Chapter 1845 - Eternally Dark Blood and Soul (3)

Name:Against the Gods Author:
The area in front of the Deep Sea Royal Hall was plunged into a terrible sea of blood and explosions. Meanwhile, the Chi Dragon Emperor, Hui Dragon Emperor, and Myriad Manifestations God Emperor weren’t able to extricate themselves from their fight to approach the royal hall. The Divine Oracle was radiating a dreadful black light as they were driven so far away that they were about to reach the border of the Deep Sea Divine Region.

The time Qianye Ying’er could stay in her berserk state had far exceeded the wildest estimates of the three god emperors, but at this moment, she had finally reached her limit.

In the next instant, the black light coming from the Divine Oracle grew dull and dim and Qianye Ying’er’s wildly dancing black hair also fell back to her shoulders.

Her body froze in midair as the peerlessly dreadful darkness energy suddenly bled from her like a torrent of water. The dark light in her eyes slowly dissipated and it seemed as if she had lost all consciousness as she started plummeting powerlessly from the sky.

The three god emperors were riddled with injuries and they found it extremely hard to expel the darkness profound energy that remained inside of them as it gnawed at the marrow of their bones. As they saw Qianye Ying’er’s energy disperse and her delicate body plummet groundward, all of them let out a long cold breath.

The Myriad Manifestations God Emperor’s jaw clenched tightly in anger and he was about to rush toward her when the Chi Dragon Emperor grabbed his arm and yelled, “The Dragon Monarch commanded us to focus on breaking those barriers first! Yun Che must be inside!”

“Let’s go!” the Hui Dragon Emperor snarled as he shot straight for the Deep Sea Royal Hall, a hurricane swirling in his wake.

One could well imagine just how much harder it would be to defend the Deep Sea Royal Hall if these three god emperors joined the fray.

“Wan Wu, Wan Lie… Kill her!”

After he barked out that command, the Myriad Manifestations God Emperor sped off for the Deep Sea Royal Hall along with the Chi Dragon Emperor. At the same time, two Myriad Manifestations’ Divine Masters flew in from a nearby area and rushed toward the seemingly unconscious Qianye Ying’er, their bodies flaring with an icy-cold killing intent.

It was at this moment that Qianye Ying’er’s eyes regained their focus. The dissipated black light instantly flared back up with a renewed intensity and it looked as deep and gloomy as an abyss.

The Chi Dragon Emperor, Hui Dragon Emperor, and Myriad Manifestations God Emperor suddenly felt their backs go cold. Their reactions were lightning-quick, but when all three of them turned around… they realized that the world in front of them had turned completely dark. There wasn’t even a single speck of light left in sight.

A space that was one hundred and fifty kilometers wide had been entirely encased in total and complete darkness.

“What… is going on!?” The three god emperors cried out in shock. Their shock deepened even further when they realized that they couldn’t sense each other’s existences or hear each other’s voices.

They swiftly released their profound energy, but this only resulted in them receiving an even greater shock. It was now exceptionally difficult for them to release any power and even raising a hand seemed to exhaust several times the amount of energy that it usually did. In fact, they felt as if their bodies had sunk into a dense and viscous swamp of never-ending darkness.

Qianye Ying’er raised her arm amidst the darkness and the Divine Oracle, which had fallen into a short silence, once more glowed with a dense black light.

This was her Lightless Eternal Night bolstered by the power contained within that drop of Devil Emperor blood! This domain not only consumed all light, but it also consumed the spiritual senses, touch, hearing, sight, and smell of any living creature caught within it… Due to the suppression of the Devil Emperor’s blood, even these three god emperors of the west were unable to resist.


The Divine Oracle drew a dark line in the air as it instantly penetrated the bodies of the two Myriad Manifestations Divine Masters. After that, it shot straight for the three mighty god emperors. The moment it came into contact with the Myriad Manifestations God Emperor, it immediately bound him tight. It continued to extend after that as it snaked out after the Chi Dragon Emperor and the Hui Dragon Emperor. Once it wrapped itself around all of them, it suddenly and fiercely tightened.

While they were trapped in this swamp of darkness, the spiritual senses of the three god emperors had grown exceptionally dull. They also felt their energy being released from their bodies in an exceptionally slow and sluggish manner.

However, they were still god emperors, and the Chi and Hui Dragon Emperors also possessed mighty draconic bodies, so how could they simply give up without a fight? As they struggled desperately, the Divine Oracle cut apart their profound energy and their flesh… and it was only once it reached their bones that the tightening stopped.

Droplets of blood slowly fell from the corner of Qianye Ying’er’s mouth in the darkness and her face was growing paler by the second.

The previous dissipation of her energy had not been an illusion.

The droplet of Devil Emperor blood had perfectly fused with Qianye Ying’er’s body. Hence, it had automatically withdrawn its power to protect Qianye Ying’er when her body was nearing its limits… However, Qianye Ying’er had forcibly activated its power once more.

Previously, she had been enduring the burden of a Devil Emperor’s power with her body.

Now, she was burning her own lifeforce to release it.

She felt her lifeforce and vitality slip away from her with acute clarity and the blood that trickled from between her teeth turned into a steady flow, but she still continued to crazily squeeze out the last bits of power from the droplet of Devil Emperor blood.

She desperately wished that she could cut the bodies of these three god emperors in two… but she knew that it was merely an extravagant hope at this point. At the very least, she would use this Divine Oracle in her hand to trap them in this place. She definitely wouldn’t allow them to take a single step toward the Deep Sea Royal Hall… even if she had to burn her life down to embers to accomplish the task.


The third barrier surrounding the Deep Sea Royal Hall shattered.

Long Bai stared at the blood-covered Deep Sea Royal Hall from a distance. He still had not made a move, because the scene before him had made him drunk with ecstasy. Still, there was some regret mixed in.

This dogged defense, this pitiful struggle, this hopeless situation. If only Yun Che could see all of this with his own two eyes. A pity… What a pity indeed!

Dragon Queen… I will soon prove to you that your choice was wrong! It was truly wrong!

How could he be worthy of you… He isn’t even qualified to gaze upon you directly!

All of the Northern Divine Region profound practitioners who were guarding the Deep Sea Royal Hall were injured without exception and their backs were practically pressed up against the barrier they were protecting.

Yan One, Yan Two, and Yan Three were facing off against two of the mighty Venerable Withered Dragons along with the Cyan Abyss Dragon God, Jade Dragon God, and Sky Dragon God. Even though this battle was taking an incredible toll on them, this was the part of the devil race’s formation that was the most secure.

However, no matter how precarious a situation other people were in, no matter how big the holes poked in other parts of the formation were, not even one of the Yama Ancestors could divert themselves away to reinforce those areas. The power of the Venerable Withered Dragons and Dragon Gods wouldn’t allow it. They needed to use power exceeding their very limits to desperately defend the barrier.

In the south, nearly half of the hundred Dragons of Absolute Beginning had fallen, but a good number of Master Dragons had fallen along with them. Broken dragon bone and torn dragon flesh was lying in pools of dragon blood, forming a grisly scene that seemed to come from some blood-filled purgatory.

Most of the Northern Region’s higher realm kings and their respective elders had also fallen. The surviving members could instantly recognize the dark aura of their kinsmen. Unfortunately, it was more often than not coming from corpses lying in their own blood, decapitated heads which were being trampled by the enemy, or severed limbs that were flying through the air...

Since death was right behind them, all of them had decided to become demons of hell first as they used their powers and their lives to kill all the enemies who drew near them.


A flower composed of water bloomed in the air as the Jade Rivulet Sword danced in Shui Yingyue’s hand. She had used her “Heaven Drawn Glazed Light” to create a beautiful curtain of water that redirected the power of two Master Dragons toward each other.

As huge explosions rang in the air, the two dragons roared in misery and tumbled to the ground. However, she was not able to defend herself against the attack of the third Master Dragon. The blow viciously struck her and sent her hurtling downward, blood immediately staining her blue robes.

“Ke… keh keh…”

She pressed a hand to her chest and stared at the blood-colored earth and sky. Then, a steely determination that was completely incompatible with her cool and calm features coalesced in her watery eyes.

As the Glazed Light Realm King, she had only needed three thousand years to become a mid-level Divine Master. She was undoubtedly one of the most brilliant women of her generation but in this battle, she seemed to be like a frail ant facing down titans.

“Meiyin… you mustn’t die…” she whispered as she stood up once more. She launched herself into the sky again as the liquid sky-blue light of the Glazed Light Realm erupted from her body and shone on the most terrible battle to ever take place in the history of the God Realm.




Wave after wave of incredible Divine Master power exploded against the surface of the barrier. If this had not been a darkness barrier that had been formed by all of the most powerful Divine Masters of the Northern Divine Region, it would have been destroyed in a single wave of attacks.

It was easier to besiege a castle than it was to defend it. Furthermore, the “castle” in question was a barrier that could be attacked from all sides. Even if the Northern Divine Region had twice the number of Divine Masters on the field, they still wouldn’t have enough people to block all of those attacks.

As a result, every single explosion against the barrier violently plucked at the heartstrings of all the profound practitioners of the Northern Divine Region.

Yan Tianxiao’s face and arms were covered with blood and his fingers resembled ghoulish claws as they ripped through the bodies of Divine Masters and sent them flying. In return, countless fresh wounds seem to spring up on his body after every exchange of blows.

The bloody hole that Long Bai had bored through his chest had become even more tattered. Every time he released his power, fresh blood gushed from it, yet it didn’t even seem like he even noticed.


He gritted his teeth so hard that both of his canines broke as he desperately held back a level ten Chi Dragon Divine Master with each hand. However, an explosion that caused despair to race through his heart rang out behind him.

The bodies of two Yama Devils heavily smashed against the surface of the tattered barrier, as the remaining might from the attacks that hit them shattered the fourth barrier.


Yan Tianxiao’s eyes bulged in their sockets as black light exploded from his body and blasted the two mighty Chi Dragons far away. Next he whirled around, a furious roar building up in his chest which died as he saw a Yama Devil’s power collapse while trying to go up against three Dragon Sovereigns. As wounds burst out all over his body, the White Rainbow Dragon God appeared before him and thrust a claw straight through his chest. The claw tore out the Yama Devil’s still-beating heart… and crushed it.

His vision turned blurry… The Yama Realm’s Ten Yama Devils, a force which had once proudly reigned above the rest of the Northern Divine Region, had now dwindled to four.

It was at this time that the battlefield suddenly brightened.

A ray of light suddenly shone into the world of the Lightless Eternal Night.

The moment the light started invading that space, the entire world of darkness started to rapidly collapse.

The three mighty god emperors swiftly regained their spiritual sense and felt the gigantic pressure on their bodies dramatically lessen. They quickly exchanged glances and released their god emperor power at the same time.


The shuddering world of darkness burst like a bubble of soap as they easily blasted away the Divine Oracle binding them all this while. The dark glow that radiated from its surface quickly faded away as it was restored to its original dazzling golden color in the blink of an eye.

As the darkness faded, Qianye Ying’er’s body, which was only a few short kilometers away from the three god emperors, started to slowly tumble from the sky. Her face was entirely colorless and no dark light or aura radiated from her body. Even her long hair, which had turned pitch-black after her fall, had returned to its old golden sheen.

Wan Wu and Wan Lie… The two Myriad Manifestations Divine Masters whom the Myriad Manifestations God Emperor had ordered to kill Qianye Ying’er had already been turned into scorched black corpses on the ground.

The bodies of the three god emperors were scored with black wounds which caused them soul-burning pain with every second that passed. This was especially true for the deep wound that gouged their waists. Flesh had been stripped off all the way around waists and even the exposed bone had been scorched black. It was truly a grisly sight to behold.


Qianye Ying’er smashed into the ground, but she retained her consciousness this time. Her fingers scrabbled against the cold, hard ground as her arms spasmed and trembled. It looked as if she was desperately trying to get to her feet… Her aura was as frail and weak as a leaf spinning in the wind.

“That demoness!!” The Myriad Manifestations God Emperor hands balled into fists as a sinister expression appeared on his face.

After his eyes swept over Qianye Ying’er once, the Chi Dragon Emperor gave a cold snort. “So she burned her own life to pull that off. No wonder… Hmph!”

“She’s about exhausted all of her vital energy, so she’ll die soon enough. We don’t even need to lift a finger,” the Hui Dragon Emperor said. His voice became tinged with pity as he said, “The Brahma Monarch Goddess, the only woman who could be mentioned in the same breath as the Dragon Queen… Tsk, it truly is such a pity.”

“God Emperor!!” The voices of the Brahma Kings suddenly cried out.

All of the remaining Brahma Kings began to desperately rush over to Qianye Ying’er, regardless of their circumstances.

“Let’s go!” The three god emperors did not want to be tangled up with the Brahma Kings, so they rushed straight for the Deep Sea Royal Hall. Before they even arrived, their approaching auras caused a heavy pressure to descend upon the already bitterly-engaged forces of the Northern Divine Region, a weight that pushed them into an even deeper despair.

Even though her consciousness had turned blurry, Qianye Ying’er could still sense the auras of the six Brahma Kings zooming her way. She struggled to lift her head off the ground as a weak but stern voice came from her lips. “You are… not to come here! Defend… the barrier!”

The Brahma Kings instantly stopped in their tracks and the Third Brahma King exclaimed in a quavery voice, “But God Emperor, you…”

“I will kill… anyone who dares to approach me!” A look of pain flashed across Qianye Ying’er’s colorless face, but she still managed to growl out one last command, “Get lost!”

The Third Brahma King gritted his teeth with force as he spun around and roared, “We obey our God Emperor’s command! Let’s return and defend the barrier.”

As they had been left with no other choice, the six Brahma Kings once again hurled their battered and bruised bodies back into the terrible battle taking place in front of the Deep Sea Royal Hall.

After she roared out the words “get lost”, Qianye Ying’er’s delicate head sank to the ground. She could no longer feel even the smallest bit of strength or energy left in her body.

As her consciousness started to waver, she knew that when her world finally turned pure white, it would be time for her to die.

Yun… Che...

The only thing that was still clear and distinct to her in this increasingly blurry world was his name.

I had originally thought… that even if I were to die… I had to at least do it in your arms… by your side...

Even if… you were the one who had killed me...


It’s fitting… Me, a person covered with filth and sin… How could I deserve… a good ending...

How could I deserve… to see my wishes come true...