※Contains cruel depictions

※This is an extra chapter about supporting characters in the main story.

Every time I look at my son’s spouses and Alex, I can’t help but reminisce about my wife.

More than 40 years ago, I was still young and sat on the throne too early to succeed my late father.

At that time, although the number of humans had already been gradually decreasing, they still could be seen occasionally in the town.

The first time I saw my wife was at the marketplace, where I had sneaked out of the castle to get some respite from the daily demanding government work.

He was selling vegetables with a man who seemed to be his father.

When I talked to the merchants around him, they told me that he and his father would occasionally come from a village in the mountains some distance from the capital, where many humans live, to sell their goods.

He was a slender-built fine young man with a strong-willed light in his eyes.

His facial expressions changed occasionally, and he often laughed and chatted happily with his customers.

I couldn’t take my eyes off him.

I like the human race, but that’s not the only reason. It was because I knew he was my ‘pair’.

Now that I think about it, I should have asked him to marry me right then and there.

However, considering my position, the marriage proposal would force him to become the king’s spouse, regardless of his will.

That would be cruel for humans who are known to have little desire for ‘pair’.

If possible, I wanted to take the proper step of falling in love with each other before asking for his hand in marriage.

Even though I mustered up the courage to talk to him several times, he never realized that I was his ‘pair’.

I suppose that’s how it is unless you are a beastman with a strong animal nature.

On the day he came to town, I would sneak out of the castle and visit him.

He gradually opened up to me, and we grew closer and closer.

I was determined to propose to him and reveal my identity the next time he came to town in a few days.

Suddenly, Information came in that the human village he lived in might be attacked by human-hunting beastmen.

I led my army and hurried to his village, disregarding the protests of my retainers.

I rode my beloved Arvis to its limit, and the soldiers struggled to keep up with us.

The village that began to be visible from a distance was already on fire, and angry shouts and screams could be heard.

I continued to pray in my heart.

Wishing that he’s okay.

When we arrived in the village, I quickly gave instructions to the army to subdue the human hunters.

I ran as fast as I could to his house, which he told me was next to a river in the village.

The house wasn’t on fire, but my relief was short-lived when I heard a scream from inside the house.

I quickly changed into my beast form and ran to the house.

I broke the door and got in.

An extremely horrifying scene was unfolding before my eyes.

His father, who had come with him to sell vegetables, was bleeding profusely from the neck down, and he was already dead.

His mother, also a human race, had his lower body completely exposed. Perhaps from the shock of being r*ped in front of his children, he committed su*cide.

Meanwhile, his little brother’s little neck was bent in the wrong direction…

And he, my beloved ‘pair’ whose existence was more important to me than my life, was being r*ped by another beastman right in front of my eyes.

Moreover, that beastman was r*p*ng him in his beast form.

His sorrowful cries echoed through the air.

I pounced on the beastman, ripped it off him, and ran my claws down its neck.

Blood gushed from his neck, and the beastman was gone.

I called out to him, my ‘pair’.

“I’m so sorry it took me so long to come… I’m really sorry. Are you okay……?”

His eyes were closed when he cried, but he slowly opened them and looked at me.

Then, he screamed and desperately tried to escape backward, but his body was unable to stand up.

Words begging for forgiveness spun intermittently from his mouth.

… He was frightened by my appearance.

“I’m really sorry…I’ll call someone right away, so please bear with me for a moment…”

I felt nothing but despair.

My precious ‘pair’ has been violated, my precious ‘pair’s family suffered a tragic end, and my precious ‘pair’ is afraid of me.

All of that.

I called the soldiers, asked them to calm him down and protect him, and then I left.

He and a few humans were the only survivors of their village.

All non-human villagers were k**led, and many of the humans who had mates but were violated took their own lives.

The human hunters were given cruel punishment.

I have forbidden all inhumane punishments since my accession, but I was a tyrant at this moment.

I even found it comforting to listen to those human hunters crying out for me to kill them instead.

I also regretted why I had k**led that beastman who had violated my ‘pair’.

If he had lived, I could have put him through a worse punishment than death personally.

I ordered the surviving humans to be carefully protected so that they would not be inconvenienced, but he was the only one I wanted to keep with me.

It was probably about a month later that he, still frightened and half-insane, started to recognize me.

Under my protection, he was nursed very well, and little by little he returned to his former self.

About half a year later, he apologized to me.

He asked for my forgiveness for behaving that way even though I saved him.

I hugged him and snorted, wondering why he cared about such trivial things.

After that, I proposed to him, and he accepted.

I truly loved and cherished him as his companion.

He also loved me and told me he was happy.

His expression changed from time to time, and he smiled often.

But I knew.

There were times when he lost all facial expressions.

I knew he would never forget that night.

He seemed really happy after giving birth to two children, Albert and Douglas.

Of course, I was happy, too.

However, at random moments, I could feel that he was being drawn back to that night.

I was really happy to be with him.

But is he really happy to be with me?

Even such a foolish thought comes to my mind.

I will never forget the words he left behind at the end of his life after an epidemic struck him down.

He put his hand, which was no longer strong enough, on my face and said this while I looked into him.

“Please take care of… Albert and Douglas. What you gave me was really… really wonderful and I am so happy…. And yet, I… I couldn’t escape the chains of the past that bound me till the end…I was really… a terrible ‘pair’. However, you are truly a wonderful person as a husband…a father…and a king…. I hope you will use your power to create a wonderful country… where no one will ever experience the same thing as I did…. I love you…my dear.”

He shed tears when he spoke.

Then, his hand gradually lost its strength.

All I could do was squeeze his hand and nod.

I still regret it to this day.

Why didn’t I refute him then and tell him that he was the best ‘pair’ I could ever have and that I loved him so much to give my life for him?

After that, I was in a state where I could have gone crazy at any time.

However, my duties as a king, the young children he left behind, and his last words.

They did not allow me to go crazy.

As soon as I ascended the throne, I not only forbade the use of the curse of s*x sl*very on the human race but also issued strict orders to protect the human race. Although I took various measures, I could only do so within my own country, but not in other countries.

The characteristics of the human race were so attractive to the beastmen that they wanted to break the taboo and make a move on them.

There were so many beastmen who hunted humans that there was no end to the crackdown, and the rapid decline of the human race couldn’t be stopped.

I failed to keep my promise to him.

I wonder how many humans felt the same way he did and died in regret.

Some people refer to me as the “Silent Wise King”, but it only makes me laugh scornfully.

How could they say I am the wise king?

Despite my mixed feelings, my sons grew up healthy.

One day, Albert, who was on duty as a knight, brought back a human.

The human race who lived in a hidden village was unluckily attacked by human-hunting beastmen, and I heard that Albert saved his family from being killed and sold as slaves.

Isn’t this the same as what happened to him? I could not save them again.

The only saving grace might be that the beastmen did not defile that person.

That human, Kyril, is said to be Albert’s ‘pair’.

It makes me want to curse fate that my son has the same fate as me to such an extent.

As expected, Kyril also had a strong hatred for beastmen.

Yes, just like him.

Being loved by Albert will surely make Kyril happy, but the hatred deep within his heart will never disappear…

Albert and Kyril had a lion cub and a human child.

The lion Theodore is, of course cute, but I can’t help but notice the human Alexei.

At last, I finally met a human race who has no hatred towards beastmen.

Please forgive me for being somewhat attached to you.

Then, I heard that Douglas also had a human companion.

When I saw the report about the said human, I couldn’t believe his eyes.

Is this mean that he has been abused as a sex slave for years?

Moreover, he was used as a plaything by the nobles of Cattleton, and was forced to take in customers of all races at the brothel without a break.

In the extreme case, he was tortured as an outlet for the slave traders’ desires on the premise of being discarded.

I couldn’t imagine how much hatred towards beastmen is engraved in the hearts of this human.

No, maybe his heart is already broken.

However, when I peeked at him in the audience chamber, I felt a terrible discomfort.

The look on his face showed a slight confusion and sincere trust and love for his spouses, Douglas and Gail.

I didn’t sense the darkness that oppressed people have that they can’t hide no matter how hard they try.

And when I actually came into contact with Chikayuki, I was convinced.

He must have turned his heart, which should have been filled with hatred, resentment, and enmity, to love and trust toward his spouses.

I don’t know how Chikayuki was able to do that.

No, on the contrary, Chikayuki’s heart may have reached its limit to the extent that he couldn’t protect himself otherwise.

Douglas and Gail will protect his heart from now on.

In that case, I will protect him and those precious to him with everything I have.

For that purpose, I’ll gladly play as the clown for as long as I have to.

Well, even though I say that, I know that Chikayuki’s innocence has made me put my own desires first. I know that, but I can’t stop.

The instinct to love the human race that has been imprinted on me will not allow me to stop being reckless.

However, the fact is that Chikayuki’s surroundings are indeed disturbing.

This is even more so now that Chikayuki and Douglas have children.

I’m willing to go to any lengths for them, and I’m okay being the only one who gets dirty.

I know that this is just my own self-satisfaction.

Maybe I want to think that by protecting and making Chikayuki, Alexei, and Kyril happy, I have kept my promise to him, even if only slightly.

By making them happy, I feel like I will be able to make my beloved ‘pair’ smile when I meet him again.

TL Notes :

I legit cried when I was translating this chapter (T_T) I even need to take a break for a moment before I resumed again *sniffles*