Chapter 1237 Who is more green tea?

In response to Feng Wei's questions, Han Bin opened his mouth and wanted to explain, but he didn't know where to start.

The shower in the master bedroom was broken and needed to be replaced with new parts. He was not vague at all. He asked the maintenance man to help order it. It would take half a month. He didn't think much about it. He just thought that the parts would be replaced as soon as they arrived.

There is another bathroom in the house, which is on the second floor, not far from the master bedroom. It is very convenient to use, so he didn't think much about it.

As for whether Han Qian was hostile to Feng Lu and the child in Feng Lu's belly, Han Bin thought carefully about it and felt that after the heavy rain two months ago, her daughter Han Qian was ill and thought about it. The relationship has improved visibly,

And every day when he came back from school, he would greet the little brother in Feng Lu's belly. There was no sign of any dissatisfaction with Feng Lu or the little brother in Feng Lu's belly.

As for Han Qian's temperament, the little girl's temperament was originally a bit indulgent, but to say that she had a vicious mind, Han Bin felt that this was absolutely impossible.

What happened today hit him hard in the face.

Han Qian, his daughter, who he thought was pretty good apart from being pampered and who had completely changed into a good-natured girl in the past two months, was actually lying to him and acting for his father.

Han Bin covered his face with his hands, held it in for a long time, and said in a low voice: "It's my fault for not seeing what Sissi was thinking earlier!"

“Is it useful now that you know you’re wrong?”

Feng Wei pressed his temples irritably: "My old man is not a vegetarian either. If you and I can't give my family a satisfactory explanation for this matter, your daughter will be sent to a juvenile detention center without any room for change!"

Time passed quickly. As evening approached, Han's father went to Feng's house to find Mr. Feng. The two sat face to face in Mr. Feng's study, discussing what Han Qian had done to Feng Lu today.

It wasn’t until about 8:30 pm that Mr. Feng’s study door opened.

After seeing Father Han off, Fang Su poured a glass of water for Mr. Feng in the living room and asked casually: "Why did Han Wenyong come to see you?"

Han Wenyong is Han’s father’s name.

“Official business.”

Mr. Feng glanced at Fang Su, not intending to tell him about Feng Lu, lest Fang Su start talking about something.

Furthermore, it is not a good thing that Feng Lu had a miscarriage and had her uterus removed. If one less person knew about it, there would be less right and wrong.

In fact, to be honest, Mr. Feng was afraid that if he got started, he would reveal in front of Fang Su that Feng Lu cheated on Han Bin during his marriage to Luo Yanqing and gave birth to a child in the name of Luo Yanqing. Han Bin’s child.

This is a scandal. I thought only Feng Lu, him, and his eldest son Feng Wei knew about it. Well, at most, Han Bin was also included. But who knew that Han Wenyong and his wife also knew about it.

Or to put it this way, Han Wenyong used this scandal to discuss the mistakes made by his granddaughter Han Qian.

In Han Wenyong's view, once the scandals that Han Bin and Feng Lu did were exposed, it would be nothing more than a fling for Han Bin. But Feng Lu was a woman. What was particularly important was that Feng Lu would not only be a married woman, but even He took the initiative to throw himself into Han Bin's arms.

Anyway, the exposure of the matter will not have a greater impact on Han Bin than Feng Lu.

If the Feng family is obsessed with today's events and has to send Han Qian to a juvenile detention center, then the Han family won't mind making public what happened between Feng Lu and Han Bin in their early years...

Of course, if the Feng family can turn big things into trivial matters, the Han family will not only recognize Feng Lu as their daughter-in-law forever. In other words, Han Bin will never divorce Feng Lu in this life, and will also allow Feng Lu to adopt a child in the orphanage, and When this child grows up, he will inherit everything from Han Bin.

To sum it up in one sentence, Han Bin’s family property will belong to the child adopted by Feng Lu, and when Han Qian gets married when she reaches adulthood, there will be nothing except a dowry.

In order to show his sincerity, Han's father proposed to conceal Feng Lu's miscarriage to a certain extent. He suggested that Feng Lu be discharged from the hospital in a few days and Feng Lu live directly in the Feng family. When Feng Lu's original due date came, the Feng family secretly went to the orphanage to help Feng Lu. Adopt a newborn baby.

The reason for this suggestion is also for Feng Lu's consideration, so that the outside world will think that the child is Feng Lu's, so as to avoid more troubles in the future.

Mr. Feng was very angry at Father Han's shamelessness at first, but when he thought about what Luo Yanqing had said to him and considered Minghan Mingwei's future, he finally replied to Father Han and said that he would consider it.

There was no immediate reply.

A week later, Feng Lu was admitted to the hospital.

Feng Wei personally drove to the hospital to pick up the patient, and drove the car all the way into Feng's courtyard to prevent acquaintances in the courtyard from seeing Feng Lu, which led to the fact that Feng Lu had faked his death more than ten years ago. Another accidental mistake revealed Feng Lu's current condition. The family then brings out everything.

“Why did the old man and the old lady of the Han family come up with this suggestion?”

After returning to Feng's house for half a month, Feng Lu had a gloomy face, which made everyone in his family look bad. Since Feng Lu was going to stay at Feng's house until she gave birth, Mr. Feng thought about it and picked Feng Lu up in Feng Wei. Before leaving the hospital, Fang Su was informed about Feng Lu's miscarriage and hysterectomy.

After all, Feng Lu still needs Fang Su to take care of her during her confinement period.

However, Mr. Feng still kept Fang Su secret about Minghan and Mingwei's life experience.

At about nine o'clock in the evening, Mr. Feng and Feng Wei came to Feng Lu's room.

To avoid being heard by other people in the family, Feng Wei closed the door.

"Why? Your parents-in-law are still worried that you can't think about it, so they thought that our family would help you adopt a child in the orphanage, so that you won't feel that you have no one to rely on in the future."

Mr. Feng cut out part of what Han's father said to him that day and said it in front of Feng Lu. Unexpectedly, Feng Lu didn't believe in the good intentions of the Han family at all, and his mood fluctuated greatly.

"Is my fall in the bathroom related to that **** girl Han Qian? The Han family came to you and gave you the advice you just told me in order to shut my mouth?"

Although it was a question, Feng Lu already had the answer in his mind.

To be more precise, when Feng Lu woke up after the operation, she unexpectedly learned that the child in her belly was gone. The moment she learned that her uterus had been removed, she already thought that her fall in the bathroom was not an accident, but that she was most likely harmed by Han Qian. of.

Just because Han Qian's temperament was very different when she woke up after being caught in a heavy rain and fell ill after running out of the house, Feng Lu felt that Han Qian was strange and was wary of Han Qian.

Looking at Han Qian pretending to be good in front of her.

Yes, Feng Lu felt from that moment that Han Qian was pretending to be nice and deliberately trying to get close to her. In order to find out what kind of medicine Han Qian was selling in her gourd, she naturally cooperated with Han Qian in acting.

So in the eyes of Li Ma and Han Bin, the two got along very well.

But Feng Lu never expected that Han Qian, who pretended to be good and please her in front of her, would resort to such big tricks behind her.

She hated Han Qian, but she hated herself even more. She was obviously on guard, but why didn't she expect that Han Qian would use such vicious means to deal with her?

Human lives, Han Qian’s methods are related to human lives. One mistake may cost two lives.

How could a little girl do this?

This was not the first time Feng Lu took a bath in the public bathroom on the second floor. She knew what it felt like to step on the floor tiles, but that day she turned on the shower and soon felt her feet slipping, and then...then... Fell to the ground.

Is this an accident?

No, when Feng Lu thinks about it now, she feels more and more that it was not an accident. She feels that it probably had something to do with Han Qian. Especially after listening to what Mr. Feng said, she is even more certain that it was Han Qian who caused her to lose her child and almost even herself. His life is at stake.

Thinking of this, Feng Lu gathered her thoughts and stared at Mr. Feng like an evil ghost: "Why don't you speak? Why don't you speak? You are my father, and I lost the child in my belly because of that little **** of the Han family. , so bad that I can no longer be a mother, why don’t you help me seek justice and send that little **** to the police?”

“Feng Lu! What’s the matter with you yelling at dad?”

Feng Wei frowned and looked at Feng Lu with a sullen face: "If the Han family hadn't known about the scandal you had done before, would Dad have been able to let the little girl of the Han family live freely, and could he have held his breath and accepted the advice of the Han family?"

Feng Lu was stunned. After a moment, she smiled, but her smile looked a little nervous: "Scandal matter? Do you mean the life experience of Luo Minghan and Luo Mingwei? But can a slap make a sound? That matter to me It’s an scandal, but isn’t it an scandal to Han Bin?”

"Han Bin is a man, and it was just regarded as a romantic affair. What about you? You were a married woman at the time, but you were fooling around with Han Bin behind your husband's back. How can this be the same?"

And don’t forget who raised those two children. Don’t forget that Comrade Luo came to find our father. If the life experience of those two children is revealed, the Han family may hold their noses and admit it, but what are you going to do? Explain to Comrade Luo?

Think about it for yourself. Comrade Luo and his wife care about those two children. Once your actions cause harm to these two children, sending you to the countryside or the Gobi Desert is just a matter of Comrade Luo's words. . "

After a slight pause, Feng Wei added: "As for Han Bin's daughter, although she is wrong, the child is not an adult after all. She will be detained in a juvenile detention center for one or two years at most. After she is released, she will still be Han Bin's daughter and live the same life. Good day for her.”

Feng Lu lowered his eyelids and said in a slightly weird tone: "I understand, what you mean is that if I don't accept the Han family's suggestion, and the big thing turns into a trivial matter, not only will I be spit on, but I will also go to the Gobi Desert. Working on the beach, blowing sand all year round, in the end, I want to lose my reputation, lose my freedom, and eventually become a wretch, right?”

Hearing this, Feng Wei said casually: "It's good that you know."

“Okay, I won’t pursue that little **** anymore!”

Raised his head, Feng Lu had a smile on his face. This smile was just weird in the eyes of Feng Wei and Mr. Feng. Before they could say anything, Feng Lu tucked the broken hair on his forehead behind his ears and said lightly:

"I accidentally fell down in the bathroom. This has nothing to do with anyone. However, I will not adopt a child, so as not to have to worry about the little kid eating, drinking and defecating all day long. I will not do such a thankless thing. Do it.”

Seeing that Mr. Feng and the two looked suspicious, Feng Lu put away her smile and said, "Luo Mingrui and his sister were all born to me. Even if I haven't raised them for a day, they will have the obligation to support me when I grow old. Since I don’t need children to support me and die, why should I adopt a wild child?”

Feng Wei asked: “Do you really think so?”

“Yes, I want to think about it. I’ve been through **** for a while, what else can’t I think about?”

No, she can't think about anything. She, Feng Lu, is not a soft persimmon. She is left to others to control. She must have revenge and complaints, but now she can only keep everything in her heart.

That little **** is very good at pretending, very good, she can do it too, isn't she just pretending to be generous and a good stepmother? She can do it, and she must do it!

It can be said that Feng Lu at this moment has evolved into Feng Niu Colu Lu!

“Are you sure you don’t want to adopt a child?”

Mr. Feng asked Feng Lu.

“Do I need it?”

Feng Lu leaned on the head of the bed, with no trace of anger on her face.

"…Based on what I know about your parents-in-law, no matter how much trouble you make, they will never recognize those two children, and Comrade Luo will not allow you to mess around. Do you understand that?"

Father Han went to Mr. Feng to talk about Minghan and Mingwei’s life experience, and used Minghan Mingwei to suppress Mr. Feng. To be honest, Mr. Feng didn’t believe that Mr. Han would really do this, and he didn’t care about Mr. Han’s suppression.


Luo Yanqing’s identity is not simple.

Mr. Feng is afraid, and it is impossible for Mr. Han not to be without it.

One is a daughter cuckolding someone else, and the other is a son cuckolding someone else. There is no difference between the two.

Moreover, Luo Yanqing has been secretly raising a child for the two of them for more than ten years. If the Han family is allowed to pick peaches now, will it completely stamp Luo Yanqing's face on the ground?

If you don’t tell me what will happen to Luo Yanqing, can the higher-ups agree? How could Mr. Feng be fooled by Han's father if he had some calculations in his mind? He simply spoke his true feelings in front of Feng Lu. He looked directly at Feng Lu with a solemn expression, not ignoring any subtle changes in her expression.

However, Feng Luzhen acted very calmly: "I understand, the reason why the Han family doesn't admit it is because they don't want Han Bin and the entire Han family to be gossiped about. Luo Yanqing doesn't allow it because he is worried that Luo Minghan and Luo Mingwei will be harmed. I'm very sad in my heart." clear."

Mr. Feng was silent for a moment and then said: "In that case, I will let your eldest brother have a good talk with Han Bin. Even if he will not recognize the two children, his blood is flowing in their bodies. Looking back a hundred years, his name will be Most of what I bought must be reserved for you and the two children, and you can’t take advantage of others for nothing. "

“You and my elder brother can decide what to do, I have no objection.”

When the little **** is gone, whose hands the things in Han Bin's name will fall into depends on her mood.

Sometimes you can’t change your plans, but for now, that’s something to talk about.

Leaving Feng Lu's room, Feng Wei followed Mr. Feng to the study.

“Do you think Lulu’s words are credible?”

The two men sat down in the study, and Mr. Feng asked Feng Wei.

"I can't say for sure, but now I can only choose to believe it. Otherwise, what can dad do to that girl?"

Feng Wei pressed his temples: "I'm really scared of being tortured by Lulu. If something happens to her again, she should be sent to a nursing home!"

Mr. Feng remained silent.

“She wants to work, I will ask someone to arrange it in the near future.”

Hearing what Feng Wei said, Mr. Feng shook his head: "You don't need to make arrangements. I will have to retire by this winter. Let me make the arrangements."

That's right, Feng Lu plans to go to work normally.

According to her expertise, she will undoubtedly go to the hospital, and to the pharmacy department.

This is what Feng Lu proposed before Mr. Feng and Feng Wei left her room.

“Dad, why don’t you let the Han family make arrangements?”

Feng Wei suddenly suggested: "Although we have a relationship, this favor will become less and less the more we use it. Since the Han family owes Lulu, the Han family should arrange work for Lulu."

Mr. Feng: “Let’s do it!”

As mid-August approached, Feng Lu was driven back to the Han family's small foreign building by Feng Wei. She walked into the living room wearing a red dress as if nothing had happened.

“Sissi is at home. Auntie thought you went to your grandparents’ place to spend the summer vacation.”

When she heard Feng Lu's voice, Han Qian froze involuntarily, but she quickly adjusted herself, got up from the sofa, and gave Feng Lu a sweet smile: "Aunt Feng, are you back?! Dad said you were discharged from the hospital. I have to go to Grandpa Feng’s house to recuperate in the future. In order for you to recover as soon as possible, I didn’t let me go to Grandpa Feng’s house to disturb you. I’m sorry, I should actually go to Grandpa Feng’s house to see you, Aunt Feng.”

Looking down, Han Qian looked at Feng Lu's flat belly and suddenly looked surprised: "Aunt Feng, have you given birth to a little brother? But that's not right, the little brother hasn't reached the birth month yet..."

Including Han Bin, the Han family has not told Han Qian that Feng Lu fell in the bathroom that day. Not only was the child in her belly gone, but her uterus was removed to save Feng Lu's life.

Of course, Feng Lu felt that Han Qian was gloating at this moment, but she suppressed her anger and forced a smile out of the corner of her mouth and said, "Didn't your father tell you?"

Han Qian blinked her eyes and looked confused: "Aunt Feng, what should dad say to me?"

“The little brother in Auntie’s belly is gone.”

Feng Lu looked a little sad: "It's all my fault. I accidentally fell down while taking a shower, which caused your little brother to leave me."

"is that so?"

Han Qian’s eyes turned red: “But I heard from Uncle Feng that Aunt Feng and little brother are fine!”

“That’s because your Uncle Feng doesn’t want you to worry or scare you. After all, you are still a little girl.”

Wiping the corners of his eyes, Feng Lu said, "I'll go upstairs and lie down for a while. You can continue watching TV, but don't watch it for too long, otherwise your eyes will not be able to bear it."

“…Well, I know!”

After hesitating for a moment, Han Qian nodded. When Feng Lu sat up the stairs, Han Qian called Feng Lu: "Aunt Feng!"

Feng Lu turned her head and said, "Say, Auntie is listening."

"You and my father are still young. I believe that my little brother will still be in your belly later."

Han Qian spoke with innocence and nodded heavily, adding to the credibility of what she said: "Of course it will. Aunt Feng, you are a kind person, and my little brother will definitely come back to your belly!"

“Then Aunt Feng will lend you good luck and wait for your little brother to become our child again.”

Smiled, Feng Lu said, withdrew his gaze and continued to go upstairs.

Damn little bitch, did you say those words to deliberately provoke her and want to see her joke?

Hate Han Qian very much in her heart, but Feng Lu pretended to be relaxed so that Han Qian wouldn't notice anything unusual from her back.

But how did she know that Han Qian was also pretending to be ignorant and naive, and was cooperating with her acting.

—Han Qian knew clearly that what she did that day was no longer a secret. Maybe Feng Lu didn’t know the truth, but with Feng Lu’s mind, Han Qian felt that the other party could guess something.

The moment Feng Lu walked in with a flat belly, Han Qian knew that Feng Wei had lied to her that day.

But Han Qian thought about it and wondered why her father, Han Bin, didn't tell her the truth.

By the way, Han Qian suddenly thought that since Feng Lu was hospitalized until now, the way her father Han Bin looked at her had changed. Not only did he no longer smile at her, but he also looked at her very lightly, and his attitude towards her was like When dealing with the children of relatives, there is a hint of alienation mixed with the plainness.

Although I still gave her pocket money as before, which was enough for her to eat and wear, the feeling just became different.

With pursed lips, Han Qian sat back on the sofa, realizing that her reaction was too slow. Only now did she remember her father's change in attitude towards her.

It seems that she has to think about what to do, otherwise, before Feng Lu becomes pregnant with the child, she may not bring those illegitimate children into her home again, and she is a real son. A daughter born out of wedlock in the Eight Classics competes for the family fortune earned by her father.

"Luo Minghan, Luo Mingwei, although you are innocent, I didn't want to do anything to you, but if I want to blame you, I blame you for being born to that woman Feng Lu!"

Han Qian thought secretly in her heart: "I'm sorry if people are punished by heaven and earth if they don't do it for themselves!"


Minghan was sitting in the living room, playing the erhu, and sneezed several times in succession. At the same time, Mingwei was sitting on the sofa chatting with Jiang Li, holding Guoguo in her arms. Suddenly she turned her head away, covered her mouth, and sneezed one after another.

For a moment, the old and young in the living room couldn't help but look at Minghan and Mingwei. Jiang Li was a little funny, but he still asked them with concern: "Are you catching a cold?"

Minghan rubbed his nose and shook his head: "No, besides, I'm pretending like a cow, and it's absolutely impossible to catch a cold in this summer."

“I don’t have a cold either.”

Ming Wei smiled sheepishly: "My nose is just itchy and I couldn't help but sneeze."

 Guo Guo looked up at Ming Wei, with big bright eyes: "Sister and second brother have such a tacit understanding!"

"Your second brother is a rough guy, and my sister doesn't want to have a tacit understanding with him. My sister is interested in our Guoguo and wants to have a tacit understanding with little Guoguo. I don't know what Baby Qinqin thinks?"

With their eyes facing each other, Mingwei teased her cute little fruit.

“Guoguo also likes sister!”

Holding Mingwei's neck, Guoguo said in a sweet voice, "Second sister's hair is tied the same as the one Guoguo asked her mother to tie for Guoguo today. This shows that Guoguo and second sister are the closest, and they have such a tacit understanding!"

Ming Wei smiled happily and rubbed her forehead against Xiao Guoguo's: "That's right, the second sister and our Guoguo have such a tacit understanding!"

At this moment, Minghan played "Uninhibited" on the erhu.

After he played it once, Tang Yuan ran to the piano with a "click, click, click", climbed up on the piano stool, sat down, and started playing directly on the black and white keys, and then the prelude of "Uninhibited" flowed from the little guy's fingers. And out.

Of course, no one in the family was surprised.

Because the memory and understanding ability of the three dumplings are really super good. Not only can they remember things they have heard and seen once, but they can also reproduce them exactly as they are.

“Second brother, I like this piece of music!”

After finishing the song, Tangyuan turned to look at Minghan, her delicate little face was full of seriousness: "It sounds good, and it feels very artistic!"

“This is what my mother taught me. If you hear your mother, brother Xuan and our eldest brother play this song, the effect will be even better!”

Minghan said, looking at Jiang Li: "Mom, why don't you tell your younger brothers and sisters to listen?"

Jiang Li said with a smile: "You don't want to hear it?"

“Of course I did, I just wanted to listen!”

Minghan grinned, showing his big white teeth, and walked up to Jiang Li with his erhu in hand: "Mom, your Hanhan still wants to listen to "Horse Racing". I wonder if mom can satisfy your wish to kiss your son? "

Hearing what Minghan said, before Jiang Li could react, Mingwei made a vomiting gesture towards Minghan and said with disgust in her eyes: "Luo Minghan, how old are you? You still act like a baby to your mother. It makes my skin crawl. It’s a knot!”

With a slight "hum", Minghan disagreed and said with a hint of arrogance: "How old can I be? I'm only thirteen or fourteen years old. Besides, even if my hair is gray and my teeth are gone, I am still my mother's baby. Mom, what do you think? Right?"

Then catch the insects. . .

(End of this chapter)