Chapter 34 - To The Heavenly Sword Sect Part Two

Name:Ah Chun Author:invayne
In order to get to the imperial capital of Torn Dragon City. They would first have to pass through a transportation gate located in Wind City. Wind City was the closest major city to Dust Village. Ah Chun's home. The distance between the village and city was rather far, it would still take at least a month before they would reach it.

Ah Chun was extremely excited about this trip. Mainly because it was her first time for her to venture out into the world besides the forest near her village. She knew that later on after she has entered the Heavenly Sword Sect she will be venturing out to do missions for the sect. She also knew she would need to go out and look for lucky encounters to raise her power even more. But first, she needed to learn as much as possible.

At the moment she was only able to use one technique Dancing Lotus. Which was a technique she had finally mastered while fighting demonic beast in the forest. At this point and time, she was able to basically dodge any attack from a demonic beast. But she had never fought against another cultivator besides Mei Liling and Mei Liling never went at it with Ah Chun as if she was fighting to the death. That did not mean her training was not tough. There were many times when she was knocked senseless by Mei Liling but it was never anything too serious.

Now, Ah Chun really couldn't wait to reach the sect, to be able to learn new techniques and become even stronger was something she was extremely excited to do. The only issue is that every time she made a breakthrough Mei Liling would add more to the array on her back. She now had a total of ten roots in the array. She did find out however that this was the last time Mei Liling would add anything to the array and was also told that she would remove it once she reached Qi World realm. Ah Chun still had five more stages of Qi Sea left before she could try to break through to Qi World.

Dawn came and Ah Chun, Mei Liling, and Yu Yan had finally reached Wind City. Unlike Dust Village, there were tons more people to be found here. Seeing so many people for the first time amazed Ah Chun. She was now eight years old even though she still looked as if she was six or seven. Ah Chun, Mei Liling, and Yu Yan strolled down the main street which had quite a few shops stands lined down the sides of the road. The road itself was paved with cobblestones and one had to be careful not to trip over one of the protruding stones. At this time the three of them were looking for an inn to stay at. After walking for over half a month and staying outside the three girls really wanted to take a nice hot bath.

The buildings in the city were all made out of stone brick. Except some of the more prominent businesses that seemed to cater to the higher class would also have jade and gold lining added into the structure of the buildings. There were many people going here and there doing their daily task as shopkeepers would shout out to the passersby to try to sell their goods. Ah Chun was looking at everything in excitement. This was all new to her so she was overly excited about seeing all the new sites. Mei Liling and Yu Yan could only smile as they watched the little girl prancing here and there as she tried to take it all in.

"Let's find an inn to rest for the night and we will go visit the stalls tomorrow Chun'er." Mei Liling said as she grabbed Ah Chun's hand afraid she would end up getting lost. She was not really afraid for Ah Chun's safety seeing how the girl exuded a stronger killing intent than seasoned veteran soldiers who have fought on the battlefield all their lives. Basically, she knew that if anyone was to have any ill will towards her they would be dead instantly. But she was afraid that her daughter would get lost in such a big city. Especially since she was so young and ignorant of the ongoings of the world.

That night Ah Chun, Mei Liling, and Yu Yan all enjoyed a nice hot bath, that they had been wishing for, for a while now. The inn they chose was called the Nightly Dragon. Although most of the buildings were made out of stone brick this inn was actually made out of a combination of mud-brick and wood. Although it was made out of inferior materials it still was well maintained. It had a nice homey feel to its environment. They only got one room which was big enough for three people. Ah Chun and Yu Yan used one bed to cultivate for the night while Mei Liling used the other bed.

Morning came and Ah Chun was the first to finish her cultivation. She was really excited to be able to roam around the shop stalls on the streets. Ah Chun quickly washed her face and got a new white one-piece dress out of her interspatial ring then put it on. She then went to the bed that Yu Yan was cultivating on and stood before it contemplating. 'Should I bring Big Sister Yan or should I just go by myself.' What Ah Chun did not know was that a certain overprotective mother was watching every move that her daughter was making. Mei Liling had been keeping an eye on Ah Chun's movements right from the beginning when Ah Chun had jumped off the bed.

Seeing Yu Yan was still circulating her Qi, Ah Chun decided to not bother her and decided she would venture out on her own for a bit. Mei Liling was going to stop her but decided against it and would follow behind Ah Chun to see how she would deal with the situations that she might come across. She figured this would also be a good learning experience for Ah Chun. Now if Ah Chun was actually in danger she would step in to help but she figured that in this, out of the way city, there would be no one that could impose any danger to her precious daughter. She watched quietly as Ah Chun opened the door and left the room. Mei Liling left a note on Yu Yan's lap explaining what was happening before following after Ah Chun.

After leaving the room Ah Chun went downstairs and headed out of the inn. She stood in the road stretched her arms out and breathed in a deep breath of morning air. She then excitedly skipped down the road as she made her way to the main road of the city where all the shops were located. The main road was covered in hanging lanterns and shop signs. Even though it was still early in the morning the road was just as busy as it was when she had arrived in Wind City the previous night. Shopkeepers were shouting with all their might as people would browse their goods to see if they had anything that was worth the copper.

Ah Chun had a bit of money on her about a hundred gold coins to be exact. These gold coins were given to Ah Chun so she could buy whatever she wanted during their travels. Although these gold coins would be useless at the Heavenly Sword Sect, they were at least useful when visiting a common peoples city. For immortal cultivators, anyone who was not an immortal cultivator was considered a commoner. Immortal cultivators were considered to be like gods in the eyes of a normal martial practitioner. Although there were many sects that one could learn and practice immortal cultivation it was very rare for someone to have spiritual roots. That would enable them to take in the Spiritual Qi around them. Normal martial practitioners worked on Inner Qi which was created by cultivating their bodies. So even for someone as small as Ah Chun, people would hold her in reverence, bow to her, and treat her with respect if they knew that this little girl who was excitedly going stall to stall was actually an immortal cultivator. Most likely they would not even charge her money for anything at all.