Chapter 128: Reaching Solaris Group Challenge Lake

Their equipment became mine, and now my Inventory was full of equipment that was enough to arm thousand players without trouble.

As I neared that lake, more players pumped in my way. New players began to appear coming from the lake direction, and their numbers were big enough to make me suspect things here.

At least thousands were centered at this lake in my estimate, which was unbelievable. How come the number of the players here reached this figure? Wasn't the main bulk of players wiped out or trapped now inside that valley?

A flash of thought appeared in my mind, which made me feel more anger. It seemed that Rick didn't wait for the orders from the elders and moved a big part of his army and the adventure group towards here.

That was dangerous.

I opened the forums trying to get any info, and just when I saw the forums, I felt a cold hand grip around my heart.

There were many posts talking about me and the battles I had. Even the last, just recently folded, battle was posted there. that didn't shock me, however the first post was what made me feel the shock.

'The challenge for Solaris adventure group head position is now going on somewhere in the same forest that the bloodthirsty Agatha is battling.'

That bastard! He really managed to drag the Solaris group players into his mess without being subjected to any punishment. I felt some strangeness here, although I didn't know the rules of the Solaris adventure group, however wasn't he already the head of this group? or what?

I already guessed in general what had happened. That Rick used Sim to lure Aria away from her personal group, and that was bad.

I knew he couldn't directly kill her, however he could force some bad conditions over her, like direct challenge or to fight a group of players he handpicked carefully.

That was bad.

The first thing I did was to dig for more info, and the most suitable person to do so was to ask Drina, after all she was the most familiar person of the adventure group rules here after Aria and Rog who weren't replying to my messages.

'Open the forums, fast, and then return to me.'

I sent this short message to Drina, and I was pretty sure when she read the post she would reply directly to me. However, I was destined to be disappointed, as Drina didn't reply back.

'Drina, what's wrong?'

I sent this message out to her, however after a couple of minutes and killing more players, no reply came back.

'What the hell is going on?'

That was genuinely strange, and more worry seeped into my heart. The only reassuring thing was that I managed to send Rog after her. That simple decision back then gave me some hope, after all Rog wasn't a simple player.

I had nearly ten minutes till reaching that lake, and those were one of the longest and stressing minutes I had ever lived in my life.

Just as I had a couple of minutes till reaching the lake, which appeared just in sight, I managed to spot the place there.

A huge number of players were there, surrounding Aria, who was standing all by herself, raising her head up high amidst all those players.

She was brave, I respected her for that.

The place I came from was a small hill covered with trees, everything here was green until nearly one thousand meters away from that lake, as a sandy beach appeared there.

Crystal white beach with some long azure veins stretched towards the depth of the lake. If it was sometime else I would feel astonished by this fascinating sight.

However, this wasn't the time to appreciate the beauty of this place. I stood at the top of that hill as I yelled with my highest voice:

"Keep your hands off, Aria, wait there, I'm going to rescue you."

My shout attracted everyone's attention, as thousands of eyes glanced over at me with astonishing looks. I stepped forward and my full spear entourage appeared just behind me in a majestic scene.

I raised my spear up high and pointed it towards the front as I shouted angrily:

"If any of you touched a single hair of hers, I wouldn't stop until I made him regret playing this game."

My determination was obvious and clear to anyone hearing me here. amidst all this, Aria suddenly spoke with a tone that was full of happiness and pride:

"Stand down Agatha, the elders are supervising this challenge."

Her words shocked me and made me look deeply towards her. I asked again to confirm what she just said:

"If you are worried about us, then don't. I have just killed thousands of those scum, and I'm now ready to kill thousands more for you."

Aria was startled before she smiled. Her smile widened as it ended by a big laugh, a laugh from the heart.

"The challenge here is about killing each other's players, the one who killed all the players on the other side wins. Also if any side killed the leader of the other group, then he wins no matter what."

My eyes suddenly got widened, as I understood the full scheme of this treacherous snake. He used that mercenary to entangle me there and make me unable to help Aria fast enough. brilliant, really brilliant and dirty scheme.

"I don't accept that, she is an outsider."

A sudden shout came from the ranks of the players crowded down there, as a mid twentieth assassin player appeared suddenly from thin air. I squinted my eyes looking deeply and seriously towards that player.

"Are you Rick?"

I calmly asked with a loud shout. My fingers involuntarily tightened their grip over my spear.

"Yes, it's me. you don…"

"Listen to me well scum, you played it dirty so far. Your swordsman mercenary mystical art player was killed by me. if no outsider is allowed, then why did you bring the Lelican adventure group here?"

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