Chapter 174

Name:Alchemist Sword Sect Author:Gu Dong
In the room, Lu Chen sat cross legged, just like an old monk. In his mind, scenes of fighting with Chen Lanzhu emerged. It took him two days to completely transform and absorb all the actual combat experience. In two days, Lu Chen felt that his strength had improved again and basically reached the same level as Kang Qingshan.

When he opened his eyes, the fine light in his eyes flashed away. As soon as Lu Chen wanted to stand up, there were bursts of pain in his body. He couldn't help saying, "I was so anxious to sum up this battle that I almost forgot that I still had injuries."

Take out a pill from his space ring and operate his internal power. The pill's power is slowly absorbed by him, and his body begins to recover quickly. Although he was injured this time, he was protected by red scale divine armor, so his injury was not too serious.

So don't mention the best pill like four pills. Ordinary pills are enough to make him recover.

Three hours later, all his injuries recovered. Lu Chen stood up from the ground and walked out. Now he urgently wants to go to the cultivation room, because this great progress in strength has given him signs of breakthrough. Although his strength is not weak, who doesn't want to be stronger and better.

When he came to the cultivation room and handed in enough four leaf coins, he entered the cultivation room. This is the training room in the inner courtyard, and Lu Chen chose the top-level training room. Such a training room is frightening, with 14000 yuan a day. He paid a total of 100000 four leaf coins and could practice in the cultivation room for ten days.

When he entered the cultivation room, he felt a thick aura coming to his face, and the aura in the air kept pouring into his body.

"It's worthy of being the top training room. It's really not comparable to the outer court."

Looking at the almost substantive aura, Lu Chen couldn't help feeling the general way. I'm afraid the aura in the room is a hundred times that outside. In the cultivation room, a spirit stone is inlaid, and then the aura in the spirit stone is extracted with an array. That's why you need to consume so many four leaf coins every day. It can be said that this is simply a paradise for practitioners. Even if you don't practice in such a place, even if you are a pig, your strength can be improved.

Immediately, Lu Chen entered the state of cultivation and operated the heaven and earth mental method. The aura around him quickly and madly penetrated into his body. At this moment, Lu Chen felt that every cell of his body was breathing freely, and he could clearly feel the excitement of his body.

Absorb! Refining!

Absorb! Refining!

Lu Chen constantly breathes Reiki into his body and then refines it. Every moment, he felt that his internal power was increasing in his body, but now his internal power in the elixir field was still a little far from breaking through the congenital environment.


In the inner courtyard, Liao Yuan finally found Leng wuheng.

Leng wuheng is just like his name. The whole person is like an iceberg. On his flat face, it seems to say that strangers should not be close. Nevertheless, Liao Yuan was not dissatisfied at all, because he knew that in front of him, he was the top 20 master of the whole April college and a real genius.

Although Chen Lanzhu is also in the Tianyuan realm, he has just broken through the Tianyuan realm, and he is still so old that it is too difficult to improve. But Leng wuheng genius is different. They are still young, only in their twenties, their Qi and blood are still in their peak period, and their strength is also in the explosive period. Even if he has further strength tomorrow, it is not impossible. Besides, why Lu Chen can win over Chen Lanzhu, in addition to luck, it also shows a truth that boxing is afraid of youth.

The future always belongs to young people!

Standing in front of Leng wuheng, Liao Yuan piled up a smile on his face and said, "Leng Shao, I have something to ask you for help."

"No help!"

As if he had known his answer, Liao Yuan's smile became more and more flattering, Avenue: "Leng Shao, don't refuse so quickly. I think you will be interested after listening to it. This time I want you to help me teach a lesson. This person is Lu Chen, who has just been promoted from the outer court to the upper court, and is known as the most powerful genius in the history of our four leaf college. And he really deserves the name. He not only entered the upper court at a young age, but also defeated the so-called innate environment The enemy's Kang Qingshan defeated Chen Lanzhu, a master of Tianyuan realm. Now it has unlimited scenery in the whole inner courtyard. Almost everyone believes that he will be able to climb the list of Tianjiao and become a great man in the future. But I hate him very much, or hate him. He is a thorn in my eye and a thorn in my flesh. If I don't get rid of him, I'm uneasy. Therefore, I beg Leng Shao to do it. As long as Leng Shao is willing to do it, I am willing to thank you with a lot of money. Here are three three pills. As long as lengshao takes the medicine, I'm willing to give it to lengshao. "


Leng wuheng's eyes lit up, but he heard that the real Tianjiao list competition was about to start. With Leng wuheng's current strength, there may be no problem to participate, but it is almost impossible to stand out from the Tianjiao list. Therefore, he is also trying to improve his strength.

If at ordinary times, these three pills might make him moved, but he would never help, but now he hesitated.

"Only by becoming a person on the list of Tianjiao can I be qualified to go to that place. I'm cold and have to go."

Leng wuheng's eyes showed a firm color. The next moment, he grabbed his hand and put all the pills into his space ring. Then he said coldly, "I'll help you this time. You go to Vietnam for me."

"OK, OK, OK, I'll go now."

Liao Yuan's face showed an excited color. After a long time of energy, he finally asked the great God to move. He hurriedly went to find Lu Chen to make an appointment. As he walked, his face showed an excited color and murmured, "I can finally complete the task assigned to me by the president this time."

He trembled with excitement at the thought of the reward after completing the task.


In the cultivation room, Lu Chen didn't know. Liao Yuan found him a strong enemy. At this time, he was still absorbing Reiki. In five days, his internal power in the elixir field increased nearly five times, and his internal power almost doubled every day, which is unimaginable.

This is mainly because the aura here is too strong. The second is that his heaven and earth mind method is too rebellious. He can quickly absorb the aura, convert it into internal power and store it in the Dantian. With the improvement of his internal power, his breath is also getting stronger. Lu Chen feels that he is getting closer and closer to breaking through the great perfection. Even he has a feeling that he is only a layer of paper away from the great perfection of the congenital environment. As long as he pokes it gently, he can break through.

On the sixth day, Lu Chen's internal force finally reached a bottleneck and stopped growing. Lu Chen is not unhappy because of this. Instead, his eyes are full of expectation, because next he will impact the great perfection of the congenital environment. Once he breaks through, his strength will be greatly improved.

Heaven and earth mind method urges!

In the originally calm Dantian, it seemed that the wind and clouds surged in an instant, and the internal forces began to surge, and then these internal forces rushed towards the eight meridians of his whole body. Internal power is like a runaway wild horse, which is wanton in the eight channels of the strange Sutra. Because it was too fierce, his meridians were nearly doubled, and bursts of pain came from the bulging meridians.

Under his guidance, his internal power rushed towards his blocked meridians. At first, he was pounding the small meridians in his body. It's not easy to break through these small meridians. Because you must control your internal power. Once your internal power is too strong, you may burst your meridians. If the amount of internal force is too small, you may not be able to rush them away.

Therefore, to impact these small meridians, we must have a strong impact on our internal force and break through them in one fell swoop.

to attack! to attack!

When Lu Chen cultivates the heaven and earth mental skill, he has full stamina and instantly impacts the small meridians. In just half an hour, he opened more than 90 small meridians and finally stopped. It's not that he doesn't want to continue to impact, but because the remaining meridians are smaller and need stronger stamina to impact. Only with more powerful strength can we burst these small veins in an instant.

Then his eyes showed a burning color, because he wanted to impact one of the twelve main veins in his body. Previously, he had already broken through five, but now he wants to break through the sixth in one fell swoop. This main vein is as thick as a finger. However, when the internal power runs, it stops here.

Because there is a porch at the meridians, it is like a hard door, completely shutting out internal power.

In the state of regulating breath, Lu Chen soon made the internal force in Dantian full of vitality. When one's mind moves, the rolling internal force, like thousands of troops and horses, impacts towards the porch in the meridians. When his internal force hit the porch, he seemed to feel his body shaking.

With each impact, bursts of pain came from the porch.

to attack! to attack!

The overwhelming internal force hit the porch again and again, and cracks appeared on his porch.


He seemed to hear a loud noise coming from his body, the barrier in the meridians was rushed away in a moment, and endless internal power flowed towards these meridians. With the entrance opening, Lu Chen finally broke through the shackles of the small perfection of the congenital environment and reached the great perfection of the congenital environment in one fell swoop!

"Is this the perfect congenital environment? It's a wonderful feeling!"

With a grip of his hand, he felt the strong power from his body, and Lu Chen showed a bright smile on his face. As he broke through the congenital environment and achieved great perfection, he felt that his strength had increased several times. Now if you let him go to kangqingshan, it will definitely be a slap in the face.

The aura in the air rushed into his body crazily again, and then was transformed into internal force.

After breaking through the great perfection of the congenital environment, he did not leave immediately, but took two days to consolidate. Only after thoroughly consolidating the great perfection of the congenital environment did he stand up from the ground. When he stood up, a crackling sound like fried beans came out of his body.

When he came out of the practice room, the sun shone on his face, and he showed the color of enjoyment.

"Lu Chen, I finally found you. Today I challenge you on behalf of young master Leng wuheng." Suddenly, a discordant voice sounded in his ear.

Liao Yuan walked up to Lu Chen. He looked up proudly and looked at Lu Chen disdainfully. He said, "Lu Chen, I challenge you on behalf of lengshao. He wants to tell you with practical actions that if you don't defeat an expert in Tianyuan territory, you can compete with an expert in Tianyuan territory. He wants everyone to recognize the strength of Tianyuan territory again."

"Who are you?"

Lu Chen frowned and said slightly upset.

He was in a good mood when he just broke through the congenital perfection, but the guy in front of him was like rat excrement in a pot of fragrant soup. It was really disgusting. As for the cold one, he didn't like it at all.

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that you just accept the challenge of being less cold?"

"Who is Leng Shao? Is he awesome? Since he wants to fight me, let him challenge me. I'll wait for him in my immortal peak."

With that, Lu Chen walked towards his immortal peak. Seeing the back of him leaving, Liao Yuan showed an evil smile and said, "Lu Chen, you're dead this time."