Ch. 150 - I have a bad feeling!

"Where are we?"Even after racing over 400 km east along the Amnok River, No Song-rin still couldn't believe the reality.

"Where do you think we are? We're almost at 'Daehongdan County.' The place is known for its potatoes. Want to get some tornado potatoes when we get there? Oh, look, that must be Mt. Baekdu."

Kang Mu-hyuk was enjoying the scenery like a tourist behind the wheel. Lee Sookyoung leaned out the window of the passenger seat, took a look, and nodded.

"Yep, that's Mt. Baekdu."

"During the Titan incident, I couldn't see it because we were working at the Northern Defense Line near 'Cheongjin City.' How about you? You went for a raid in 'Hoeryeong City' before."

"That's 100 km from Daehongdan. You can't see Mt. Baekdu from there. After leaving Titan, I was stuck in Sinuiju. Hunter Hwang Dongsu, same goes for you, right?"

Hyun Junggeon replied casually and looked out the opposite window.

Hwang Dongsu answered while gazing at the towering mountain from the seat next to No Song-rin.

"Yeah, I've seen it a few times while hunting in the Demon Realm. But it's my first time seeing it from our land. Except for Dandong, we couldn't go out of Sinuiju..."

Hwang Dongsu couldn't finish his sentence as he felt nostalgic.

In the end, it was No Song-rin who was the most uncomfortable, squished in the middle of the back seat.

"Guild Leader, why do I have to go to the Demon Realm as a member of this party?"

"I already explained that, didn't I?"

"Yeah, I heard what you said. We have to check the Gate that China is supposedly plotting something around."

"Exactly, Hunter No Song-rin. You're spot on."

"No, I mean, why do I have to go?"

Kang Mu-hyuk reached out his hand, and Lee Sookyoung took out a document from an envelope and handed it to him, who looked at the document and passed it back.

No Song-rin reluctantly received it and asked, "What's this?"

"It's your personal tactical assessment, Hunter No Song-rin. You scored high in survival skills, top tier in infiltration and reconnaissance, and your performance in Ujungdo is already proof of your combat skills."

"Cho Choonghyun wrote this, didn't he? I don't trust that traitor's evaluation."

"The Vice Guild Master before me wrote this. It has detailed evaluations of key high-rank guild Hunters. This is why you were selected for this exploration team. Congratulations."

"Why is that something to be congratulated for?!"

In response to No Song-rin's outburst, Kang Mu-hyuk added, "Kim Myungjun keeps contacting you, right? Trying to dig about Sinuiju."

"Well, I am a spy."

"Giving limited information with different excuses can only go so far. I've spread the word within the guild that you're part of the Demonic Realm exploration team. Kim Myungjun will find a way to get some information out. If not, I'll leak it myself. And once you're in the Demonic Realm, he won't be able to contact you, so there won't be any reason to be suspicious either."

"Kim Myungjun isn't that naive. He was already suspicious of me last time. He'll figure out the double agent act soon enough."

"He's cautious and won't act like he knows anything until he's sure. Keeping things ambiguous is his specialty."

"I get what you're saying, but why is he holding a knife to my throat?"

No Song-rin pointed to Hwang Dongsu sitting next to him.

"Are you a spy?"

"Being called a spy by a North Korean is really something. Didn't you hear me? I'm a double agent. Ha, Guild Leader, do I really have to go with these guys?"

"Hunter Hwang Dongsu has extensive experience navigating the depths of the Demonic Realm. He'll be useful."

Hearing Kang Mu-hyuk's rational responses to every emotional appeal, No Song-rin gave up.

'Right, give up, it's easier. But the Demonic Realm won't be easy.'

No Song-rin looked around at the other passengers.

Hyun Junggeon, Hwang Dongsu, Lee Sookyoung, and himself. Kang Mu-hyuk was there for administrative tasks and to gather information. Ultimately, the four of them would enter the Demonic Realm together. Except their guide, Lee Sookyoung, they were all high-ranking Hunters, who proved their skills in the Sinuiju incident. It was a top-tier party, rarely seen at the Northern Defense Line.

The problem was that they were going to explore the Demonic Realm.

'And the Chinese will be watching us closely.'

Any unexpected situation could get them killed in the Demonic Realm. Since reaching A-rank, No Song-rin had tried to avoid dangerous places as much as possible. This was the last place he wanted to be.

Wondering why they were entering through Daehongdan, he asked, "Why are we going through Daehongdan instead of entering the Demonic Realm directly from Sinuiju? I heard the terrain is rough there."

"Because Sinuiju is blocked by Dandong. It's now fully part of South Korean territory, so there are many eyes watching any Demonic Realm entry from the Amnok River. Even large Chinese guilds can't monitor the entire Korean border. That's why we'll take the Mt. Baekdu route or the Tumen River line."

Kang Mu-hyuk's concerns were valid. They couldn't fully figure out the situation beyond the Amnok River, but considering the scale of the Chinese guilds' schemes in the Demonic Realm, border control was something they could perfectly expect.

The Chinese guilds hadn't yet started monitoring other entry routes besides Sinuiju precisely because he acted quickly.

"We're almost there."

<Welcome to Daehongdan.>

The tilted sign seemed to welcome them before a gust of wind from a passing car knocked it down. No Song-rin's sharp eyes caught the scene. He looked back at the poles left without a sign and couldn't take his eyes off it.

'Bad feeling! I knew it! I have a bad feeling about this!'

Daehongdan got its name from the red fields of azaleas and royal azaleas that bloomed in spring, abruptly ending at the rapids, with dae meaning huge, hong meaning red, and dan meaning rapids.

The Noeun Mountain Range ran east-west through the county's center, with towering mountains over 1,000 meters high forming the southwestern border, making it a strategic point for the northern defense line against the Demonic Realm.

"Mmm, it's cold, phoo----"

Kang Mu-hyuk shivered despite his heavy parka, while the other Hunters seemed perfectly comfortable in their thin Ironwill armor coats. These coats offered protection against the cold, heat, water, blades, and bullets with just a bit of mana.

Hunters were also naturally resistant to extreme temperatures.

"It's freezing here because it's January. Daehongdan's average temperature is around -20 degrees Celsius now," Lee Sookyoung said that as she handed a warm pack she was rubbing with her hands to Kang Mu-hyuk, who gratefully pressed it to his face. Kang Mu-hyuk's face gained some color back, but it didn't make a huge difference.

"Let's get our entry permits at the front post first. Then we'll head to the local Hunters' association. Lee Sookyoung, you know someone there, right?"

"Yeah, everyone there knows me. That's where you get the best information. Southerners don't know about it; here, it's all about connections."

"Alright, everyone take a break in the waiting room. I'll handle the paperwork myself."

Kang Mu-hyuk quickly took care of the entry procedures. By the time they finished their coffee and snacks, he was back.

"Morning entry ends at 8 AM, and afternoon entry starts at 2 PM. We have three hours. Let's eat and you can pick up the gear the guild sent. I'll visit the association with Lee Sookyoung."

They drove to a nearby town, found a butcher shop, and had a light meal, though they each ate enough for ten people. Kang Mu-hyuk watched them eat with satisfaction as he felt the expensive meal was worth it even though it cost him a lot.

No Song-rin felt like Kang Mu-hyuk was a farmer fattening the pigs, and that made him feel like he couldn't digest it.

"Aren't you eating more? We've got a big task ahead, you should fill up," Kang Mu-hyuk said.

"Feels like we're heading to a slaughterhouse," No Song-rin replied.

"The Demonic Realm is dangerous, but this party was created accordingly. With your skills, you won't be slaughtered. Just avoid combat as best you can, and you'll be fine."

"Sometimes I wonder, do you really not know or just pretend not to?" No Song-rin sighed.

"If you have suggestions about the party, I'm all ears. What do you not like?"

No Song-rin gave up. Kang Mu-hyuk wasn't someone he could deal with. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ NʘvᴇlFire.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of nøvels early and in the highest quality.

"I'll go to the association with Lee Sookyoung. The guild should've sent someone to the town hall. Pick up the gear and check it."

"Wait, Guild Leader!"

He heard a familiar voice, and turned to see Choi Miran, looking out of place in Daehongdan with her fur coat as she waved at him. Behind her, Kim Sunghyun bowed politely in a guild armor coat.

They were the first guild members Kang Mu-hyuk met in the old Taesung Guild parking lot and the members who acted as bodyguards when Cho Choonghyun had prevented the dam explosion.

"Hunter Choi Miran, Hunter Kim Sunghyun. You brought the gear?"

"Yep, we're just the escorts. The people that Team Leader Ahn Ji-Il sent will handle the actual distribution."

"You could've just waited at the town hall; no need to come out here."

"We've got to eat too, you know. After all, we're doing this for a living. Plus, I wanted to try Daehongdan's tornado potatoes."

"Are you here on a sightseeing tour? Tired of North Pocheon already, huh? Escorting isn't normally your gig, is it?"

"W-well, uh... Ahem! This is guild work too. We're not goofing off."

"Who said you were?"

Choi Miran's guilty confession made Kim Sunghyun shake his head.

Once again, she was the one who switched their work shifts. Though it meant she had to pull two extra night shifts, she enjoyed the change of scenery from North Pocheon.

"Alright then, let's meet at the town hall in an hour after you eat."

Kang Mu-hyuk decided to let it go. Minor mischief like this was nothing for Hunters. In Titan, drunken brawls with other guilds or freelance Hunters were more common. Sometimes, they even assaulted civilians, which was a major headache. This was just a cute little misadventure.

Kang Mu-hyuk and Lee Sookyoung visited a three-story building near the town hall. Though not tall, it spread wide, indicating a significant floor area.

"Inside isn't much. They renovated an old potato factory, that's why it's so spacious."

"Just having a place like this proves the association's clout."

"You're right. It may look simple, but they have substance. Most info about the Demonic Realm and rumors from the Tumen River borderlands end up here. Oh, I've kept you outside too long, Guild Leader. It's cold; let's hurry inside."

As Lee Sookyoung reached to guide him to the entrance, snowflakes began to fall.

Kang Mu-hyuk looked up, worried about driving in the snow.


What was piling up on the ground wasn't snow. It was powder falling from jellyfish-like creatures floating in the sky.

Kang Mu-hyuk shouted, "Spore flowers!"

Without even looking up, Lee Sookyoung tackled Kang Mu-hyuk to the ground.
