
the lock on the hand opened in response to the sound.

Walking slowly to Su Zhengyi's desk, Su Mingyu began to look around.

Just as she was about to turn to look at the bookshelf, the sun suddenly reflected a silver light.

I saw between the bookshelf and desk about half an inch from the ground, tied with a transparent silk thread.

As the silk thread looked up, it turned out to be a strong crossbow.

Secretly in the heart of a sigh, if Su Mingyu just a little bit reckless, at this time may have been a random arrow through the heart.

Su Mingyu breathed out a breath, settled down and looked at this seemingly ordinary study again.

With such a large number of anti theft systems, isn't there no silver 300 taels here?

Look down where all the agencies are protected.


She carefully avoid the heavy mechanism, from the bottom to the top, the volume is hollow!

There was a small box in the book with a key in it.

Su Mingyu took out the prepared inkpad and printed the outline of the key. As soon as he was ready to leave, there was a sound in the study.

Su Mingyu jumped and jumped out of one side of the window and hid under it.

"General Xia! Against me in everything

The housekeeper quickly came forward and poured him a cup of tea. "Master, calm down. General Xia is a martial man. Naturally, he doesn't know the master's mind for the country and the people."

Su Zhengyi sighed and just wanted to say something, Wang Manwen's harsh voice suddenly sounded outside the door.

"Su Mingyu! Why are you here! "

Su Zhengyi's face sank and gave the housekeeper a look.

Su Mingyu was soon pushed in by Wang Manwen and the housekeeper.

Su Zhengyi, with a black face, just wanted to question. Seeing Su Mingyu's appearance, he almost slapped the desk over.

Su Mingyu was covered with grass all over her body, and her small white face was covered with mud everywhere. She could even see the scratch on her face.

Su Zhengyi was so angry that he opened his mouth and scolded: "You evil block! What is this for! What's the propriety of you to look like this! "

Su Mingyu was so frightened that she couldn't stop shaking. She fell to her knees in front of Su Zhengyi with red eyes.

"Dad I I'm catching mice... "

Mouse again!

Su Zhengyi's green muscle leaped wildly and wanted to slap her to death.

"It's said that you don't have to worry about mice! You can't listen to me

"But But... " Su Mingyu's tears fell down: "the only table in my room was bitten by this mouse..."

"I just want to kill it..."

Seeing that Su Zhengyi was taken off course by Su Mingyu, Wang Manwen quickly turned to the topic: "what are you doing outside the master's study?"

Su Mingyu was questioned by a fear, tears all stopped, head low lower.

"I I It's after a mouse

"Why does the mouse run to the master's house without eyes! You dare to lie

"All right! What's the standard of a noisy day! "

Wang Manwen can't speak in his head. If he asks again, he will say what he shouldn't have said.

Su Zhengyi stares at her coldly: "catching mice is what a lady of your family should do! It's insane and shameless! "

Su Mingyu was wronged to wipe the tears on her face, but the tears could not stop.

"But Zhizhu told me that the mouse had been there several days ago

Wang Manwen breathed: "there is no need for you to intervene in the affairs of the mansion! I've already asked people to prescribe medicine for the rat disease. It should be gone in a few days. "

Su Mingyu pouted, ooh, and then wiped his face.

Her hands were dirty, and the more they were wiped, the more they were spent. Later, Su Zhengyi couldn't see it anymore.

"Get out of here! It's a useless thing

Seeing Su Zhengyi, Wang Manwen said quickly, "master She doesn't know how long she has been outside your study... "

The implication is that if she hears something she shouldn't listen to, it's not good to let her go.

Su Zhengyi waved his hand: "I just came back. It's OK. Let her go."

Su Mingyu's grievances are mixed together. When she comes out of the room, she still looks at Su Zhengyi with nostalgia.

"Dad I, I really didn't mean to... "

Su Zhengyi was annoyed and did not pay any attention to her: "go back! Don't go out of your yard without my order

Back to her room, Su Mingyu took a hot bath happily.

Su Mingyu was amused at the thought of Su Zhengyi and Wang Manwen's expressions of defiance and disgust.

However, he only found the key and didn't seem to see the lock, which made Su Mingyu a little depressed.Do you want to go to Su Zhengyi's study again?

Want to come to such a disturbance, Su Zhengyi will certainly be more prepared, she wants to go again, it is not so easy.

"Little Miss... "

Zhizhu steps flustered ran in.

Su Mingyu held the hot water and said with disapproval: "what's the matter?"

"That..." Know bamboo bitter face: "the madam came over, still take some people to carry a table."

Su Mingyu light oh a: "tell two Niang, I will go right away."

When she took a leisurely bath and came to the yard in no hurry, she saw Wang man Wen's black face that could drip water.

"It's been a long time

Su Mingyu pretended to be nervous, as if he had not calmed down in the fear just now: "I'm sorry, er Niang."

"I'm too dirty to catch mice So I washed it a little more. "

Wang Manwen's face was cold and pointed to Zhizhu beside him: "what's the matter with your maid's forbidding us to enter the house?"