Chapter 1233: I'll give you a chance to change your mind

Chapter 1233 I’ll give you a chance to change your story

"Daughter-in-law, why am I not motivated? As for our work, can one person complete it independently? It requires every researcher in the team to work together to complete it. Okay, if you don't understand, just stop saying a few words. I want to It’s time to rest, now I have to go back to work again, so let me have a good rest.”

As the music fell, He Wei closed his eyes and pretended to have fallen asleep, so as not to be pulled up by his wife and continue to talk.

“Teacher Wen is also strange. What did he think at the beginning that he had to divorce a woman as good as Song Ning and marry a troublemaker like Xiao Su?”

Although He Wei kept his eyes closed and pretended to be asleep, he listened to Qin Fang's words word for word, and thought to himself: What else can he think, other than that he just wants a son!

He Wei naturally couldn't say this, otherwise Qin Fang would have to say a lot of things.

For example, she expressed a series of views on “preferring boys over girls”.


"let go."

Wen Siyuan wanted to retrieve his bedroll from the cabinet, but Suman blocked him in front of the cabinet without moving a step away. Her eyes were red and swollen, and her expression was stubborn: "You have to go to work again soon, and you must sleep in the master bedroom tonight." ”

Speaking of which, the reason why the two had a quarrel tonight, and even Suman burst into tears, was because Suman couldn't bear that Wen Siyuan had not slept with her for the past two or three years.

But in addition, there is another reason, that is, Xu Wei completely cut off the relationship with Suman years ago and married a female college student in her early twenties as his wife.

Suman should have been happy originally. After all, after she unexpectedly became pregnant with Xu Wei’s child and had to go to the hospital for surgery to remove it, she wanted to cut off all contact with him.

But at that time, Xu Wei threatened her with the affairs between the two, causing her to maintain a shady relationship with him against her will.

Although she was forced, they had been together for a long time, and Xu Wei was indeed a good man in business. She followed him to learn a little bit, and made a lot of money in the past two or three years. As a result, she couldn't help but feel something in her heart. The shadow of the other party.

What's more, her husband, her husband in the legal sense, has not slept with her for two or three years. Apart from those days and nights when she was busy with work and had no holidays, Wen Siyuan, her husband went home on vacation, let alone having **** with her. She shared a bed with her, but even when they met, they didn't bother to speak, and they didn't even look at her.

Treat her completely as air, as a stranger living under the same roof.

As a woman, she is flesh and blood, not just a piece of wood. She needs affection, so even though she knows that Xu Weifei treats her sincerely, she still feels a bit dependent on her uncontrollably.

Thinking that she still occupies the position of Wen Siyuan's wife, and Xu Wei secretly provides emotional comfort, there is actually nothing wrong with living like this.

As long as she is careful and doesn't get caught, there is no need to worry.

Unexpectedly, just when she thought she was in love, Xu Wei suddenly wanted to marry a female college student without any regard for his past feelings and wanted to end their relationship with her.

Thinking of this, Suman couldn't help but feel pain in her heart. She lowered her eyes to avoid Wen Siyuan noticing that she was strange, but her heart still felt painful.

Especially when she recalled what Xu Wei said to her at the end: "This is five thousand yuan. You'd better listen to me. From now on, just pretend you don't know me when you see me. Otherwise, don't blame me for sending you those photos of yours." husband."

The photo was taken by Xu Wei while she was sleeping. Once one of the photos was exposed, she would be too embarrassed to continue being a human being, and even if she took her own life, the damage left to her son Pengpeng would be indelible.

“I feel sick just looking at you. Do you think I’d sleep in the same bed with you?”

With an indifferent look on his face, Wen Siyuan stared at Suman expressionlessly for a long time, and then said, "You should be grateful that Wen Peng is still young, otherwise, our marriage wouldn't have been delayed until now."

Containing her emotions, Suman raised her eyes to meet Wen Siyuan's cold, emotionless gaze. Tears fell from her eyes, and she said sadly: "The law gives prisoners a chance to correct their mistakes, even if I did something wrong before. "Isn't it enough that you have punished me in the past two or three years? Do you need to torture me like this all the time?"

Her words were accusatory and pleading: "I am your wife, and my marriage to you is protected by law. You should fulfill the responsibilities and obligations of a husband to me, and I just want to have a normal relationship with you." Husband and wife, I want to give you more children, is this not possible? "

"Suman, please show some respect. In addition, as far as what you have done, if you want to have children, some people will have children with you, but this person will definitely not be me!"

With that said, Wen Siyuan stepped forward, pulled Suman away, took out his bedroll from the cabinet, and walked out the door.

Suman saw this and grabbed the bedroll, but Wen Siyuan quickly dodged it.

"You can be crazy in this bedroom as you please, but if you dare to be crazy in front of me again, don't blame me for doing anything to you!"

With his voice lowered, Wen Siyuan's eyes were sharp, he gritted his teeth and uttered a sentence, and then he went to the study with his bedroll.

Suman collapsed on the ground, covering his face and sobbing.

How should she live in the future?

The husband is not the husband. That **** Xu Wei holds those photos of her in his hands. Even if she is not short of money now, what's the use?

A marriage that existed in name only. Her son saw that she was more alienated than close to her, and her three stepdaughters did not treat her as an elder. Should she continue to hold on to her title as Wen Siyuan's wife?

The marriage was planned, but she lived a miserable life. On the other hand, her sister Su Qing... lost her marriage to Wen Siyuan and went to the countryside to marry a rural man. They still turned around and the couple were admitted to Beicheng University. They have all graduated from a good university, and they don’t know which one to go to. They were not assigned to work back in their hometown city, but they both stayed in Beicheng.

The more she cried, the sadder she became. The sadder she became, the more she couldn’t help but think and resent. However, Suman refused to look for problems within herself. As always, she felt that everyone else was against her and I felt sorry for her!

The moonlight was cold and cold. On one side, Suman cried bitterly that fate was unfair to her. On the other side, Jiang Li and Luo Yanqing were hugging each other and lying on the bed. The relationship between the couple should not be too good.

“Tomorrow, Wednesday and Friday, you have to go back to work after teaching the students in the afternoon. Time flies so fast.”

“I can get up early on Saturday and leave.”

“Are you running out of time?”

“It’s okay. There are not many vehicles driving on the road early in the morning, and there are not many pedestrians walking around. If you drive faster, you can get there in a little more than half the usual time.”

“Then I’d rather you get up twenty or thirty minutes earlier.”

Driving too fast can easily lead to accidents, and she doesn’t want a man to take his own life for granted.

Luo Yanqing understood what Jiang Li meant. His eyebrows were gentle and he whispered: "Okay, I will listen to you. I will get up half an hour earlier than usual."

“I’ll take you there, and don’t ask anyone to drive over to pick you up.”

"Need not."

“Why? Shouldn’t you be happy that I’m driving you?”

Looking up, Jiang Li pinched the man's nose: "I'll give you a chance to change your words."

Luo Yanqing clasped her hand in his palm and said with a smile: "I don't want you to have a hard time. Besides, you must not have enough sleep to get up so early. I feel bad for you."

“I don’t have classes on Saturday, so I can catch up on some sleep when I come back.”

Jiang Li insisted. She didn't hear the man speak, so she couldn't help but speak again: "Don't you think about it, when you get up twenty or thirty minutes early, the driver who picks you up has to get up even earlier? It would be okay if he lives in our compound. , living outside..."

Luo Yan said with a smile and helplessness, he interrupted Jiang Li: "Xiao Wang lives in our compound."

Hearing this, Jiang Li was startled for a moment, and then said "Oh".

Caressing her cheek, Luo Yanqing said softly: "That is Xiao Wang's job. If you want to see Xiao Wang criticized by our leaders and losing his bonus at the same time, just pretend that I didn't say anything."

“Okay, okay, I take back what I said before.”

These days, one person's salary is enough to support a large family, so even a penny is still money. After all, a pound of radish is only one penny, and a fried dough stick or a sesame pancake is only three cents. Therefore, in everyone's mind, money is really valuable, and they can't wait to break a penny in half and spend it.

Jiang Li has already integrated into this era and knows that it is not easy for everyone. Based on this, she will not argue with Luo Yanqing anymore.

Besides, she knew in her heart that the man actually felt sorry for her more. He didn't want her to get up early and toss on the road, and wanted her to lie down in the warm bed and sleep more.


Kissing Jiang Li's forehead, Luo Yan's clear ink-stained eyes were filled with smiles.


Pinching the soft flesh of the man's waist, Jiang Li sneered: "Don't think of me as a little dumpling like Luo Mingting and the others." Hearing this, Luo Yanqing chuckled: "You are my baby."

“Are you done?”

Jiang Li snorted.

“Okay, you are Li Bao, that’s it, right?”

“Professor Luo, just be your cold and ascetic male god, I like you better!”

“I can’t get cold in front of you.”

"very eloquent."

Jiang Li was so pleased by the man's words that she couldn't help but laugh out loud, but in an instant she cleared her throat again and said seriously: "What should I do? I really like how you are aloof and don't let strangers in! You look like that It feels so charming to me!”

“That’s it…”

Luo Yanqing didn't say anything for a long time.

“No more?”

Jiang Li asked.

“Well, no more.”

The corners of Luo Yanqing's mouth curved slightly, and a smile filled her eyes: "Good boy, go to sleep. You have to go back to school tomorrow morning. If you get up late, Luo Mingting and the others will be late for kindergarten."

“I’ll just say a few more words and then I’ll go to sleep.”

Jiang Li was lying on her back with her pillow on the man's arm. She said, "Comrade Wen wasn't distracted at work because of things at home?"

“Of course there have been times, but so far nothing has gone wrong.”

Luo Yanqing has never thought of asking about the private affairs of Wen Siyuan's family, but the prerequisite is that it does not affect his work. Otherwise, he will not simply talk to the other party, but directly suggest changing his job.

A grown man who can’t even handle family matters well will have to hinder his work sooner or later!

“You said that someone is so full and exhausted that she can’t live a good life but has to struggle with her own man. What’s wrong with her?”

Is it really just because he is jealous of her that he makes such a fuss?

Jiang Li once heard something on the phone with Mrs. Jiang, saying that Wen Siyuan once bluntly said that Suman was jealous of her, and the couple quarreled, always dragging her, an innocent person, into the conflicts between their husband and wife.

But in Jiang Li's view, Suman was simply out of her mind and stuck in a corner. She didn't know how to live a good life at home or improve herself in all aspects. She had to compare herself with her, so her rational thinking was swallowed up by jealousy, and she made every step wrong. wrong.


She is just a crazy woman. Luo Yanqing doesn't want his little girl to get upset because of such a person, so he doesn't want to mention Suman in front of Jiang Li at all.

“Okay, let’s go to bed, good night.”

 Covering his mouth and yawning, Jiang Li rested his head on his pillow, closed his eyes and prepared to fall asleep.

“No more pillows?”

Hands were vacated, Luo Yanqing asked with a smile.

“I’ll sleep with you all night and you’ll feel uncomfortable.”

Jiang Li said in a daze. Hearing this, Luo Yanqing smiled and said good night softly.

Today is Wednesday, and Jiang Li’s class is in the afternoon.

It was approaching four o'clock, and there was less than two minutes until the kindergarten was over. Luo Yanqing was lined up behind the parents of Class 1 (1), waiting for the kindergarten door to open.

As time passed, there was a "clang" sound, and the small door on the iron gate of the kindergarten slowly opened inward. However, the parents in line did not rush forward. They watched the teacher leading a group of children to the door and shouted He called the child's name, and then looked at the parent who was picking up the child. When he saw that it was a familiar face, he sent the child whose name was called to the parent through the small door. The three dumplings are like pets in the kindergarten. Both teachers and children love the three dumplings. They think the three dumplings are not only very good-looking, but also very smart, sensible, clean, and get along well with the children. Don’t cry and fight for toys with children.

Speaking of which, it is true that the three dumplings are good-looking, smart and sensible, but crying and fighting for toys with children, in the eyes of the three dumplings, is childish and cannot be done by them.

Furthermore, the three dumplings have no shortage of toys. They even think that the toys in the kindergarten are very childish and boring to play with, so when the teacher distributes toys, they don't fight or grab them.

But when playing on the slide and seesaw, the three dumplings were very participatory and would line up to play according to the teacher's instructions.

When the time comes, I won’t stay away.


Seeing Luo Yanqing, the three dumplings were released by the teacher. As soon as they left the kindergarten, the three dumplings walked toward Luo Yanqing with their short legs.

Knowing that he is the elder brother, Tuanzi holds the glutinous rice **** in his left hand and Guoguo in his right hand to ensure the safety of his younger siblings.


Luo Yanqing nodded, in response to the three dumplings.

“Goodbye Luo Mingting and Luo Mingchen!”

“Goodbye Luo Mingxi!”

“Luo Mingting! I’ll bring you chocolates to eat tomorrow!”

“Luo Mingchen, my mother bought me a nice rag doll yesterday. I’ll take it to the kindergarten tomorrow and let’s play together!”

"Mom, let go. I want to say goodbye to Luo Mingxi. Please let me go quickly, or Luo Mingxi will go home with her father!"

These sounds were all made by the children from the primary (1) class who came out of the kindergarten. They reluctantly said goodbye to the three dumplings one by one, not wanting to be taken away in a hurry by their parents.

Out of the friendliness between children, the three dumplings naturally responded politely.

It wasn’t until Luo Yanqing put the three children on the walking safety ropes that the children who said goodbye to the three children reluctantly followed their parents home.

There is no doubt that the baby-walking safety rope, the magic tool for baby-walking, was also made by Jiang Li. Similarly, it was made in a special factory by Jiang Boya, and was taken home for the three dumplings to prevent the family from carrying it with them. Three children went out and were accidentally taken away by a kidnapper.

Three in a row, Luo Yanqing walked behind, and the three dumplings walked in front. The four of them walked on the sidewalk like a beautiful landscape, and all the passers-by looked at them with concern.

However, the four of them, Luo Yanqing and Master, were already used to the strangeness. They didn't care about those looks and walked forward naturally.

To be honest, one big and three little ones completely explain what it means to be the most beautiful cub.

After entering Shuimu University, Luo Yanqing asked the three: "Dad is going to pick up mom, do you have any objections?"


Guoguo was the first to express his stance.

“Go and pick up mom.”

Tang Yuan looked cheerful.

“Won’t you disturb mom’s class?”

Tuanzi asked Luo Minghan.

“By the time we get there, your mother will be out of class in less than two or three minutes.”

Hearing what Luo Yanqing said, Tuanzi nodded his head: "Then go."

Little did they know that his father wanted to take his brothers and sisters to pick up their mother, in order to use the three of them to announce to the outside world that their mother was married and that she was a mother.

Luo Yanqing looked at the backs of the three short winter melons that Tuanzi was walking forward. He slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and a glimmer of light passed through his eyes.

“What do you think is going on outside?”

“Don’t be distracted and listen carefully to the lecture.”

“Isn’t the get out of class about to end? Look quickly, those people outside the window who came to class have turned their eyes to one side.”

“…Indeed, could it be that Professor Luo came to pick up our Professor Jiang again?”

“You don’t really believe it, do you?”


“Professor Luo and Professor Jiang are a couple?”

“Didn’t you see on Monday? Even if they are not a couple, they are definitely a couple in love.”

The speakers were two female classmates sitting at the back. Their voices were very low, but Jiang Li still noticed them. However, Jiang Li was summarizing the knowledge points of the class, so he did not criticize them by name.

In addition, Jiang Li also knew what was going on outside the classroom, and saw Luo Yanqing waiting for her under the old tree with three dumplings.

The bell rang for the end of get out of class, and Jiang Li just finished it, but before she left the podium, she still mentioned: "I hope the students will not be distracted until the end of get out of class."

“Is Professor Jiang talking about us?”

“What do you think?”

“Just tell me it must be.”

“You’re just lucky that Teacher Jiang didn’t mention our names, otherwise, everyone’s attention would definitely be focused on us.”

The two female classmates who were whispering looked at each other and shrank their necks in unison. At this moment, they, as well as other students inside and outside the classroom, heard three soft and waxy little sounds calling "Mom".


A child calls mom?

In an instant, the students in the classroom either rushed to the door or the windows, or stood on tiptoes and stretched their necks to look outside the classroom.

Guoguo: "Mom, dad brought us here and you picked us up!"

Jiang Li: "That's great. Mom is very happy to see the baby and daddy!"

Tangyuan: “Mom, did you miss glutinous rice **** today?”

"Want it so so much!"

Jiang Li responded to his son's glutinous rice **** with a smile.

“Mom, I missed you in kindergarten.”

Tuanzi raised his little head and looked at Jiang Li. Hearing his little milky voice, Jiang Li knelt down and hugged Tuanzi: "Mom misses my Tuanzi too."

“Mom, give me a hug.”

Come over with the glutinous rice balls.

“Okay, mom, give me a hug.”

Giving Tang Yuan a loving hug, Jiang Li hugged his little daughter again, then straightened up and looked at Luo Yanqing. She smiled, winked her beautiful eyes playfully and said, "Thank you for your hard work, daddy!"

Luo Yanqing's eyebrows were soft, she shook her head lightly, and casually took the textbook and lesson plan from her hand: "Let's go."


Jiang Li nodded. She walked beside Luo Yanqing and said to the three dumplings: "Go home."

The next moment, Tuanzi held the hands of his younger brother Tangyuan and his younger sister Guoguo respectively. The three little pods walked forward with their short legs to lead their parents, and gradually walked away.

“It’s amazing! Among the three little milk babies, the two male babies are completely miniature versions of Professor Luo, and the female baby is a miniature version of our Professor Jiang. I’m so envious of Professor Jiang and Professor Luo!”

“It turns out that Professor Luo and Professor Jiang are really a couple. It turns out that they even have a child!”

“I hear a lot of heartbreak.”

“Well, I heard it too.”

“Professor Luo looked at Teacher Jiang, he looked like he was doting on Teacher Jiang.”

“Isn’t Teacher Jiang worthy of being held in the palm of Professor Luo’s hand and pampered?”

“It’s worth it, I just think Professor Luo’s eyes when looking at Teacher Jiang are too gentle, not at all like the impression he usually gives people.”

“It really doesn’t look like him. When I first look at Professor Luo, I feel that he is very cold and difficult to get close to.”

“Why are you approaching Professor Luo? Professor Luo won’t teach for us, or do you have some ulterior thoughts about Professor Luo?”

"Go, go, what are you talking nonsense?! I can't even compare to Teacher Jiang's hair. Even if I have any thoughts about Professor Luo, do you think Professor Luo can see someone like me? Really, don't be blind if you have nothing to do. Spread rumors, otherwise, be careful, sister, I’ll tickle you!”

"Ha ha!"

Jiang Li couldn't hear the discussion of the students behind her. Well, even if she heard it, she wouldn't care. She said jokingly: "Are you satisfied?"

Luo Yanqing pretended to be confused, pretending to understand: "Huh?"

“That’s not necessary!”

Jiang Lixiao.

Luo Yanqing still had an innocent face: "What?"

“Soon, the whole campus will know that we are a couple. Are you happy to know that there are two smaller versions of you and a smaller version of me in our family?”

With a smile on his face, Jiang Li took a quick step, turned around, faced the man, and then laughed out loud: "Look, look, don't make the curve of the corners of your mouth too obvious!"

“Okay, I’m glad you were careful not to fall down like this.”

As he spoke, Luo Yanqing grabbed one of Jiang Li's hands and motioned her to turn her body upright and stop walking backwards.

Jiang Li smiled and found that the three dumplings were still moving forward and did not notice her actions just now. He was secretly relieved and whispered to Luo Yanqing: "The three little ones didn't see it."

Luo Yanqing shook her head in a funny and helpless way, and then said: "When I get back to work, you can let dad live here, so that you don't have to get up early and send Luo Mingting and the others to kindergarten."

"Actually, I wanted to transfer Ruirui and the others to another school so that their parents could live here, but considering that the middle school Ruirui and the others attended was also a key school, and it would take some time to adapt to the transfer, I put it aside for the time being. Intend."

Then catch the insects. . .

(End of this chapter)