Chapter 226

Name:Alchemist Sword Sect Author:Gu Dong
It was like a substantial knife awn emanating from him, and the knife awn around him began to condense. Soon, ten different shapes of knife awns condensed around him, and each knife awn gave off an amazing killing opportunity. They are like fierce soldiers in hell and can deter ghosts and gods.

"What a terrible murderous spirit!"

"The cold hairs on my whole body are up. This time the land dust is dangerous."

"Ten swords in prison. It seems that this is a terrible Sabre technique created by a strong man in limitless territory. Unexpectedly, Jiang Shan got it."

Even outside the border, people can feel the murderous spirit emanating from Jiang Shan, shrouded by the murderous spirit, and countless people seem to be in the Shura battlefield.

When Jiang Shan displayed the prison ten sabres, a trace of ferocity appeared on his face and said, "Lu Chen, do you think you are the only one with a card? Originally, I was going to use this prison ten sabres against the strong in Nirvana. Now you are proud to use it against you."


With a sweep of the broadsword in Jiang Shan's hand, one of the ten blades suspended around him broke through the air and went to the landing dust. Then, he waved continuously, and three more blades flew out. Each blade was fierce and powerful.

"What a terrible blade, what a wonderful attack!"

Lu Chen was shocked. He saw such terrible martial arts for the first time. Such martial arts had exceeded the level of ordinary martial arts and began to move towards the "road". Of course, compared with the achievements of Xiaoxiang swordsmen in kendo, it is still far from being. This martial art has just stepped into the "Tao", and Xiaoxiang swordsmen have gone far in the "Tao". Unfortunately, he hasn't got the inheritance of Xiaoxiang ghost sword, nor the martial arts of Xiaoxiang ghost sword.

He constantly poured his internal power into the sky fire Xuan sword, and released the sword Qi one by one, just like the sword Qi of the tide, trying to drown the blade.

Whether to cut off the flow or cut off the flow.

After consuming most of the sword Qi, the blade awn dissipated completely. Jiang Shan still had everything under control and said, "I didn't expect to catch four knives. I'll see how many knives you can catch."

Jiang Shan's mind moved, and another blade came towards Lu Chen. This blade is more powerful than just now. The blade can crush the void, absorb the vitality in the air and expand yourself. Gradually, the blade became bigger and bigger. In the blink of an eye, the blade became several feet in size, just like a long dragon.

When the blade was cut down, the air was broken in two.

Sun Tathagata!

Lu Chen shows the great sun Tathagata divine skill. His golden palm is like the hand of heaven. The big hand suppresses it, and the void is faintly broken.


Seeing that his blade was about to be crushed, Jiang Shan waved his hand again and two blades were shot out. These two blades directly split the palm of the Tathagata, and then they went straight to Lu Chen. Jiangshan's face showed a ferocious smile and said, "Lu Chen, it depends on how you take my attack this time."

Sun Tathagata!

Red fire sword!

Lu Chen combines the two. This is the biggest card for him to show the unity of the five elements. The great sun Tathagata divine skill can be used in combination with other skills. This is not as simple as one plus one, but a combination of strong and powerful. The integration of the two is far greater than two.

With the integration of two martial arts skills, Lu Chen's internal power decreased rapidly. In less than two seconds, his internal power was less than one third of the original.


Lu Chen's sword spirit became more terrible. The originally dissipated sword spirit magically gathered around him. In an instant, the sword spirit around Lu Chen reached an unimaginable level.

"This... How is this possible? How can he have such exquisite martial arts. My martial arts should be the most powerful martial arts!"

Jiang Shan couldn't accept it in the border crossing. Lu Chen's martial arts exceeded his understanding. He was extremely superior just now and was seriously hit. His face became distorted and said, "even if your martial arts are strong, what's the matter? My martial arts are the most powerful. I'm also better than you. I'm the one who won in the end. Die for me."

At the direction of Jiang Shan's long knife, the remaining four blades around him shot at Lu Chen. Obviously, he wants to make the last desperate fight to defeat Lu Chen in one fell swoop. Lu Chen kept playing cards, which had made him afraid. He was afraid that Lu Chen had other cards.

The remaining four blades are the most powerful four handles, and their murderous spirit is amazing. However, Lu Chen stood still, but his sword intention became stronger and stronger. With the rising of the sword intention, the sword Qi around him seemed to be infected and become restless.

The endless sword Qi began to condense in the air. Sooner or later, all the sword Qi condensed into a huge sword seal in the blink of an eye. It is like the jade seal of a Kendo king, as if the emperor's coronation was recognized. At this moment, the sword meaning of Lu Chen's unparalleled King potential completely reached the extreme.

Da Yin is the size of a room. When the sword Qi was suppressed, the void was distorted. The Four Swords trembled in the void. They tried their best to compete with the sword Qi seal, but they began to collapse gradually.


With an explosion, the Four Swords collapsed, and Da Yin suppressed towards Jiang mountain with an irresistible trend.

"No way, it's impossible. How can I lose ~ ~"

The big seal fell, leaving only the unwilling roar of Jiang Shan in the void.


In such a big square, countless people were in an uproar. If Lu Chen defeated daytime new for the first time, everyone thought it was his luck and the latter underestimated the enemy too much. But twice in a row, and this time Jiang Shan didn't underestimate the enemy, but he still lost. What does this mean? It shows that Lu Chen's strength can really compete with the experts at the peak of Tianyuan territory.

"Didn't Lu Chen just break through the Tianyuan realm? He can compete with the top experts in the Tianyuan realm. I'll be good, isn't it too bad?"

"This is because he was tortured by highly toxic drugs and couldn't give full play to his strength. How abnormal his peak state is."

"I'll drop my own mother, even if I'm abnormal in alchemy. Now my martial arts cultivation is so powerful that I can't let people live."

"I found that I didn't deserve to lift Lu Chen's shoes. My heart is cool."

Countless people lamented Lu Chen's rebellious sky. The experts from all families and three other colleges looked at Lu Chen differently. This opponent looks weak, but he often makes amazing moves. He can always win the strong with the weak, and must not be underestimated.

Although he was valued by his opponents, Lu Chen didn't take it to heart at all. Now he is most concerned about Ming pride.

Lord's mansion!

Ming proudly lies in bed and still shows no sign of waking up.

"Nephew Lu CHENXIAN, Ming's pride is a little bad."

As soon as Lu Chen came back, Qiao Duan frowned and said, "Ming's proud body is strong, but it's strong outside and weak in the middle. His cultivation day and night has overdrawn the potential of his body. Now his body is like a rotten wood. There's no problem in ordinary times, but once it breaks out, it will cause a chain reaction..."

Lu Chen goes to Ming's proud body and uses his soul to find out Ming's proud body. The more he checks, the more dignified his face is. A moment later, he regained his soul, and his eyebrows wrinkled into a Sichuan shape.

As Qiao Duan said, Ming's pride is very bad, which is caused by his continuous physical cultivation and overdraft. In ordinary times, these problems are hidden, and even land dust is not found. Now, if Ming is proud and doesn't try to win, he may be able to last three or five years, and then he will age rapidly. However, in order to enter the top 10 of Tianjiao list, he would rather die than admit defeat. As a result, his physical crisis broke out.

"Lu Chen, will he be all right?"

Ning Xiaochuan's face was worried. He had only two friends, Lu Chen and Ming pride. He doesn't want anyone to have a problem.

"Mingshao's situation is very bad. His body has been exhausted. Unless he can find the natural material and earth treasure of human flesh and bones, no one..."

Lu Chen didn't go on, but Ning Xiaochuan already understood what he meant. The expressionless man frowned and said, "is there no way?"

"Hard!" Lu Chen shook his head and said, "if you want Mingshao's body to recover, you need at least six pills. Don't say there is no pill. It's difficult to get together the elixir of the six pills. I can't refine the six pills either."


The whole room suddenly became quiet and the atmosphere was extremely depressed.

"By the way, I think of a folk prescription that may save Mingshao."

"What can I do?" Lu Chen's eyes also showed the color of expectation.

"I got a way to make my body stronger from the seal of the old ancestor. At the beginning, the old man was almost sixty years old. His body began to slide after the peak period. In order to delay his life, he began to think of various methods. After he had no effect on the medicine and the panacea, he began to try the door. The role of. So he began to look for poisons everywhere to make pills, and then refine them into poison pills. Then, in cooperation with his own poison attack, he actually received a miraculous effect. As he swallowed more and more poison pills, he became younger and younger. Because he took too many poison pills, his body and blood were highly toxic. That's why he spent decades studying all kinds of poison skills and created the poison King Sutra. "


"After all, using poison is a side door, so there will be sequelae. Mingshao may become a poison man in the future. It is almost impossible to pull out his body poisoning."

"Save your life first. As for the others, you can think of a way later."

Soon, Lu Chen made a decision that no matter how serious the sequelae was, it was not as important as saving his life first.

"Mingshao, do you know how to refine poison pills? Besides, Mingshao is unconscious now. What should I do after refining poison pills?"

"I know the refining method of poison pill. As long as the poison pill is refined, I can help major Ming refine it."

"Well, let's act now,"

"I'll write down the method of refining poison pill first. You can get familiar with it. I'll collect all kinds of poisons."


Ning Xiaochuan wrote out the methods of refining poison pills. There are countless kinds of poison pills. Ning Xiaochuan only wrote several of them, which are not too difficult. After all, the more difficult the poison pill is, the more precious and rare the acute poison it needs, and it may not be found immediately. After coming down to the poison pill, Ning Xiaochuan left the city master's house to look for poisons. Now Ming's pride is not optimistic. The sooner he finds all kinds of severe poisons needed to refine the poison pill, the better.

Lu Chen studies the refining method of poison pill at home. According to the pill written by Ning Xiaochuan, the refining method of poison pill is completely different from that of ordinary pills, so he must master how to refine poison pill as soon as possible.


Cold home!

The owner of the cold family sits in the position of the owner, and there are three young people standing below him. These three people are the only three people left in the cold family to compete in the Tianjiao list.

"Fearless, speechless and Tao less, you three are the hope of our cold family, especially Tao less. Your strength reaches nirvana. Your goal is to hit the top five of Tianjiao list and then enter Wanji mountain. Do you understand?"

"I see!" Leng Wudao three people spoke in unison.