tough, and their skin doesn't take damage easily. We could be doomed."

The thought of facing an orc army was overwhelmingly daunting.

As Yoo Seong-ju put it, even a one-on-one fight would be challenging. Among them, there could be captains and generals. One wrong move and it would all be over in an instant.

"Should we run?"

"If we run, we're burying our careers. Do you want to be a freelancer forever? Even that would be precarious. We could be blacklisted by the Hunter Association or Guild Union." sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ɴøvᴇl_Firᴇ.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of nøvels early and in the highest quality.

"Come on, surely they wouldn't do it just for running away..."

"You don't know how the world works. Haven't you heard of the rule that Hunters on the scene must intervene during a monster threat? It's the first thing they teach during training. Be careful."

"As if many Hunters follow that. I've seen many look the other way and run."

"That might work for freelancers. But we're now part of a guild. Unless it's the guild's policy to run, fleeing after committing to fight will... Basically, it'll be the end of our hunting careers."

"Ah! I must be insane. I got blinded by wealth and fame."

"A C-rank nobody talking about wealth and fame."

Kim Su-jeong tore at her hair in frustration as Yoo Seong-ju rolled his eyes.

Just then, a shadow abruptly appeared between them.

"Feeling a bit worried, are we?"

"Ka, Kang Mu-hyuk! ...Guild Leader?"

Kim Su-jeong yelped in surprise at the sudden appearance of Kang Mu-hyuk.

He had just handed over the explosives to Jang Deuk-goo and happened to spot them upon his return.

"I've been so busy that I couldn't provide proper attention to our newest members. I'm truly sorry to have you involved in such a large-scale raid right after joining."

"No, we know you're busy ... and that this is unavoidable."

Yoo Seong-ju managed to reply calmly. But as always, Kim Su-jeong's mouth was the problem.

"Then, can we perhaps cancel the contract...?"

"Su-jeong, just hold on a second. Don't make a fool of yourself."

Yu Seong-ju spoke to Kim Su-jeong without moving his lips, as if he were ventriloquizing.

Surprisingly, Kang Mu-hyuk answered cheerfully.

"Of course, it's possible."


"How much is the penalty for breaking the contract, again?"

"---Ah, come to think of it, hunting orcs seems like it will be a valuable experience. Haha..."

Kim Su-jeong forced a smile, her face rigid. She couldn't remember the exact amount, but she knew it would be difficult to pay it off right away.

'I should have known; the terms were too good. I didn't even consider the high penalty.'

Regardless of her internal turmoil, Kang Mu-hyuk spoke calmly.

"Don't worry too much. One way or another, we'll manage with the special task force. If it comes to it, just hide behind a Hunter with a lot of facial hair, a team leader named Yeom Soo-hyung. We worked together back at Titan; he's a very skilled Hunter. If you fight beside him, you won't face much danger. Plus, you'll be a great help to him; he's a tanker."

"He's from Titan?"

"Yes. Do you also know Team Leader Pyo Beom-hee? The one who guided you on your first day here? She'll also be assigned to the attack squad. She used to be with Titan as well and is an A-rank Hunter, so she'll be of great help."

The two felt somewhat relieved. The fact that their Guild Leader had assigned Hunters from his previous workplace, Titan, meant that they were not disposable assets. Moreover, both team leaders were high-ranked. It seemed they could afford to relax a bit.

"As expected, you've thought of everything, haven't you?"

"Well, we were worried you might overlook us, given the grand scale of the operation over there... Not that we don't trust you, but---"

"Never think that. The northern defense line is actually more critical. If they hold, things will be easier for us here. Ah, and by the way, if you ever see Team Leader Yeom's eyes rolling back or hear him growling, move away quickly. The further, the better."

As they were feeling relieved, Kang Mu-hyuk's offhand comment suddenly tightened the atmosphere.

"What's wrong with his eyes?"

"Growling? What?"

"Anyway, happy hunting."

Leaving behind these cryptic warnings, Kang Mu-hyuk left the scene.

The two who were left exchanged glances, harboring uneasy premonitions.

"What did that last comment mean?"

"I don't know exactly, but it feels... Ominous?"


"Shall we begin?"

Kang Mu-hyuk personally drove the command vehicle and settled in the Sanjeong Lake parking lot.

As the person in charge of Project C, An Ji-il had other duties and had left his post, leaving only Kang Mu-hyuk and his aide as civilians in the area.

The parking lot was in open terrain, located between the western first attack team and the northern second attack team. If either position fell, it would immediately become the frontline.

This was Kang Mu-hyuk's own method of diversion; given the risk of the operation, he had chosen to be with the Hunters.

Of course, not everyone was in sync with his determination.

"Safe, you say? Where's safe around here?!"

"There are two Hunters guarding us."

In response to Gong Du-ri's shrill objection, Kang Mu-hyuk pointed outside the vehicle. Two Hunters were stationed just as he indicated. Gong Du-ri recognized their faces as well.

"They're just C-Rank!"

"It's a solid C+, actually!"

"Ha, did you hear that?"

"How could we not? You left the door open and shouted."

"For the record, I'm a B-Rank, Guild Leader. I'm on a different level than Miran."

"Kim Seong-hyun! I'm already pissed that we had to scrap our old vehicle. Don't make me angrier."

Choi Mi-ran growled, causing Kim Seong-hyun to shrink his neck and avert his eyes.

Amid the tense atmosphere, Kang Mu-hyuk lowered his head and spoke.

"Both of you, I'll be counting on you in case of emergencies."

"To be honest, we might handle one or two orcs, but if a horde comes, it'll make little difference, Guild Leader."

"As long as you can handle one or two, that's enough. If we have to consider the worst-case scenario, we're all dead anyway. In that case, running away is the best option. We should try to avoid such situations in the first place."

Confused, Kim Seong-hyun let out a nervous chuckle.

Was this encouragement, or a cautionary tale?

Choi Mi-ran also looked at Kang Mu-hyuk with a puzzled expression, unable to make sense of his oddly encouraging words.

Ignoring her gaze, Kang Mu-hyuk closed the vehicle door.

"Let's begin. Check party communication."

"Comms check. Standby. Reporting from 1st Attack Squad, 1st Party."

Gong Du-ri cheerfully confirmed the orders, his voice belying the earlier fuss, as he put on his headset.

As the order came through, the voices of Hunters began to emanate from the speaker.

"101 Party. Okay."

"102 Party. In position."

"103 Party. Arriving in 30 seconds."

"104 Party...."

After reports from all 14 parties had come in, Kang Mu-hyuk issued the overall orders.

"Jang Deuk-goo, you'll take command on-site."

"Let's give it our best."

"The defense team comprising parties 4, 5, and 6 will be led by Hunter Na Dongpa. Hold on as long as you can. Once you get the cue, retreat immediately. Before that, you cannot falter."

"I appreciate the timely cue."

"The assault team will be led by Hunter Noh Song-rin. If the barrier falls, kill all visible orcs."

"Not my usual area of expertise, but sure, let's collect some orc heads this time."

Hearing the confident voices of veteran Hunters, Kang Mu-hyuk nodded in approval.

He had deliberately broadcasted the communications over the public channel so that all Hunters could hear.

'No matter how good the strategy, it's worthless if the troops can't work together. Fear is usually the cause of that. Nothing boosts morale like hearing the voice of a strong Hunter or a capable officer. It should have some effect.'

Being a Hunter, a so-called superhuman, didn't mean one wasn't afraid of monsters.

Even Kang Mu-hyuk, who was known for facing monsters head-on, never forced Hunter to hunt recklessly.

He always kept in mind that the very existence of monsters stirred the primal fears of humans.

Understanding the fear allowed them to prepare their strategy with greater precision.

Deeming that the atmosphere had sufficiently ripened, Kang Mu-hyuk switched to the team leader's private channel.

"Team Leader Jang Deuk-goo, can you go in for a brief scouting mission with Parties 1 and 2?"

"We can't go too deep with 800 of them anyway."

"I've placed fast Hunters in Parties 1 and 2. Let's hit them lightly, pull back, and gauge their reaction. Also, check if we can partially pull them out. If there are any followers, take them down if the numbers are manageable; if it's overwhelming, fully retreat. In the minefield, time the explosions to hit the orcs."

"What if they manage to avoid the minefield? Do we take them down or do we run?"

"Lure them into the ambush set by our snipers. There should be no orcs leaking out. After that, guide them towards the valley with the waterfall. The mines will limit their movements, making it easier to trap them in the valley. From there, you can rendezvous with the holding unit to block the orcs."

"Even in a narrow valley, we can't hold out long with just five parties."

"We don't need to hold out for long. Just until the orc's main force enters the valley. Buy us time until the moment we can blow up the dam and the valley."

A brief silence flowed through the channel, followed by a deep sigh.

"This sort of thing is best suited for the stubborn Guild Master. Fine, we have no choice. If we don't, we all die anyway."

Kang Mu-hyuk closed all communication channels and let out a long breath.

'Every time I feel it. The inability to fight directly...'

He muttered aloud, venting his pent-up feelings.

"It's truly heartbreaking."


The battle commenced to the north of Sanjeong Lake, handled by the second attack squad, starting from "Gungyero."

"Here they come."

A short shout echoed as the orcs revealed themselves.

The narrow path was so tight that three or four orcs could barely pass through shoulder to shoulder.

The orcs hesitated when they saw the Hunters. It seemed they were aware of the Hunters' presence but didn't expect a face-off.

However, once they confirmed the smaller number of Hunters, their behavior changed. Shaking off their initial hesitation, they began to roar aggressively.

"Ugh! These orc bastards are all throat..."

"Damn, I can't see the end. Isn't it way more than 200?"

"Have orcs started bulking up too? Look at that armor. He's at least twice the size of the others."

The Hunters, seeing the evolved orcs for the first time, were shaken. They weren't seasoned Hunters, so they naturally were intimidated by the size and number of the orc troops.

'Getting pushed back by a monster's intimidation is a losing game.'

Yeom Soo-hyung's instincts sounded the alarm.

A hunt required courage more than skill, or if not, arrogance, and if that was too much, sheer stubbornness.

Entering a hunt with a defeated mindset meant it was already halfway through failure.

As Yeom Soo-hyung was steeling himself, calculating the best moment for a pre-emptive strike---

A Hunter suddenly stepped forward.

"Don't cower before these monsters! What's the point of having a Hunter's license then?"

It was Baek Seong-bin who squared his shoulders, seemingly ready to charge into a troop of orcs at any moment.

"Newbie, huh? Full of spirit. A good example for the disheartened lot," Yeom Soo-hyung thought. Sensing that the tense atmosphere among some of the disgruntled Hunters was beginning to ease, he decided to let Baek Seong-bin be.

No one stepped in to stop or replace him, so Baek Seong-bin pushed the envelope further by taunting Seo Dae-chi, a person he didn't particularly like.

"Seo Dae-chi, are you scared too?"

Caught off guard by the sudden provocation, Seo Dae-chi clicked his tongue.

"Tsk, tsk. A fool who doesn't know when to keep quiet. In any case, rookies like you always end up like this---dead. Think your Healing Factor makes you invincible? Don't worry, I'll definitely kill more than you, so just focus on your own survival."

"How about a wager then?"

"A wager?"

"Who kills more."


"Consider it accepted then. The bet is in cash. You like money, right? How about 100 million won? If you lose, you leave the team. Scared you'll lose?"

"This punk, if you die, that's going to be problematic. Hey, if you do die, make sure to leave your account password behind."

"Fine, let's start right away!"

Baek Seong-bin impulsively dashed forward. Yeom Soo-hyung was taken aback.

"This lunatic!"

Yeom Soo-hyung grabbed the back of Baek Seong-bin's head as he rushed by and slammed him to the ground.


"I knew you'd do something like this," Yeom Soo-hyung said, irritated while glancing back at the smirking Seo Dae-chi.

"Pyo! Why the hell was this crazy guy assigned here?!"

"Well, he does have a Healing Factor. He's somewhat promising."

"A Healing Factor? What is he, a Cerberus? Does he have two or three heads?"

"What's a Cerberus? Not even a dad joke. Anyway, you're not funny."

"It's not a joke---"

Pyo Beom-hee, approaching leisurely, suddenly drew her sword. The nearby Hunters also raised their weapons in unison.

Yeom Soo-hyung felt the air tighten.

"Besides, look, the orcs are charging."

Before even turning his head, Yeom Soo-hyung felt a heavy vibration through the ground. When he looked forward, a horde of orcs was charging aggressively.

They neither branched out nor formed any formation; their intent to break through the front and wreak havoc was palpable.

"Damn, the rookie stole my thunder," Pyo Beom-hee said, pointing ahead.

"We need to block that big one first to stand a chance in this fight."

"I know."

Yeom Soo-hyung sized himself up.

His skin-tight combat suit clung to him like a second skin, almost rubbery in its elasticity. The arm guards and shin protectors were noticeably thicker, serving as small shields when stretched out.

Feeling the texture of the specialized armor he hadn't worn in a long time, Yeom Soo-hyung took a step forward.

"Pyo, take command."

"Okay. Have a blast for once."

"If I mess up, make sure to cover for me."

"You talk too much now. When did you become such a chatterbox?"

"Maybe I've just become more cautious."

Muttering to himself, Yeom Soo-hyung accelerated. With each step, he became faster and faster until he finally bent his waist backward, using the forward momentum to sprint ahead.

Several orcs at the forefront hurled their axes. The gleaming blades whizzed through the air, aimed directly at Yeom Soo-hyung.

At the deadly approach, some of the Hunters screamed in terror and shut their eyes.

Pyo Beom-hee, unfazed, muttered to herself, "He's not just some old guy with a long beard, you know."

Yeom Soo-hyung puffed out his chest as if ready to catch the axes with his body.

'Making me exert myself right from the start,' he thought.

At that moment, his muscles tensed and his veins bulged visibly.

【Giant Transformation】

Yeom Soo-hyung's body began to change dramatically.


His chest muscles swelled, his shoulders widened as if their joints had popped out, and his neck thickened and extended upward. There was a sound like the snapping of bones. His pelvis twisted, and his rock-solid abdomen stretched like rubber as his thighs and calves thickened and elongated. His hands and feet grew large enough to be likened to pot lids.

Already towering at 190 centimeters, Yeom Soo-hyung transformed into a giant that reached a height of three meters in an instant.

His sturdy chest deflected the axes thrown by the orcs.


Yeom Soo-hyung let out a sound, unclear whether he was laughing or groaning. His eyes blazed, but his articulation was garbled as if he had trouble communicating.


Startled by the human transformation, the orcs suddenly stopped in their tracks. Those in the back ranks, not yet aware of the situation, bumped into the halted orcs ahead of them, disrupting their formation.

Seizing the moment, Yeom Soo-hyung lunged forward.


As his massive body plowed through the orc ranks, screams and shouts erupted from all directions. Axes struck him like they were chopping at an oak tree.

But normal attacks had little effect on Yeom Soo-hyung.

Only strikes with full force could even begin to hurt him, and even then, his agility far outpaced his size, making it difficult for any significant blows to land. If by some chance an attack did succeed, the black armor he wore exhibited a rubber-like elasticity that repelled the force.

The orcs weren't the only ones thrown into disarray.

"The team leader is..."

"He can transform into a giant? We had that ability in our country?"

Caught off guard, the Hunters heard Pyo Beom-hee bellow at them.

"What are you doing? This is our chance! Charge, all of you!"