"Wow, Cho Chung-hyun just went flying like that? The spectacle is so intense, I'm at a loss for words."Avoiding a punch that whooshed past his shoulder, Noh Song-rin let out a sarcastic laugh.

The revelation of Cho Chung-hyun's scheme by Kang Mu-hyuk continued to be a hot topic across the public communication network. The impact it had on the Hunters was significant.

If Do Gyeong-hoon, who had recently left the guild over some unsavory issues, was considered a traitor to the guild organization, then Cho Chung-hyun had betrayed the very members he was supposed to lead. What was more, he had sacrificed them to monsters.

The ensuing fury was indescribable. Especially for Hunters who had any affiliation with Cho Chung-hyun, the backlash was vehement. They were quick to condemn him, fearful of any repercussions that might affect them. A strategic move to distance themselves before it was too late.

"Is anyone even focused?! Pay attention to the orc in front of you!"

Frustrated by the ongoing commotion, Jang Deuk-goo yelled at the top of his lungs.

As if on cue, the Hunters immediately went silent. Rumors had already spread about how Jang Deuk-goo had handled Cho Chung-hyun.

Adding to his pre-existing reputation, the first-hand accounts of his violent tendencies spread fear among the Hunters, fueling the rumors even further.

Ironically, this unattributed fear enhanced the gravitas in Jang Deuk-goo's words, ultimately strengthening Kang Mu-hyuk's grip on the group.

"It seems like different styles lead to the same end---using fear as the most reliable tool. The Guild Leader sure knows how to manipulate people, without getting his hands dirty," Noh Song-rin chuckled again.

Another punch swept past, barely missing his ear; it was a close call, grazing the air with a whooshing sound.

Annoyed by the theatrics, Noh Song-rin tossed aside the weapon he had been holding and drew his karambit knife from his waist.

It was a curved knife that fit perfectly in one hand.

The blade, sharpened on both the inner and outer sides, gleamed in the sunlight as it reflected off the water-filled rice paddies.

"Once you're down, we can pretty much wrap this up. So stop resisting and make it easy on yourself, alright? I want to get this over with and go watch the traitor's spectacle."

Hooking his index finger into the ring at the end of the karambit's handle, he held the knife in a reverse grip. The blade danced in front of the Orc General, mesmerizing it.

Compared to the sword he had discarded earlier, the karambit was much shorter. But for some reason, it felt more menacing to the Orc General.

Although the Orc General had been boldly pressing on even after he lost his weapon, it sensed that this shorter knife was different. It hesitated, pulling back its reckless fist and approaching cautiously.

"Quoo. Quooa."

"So you think so too? I also want to end this quickly."

The Hunters who were dealing with the Orc General's guards looked at Noh Song-rin, who was conversing with the monster as they shook their heads.

When the battle had started, their leader had definitely seemed off his rocker.

"He even tossed aside a weapon that has a range advantage to fight with that short knife. He probably won't even use any skills. A freaking weird hobby, dismantling monsters with just a weapon. Can't figure out what goes on in the heads of A-rank Hunters."

Would he act the same way when he reached A-rank?

Lee Gi-young shook his head vigorously.

"That's something only our team leader would do. He's a nutjob after all."

Seizing the opportunity while Noh Song-rin engaged with the Orc General, Lee Gi-young muttered behind his back.

"Alright, here I go!"

Noh Song-rin crouched low to the ground and charged forward. The Orc General lifted its left foot to stomp on him.


Nimbly dodging the attack, Noh Song-rin twisted the general's left ankle. The general wobbled. Seizing the opportunity, he sliced the top of the general's right foot with his karambit. The general swung its right arm without even letting out a scream.

Noh Song-rin narrowly evaded the swing and retreated. The Orc General hesitated, puzzled. What was this human climbing? A shiver ran down its spine as it felt Noh Song-rin climbing up its back as if scaling a mountain. A karambit knife dug into the region near its wings.


"It'll be over soon. Just stay still."

Though the meaning was unclear, the whispering voice was chilling. The general let out a scream, one born more of incomprehensible terror than pain.

The other orcs sensing the general's crisis tried to intervene, but the Hunters wouldn't let them.

The Orc General twisted both hands toward its back, but its thick muscles prevented it from reaching.

Noh Song-rin drove his mana-infused left fingers deep into the general's back and held firm. With the karambit knife in his other hand, he jabbed and sliced at various points on the general's back and shoulders.

The Orc General thrashed about in an attempt to shake Noh Song-rin off, but it was futile.

Green blood soaked the general's back and the ground. Finally, the general threw its massive body onto the ground in an attempt to crush Noh Song-rin.

"Hey, I told you to stay still."

Just before the general's back hit the ground, Noh Song-rin leaped off and moved onto the orc's upper body. He then took a mount position and sliced through both shoulders with his karambit.

The general's arms went limp. Noh Song-rin had precise knowledge of Orc anatomy and had cut only the tendons.

The sight of a giant orc incapacitated by a much smaller human was more frightening than ridiculous, both to the orcs and the Hunters.

Noh Song-rin brandished his karambit knife in front of the general's eyes and grinned.

"Who told you to rush in? Didn't know humans could be so terrifying, did you?"


The Orc General's death cry marked the grand finale at North Pocheon.

"By now, the situation at North Pocheon should be nearing its conclusion. Do you think everything's okay?"

"If Guild Leader Kang's operation went according to plan, there shouldn't be any major issues."

Lee Jin-joo glanced sideways at Ju Se-ah. Her expression wasn't just words; she genuinely looked unworried.

Even though they were inside the Gate where satellite phones couldn't be used, Ju Se-ah seemed unfazed.

'Does she trust the Guild Leader that much?'

They'd only been working together for a few months, but she wondered how one could have that much trust.

"Guild Leader Kang and Guild Master seem to sync really well as if they've worked together for years. Anyone would think you've known each other for a long time."


After a brief moment of silence, Ju Se-ah spoke, "I trust my own judgment. He's someone I chose to help grow the guild, so naturally, I support him."

"Handing over authority is easier said than done. When I was with Titan, the first and second in command were always at odds. Despite once trusting each other with their lives."

Lee Jin-joo's gaze drifted to Vice Guild Master Ma Taesu, who was quickly dealing with the minions to reach the Orc Lord. But there was another force already engaged with the bodyguards of the Orc Lord.

Ju Se-ah clucked her tongue upon seeing those trying to capture the Orc Lord.

"As expected, they're quick. Slayer..."

The guild she had once been a part of.

Seeing the abilities of her former colleagues in action after so long reminded her just how formidable they were.

"How much time and resources would it take to run an elite squad of this caliber?"

Perhaps she could never have built such a force in her lifetime. After all, the strength of a tier-ed guild like Slayer couldn't be bought with money alone.

And even if you managed to amass such power, maintaining it was another Herculean task. Keeping a guild from falling apart was often more challenging than creating one in the first place.

"Uh-oh, the Lord is trying to escape. And we still have plenty of strength left. Quick thinking for an orc. Still, it won't be easy for it, surrounded by Hunters like this. What should we do, Guild Master?"

Lee Jin-joo glanced subtly at Ju Se-ah, gauging her preferences. They hadn't gone hunting together before, so she was still feeling out Ju Se-ah's leadership style. When no response came, Lee Jin-joo subtly asked again.

"The plan was to prevent its escape, but capturing it would serve the same purpose. Perhaps it's something we can handle?"

"It might be too difficult for just us," Ju Se-ah replied cautiously.

"I think it's doable. If you and I go in as an assassination team, it should work. Your abilities would allow you to tank alone, and an orc is just an orc, even if it has evolved into a Lord."

Feeling slightly deflated by Ju Se-ah's pessimistic assessment, Lee Jin-joo added some quick tactical insights.

"It's not that. I'm worried about interference from over there."

Lee Jin-joo followed Ju Se-ah's pointing finger.

It was the Slayer Guild's headquarters.

And the man standing at the center of it.

"Sung Seon-je..."

Any industry insider would recognize him: the "Azure Dragon of Slayer Guild."

Known for his formidable field skills, he had garnered exceptional achievements since becoming the Team Leader of the Strategy and Tactics team.

"Do you see the Hunter standing next to him?"

"The one with the twin swords on his back?"

"He's probably here because of me. Remember the name: Gam Woo-young, the leader of Slayer Guild's Expedition Team 3. He may be frivolous, but he's skilled."

Gam Woo-young was strikingly handsome, almost pretty; one could easily mistake him for a celebrity rather than a Hunter.

Lee Jin-joo wasn't moved by his appearance; what bothered her was that this was a man Ju Se-ah personally marked as capable.

Sensing her gaze, Gam Woo-young turned his head toward her. He waved at Ju Se-ah, who gave a slight nod in acknowledgment.

"So, you two have a good relationship?"

"Good or bad, it's hard to say."


"We've fought a lot. And I don't mean just verbal sparring; I mean with swords."


Lee Jin-joo couldn't wrap her head around it. A close relationship that involved sword fights? What kind of guild was Slayer?

'Sung Seon-je, deploying snipers, and even involving an expedition team. I never expected he would go so far. And of all people, Gam Woo-young. Complicated, and his bad attitude hasn't changed.'

Ju Se-ah was tempted by the Orc Lord as well. Kang Mu-hyuk's strategy was more a guideline than a hard rule. Ultimately, the decision was hers to make.

And if there was an opportunity, why not seize it? That was the way of the Hunter, after all.

"I guess I should talk with the Taegeuk Guild."

"Didn't the Guild Leader warn you against getting involved with Cho Ikjoon?"

"I'm sure by now, they're getting desperate too. The situation has changed. Now it's 'my turn'."

Though it was a bit of an understatement, Ju Se-ah was right on the money.

Cho Ikjoon was on edge, to say the least.

"Damn it! At this rate, we might as well kiss this quarter's revenue goals goodbye."

It wasn't that the Taegeuk Guild was slow in their raids; it was just that they paled in comparison to the progress of the Slayer Guild.

Cho Ikjoon had tried to form alliances with various guilds to counteract Slayer's monopoly, but those blinded by greed showed no interest in collaboration.

In the midst of this, as Cho Ikjoon scrambled to gather opinions, the Slayer Guild brazenly entered the Gate before even finishing the area clearance. Guilds that sensed the urgency quickly followed suit, shattering any hope for an alliance.

Even inside the Gate, Cho Ikjoon didn't give up. He tried to seize any opportunity in the chaos, but the Slayer Guild left no room for mistakes.

They broke through every obstacle swiftly and effortlessly.

"This isn't even an expedition; it's not even a formal raid team. Damn it! The gap between us stings. It's not like our guild members are low-ranked. How the hell did they train to outpace us like this?"

Other guilds felt the same way. The Slayer Guild appeared monstrous in their effectiveness.

The guilds that had entered the final stage of the Orc Lord raid were seven in total.

All of them were either Tier-ed or A-rank.

There was no guild so lacking in ability that they would obviously fall behind.

"Or should I consider it eight?"

Cho Ikjoon looked at the person approaching him.

"You seem to be struggling quite a bit, Team Leader Cho."

"We're both in the same boat, Guild Master Ju. No point in mincing words. Today is our only chance to clear this Gate. We don't have time to make small talk."



"Let's split the raid loot that way."

"But our contributions are unequal, that's a bit..."

"Do you see the Hunters standing next to Team Leader Sung Seon-Je?"

Cho Ikjoon looked at the Hunters Ju Se-Ah pointed out. Most were unfamiliar faces.

"No need to strain yourself to remember their faces. Slayer doesn't disclose the identities of expedition members, except for party leaders. Besides, that particular party leader was promoted not long ago, and he's also a formidable player, not unlike me."


Cho Ikjoon was more shocked by the mention of another formidable player than the fact that they were part of an expedition.

"Who is this party leader?"

"The guy with the twin blades."

"His name?"

"Gam Woo-young."

"So, you're saying if we make a move, those guys will block us."

"It's a sniping strategy. I will lead the charge. If they intervene, I will personally mark them."

"Understood. Fifty-fifty it is."

"Deal. Let's make this work."

Cho Ikjoon shook the hand Ju Se-ah extended to him.

Water began to recede from the guild headquarters building.

Kang Mu-hyuk sighed deeply as he surveyed the damage, soaked in fatigue.

The lobby was in complete disarray. Every glass window was shattered, and the water damage made it clear that repairs would be costly.

Other facilities like the dining hall and the training room on the lower floors were also extensively damaged, making it unlikely for the guild's regular operations to resume any time soon.

The only silver lining? The communication lines, into which they'd sunk the most money, were intact.

Later, Kang Mu-hyuk received the final report from the attack team that had been hunting the Orcs, and he let out a sigh of relief.

"It's fortunate that there are no more casualties. We've defeated the general, so there's nothing more to worry about."

Though it seemed like everything had been resolved, the real challenge was just beginning.

The neutral Hunters, who could be considered the unsung heroes of the raid for stopping the orc battalion, were not willing to speak with Kang Mu-hyuk. Understandably, they couldn't look favorably on him, given that they had lost a long-time comrade.

Acknowledging their feelings, Kang Mu-hyuk withdrew for now. Conversations would have to wait until the anger and sorrow had diminished.

"There might be Hunters among them who want to leave. Perhaps all of them might."

The war was over, but Kang Mu-hyuk couldn't afford to rest. He had to keep thinking, despite his battered condition.


"Wow, you looked like you were about to die, and now you're okay?"

A lively young woman kicked the door open as she barged into his office.

It was Go Eul-ji.

"I took some medicine and potions. Aside from my right-hand bone not being fully healed, I'm slowly recovering."

"Why the sudden formality? Something wrong?"

"...Well, I haven't properly thanked you yet. Thanks to you, Go Eul-ji, I was able to get out of a tight spot. I'm truly grateful."

"Ew, too formal. I came here on my grandfather's orders. Thank him if you must."

"I will, but I still wanted to express my gratitude to you."

"Just words?"

"Is there something you'd like?"

Suddenly, Go Eul-ji twisted her body and joined her thumb and forefinger to make a circle.

"Um, some money... I'm still a student, you see... My grandfather won't let me join the guild... Not that I'm asking for a lot. I just need to buy merchandise of my favorite band and their latest album..."


"The cost of all that isn't much. I need a lot of tickets and the albums for the fan meeting lottery, you see... So, my allowance falls short... Hey, I'm embarrassing myself by asking, and you're not saying anything? I saved your life. Give me some compensation."

As he watched Go Eul-ji making a fuss, Kang Mu-hyuk found himself lost in thought for a moment.

'Unaffiliated... A golden opportunity has just landed right in front of me.'

Suddenly, Go Eul-ji's extortion attempt seemed almost cute.

"So, are you giving it to me or not? I'm not usually this desperate, but there isn't much time left for my favorite band's fan meeting. So---"

"Does your grandfather know you're going around extorting money like this?"

"What? Extorting? This is the first time I've ever helped a guild!"

Seeing Go Eul-ji getting agitated, Kang Mu-hyuk's eyes gleamed.

'As expected. She's relatively unknown compared to her skill level; just as I suspected.'

At this point, it was clear. Go Eul-ji was a weapon nurtured by Chairman Han Byung-Gu.

"Which group are you a fan of?"


"Oppas who like me. Which idol group are they from?" Sᴇaʀch* Thᴇ n0vᴇl(ꜰ)ire.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of nøvels early and in the highest quality.

"They're called BTA, those world-famous singers... Wait, why are you asking? Are you trying to make fun of me for being childish?"

"Hold on a moment."

Suddenly, Kang Mu-hyuk picked up the receiver and dialed an extension.

"Team Leader Pyo, do you know BTA? Yes, the male idol group. Ah, they were affiliated with the entertainment company you used to work at? That's convenient. Remember how we rescued some people from that company from monsters a while back? Do you think you could get tickets for a BTA fan meeting? No, it's not for me. It's for a young lady who helped us out today. Yes, yes. Please check and get back to me. Feel free to use the guild collaboration line."

"Wh-what are you doing...?"

Kang Mu-hyuk hung up the phone and spoke, "As you can see, our team leader has some influence in the entertainment industry. A few years ago, during a concert, monsters invaded. She ended up saving many people, including the staff and idols. I've also heard that she's quite friendly with some female idols."

"Ah, was that during the Yeojoo International Festival?"

"Right. She worked there for a bit, thanks to connections made during that incident."

"Is this for real? Tickets to a BTA fan meeting?"

"The tickets are a token of our gratitude. As a special perk for joining our guild, how about a dinner voucher with BTA?"

"Where do I sign?"

"President, you have a call on line three."

"Hmm? A call at this time?"


"Ah, my ears, you little rascal. How did you know exactly when I'd be taking a break to call me? So, how did things go in North Pocheon?"

"I joined Iron Will! Keep that in mind!"

"What, what? What is this nonsense...?"


"Kang, Kang, Kang Mu-hyuk, that son of a--! I saved him, and now he's taking away my granddaughter? I'm going to wring his neck!"

"President, please, we're still in a meeting. Ah! Security Team 1 and 2, the President is having an episode. Stop him, quick!"