Chapter 904 Luo Yanqing’s godson


Luo Yanqing had no objection, but he didn't know how to change the law...because Luo Yanqing really didn't know how to get along with children.

After dinner, Jiang Guoan and Jiang Yiyang went to the kitchen to wash pots and dishes, while Jiang Li sat in the room of Mingrui and Minghan, checking the three brothers and sisters' letters of apology word for word.

Mingrui’s is no problem.

The attitude of acknowledging the mistake is profound, and the person promises not to make the same mistake again. The format of the self-examination letter is also perfect.

Mingwei's was equally good, except for two typos. She had already taken the self-reflection letter that Jiang Li had made wrong and went back to her room to correct the mistakes and write them ten times each.

As for Minghan, he stood in front of Jiang Li politely, not daring to express his anger, waiting for his mother to comment on his review.

"Professor Luo, please listen to this confession written by your Luo Minghan." Clearing his throat, Jiang Li glanced at the man sitting beside the bed, and then read Minghan's confession: "Dear mother: I am pregnant I write this statement of apology to you with great regret and guilt, in order to express to you my deep understanding of the wrong behavior of playing in the snow for a long time and my determination to correct my mistakes.

When I picked up the pen to write a self-reflection, I really realized how naughty I was and how little I took my mother's words to heart... Through the punishment that my mother gave me today, I felt my mother's good intentions from the bottom of my heart. I feel guilty twice, ten thousand times,

I am very grateful to my mother for giving me this education, because this is my mother's love. I will always remember it and promise not to make the same mistake again! Please mom, please believe that I can learn my lesson..."

After reading Minghan's letter of apology, Jiang Li smiled: "He is sincere and has a profound attitude of admitting his mistakes. He also wrote about a hundred words more than I asked. There is nothing wrong with the format of the letter of apology, but..."

Minghan's heart almost rose to his throat. He looked straight at his mother and asked with a little fear, "Mom, what is that?"

“There are six typos in total, they are…”

By the time Jiang Li's voice fell, Minghan had turned into a frost-beaten eggplant. He lowered his head, stretched out his hands to take the apology letter with typos written by Jiang Li, and said wiltedly: "I will correct the typos, and then write ten letters each." all over."

“Don’t do it half-heartedly, otherwise, if I make a mistake again after checking, then after you correct the wrong word, you will have to write ten more times on top of the original ten times!”

Jiang Li suppressed a smile and looked at the little guy.

Minghan: "I will write carefully one stroke at a time." Jiang Li gave up his position: "Sit down, there is still some time before going to bed, you write slowly."

Looking towards Mingrui, Jiang Li ordered: "Rui Rui will supervise and guide. When Hanhan finishes writing, you will review it first. If Hanhan is correct, you can go to bed after soaking your feet. Otherwise, you and I will go to bed." Hanhan corrected his wrong words together and wrote them twenty times."

Needless to say, Jiang Li is cultivating Mingrui’s sense of responsibility.

Mingrui nodded: "I have no objection."

Luo Yanqing stood up and stared at Minghan: "Why are there six wrong words?"

Minghan: “Some of them I remembered wrongly, and some of them I didn’t look up correctly in the dictionary.”

Luo Yanqing: “Why do I remember and check wrongly?”

Jiang Li was standing nearby, but she didn't interrupt.

The reason?

One of the two parents is educating the child, and the other is best not to interfere. Otherwise, it is easy to cause the child to have two sides, and it will be disrespectful to the parent who educates the child.

Minghan: “I didn’t listen carefully to the teacher’s lectures, and I was careless when looking up the dictionary.”

Luo Yanqing: “What should we do in the future?”

Minghan: “Listen carefully to the lecture, and when you encounter a word you don’t know, look it up in the dictionary carefully.”

(End of this chapter)