Ch. 107 - Let's cut it off here

Having briefly heard the situation from Ju Se-ah, Kang Mu-hyuk approached to check on Pyo Beom-hee's condition."Don't get any closer. The poison occasionally splashes."

Before Kang Mu-hyuk could even reach the line drawn on the ground by Ju Se-ah, he stopped. Pyo Beom-hee's condition was far more dire than it seemed from afar. Her complexion was ashen. The cold sweat on her forehead was far from being a few droplets but rather streaming down her cheeks to her chin.

Her hands were blackened as if burned by fire, unable to return to their original color. The look in her eyes, fixated only on controlling the poison without even glancing at Kang Mu-hyuk, was dangerously unstable.

"How long do you think she'll last?"

"Hard to say. She's already at her limit... But one thing is certain, Team Leader Pyo will collapse before she can absorb all of Oopoomangbawoo's poison."

"Then it means we have to give up on Vladivostok."

Ju Se-ah hesitated for a moment before answering.

"There is one method we could try."

"What is it?"

"I've heard about it before. S-rankers have the freedom to manipulate mana, which allows them to use various techniques that couldn't even be attempted before. The reason Team Leader Pyo is struggling now is because she lacks the mana to control all the poison."

"Are you talking about 'mana transfer'?"

"I can't think of any other way."

Kang Mu-hyuk found it difficult to make a decision. Lending one's mana to another was fraught with many dangers. There were actual cases to prove this.

A guild in North America, a Tier-ed Guild, once conducted an experiment to maximize their mage's powers by transferring other Hunters' mana to a mage, but the outcome was a disastrous failure.

All the Hunters involved in the experiment ended up incapacitated, the worst possible outcome. The conclusion of the experiment was that 'only S-rankers can do it.'

'The problem is that Guild Master Ju hasn't been an S-ranker for long. It's extremely difficult, or rather, dangerous, to attempt such a thing without sufficient training.'

As Kang Mu-hyuk hesitated, Ju Se-ah made the decision for him.

"This is what raids are like. There is always danger, no matter how weak the monster."

"I apologize. I should have planned for the presence of the Tyrant..."

"How could you have calculated the whims of a powerful madman? I'm prepared. We can't let Team Leader Pyo carry the burden alone. Guild Leader Kang, you should leave the city in case of an emergency. As far away as possible."

"I will stay as well."

"Are you crazy? What if it fails? You're not even a Hunt-..."

Ju Se-ah swallowed her words. She almost made a slip of the tongue. Not awakening as a Hunter was a sore point for Kang Mu-hyuk.

Kang Mu-hyuk continued her unspoken words.

"Of course, I'm not a Hunter. But what kind of Guild Leader abandons their team and runs away?"

"There are plenty of them."

"Well, I am not one of them."

"This isn't the time to talk about responsibility. No one thinks you're a coward, Guild Leader Kang. So please go somewhere safe..."

"It's not about responsibility. It's the least I can do to keep fighting in the future."

Kang Mu-hyuk's rational mind knew that Ju Se-ah's judgment was the right choice. But his heart was shouting not to run away.

'Is it the guilt of having dragged Team Leader Pyo Beom-hee back into this field? Or is it because of my own inferiority complex from not becoming a Hunter?'

Whatever the reason, it didn't matter.

'If there's no reason, I'll just create one,'

Just as Ju Se-ah mentioned. If he was going to keep fighting in the future, now was not the time to avoid it.

"Phew~ Okay. This makes my shoulders even heavier. After all, it means I have to succeed somehow, right?"

Seeing Kang Mu-hyuk's firm resolve, Ju Se-ah could no longer dissuade him.

'He's not someone who'd stopped just because someone told him anyway.'

And it wasn't like he was being unreasonable, that was just who Kang Mu-hyuk was. She hired him knowing the kind of person he is.

There was no way he'd run away.

"You will succeed."

"Of course. We have to succeed if we want to avoid a disaster for our team members. Just to be safe, stay back a bit."

Kang Mu-hyuk moved away from where Ju Se-ah turned her steps towards Pyo Beom-hee, going in the opposite direction. He was angry at Igor for creating this situation. But after carefully considering his actions, he calmed down.

'If what the Guild Master said is true, the Tyrant knew about Team Leader Pyo. So, he was targeting her while breaking the box. That means he wasn't planning to destroy Vladivostok. Why then would he go to the extent of attacking this place and breaking the box?'

For him to have come here just to finish the duel with Ju Se-ah, he retreated way too easily. That would be uncharacteristic of the tyrant, who is known for his pride. Suddenly, Kang Mu-hyuk realized Igor's true intent.


He turned around and looked at Ju Se-ah.

If the only person who could stop the Tyrant was tied down here. Then Igor must be after-

'It's not just Markar. It's all the survivors of Nazezhinsky.'

Kang Mu-hyuk hurriedly called Anton, but only the call waiting tone drew longer.

The command vehicle was overturned, and Hunters were strewn about the wrecked camp.

Most were rendered incapable of combat.

Anton, sitting and vomiting blood, looked at the smartphone ringing on the ground.

[Guild Leader Kang Mu-hyuk]

'Guild Leader Kang... It seems he has noticed Igor's plan... but this time it's too late.'


A heavy foot stepped on the smartphone. The ringing stopped, and Anton looked up at the owner of the foot.

"Igor Dudnik. You must know the meaning of attacking a fellow Russian guild without any reason, right?"

"I didn't kill anyone, did I?"

"You put Vladivostok at risk. The absence of the city's protective guild leads to a law enforcement vacuum. Yet you attacked our guild? That's treason!"

"Isn't this kind of dispute common in these hunting grounds? I know you guys have done similar things."

"Do you think fights at the Gates and attacks within the city are the same?"

"From the moment Oopoomangbawoo appeared, this city has been no different than a hunting ground. If you're a Hunter, stop whining."

"What's your reason for doing this to us?!"

"You know already. Nazezhinsky."

"That again? What exactly happened there for you to do this?"

Anton stood up, spitting out a mouthful of bloody phlegm. His legs had given out from the beating, but as the master of Vladivostok's leading guild, his pride wouldn't allow him to remain seated.

Even if the opponent was S-ranker, he thought he must die with dignity, for the guild's spirit not to collapse.

"If we're talking about culprits, your kind should have been chewed up and obliterated thousands of times over. Every single stone of your guild should have been pulled out and ground into dust."


"Be thankful that the Russian government supports you. They'll recognize your merit of having defended Vladivostok. Soon, my brother will take over this city, or it will fall to Oopoomangbawoo if the raid fails. Either way, you'll lose this city now."

"Don't think we'll fall that easily."

"Well. It wasn't that hard, was it?"

Igor looked around smugly. This had happened just three minutes after he arrived at the command camp.

Since it was a unilateral defeat, Anton had no words to retort.

"Until now, it was a warning from Igor of the Tyrant Guild."


"From now on, I speak as a Tyrant. You know Makar? Where is he? Where did you put the survivors of Nazezhinsky?"

"Ha? Why? So you can kill them all or what?"


"Are you serious? Are you out of your mind?"

"They are now ghosts of a vanished city. It's time they disappeared. It's not a bad offer for you. It's good to get rid of such vengeful people."

"Don't be ridiculous. You think we're murderers like you?"

"If you won't tell me, then you'll see why I got the nickname 'Tyrant'."

Igor placed his foot on the head of a Hunter who had fainted nearby.

Anton knew well what kind of person he was, having long targeted Vladivostok. He didn't make idle threats about breaking things or killing people.

"Do I need to show you for you to decide?"


"Well, not that I mind. It's not like I haven't seen blood before."

Ultimately, Anton had no choice but to submit. The Kremlin was far away, and the fist was near.

"Tell me what you want."


"What's the meaning of this?"

"Why have you dragged us all out here?"

People from Nazezhhinsky had gathered in the empty square, led by their former guildmates. Even though their restraints had been removed, the ominous atmosphere prevented anyone from recklessly trying to escape.

Their old comrades had silently guided them to the square and turned away as soon as they arrived. It began to snow from the sky, but the darkness engulfed the square, making it invisible.

Other than the sound of snow being crushed underfoot, the square was silent. The commotion in the square was due to the last person who was dragged out.


Everyone crowded around him. The fact that Makar, who could be seen as the leader of the Nazezhinsky survivors, was safe meant that there was still hope. But no one dared to approach him after seeing the bandage tied around his right hand.

"You, that hand..." Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ ɴovᴇlꜰirᴇ.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of nøvels early and in the highest quality.

Makar did not meet the eyes of his dumbstruck comrades and looked out blankly over the square.

"It's like an execution ground."


"The place they've set us free. I wonder if one of us could survive if we ran now."

"What are you saying, Makar?"

"Seeing the daring actions you've taken, it looks like you have quick wits quite befitting of that."

A somber voice echoed out of the darkness. That voice was filled with murderous intent. The survivors of Nazezhinsky immediately went into battle mode.

"Th-the Tyrant..."

Someone confirmed the identity of the opposite side with a trembling voice.

The Tyrant, stepping into the light of the street lamps with his arms spread, made the Hunters feel surrounded. They instinctively knew. They would not survive this.

The comrades exchanged glances with each other.

After that, a Hunter from the leadership of the Nazezinsky survivors approached Makar.

"Makar, you should run. We'll buy you time."

"Good thing Kozlov isn't here."

"At least you and Kozlov need to make it out alive."

"Sorry, but even if we scatter in all directions and run, we can't escape from that guy. We'll all be dead before we get out of this square."

Makar spoke skeptically, but the Hunter gritted his teeth and desperately pleaded.

"That's why we are risking our lives to hold him off! Run now!"

Makar was pushed by the chest but still had no intention of running. Instead, he moved towards Igor. His comrades hesitated and missed the timing to stop him.

Igor also walked towards Makar and spoke.

"Is your operation over now?"

"Your patience is really something. After all the fuss about waiting 14 years for revenge and you even gave us time to plan."

"You think only those of you hiding in the Tsar Guild can do that?"

"There's something I want to ask before I die."

"I'm not the type to listen to last words."

"Why did you kill the people of Nazezinsky 14 years ago?"

"You want to know the reason they were killed? Would knowing change anything?"

"Why did you kill them, you bastard?!"

Makar threw his remaining left fist. Igor didn't even bother to block it.

Makar's punch landed in Igor's abdomen. It was a blow with all his might, but Igor did not flinch.

Igor grabbed his fist and crushed it.

Severe pain surged, but Makar did not utter a groan.

"Our families died. Wasn't it because your people instigated it? The citizens' assembly, the council, the administrative office, the guild members from Nazezinsky, all in cahoots. No one warned that a boss monster had entered the city, and they drove my father to a dead end."

"So you killed just everyone? Just because they were citizens of Nazezhinsky?"

"The ones running away had already received evacuation orders. But not a single one spread that information. They knew they could survive only if my father's guild was blocking the way. Go on, tell me. Did you really not know that? Ah, or are you going to say that all of you here were too young to know at that time? If that's the case, then what is your revenge? It seems you remember that well enough."

None of the survivors from Nazezhinsky could reply.

Only Makar spoke up.

"You might be right. Let's say, the citizens were selfish. But that doesn't justify a massacre."

"The Tsar Guild was selfish too. That's what caused this mess. What about you who brought Oopoomangbawoo into this city? Aren't you being selfish too? Conveniently interpreting things for your own comfort."

"When you're weak... Who's going to make you repent? Who's going to bring judgment on you?!"

"Man, you sound just like my younger brother."


It was then that Makar realized.

'What's different between him and me?'

He had a vague idea, but actually facing and speaking with him, it kept feeling like he was talking to a mirror.

"As expected of the talkative ones. There's no one who can mention a reason for revenge that's more compelling than blood."

Igor reached out his hand. Makar, who didn't notice the signs, was grabbed by the collar and lifted into the air.

"There's no need to attach all sorts of qualifications to revenge. You just need to see blood and feel satisfied."

"Pity. I won't get to see your blood."

"Just die quietly. Let me be at ease."

"You'll also see your blood soooon... urgh!"

Igor snapped Makar's neck in an instant.

Makar collapsed on the floor, and Igor stepped over him. The sound of breaking bones and bursting flesh echoed across the square.


The survivors of Nazezinsky charged at Igor all at once. Even knowing the outcome, their attack was fearless and resolute against an S-rank Hunter.

"I'm tired of this. Let's end it."

As Igor's body grew, snowflakes whirled down from the sky.

As the day broke.

"It's over."

Watching the swirling mana calm down, Kang Mu-hyuk muttered.

Ju Se-ah, who had been supporting Pyo Beom-hee, collapsed.

Pyo Beom-hee, too, gasped for breath as she clung to the flickering Poison Well, lying face down on the ground. Her skin, which had been blackened, had mostly returned to its original color, but the tips of her fingers remained black.

"Guild Master, Team Leader Pyo, are you all right?"

Ju Se-ah just nodded weakly to Kang Mu-hyuk, who had rushed over, indicating she had no strength to reply.

Yeom Soo-hyung and No Song-rin, who had been on guard, nodded at Kang Mu-hyuk that Pyo Beom-hee was safe.

As Kang Mu-hyuk approached Pyo Beom-hee and saw her fingertips, he was startled.

"Ah, this? I 'm just lucky. No need to spend money on pedicures now."

Kang Mu-hyuk forced a smile at Po Beom-hee's joke, knowing she was joking to reassure others.

"You did a great job."

"If you know we do a great job, give us plenty of vacation days at least."

"Yes. I'll make sure to be generous with the vacation days."

After the Korean Hunters confirmed their safety, Dmitry cautiously approached. He and the Hunters of the Tsar Guild had also been standing guard in case of an emergency.

"Last night, we lost Makar and all the Nazhezinsky survivors to Igor. Our members, including the Guild Master, have been injured and are undergoing treatment."

"The outcome is obvious."

"Yes. There are no survivors."

"We've overcome the crisis in Vladivostok... Now, what remains is how to deal with the Tyrant."

"Annoying as it is, we have no way to deal with an S-rank Hunter."

"If not with strength, we must use something else."

Kang Mu-hyuk clenched his teeth. Dmitry cocked his head.

"Please convey to Darden Dudnik that we should meet."

"What? Darden?"

"This tiresome ill-fated relationship. Let's cut it off here."