Chapter 22 Just be brave!

There are woolen stamps, cloth stamps, candy stamps, industrial rolls, etc.

“Since it was given by your parents and brothers, you just save it. What do you want to spend it on?”

Jiang Guoan disapproved of his precious sister spending money indiscriminately, especially since the money was saved by her own.

“I’m not spending money randomly, I’m buying gifts for my family.”

Muttered something in his mouth, Jiang Li then stared at Jiang Guoan and said, "Brother, please leave me alone. Just do as I say. Buy three portions of braised pork and skip the big meat buns. Is that okay?"

Jiang Guoan: “Why do you want to buy three copies?”

“Let’s give one portion to our fourth brother and sister-in-law before we go home, and take the remaining two portions home. You know, our family has a large population, and one portion is not enough to eat. I’m afraid not even one person can get a piece.”

After listening to what Jiang Li said, Jiang Guoan remained silent for a long time with a straight face, then sighed: "I really don't know what to say to you!"

"Then don't say anything! Collect the money. After you buy it, wait for me in front of the state-owned hotel."

As he spoke, Jiang Li took out a small cloth bag containing two aluminum lunch boxes from the larger cloth bag in his hand: "Look, in order to buy braised pork, I even brought the lunch box with me."

Jiang Guoan: "Three-cent braised pork, even if you bring two lunch boxes, it's not enough!"

Jiang Li: "The two servings of braised pork brought to our family are packed in one lunch box. Isn't that good?"

The meals sold in state-owned restaurants in these days are generous in portions, but a portion of braised pork cannot fill an entire aluminum lunch box. To be more precise, half a lunch box is already pretty good.

After all, the capacity of aluminum lunch boxes is not small.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Guoan raised another objection: "I'm not worried about you entering a department store alone."

"What are you worried about? Brother, don't forget that you and I were born on the same day, same year, same month, and you are not stupid. If you say what you just said again, I will be sad, and I will think you treat me as a fool. !”

Jiang Li pursed his lips tightly, his expression full of grievances. When Jiang Guoan saw this, he felt extremely distressed for a moment and changed his words: "Okay, okay, I'll wait for you at the door of the state-owned hotel, but you have to ensure your own safety and never go with strangers."

“Promise to do it.”

Jiang Li smiled happily.

“Just be skinny!”

Jiang Guoan looked fondly and added: "Remember to put all the money and receipts, and don't let thieves find them."

“Don’t worry, brother, I’m careful!”

With that said, Jiang Li walked lightly with Jiang Guoan to the door of the department store. Then, she waved to Jiang Guoan: "Let's leave here and see you at the door of the state-owned hotel later."

As the music fell, Jiang Li stepped up the steps and entered the department store door.

She bought a pack of brown sugar and brown sugar for her family, and a pack of White Rabbit for her nephews, and then "smuggled" the pre-selected clothes and shoes into her cloth pocket through her consciousness.

Everything was done, and it took less than twenty minutes to leave the department store.

Jiang Li put the clothes in the gift bag directly in the system space and did not take them out. It was not because he didn't want to, but because he had no reasonable excuse.

"bought it?"

Seeing Jiang Li, Jiang Guoan walked over quickly with a cloth bag: "What have you bought? How can you fill the cloth bags full? And there are two, you..."

Glancing at the bulging cloth bag in Jiang Li's hand, Jiang Guoan frowned slightly: "Have you spent all the money you saved?"

“No, no, I met an aunt in a department store. As soon as she saw me, she said that I was a match for her. She heard that I wanted to buy some clothes for my family, and without saying a word, she took me to find her daughter.

There are also updates! !

(End of this chapter)