Chapter 268 A visit from my girl?

Chapter 268 A visit from my girl?

You guys now have the power to control me, goals are now out.

Prelude to White Labyrinth Exploration Arc.


(POV: Lumiere)

After a long day of exams, dates and arranging marriage proposal interviews, I finally returned to the university at night. Ruri and Anatasia had my key, so they could make their way home earlier. Lucilia, my fellow teacher, and I were the only ones left to wrap up our tasks. Using Lucilia's key, we unlocked the gates to the university and returned it to Abaddon, before saying our goodbyes.

As we strolled through the fields of the staff hostel, Lucilia let out a tired yawn, her energy completely drained.

"Oh, I'm so glad I have plenty of free periods tomorrow," she exclaimed, relieved.

I let out a stretch, feeling the exhaustion beginning to weigh on me as well.

It was more of mental stress than physical stress.

Physically, I rarely got tired, but mentally, I did, a lot.

"Same here. I should rest and plan for the things I gotta do tomorrow," I replied.

Lucilia raised an eyebrow.

"Well, how about we celebrate the success of our marriage proposal interviews? Let's go out and have some fun."

Her suggestion couldn't have been perfectly and less perfectly timed.

In the sense that: I had free periods tomorrow, but I was busy with a small exam for the students.

"Another time, perhaps. Tomorrow's packed with lots of stuff and I really don't wanna mess it up."

Lucilia nodded understandingly.

"Ah, I see. You are always so diligent and responsible."

Definitely not, but okay.

"I should've known. Well then, we'll see tomorrow," she said, giving me a gentle pat on the shoulder before turning to head towards her own destination.

With Lucilia gone, I made my way to the male staff hostel. Climbing up the stairs, I entered the hallway leading to my room. The quiet atmosphere greeted me, allowing my mind to settle. The male teachers were either thirty-five or older, in other words, they slept as early as possible.

I approached the door and opened it.

Inside, I noticed a familiar silver-haired figure, waving at me eagerly.

It was Serena...

From the looks of it, she made herself quite comfortable, wearing my white dress shirt and tie over her white panties and long white stockings. Her chin was perched on her knees, which were pulled up close to her surplus breasts.

As I entered the room, she turned to face me, a gentle smile on her face, her mesmerizing cobalt blue eyes coming into view.

"Serena..." I called to her warmly.

She smiled back. "It's been a while, my lord."

I stepped into my room.

The glow of the fire core bulb illuminated the space.

With me inside Serena, it felt warm and cozy.

I mean... With Serena inside the room, it felt warm and cozy.

Closing the door behind me, I let out a contented sigh.

The eventful day slowly dissipated.

The only thing on my mind now, was my goddess.

I watched as she came down from the small table her butt was perched on.

Gracefully, she approached me, holding a wicker basket adorned with a red ribbon. Triangular sandwiches, carefully cut and arranged, awaited my attention. Her silver hair cascaded down her shoulders, framing her delicate features as she presented me with this unexpected treat.

I mean, it wasn't unexpected...

Serena was a wife material...

If it was Stellaria, she'd have eaten the sandwiches then gave me the basket.

A smile formed on my lips as I gratefully accepted the basket.

"Thanks," I said appreciatively.

I sat on my bed and made myself comfortable while she settled on a small table nearby.

With her chin rested on her hand, her elbow propped on the table's surface, and her bare buttocks raised up, she watched me intently, her gaze completely fixed on me.

"Honestly, you should be more aware..."

"Hm?" she said.

I walked over to the window and closed the curtains.

I couldn't let anyone look at her ass, her panty strip was the only thing covering it.

Only I have that privilege... Kek...

I returned to my bed and focused on my sandwich again.

Just as I was about to take my first bite, Serena's eyes never left mine.

"You want a bite?" I asked, a playful tone coloring my words.

She shook her head gently, her smile intact. "No, thank you, my lord," she replied softly.

I chuckled, amused by her response. "Alright then," I said, surrendering to her calm request.

Taking a bite out of the sandwich, I enjoyed the delectable flavors of the sandwich.

No one had skill in the kitchen like Serena.

Isadora, however, was a terrible cook, hah~

"Honestly, I expected Fasit or Sangria to come for a visit this time," I admitted while chewing my food.

Serena nodded, her gaze showing understanding but she just watched me eat.


"Yes? My lord."

"How many bites have I taken so far."

"Thirteen... Why...?"

"I thought so..."

She really was watching me eat.

Right after, we went back on topic.

"I wanted to see you, my lord. It's been far too long," she confessed.

Surprised, I paused for a moment, contemplating her statement.

"Too long? It's barely been a week," I told her.

Well, let me be sincere, I wasn't expecting Serena to miss me that much after just a week plus.

I mean, come on, for us humans, that's a decent amount of time.

But see, she's a goddess, so time should work differently for her.

According to the All-Father, a year for godly races is like a few weeks for us mortals.

So, naturally, I thought a week plus would feel like a day for her. You know, like she wouldn't even notice I was gone.

But then again, this was Serena.

If I wasn't so busy driving the plot— I mean, working in the university, I'd be thinking about her all day.

Her smile never wavered as she explained, "To me, that's long enough. I missed you dearly."

Her words caused a warmth to bloom within my chest.

"I missed you too, Serena," I whispered, returning the sentiment.

I finished up the last delectable bite of the sandwich, a satisfied smile tugged at the corners of my lips.

Serena, ever attentive, leaned forward, curiosity dancing in her eyes.

"How was it, my lord?" she asked.

I returned her smile, impressed by her eagerness to hear my opinion.

"It was awesome," I responded honestly. "Your cooking's still as great as always."

A pleased blush stained Serena's cheeks, her silver hair shimmering under the gentle glow of the fire core bulb.

"I'm glad to hear that," she murmured softly.

With nimble grace, Serena descended from the small table, gracefully retrieving the wicker basket from my grasp. Setting it aside, she produced a crisp white napkin. "Push out your lips, my lord," she enticed.

It was her usual calm voice, but there was some playfulness behind it.

Puzzled by her request, I raised an eyebrow in question.

"Why? What's it for?" I asked.

A sweet giggle escaped Serena as she placed the napkin over her own lips, providing an explanation for her impish request. "Please, just trust me," she whispered, excitement heavily in her voice. "I just want to clean your mouth."

Yeah right...

A bemused smile crossed my face.

"Very well," I consented, giving in to her whimsical request.

I puckered my lips.

Without hesitation, Serena leaned in closer, her breath warm against my skin. And in a swift motion, she planted a gentle kiss on my waiting lips.

A surprised "Huh?" escaped my lips, slightly taken aback by her unconventional method.

Chuckling softly, Serena withdrew, her eyes calm and attractive.

"Uh, you know you could've just kissed me normally."

"Fufu~ I know, but where's the fun in that, my lord. I find this way much more fun... Fasit told me you'd like it a lot..."


"Indeed, she told me to surprise you in the sexiest way possible..."

"I see..."

"Initially, I wanted to stay here naked but I was a little scared you'd pass out..."

"What? I don't do that anymore..."

"Sure," she said, teasingly too.

It's been over four months since I first saw a clear image of Serena's greasy sausage wallet.

And that day I was only caught off guard because I just got out of the Grygan dungeon with Ophelia.


Serena took a step back, her gaze locked onto mine.

"So, how's your time teaching in the university been..?"

I let out the heaviest sigh since hearing about what Stellaria did to her students.