Let’s put it this way, sister Qin Qin appears gentle and dignified, but is actually very arrogant, while sister Qin Yue feels timid and dull, but in reality she is not only deep-minded, but also sensitive and vicious.

When the two sisters were born in the early years, Qin Qin was born smoothly, but Qin Yue never came out of the womb. Later, Mrs. Qin almost lost half her life and struggled to give birth to Qin Yue, but unexpectedly suffered heavy bleeding.

The situation was very critical at that time. If Mrs. Qin had not had a strong sense of survival, she would have died.

Therefore, Mrs. Qin and the president of the Qin family who loved his wife deeply did not like Qin Yue. They felt that this little daughter was here to collect debts, and even felt that it was unlucky.

Even the couple's two previous sons did not like their sister Qin Yue. They believed that Mrs. Qin's misfortunes during childbirth were all caused by Qin Yue.

Especially after learning that Mrs. Qin's body was severely damaged. Even if she could gradually regain her health through cultivation, it would be difficult to return to the state before she was pregnant with the two sisters Qin Qin and Qin Yue.

Thus, Qin Yue is undoubtedly an unpleasant presence in the Qin family, but Qin Yue has everything Qin Qin has. In other words, except for family ties, the Qin family does not lack Qin Yue in other aspects.

But the more people lack something, the more they want it. Growing up, I saw my sister Qin Qin being held in the palm of my hand and doted on by my family. My sister Qin Yue was very envious and felt inferior at the same time, even if her food, clothing and education were not as good as hers. Like her sister Qin Qin, Qin Yue still feels inferior and looks timid and dull at first glance.

After they grew up, among the two sisters, the elder sister Qin Qin was engaged to the eldest son of the Wei family. They were called the golden boy and beautiful girl by the people in the circle, a match made in heaven. The younger sister Qin Yue was like an ugly duckling and an invisible person. No one cared about her, let alone gave her love to her. Look at a good marriage.

Qin Yue is very sensitive. Under the influence of her pride, she thinks that her family thinks it is difficult for her to be on the stage, so she should give up her daughter and let her fend for herself. In this case, she is jealous of her sister Qin Qin and wants to take revenge. .

Obviously they are twin sisters, and both are daughters of the Qin family. Why is she not favored by her family, and why is she the one who is given up?

With resentment in her heart, Qin Yue was looking for opportunities. She secretly swore that she would never let Qin Qin have an easy time.

In this way, when Qin Qin was pregnant with her fourth child, she found an opportunity to have **** with her brother-in-law, Wei Mingchuan. Afterwards, she pretended to be Little White Lotus and green tea, and told Wei Mingchuan to just pretend that nothing happened. To prevent my sister Qin Qin from being sad.

The more tolerant and generous she behaved, the more Wei Mingchuan felt sorry for her and the more guilty he felt.

And this is exactly what Qin Yue wants.

As time passed by for a month, the second young lady of the Qin family confirmed that she was pregnant. Without much thought, she decided to go abroad to give birth to her unborn child.

Before she went abroad, she accidentally learned that her sister Qin Qin was pregnant with twins.

There is no need to express the jealousy in my heart.

The excuse to go abroad for further study did not arouse the slightest suspicion in the Qin family.

Qin Yue returned to China five years later. This was the time she had planned. As for what she did during those years abroad, only she knew. Anyway, she called Wei Mingchuan as soon as she returned to China.

The two agreed to meet at a place. Wei Mingchuan saw a one-four-year-old girl next to Qin Yue and learned that this was his child. There was no doubt that Wei Mingchuan was shocked.

“I’m not married yet, so it’s not appropriate for my children to follow me.”

“I’ll get back to you when I see the DNA test results…”

Wei Mingchuan understood what Qin Yue meant. He was not married and could not explain why he brought the child back to Qin's house. If he did not agree to raise him, she could not guarantee whether he would tell the truth. What consequences would result would not be her responsibility.

A simple sentence, but it contains a hint of threat.

Of course, Wei Mingchuan needed to take a DNA test. After all, the two of them only happened once, and there was a gap of five years. They couldn't deal with what they said.

What if he makes a green turtle...

Not wanting to become a laughing stock in the eyes of others, Wei Mingchuan casually left this sentence before getting up and leaving, and left with the little girl's hair.

Later, after confirming that the little girl was his flesh and blood, and thinking that his wife Qin Qin had been in a trance for several years due to the loss of their little daughter, Wei Mingchuan decided to take Qin Yuesheng's daughter home, saying that she was adopted from outside.

If Mr. Wei hadn't revealed his guess about Wei Ning's life experience today, to be honest, Wei Mingchuan would have kept this secret that only he and Qin Yue knew.

“Look at this.”

Mr. Wei took out a document bag from the drawer and handed it to Wei Mingchuan.

With doubts in his eyes, Wei Mingchuan reached out and took it.

He opened the document bag, took out the paper inside, and read it word by word with his eyelids lowered. After a while, his expression became dazed.

Mr. Wei: "Tell me what you think."

Wei Mingchuan came back to his senses: "Of course I recognize you!" He turned over page after page. When he saw the last DNA test result, his eyes were firm and he said word by word: "Xinxin is my child. Now that Once we find her, we can’t let her wander anymore.”

Mr. Wei: "You have read the stuff, and you should know how Xinxin lived in her adoptive parents' home. Although that family's life was difficult, they were very good to Xinxin, and Xinxin's temperament was very similar to that family's. , she is tenacious and has her own opinions. If you want to recognize her back, she has to nod her head. Once you try to force yourself, it will be counterproductive! "

Wei Mingchuan: “…”

Mr. Wei: "Moreover, Mr. Luo seems to be interested in Xinxin. If Xinxin can voluntarily return to the Wei family, she and Mr. Luo will really become a couple in the future, and hopefully they can help the Wei family regain Jiang's cooperation. And RL may also reach a multi-faceted cooperation with our Weishi.”

"Dad, according to this information, even if Xinxin and Mr. Luo are paired up, I'm afraid..."

Before Wei Mingchuan could say anything else, he was interrupted by Mr. Wei: "It all depends on people. As long as our family treats the child well, I think she will love the family. Besides, if she can really marry Mr. Luo, with the support of the Wei family, so She’s up to no good, I’m sure she knows that!”

Hearing this, Wei Mingchuan was silent for a moment and asked, "What do you need me to do?"

Mr. Wei: "Go and see the child and explain your life experience to her."

Wei Mingchuan: “What then?”

“Do you need me to teach you this?”

Mr. Wei stared.

“Xinxin grew up in that kind of family environment. I’m not sure I can convince him to return to the Wei family.”

Before his adoptive father retired, he was an excellent policeman. His elder brother was a responsible and outstanding fire-fighting hero. He was influenced by his father and brother. In addition, he is now also a people's policeman. Such a child has no doubt of his character. Very firm.

From his point of view, it is not easy to persuade the other party to return to the Wei family by using blood ties!

“Do your best to bring Xinxin back!”

Mr. Wei looked directly into Wei Mingchuan's eyes: "Only if Xinxin's heart is towards the Wei family, can the crisis that the Wei family will face be solved!"

The afternoon of the next day. Song Qingci walked out of the police station and looked up to see Wei Mingchuan. Seeing that there was no one else around, she couldn't help but step forward: "Are you Mr. Wei?"


Wei Mingchuan nodded.

“I wonder what Mr. Wei wants from me?”

Song Qingci was certain that she did not know this Mr. Wei, but a few minutes ago, a colleague told her that a Mr. Wei was looking for her. After hearing this, she felt doubtful, but she still went to the police station as her colleague said. She met the other party at the entrance of the station, but the middle-aged man standing in front of her at this moment was really strange to her!

“There is a cafe nearby, can I invite you to sit there?”

Looking at Song Qingci's eyebrows, Wei Mingchuan's mood was a little complicated. This was his daughter, because her appearance combined all the advantages of him and his ex-wife Qin Qin. At a glance, it was not difficult to see that she resembled his father. , also like the mother of his ex-wife, but when facing her, he couldn't get excited.


Maybe he knows why.

It was nothing more than having Ning Ning’s daughter by his side for so many years that he gradually forgot that he once had a daughter.

“Can’t you say it here?”

Song Qingci frowned.

“Is it inconvenient?”

Wei Mingchuan asked.

Shaking his head lightly, Song Qingci said: "Let's go."

"Take my car over there." Wei Mingchuan said, opening the passenger door. Seeing this, Song Qing said "thank you" and got into the car.

About seven or eight minutes later, Song Qingci and Wei Mingchuan were sitting face to face at a coffee table by the window in an elegantly decorated cafe.

“Mr. Wei, you might as well say it directly.”

Song Qingci didn't like to beat around the bush, and she didn't think there was anything going on between her and this stranger, Mr. Wei. The reason why she agreed to come to this cafe with him was just to know what he wanted from her. What purpose.

“You are my daughter.”

Wei Mingchuan got straight to the point: "On the day of your Hundred Days Banquet, your enemies came to look for trouble, and you were taken away in the chaos. My family has been looking for you all these years, and recently we finally found some clues, and then we have what we have today. Meet."

Taking out the document bag from the briefcase, Wei Mingchuan put it on the coffee table and gently pushed it in front of Song Qingci: "Look." The document bag contained some information that Mr. Wei had arranged for someone to verify Song Qingci's identity. Bring a DNA paternity test certificate.

In other words, the part of the information about the intersection between Song Qing Ci and Ming Xiu was extracted by Wei Mingchuan in advance and is not currently in the document bag.

After hearing Wei Mingchuan's words, Song Qingci was stunned for a moment before returning to normal. She didn't touch the document bag in front of her and said calmly: "My surname is Song, and my husband's surname is Wei. I can't be your daughter."

“You don’t have to deny it in a hurry. You can open the document bag and take a look at the contents, and you will believe that I didn’t lie to you.”

Wei Mingchuan tried his best to look gentle. He said: "Dad knows that your adoptive parents are very kind to you, but after all you are my daughter and a child of the Wei family. Now that we have found you, we naturally have to go back to our own home." , But as for your adoptive parents, we will live as relatives in the future, what do you think?"

Looking at Wei Mingchuan intently for a moment, Song Qingci couldn't see any guilt in his eyes. She finally opened the document bag in front of her, took out the papers inside and flipped through the pages. At the same time, her facial expression changed. De Lengran.

"Mr. Wei, don't you think this is an invasion of other people's privacy?" Is this what a decent person can do by casually investigating others? In addition, how does she know that the so-called DNA paternity test certificate is not a fraud?

Song Qingci said coldly: "Furthermore, how do I know whether your appraisal certificate is true or false? To say the least, even if your appraisal certificate is true, even if what you say is true, it has been over twenty years. "As an adult, I have the right to choose my own life and how I want to live it."

The meaning of these words is clear. Song Qingci is telling Wei Mingchuan that she is Song Qingci, not Wei, and that she is very satisfied with her current life.

To put it simply, he refused to recognize Wei Mingchuan and refused to return to the Wei family.

I have to mention here that during a physical examination during her senior year of high school, Song Qingci accidentally discovered that her blood type was different. At that time, she suspected that she was not the biological child of her parents.

However, she didn’t want her parents to worry and think too much, so until now she had endured the thought that was deep in her heart.

Her father has type O blood, and her mother also has type O blood. It is said that the child born will also have type O blood, and her eldest brother has type O blood, but she has type A blood. According to the knowledge she has learned, when watching The moment she saw the blood type on the medical examination form, she felt extremely panicked.

She checked online to confirm what she thought, but she took a chance and went home from school, showed the physical examination report to her parents, and specifically mentioned the blood type, but she didn't see any difference in their faces.

At that moment, Song Qingci knew that her parents must know that she was not a child of the Song family.

However, despite this, the love her parents have for her is not adulterated at all.

Similarly, her brother truly loves and cares about her.

Based on this, she did not worry too much about whether she was her parents' biological child.

Today, to be more precise, she was briefly startled when she heard Mr. Wei tell her about her life experience a moment ago. This was not a shock, but she did not expect that her biological father would suddenly appear in front of her.

But so what?

She has a family, parents and brothers who love her, and a smart and cute little nephew. She doesn’t need to recognize her biological father or other strangers who are related to her by blood!

It was lost when she was young. It happened for a reason. What does it have to do with her?

Always looking for it, well said!

Beicheng is so big. She has lived in Beicheng with her parents and brother since she was a child. If those relatives who are related to her by blood really want to find her, how can they find her after more than twenty years?

Song Qingci thought to herself, her expression was calm and indifferent, and there was no trace of any emotional ups and downs.

“Xinxin, don’t you believe what dad said?”

Wei Mingchuan looked sincere: "Dad, I can do another paternity test with you!"

"I said, even if you and I are related by blood, Mr. Wei, and even if you are my biological father, I am already an adult and have the right to choose the life I want to live, and I am very satisfied with my current life. Besides, I have my own family and I don’t need more strangers to become my relatives!”

Song Qingci spoke slowly and slowly. After hearing this, Wei Mingchuan's expression changed slightly: "In other words, you don't want to recognize me as your father and don't want to return to the Wei family?"

"Since Mr. Wei understands what I mean, please don't come to me again from now on."

Leaving this sentence, Song Qingci did not look at Wei Mingchuan again. She asked the waiter to pay the bill, and then walked out of the cafe directly.

Then catch the insects. . .