The information that "Viscount Zhangou has treasonous intentions" was quietly brought to only my father, the King, and me, the Crown Prince, in secret.
Marquis Howard, the source of this information, had already finished capturing and interrogating Zhangou. He even obtained the name of the person who was going to be used as a human sacrifice for the kill, and stood there somberly.
“The target is…”
Marquis Howard revealed the name, and my father and I both groaned.
“The target is Princess Aaliyah of the Kingdom of Xium… the fiancée of His Highness Ethan."
Marquis Howard recounted the story out loud.
Black magic users. The black magic used by the conjuror, so called, were originally used for inheritance problems in the family. As a matter of course, curses came to be used to eliminate political opponents or as a means of revenge, and now international law forbids their use.
Of course, countries unofficially kept these conjurors. The practice is an open secret, a so-called deterrent aimed at preventing people from getting at each other for fear of retaliation.
Apparently, the Viscounts of Zhangou are a family that has been secretly producing these conjurors. Black magic, which have been studied in secret so as not to draw attention, have been quietly passed down within the family as a secret ritual not to be shared with anyone outside the family.
It seems that the Zhangou’s of the past had a rare talent.
Eventually, as Zhangou's status as a master conjurors rose, he was able to easily handle black magic, and this drove him mad.
He began to use the family's secret rituals to make money, but black magic was a crime. Fearing that it would be exposed to the public, he pretended to be harmless in the country and received requests from the neighboring Kingdom of Xium.
As he completed several requests by them, he gained credibility as a rogue conjuror, and a big job came his way. This was to kill the first Princess Aaliyah of the Kingdom of Xium.