[Douglas] “This is what Chika has said too. So, please tell me more, Troth. Cyril-dono, do you mind?”

“Yes, don’t worry about me. Troth-dono, please.”

The expression on Troth-san’s face was terribly dark.

“First of all, I must tell you the nature of the curse of sex slavery. Nowadays, it is used to force sex slaves to obey, regardless of their race, but it is, originally, not the same thing.”

It was true that there were beastmen of various races who were also sex slaves.

The same curse should have been placed on them as well.

“Then what is their original purpose?”

Asked Cyril-sama.

I was also not sure what the original purpose was.

[Troth] “This curse was created by beastmen who researched the fertility of the human race when they were still abundant in this world. You know what happens to a person who is under this spell if he or she does not regularly consume the beast’s semen. This is how they force the kidnapped humans to seek out the beast’s semen and conceive a child.”

There was silence in the room.

The facial expression of everyone except Hector-sama was gloomy, especially Cyril-sama, who looked as if he was about to collapse.

[Troth] “If the power of the beastman were to seriously suppress the resistance of the human race and rape them, the human race would easily die. This curse, which begs for intercourse from the other party, is very convenient for the beastman who wants to make the human race pregnant. If you dominate them with pleasure, there is no danger of harming the mother, and they will not disobey you.”

[Cyril] “So the kidnapped humans had no choice but to surrender their body to an unwanted person because of this curse, and have the person show mercy to them to control their seizures? What a terrible thing!”

[Douglas] “It’s disgusting to think that a fellow beastman did this.”

[Gail] “How repulsive. That’s unacceptable!”

Douglas-san and Gail-san also seemed to be feeling pretty bad.

To be honest, I didn’t feel the same way.

But I knew firsthand how painful those spells could be.

If I could escape that pain, I would give my body to anyone, no matter who they were.

[Troth] “But in our country, after Hector-sama accedes to the throne, the use of this curse is forbidden. That includes giving severe punishment to those who use it.”

[Hector] “There are many fools who still use it, though. I punished them severely, but I’ll never forget the time I told the rescued human about how to break the spell.”

[Douglas] “Oh, father, you knew about this too?”

[Hector] “Who do you think I am? How could I have left such a curse to afflict such a fragile and beloved race?”

[Chika] “So what is the solution to this curse? Is it really that terrible?”

That was what I wanted to know.

I also wanted to know if it was something I could do.

“It’s ……. Yes, let me be clear. The only way to get rid of it is to be embraced by a beastman, receive semen, and bear a child. That’s the only way to get rid of it. The spell is broken when the seed of the beast is implanted in the human mother’s womb.”

This is the only way to break the spell.

At once, my gaze swung to Gail-san and Douglas-san.

[Hector] “This is why the humans who were kidnapped by the beastmen and were in dire straits were in despair. Even if we don’t mean to, we are still beasts to them. The curse would not be broken until they had given birth to the beast that they hated and feared. About what kind of action did the humans take… No, I won’t say any more than that. I’m sorry that you had to hear that, Cyril, Chika.”

[Cyril] “Thank you for your concern, father-in-law. I understand very well that it is the worst curse for the human race. It’s horrible that it’s still being used. But more importantly, it’s about Chika.”

When Cyril-san said that, I once again remembered that I was now carrying that curse in my body.

You can’t break the curse unless you have a child with a beastman.

In other words, I had to have a child with Gail-san or Douglas-san.

Fortunately, I didn’t have the same hatred for beastmen as the human race that Hector-sama mentioned.

I was sure that Douglas-san and Gail-san would accept me if I wanted to.

But is it really okay to have a child in this way?

Gail-san and Douglas-san must be feeling the same way, and I could tell that they were troubled.

[Hector] “I know how you feel, Chika-chan. I’m sure you’re wondering if you can have a child to break the spell. But fortunately for you, Chika-chan doesn’t hate Gail and Douglas, right? You’re already physically connected to Gail, aren’t you?

Although I doubted my ears at the words, I could feel the heat gathering in my face and turning it bright red.

“Ho–how do you know all this…?”

[Hector] “It’s a special ability of our race. We have strong perceptions of smell. We can tell who the animus belongs to and how it is loved.”

If there was a hole, I’d go in it.

I was so embarrassed that I wanted to disappear from this place.

“Dad, stop it! Chika is being troubled. Oi, Chika, you don’t have to worry about it. The only people who know about it are my dad, my brother, and me.”

Even Albert-sama can understand.

That means they already know that I am with Gail… No! It’s too embarrassing.

[Hector] “Though, what a shame. It seems that Doug hasn’t loved Chika-chan yet. I can feel Gail’s presence, but not Doug’s from Chika-chan. I’m surprised that Doug hasn’t made a move on you yet.”

“What nonsense. I have my own reasons for doing things in a certain order. Leave me alone.”

“Hah! I don’t like it when men make excuses. Well, Chika-chan, how would you like to be with me instead of that spineless man? I’ll show you that there’s more to a man than just being young. Ah, they’re not young either. Of course, I’ll take you as my mate. Since it’s been a long time since my mate died.”

“You still haven’t given up!? Chika is my and Gail’s prey. We will never give up on this! Father, you’re a lion too, you know what I’m talking about.”

[Chika] “I’m sorry, Hector-sama. Please forgive me for this.”

It was about time that Douglas-san’s blood vessels broke, and his anger was so great that I was worried about it.

Gail-san’s expression was almost unchanged, but his eyes were serious.

“Father-in-law, no, Hector-sama. I appreciate that you are thinking of me and saying so. Even if it’s just a casual remark to make me feel better. However, I can’t think about doing that with anyone other than Douglas-san and Gail-san right now. Those two… uh… I-I-I-I love them! So, I would like to discuss those matters of the child and curse just the three of us.” 

“Haa… I knew that Chika-chan would say that, though… I don’t understand how such a good boy could be the companion of my bratty son… What a waste, what a waste…”

“Who’s a brat?”

“Umm, Gail-san, Douglas-san, would that be okay with you two?  I’m sorry to trouble you again with my affairs, but please let me discuss it with you two. I’m sorry…”

I felt like I was a piece of bad luck for Gail-san and Douglas-san, and I was truly ashamed.

Even so, these two kind gentlemen will probably tell me not to worry about it…

“Chika, like I said, please don’t apologize. I’m not sure how much we can understand what you’re feeling right now, but I already told you. Chika has given us a tremendous gift. And this is something we’re happy about.”

“That’s right, Chika! I told you we’d do anything to make you happy. If you don’t hate it, we’ll gladly accept your feelings. So please don’t be so distressed.”

These two were really too indulgent to me.

But the problem was, it was clear that I’m going to have to rely on them.

Then, let the three of us talk until we are satisfied.

“As Chika-chan’s father-in-law, I have a suggestion for you. If you do decide to have children, I’m sorry Gail, but I recommend that you start with Douglas’s child.

“And why is that?”

“That is… Regardless of whose child it is, I and Al will protect it in private and as public figures. I promise. But Chika-chan’s existence is too special, and if they can’t do anything to him, some fools will think of aiming for his child. Of course, if it was Gail’s child, Virgil wouldn’t be able to keep quiet. But if it’s Douglas’s child, then Leonidas will be able to use all his power to solve the problem in the name of his royal brother’s child. Keep this in mind.”

So it’s like that. I was only thinking about myself, but there’s the possibility that my unborn child could be in danger.

I could never allow that to happen.

I didn’t want my child to have to go through what I went through.

“Thank you very much for your thoughtful consideration. We will take this in our mind and discuss it among the three of us.”

Gail-san and Douglas-san also nodded their heads in agreement.

[Douglas] “I’d like to ask Troth a few questions. I’m sure there was still time for Chika’s curse to take effect, but it suddenly activated. Do you have any idea why?”

“This is just a hypothesis, although I have received a report from Paris. It seems that Chikayuki-dono performed a great healing technique before the curse took effect, and shared his magic power and life force with his two companions. I think that might be the cause.”

“Sorry, can you be a little more specific?”

“Hmm… right. Curses are usually suppressed by the magic and life force of the person, and seizures do not occur until a specified period. But with Chikayuki-dono’s healing technique, he shares his own life force and magical power with the subject. Moreover, it was a large-scale technique to heal a defect. I can’t even imagine how much life force and magical power were lost. That’s why they couldn’t suppress the curse anymore.”

It was a very convincing explanation.

But then, I had a problem.

“So, does this mean that the more fatigued I am with the healing techniques, the more likely I am to trigger the curse?”

“Yes, I suppose so. I think you’re right.”

“Then about working at the guild is … should it be postponed until the curse is lifted?”



Gail-san’s and Douglas-san’s voices were in perfect sync.

But I had to agree with them on this one.

If that’s the case, I’d like to break the spell as soon as possible…

No, it’s no use thinking about this alone.

Let’s just forget about this for now.

[Chika] “Thank you, Troth-san. Thanks to you, I have hope.”

“What are you talking about? It all started because of what we beastmen did. But you are just as Paris reported, Chikayuki-dono.”

I wondered why he kept mentioning Paris-san.

[Gail] “I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, Chika. The feather on Troth’s back looks just like someone else’s, don’t you think? Troth is Paris’s grandfather.”

If I looked more closely, I would see that it is the same owl feather as Paris-san’s.

“So it’s like that. I’m deeply indebted to Paris-san’s family. Thank you very much.”

“No, no, if my grandson was any help at all, that’s enough for me.”

Troth-san, who smiled serenely, certainly seemed to have a similar atmosphere to Paris-san.

[Douglas] “Well, now, the matter of the curse has not been completely resolved, but we have decided what to do about it. We’ve been here too long, so I guess we should head home.”

[Gail] “You’re right. Hector-sama, Cyril-sama, and Troth-dono thank you very much for your help. I will come back with my father to thank you when the time is appropriate.”

[Hector] “No! You all can leave, but please leave Chika-chan here! Chika-chan, you’re staying here today! Take a bath with me and sleep in my bed! You can touch my beast form as much as you like! You’re even welcome to stay here forever.”

As I was pondering over this with the father of my partner, Douglas-sama approached Hector-sama and whispered something in his ear, which made Hector-sama think for a moment.

[Hector] “Alright, Chika-chan! I’ll miss you, but you can go home with those two today. Though you are welcome to come to visit us anytime.”

[Chika] “Yes, thank you, father-in-law.”

I thanked him with a big smile on my face. I’m really happy to have another family member.

[Hector] “Ugh, I knew I had to let Chika-chan go home–“

[Douglas] “Father?”

“Damn! I understand. But you have to promise me!”

“Okay, okay. I got it!”

I thanked everyone again and excused myself from the room.

I was surprised to see that Hector-sama was looking at my back with a very sad expression.

After saying goodbye to Cyril-sama and the others, I was finally able to leave the palace and head home.

In the carriage, I asked a few questions that I wanted to ask.

By the way, I was currently on Gail-san’s lap.

And he was holding me tighter than usual, so it hurt a little.

[Chika] “Hector-sama was kind of an interesting person, wasn’t he?”

[Gail] “To be honest, I was quite surprised… To see Hector-sama like that, if I didn’t see him with my own eyes, I wouldn’t believe it.”

[Douglas] “See? I told you. It was only the outside appearance of the perfect “Quiet Wise King” that he showed to his people.

Though, even I have to admit that his behavior and abilities as a king are perfect.”

[Chika] “But he was a very kind man, and I’m very happy to think that we’ve added another member to our family.”

Both of them silently patted my head in response to my words.

I was a little sore from being petted so much.

“Douglas-san, is there a reason why Hector-sama is so obsessed with the human race?”

[Douglas] “No, I don’t think there is any particular reason. But, I think he originally likes the human race. Moreover, my brother and I’s mother were human. He was my father’s [pair]. He loved my mother so much that it was almost embarrassing to watch. He didn’t go crazy after my mother’s death, and that’s what makes him the “Silent Wise King”. I’m a little worried that Theo has completely inherited that part of my father’s personality.”

“Douglas-san’s mother was also from the human race, wasn’t he?”

“Yeah. He was in the same situation as Cyril-dono and was saved by my father. Though, his body wasn’t very strong, to begin with, so he passed away rather quickly from an epidemic.”

Douglas-san’s expression was a little sad.

“And what was the last thing you said to Hector-sama?”

“Ah, that? I said it would be better to keep Chika with us than to leave you with him. If Chika’s magic power is high enough, you can give birth to a lot of cute human beings that look like you. And then my father can be a grandfather surrounded by a lot of cute human grandchildren.”

Douglas-san threw me one of his signature pheromone-laced winks.

I couldn’t keep my mouth shut.

“Doug, you’re being selfish again. I’m sure Chika said he wanted to discuss it with the three of us. Don’t you think about Chika’s feelings too?”

“I’m sorry, but I thought I’d at least let my father dream a little. So, Chika, you may not be able to make a decision right away, but we’ll talk about it over the next few days when things settle down, okay?”

“Yes, please!”

While we were talking about that, the carriage was arriving at Gail-san’s house.

However, at this time, I had already made up my mind.

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