Chapter 306: Hearing Bad News One After Another!

"Wait a minute, this dungeon wasn't initially in the game?!" I asked with extreme shock over my face, "but Diana already recognized part of these monsters, said to me that this dungeon is a cursed one!"

"Yes we have some rare dungeons here designed to mimic the real dungeon of these monsters, but this dungeon you just cleared isn��t a false one, it's a real one, and it's not just one dungeon, all the dungeons in the game have been cursed."

He was telling me some unbelievable horrifying facts in such a calm tone that made me doubt what I just heard! "Do you mean all the dungeons in this game world are cursed? Are they just like that one?" I asked, trying to confirm what I just heard.

"Not only this game world, all the game worlds are like that. No matter how old it is, all the dungeons are infected and cursed by those vanguards."

His reply made me understand the gravity of the current crisis, but it also highlighted something to me, as I hurriedly asked:

"How did this happen? and can't you fix it already?"

"Sigh," I only got this response, while my master said:

"Things aren't that easy. The invasion had already gotten so deep into the base of the game. unless two solutions happen, no one can cure the game of this illness."

"Two solutions?" I asked, with some anticipation. I felt whatever those two solutions were, I had direct relations with them.

"The first is to go to each world, clear all the dungeons there manually, killing all the cursed beings there, and after that the curse would be lifted upon us," Lady Nada said, before she added, "but this solution isn't practical at all."

"I made the savior rank to be given to any team clearing one dungeon, so they might be able to help and alleviate the hardships from their game worlds," the guardian added, as I knew this solution actually wasn't a solution at all!

If I just thought about how many dungeons out there in my current game world alone, then I would be greatly terrified by the number, and that was just one game world.

This solution might be a temporary one, giving players the chance to level up normally as before, or at least someway close to what they were leveling in the past.

But regarding the whole game, this wasn't even a solution to think of!

"What about the second solution then?" I asked.

"It's to go directly to the root world, the first world ever established in the game, and clear the core dungeon there," the guardian said these and paused, as he added after a moment of hesitation, "this isn't just a normal world, or a normal dungeon, it's an open battlefield, where you will be needed to fight with your army against an army made of such monsters you just fought, far stronger, and much numerous than you can imagine."

His words seemed scary, to others, but to me I saw a glimpse of hope and light of saving in these. "I like this solution," I said, and it seemed they all anticipated my reply, as my master and Lady Nada shook their heads, before the guardian explained:

"It's not that simple, as all the dungeons infected in the entire game works to serve this specific army. they gain strength and numbers exceeding your imagination each passing day! Every killed player inside these dungeons will give a boost to these monsters."

"Then stop the entrance to these dungeons, prevent players from entering the dungeons," I replied, with the simple solution I had in mind.

"Sigh, I can't do that," the guardian replied in a tired tone, "I had already gotten a strong hit to me from these forces, and now I need to recuperate preparing for the final battle."

His words shocked me, greatly shocked me, as I never thought such a mighty being could be attacked. Before I could ask, he continued:

"I was betrayed by the nobles of this empire, those disloyal ones had opened the door to my secret residue, letting part of the enemy's vanguard to attack me there. I managed to kill them all, but I suffered many wounds in return. In addition to that, I can't stop players from entering these dungeons, or else the darkness inside would spread to cover the whole game, turning it entirely into a one great nightmarish dungeon!"

His words made me quite for some time, as I tried to absorb all these shocking news. The moment when the nobles were supposed to stand to protect their empire, they let it down, betraying it.

"So we have to enter the dungeons, and keep dying and strengthening our enemies, this is quite unfair! Can't we find a way to cut this connection?" I asked, spoke up my mind.

``We can't, as these dungeons are now all connected to the main army in the core world, the first world," the guardian replied.

"So I need to gather up an army, and go to attack and kill them, then let's go right now, why wait until they get stronger then?"

"It���s not that easy," the guardian hurriedly said, "there is a catch here, not normal players can attack and kill them."

His words suddenly reminded me of something. "A mystic art user is required?! That's why the sacred lands are present? It's not a war against demons, it's to train us!"

"I can't disagree with that," the guardian replied, "but the details are much more complicated than this. But your guess is right, only the mystic art players can enter there and join the fight, and the more mystic art players you have, the higher your chances to kill them."

"Then let's ask for the mystic art society for help," I suggested while glancing over my master.

"Sigh, the mystic art society is now under another crisis of its own," my master shook his head, with a deep regret and sadness over his face.