Chapter 251 242 Storm

Name:Aimless Ascension Author:
Chapter 251 242 Storm

After Wang Li finished absorbing all the ice cores they had collected, Gale decided it was time to attempt the trial. With nine days remaining, it seemed like enough time, but the worsening weather made him hesitant to take any unnecessary risks. Read latest chapters at Only

Vale had almost completed the task of gathering the copper cores from the beasts, so their primary concern now was finding the location of the temple.

Determined, all four of them embarked on the journey for the first time. Initially, Gale had contemplated leaving the others to cultivate, but they both presented valid reasons for their inclusion. In the end, he realised that treating them like fragile porcelain dolls to be protected would do more harm than good.

He set aside his overprotective notions and did his best to help their growth.

The cold and stormy wind flew away fast, constantly in the same notion. They noticed a pattern in the blizzard's intensity. It arrived a few minutes earlier each day and lingered for a longer duration, hinting that it would only intensify as their quest progressed.

This realisation spurred the consideration of finding a more suitable location or potentially resettling altogether.

Vale led the group as the vanguard, vigilant of any potential encounters with Ice Golems. Behind her were the two women, followed by Gale.

For the most part, they moved in silence, navigating the harsh conditions. However, after hours of enduring the biting cold wind, Gale's curiosity got the better of him, and he turned to the Oracle apprentice, asking, "Hey, can't you just divine the way of the temple?"

Ai paused on her path, contemplating his question. For a moment, it seemed as though she genuinely considered it. However, she soon adopted the aloof demeanour of an oracle and responded, "We are on the right path."

"Of course, it's the right path," Gale retorted. "Why else would those Ice Golems attack us here?"

Along their journey, they encountered Ice Golems occasionally, sometimes alone and occasionally in pairs, but never in larger groups. With Vale acting as the vanguard, they were never caught off guard, and it wasn't too challenging to overcome the creatures.

Despite their furry clothes, the cold was seeping through, making it challenging for Wang Li to bring Ai through the storm. Vale noticed their slowed pace and adjusted accordingly.

Until he stopped completely, as if noticed something.

Gale's mind rang with the sensation of impending danger. Without hesitating, he surged forward and swiftly pulled Ai onto his back, sensing the urgency of the situation.

Startled, the blind girl let out a yelp.

"Run!" Gale shouted, gripping Wang Li's arm and urging her forward. At the same time, Vale swiftly approached from the other direction, sensing the same looming threat.

The thick layers of snow beneath them undulated, revealing a massive ice golem standing over nine feet tall. Its bestial features exuded savagery as it launched ice spikes in their direction. Gale managed to barely fend off the projectiles, lashing out with his Qi.

This particular ice golem appeared more troublesome than any they had faced thus far. Gale wasn't certain if Vale would be able to handle it alone, but his loyal companion charged forward, crashing into the beast with relentless force. Vale's form contorted, taking on a more beast-like appearance.

After reaching the safety of a large boulder, Gale positioned the girls behind it and swiftly returned to the battlefield, brandishing his bone sword.

Vale was already engaged in a fierce battle, depriving the golem of any opportunity to create distance and rendering its ice spikes useless. Gale loomed behind, his illusory wings materialising. With increased agility, he darted behind the ice golem, thrusting his sword into head.

Momentarily caught off guard, the golem let out a piercing shriek as the bone sword emerged from its mouth. But that wasn't enough. They needed to disable its core, which was exactly was what Vale was for.

Vale delivered the final blow, digging its elongated claw into the golem's core, ensuring its defeat.


A little rusty after not writing it for a while.