Chapter 59 Da Minghan (2)

He didn’t expect that after his death he would be able to go back to his childhood, before he and his sister Mingwei were abducted by kidnappers.

At that moment, he was so happy that it would be hard to describe it as crying with joy.

He had already thought about it. He wanted to protect his brother and sister, protect him when he was a child, and protect the new mother who loved the three brothers and sisters. He would no longer let the five-year-old him and his five-year-old sister be abducted by kidnappers in a department store. Repeat the fate of the previous life...

He didn't know where his sister Weiwei had gone through the hands of the kidnapper, but he remembered his past clearly. It was at the moment when he fell from the high scaffolding at the construction site that memories from his childhood appeared in his mind. Memories of being abducted.

It was very clear. Every picture in his memory and every person in the picture appeared clearly in his mind.

The kidnapping was done by using brightly colored toys to lure him and his sister.

At that time, he and his sister were standing next to his mother Jiang Li, waiting for her to buy them toys. As a result, he forgot his mother's instructions and held his sister's hand.

The kidnapper used a wooden gun and a rag doll as big as an adult's hand to coax him outside the department store door...Then, the kidnapper and her accomplices picked up him and his sister, covered their mouths with wet handkerchiefs, and soon they Get on a bus.

Before he lost consciousness, he didn’t even have time to shout...

When he woke up and didn't see his sister, he burst into tears. A man and a woman who called themselves his father and mother tried to make him happy and asked him to call them father and mother.

He didn't want to, and they weren't angry. They insisted on being nice to him, saying that he was their son, and now they were raising him. But when they got old and couldn't move, it was up to him to raise them, carry on their family lineage, and see them through the end of their lives.

Time passed day by day, and he couldn't wait for his father and new mother to save him. Slowly, his memory became blurry, but just when he was thinking about accepting the man and woman as his parents, they had their own child. , from then on, he never had a good life in that home.

As a young boy, his mother ordered him to wash clothes and cook; his father ordered him to herd cattle, sheep, and cut pig grass.

They refused to send him to school, saying he was a bastard. It would be nice to give him a bite to eat, but they would not waste money on him.

He was beaten, scolded, and had neither enough food nor clothing to keep him warm. This was how he lived in that home for almost ten years.

With the reform and opening up, people in the village went out to work, so he was kicked out to work to earn money to marry his brothers.

He was undoubtedly happy to be able to go out, because he vaguely remembered that he was not a child at home. He wanted to go out of the mountains and find his family while working outside.

But an accident happened... Not long after he was working at the construction site, a fellow countryman next to him, a boy about his age, missed his footing on the scaffolding and was about to fall. It was his quick eyesight and quick hands that caught him. Hold on.

As a result, the other party was rescued, but he fell from the scaffolding as high as five stories high.

That year, when he was still underage, his life... his life came to an end.

I thought it would be good to be freed like this, but unexpectedly, before I closed my eyes, memories from before I was abducted appeared in my mind.

What Minghan said to Xiao Minghan at this moment, Da Minghan's answer was sincere. He could also see it now. The mother Jiang Li at the moment... seemed to be different from the new mother Jiang Li in his memory.

The reason?

His new mother Jiang Li really doesn’t know how to cook. She looks like a fairy girl, but she doesn’t know how to cook anything. On weekdays, she either boils the rice or cooks it raw.

There are still updates. . .

(End of this chapter)