She's just a mother of Qing Lou, but she can't afford to offend any of them.

When you heard that today's game was over, there was no big objection. After all, they had more exciting topics to discuss.

Therefore, no one in the noisy crowd found that Gu ruobai, who had not talked much, did not see anything.


After a lot of entanglement, Yu Wang finally sobered up.

He looked at the sleeping Su Yueyue beside him and grabbed his hair impatiently.

He was sure he had been calculated.

But who? Su Mingyu? But she did it with herself?

Wait a minute, Su Mingyu?

What happened to Su Mingyu? Will she be

At the thought that Su Mingyu would be held in his arms by a strange man, King Yu's eyes suddenly sank, almost without thinking about it. He put on his clothes and left the room.

After he left, Su Yueyue, who had just been asleep, opened his eyes full of water vapor.

Looking at the back of King Yu, Su Yueyue clenched his hand tightly.

Although she didn't understand what was going on, she had already given it to King Yu.

Then she must have a place. What's more, so many people in the building today have seen this scene. If King Yu doesn't marry her again, he can't say it.

Su Yueyue, who was secretly happy in his heart, even ignored why the king of Yu had to leave after such a thing happened to him.

Su Yueyue's heart is full of joy to be a princess at the moment. As for fame and other things, there is no place more important than Princess Yu's position.

Here, King Yu came out of the room and ran straight to the second floor. When he came to the room where he fainted, he didn't see Su Mingyu.

His face sank, and the king of Yu seized a man: "where is the procuress?"

The man shivered and pointed to the front, and the king of Yu strode to the front. He didn't care what he was doing inside. He kicked the door open.

The procuress was still very angry, but as soon as she saw that the man who came was king Yu, her legs softened: "Yu King Yu? You Are you awake? "

King Yu didn't care about her ugly face, and asked in a deep voice, "where is the son of Su with me?"

The procuress thought for a moment: "after seeing your accident, Ruixian Wang's people immediately came to look for it. After that, I didn't know if I had found it. It was too chaotic at that time. But seeing that king Ruixian had gone back, it should have been found."

Was Gu Ruo taken away?

Yu Wang's cold eyes relaxed a little: "today's matter, you must give this king an account!"

Although the procuress is a heroine, but see Yu Wang really angry, also a little scared: "yes, yes! I will send someone to investigate this matter and make you and Miss Su Yueyue innocent. "

"Miss Su Yueyue?" The king of Yu asked the procuress coldly.

The procuress was seen as a little hollow: "he They all said it was Miss Su Yueyue. "

When the old lady mentioned this, King Yu suddenly remembered that there were so many people present at that time. Su Yueyue was a famous lady in the capital. It's not surprising that some people know him.

But this is troublesome.

The king of Yu collected his eyes and said, "let someone take a bucket of hot water to my room to wait on me, and then help me prepare a carriage."

The procuress nodded: "good, good, I'm going to order."

Seeing the appearance that the procuress ran out in a hurry, the king of Yu was agitated and frowned tightly. It seemed that she was not the procuress. Her fear of herself was just fear, and she had no conscience.

Su Yueyue waited for the king of Yu for a long time. Finally, he only waited for a girl and a bucket of hot water?

Su Yueyue's face immediately drooped: "where is king Yu! I want to see King Yu! "

The girl quickly shook her head: "I don't know, I'm just a mother sang called to wait on the girl."

"I want to see King Yu! Get out of here! Get out of here! Go away

Su Yueyue picked up the shoes on the ground and threw them at the girl.

The little girl didn't dare to hide, and she was beaten several times.

But Su Yue didn't get angry, she went down to the table top, grabbed the top of the kettle and cup and continued to throw.

A cup hit the girl's forehead. Su Yueyue's tone was as vicious as it was: "what are you? You're still serving me! Get out of here! Please bring the king Yu to me

The girl cried and shook her head. She really didn't know where the king Yu was!

Seeing that she didn't move, Su Yueyue was angry and kicked her. The girl just fell on the pillar, and her eyes rolled over and fainted in the past.

Didn't hear the cry, Su Yueyue turned his head, saw the blood under the girl's head, the dazzling red let Su Yue recover a bit of reason.

She frowned and sat down in the quilt. No, how could the procuress know she was awake.

It must have been ordered by King Yu. Maybe he was just considerate of her, so he sent hot water. He must be waiting outside at the moment.In this way, Su Yueyue's mental state improved a lot. She finished the washing with the fastest speed.

When she left the house, she deliberately carried her skirt to prevent her skirt from getting bloodstained on the ground, but she didn't even give a look to that girl.

How long has Yue just gone out.

"Miss Su, are you ready? King Yu is waiting for you at the back door. "

Listen to the procuress say so, Su Yueyue's face is brimming with a smug: "by the way, the girl you sent is really ignorant. When I let her roll, I fell myself, you go and have a look."

The pimp's face was covered with a smile: "yes, yes, I will certainly educate her well."

Finish saying very respectfully made a gesture of invite: "Miss Su don't want to let Yu Wang wait in a hurry, or go quickly."

Su Yueyue haughtily hum hum, just happy turn around.

As soon as she got to the back door, she saw the carriage of King Yu. Su Yueyue adjusted the expression on her face and tried not to be too happy. Then she came to the carriage.

As soon as she was about to get on the carriage, she suddenly felt soft and said, "Oh ~"

hearing her voice, King Yu immediately stepped down from the carriage. Seeing Su Yueyue's face a little pale, her eyes flashed, she recalled the red on the bed sheet, and her unconscious psychology raised a touch of pity.

When he picked up Su Yueyue, the king Yu's voice was low and gentle: "hold tight."

Feeling the hot breath of Yu king in his ear, Su Yueyue lowered his head and blushed like a tomato: "en..."

After getting on the carriage, Su Yueyue wanted to break free from Yu Wang's arms.

But Yu just hugged her: "don't move, the carriage is too hard."

Su Yueyue pursed his lips and blushed: "King Yu You are very kind to me

Yu Wang's mouth raised a smile, did not speak.

Seeing that he was in a good mood, Su Yueyue bit his lower lip, as if in a tangle.

The king of Yu was keenly aware of it. He looked at Su Yueyue in doubt: "what's the matter?"