Chapter 627

Name:Alchemist Sword Sect Author:Gu Dong
Qianyuan and others were ashamed.

"In that case, I'll fight you." Zhao Yan said angrily.

"Which waste are you?" Lu Chen asked.

"Hear clearly, my name is Zhao Yan." Zhao Yan said angrily.

"Oh, it turns out that the waste also has a name. It's really strange. It's worthy of being from lingxu valley." Lu Chen said with a smile.

"Damn it." Zhao Yan was so angry at the speech that he could no longer control his emotions. He rushed out suddenly. Yingtian fire swept out, and there was a large fire cloud above his head.

At this time, Zhao Yan seemed to incarnate a god of fire.

"Roar." He burned a hot flame all over his body, suddenly looked up to the sky and shouted, then appeared in the air, waved his hands, and endless fire patterns emerged and gathered in his hands.

This fire pattern is very strange, as if there was a mysterious inside. As soon as PU appeared, a large number of fire patterns appeared in all directions, beating like a fire snake.

Under the control of Zhao Yan, those fire patterns crackled and kept ringing.

"Flame 18 beats."

Then, he glared at Lu Chen and shouted. His two palms immediately fell down and hit Lu Chen directly. A palm print fell down and the void exploded.

However, as soon as this palm print just flew out, another palm print was formed, and one palm was stronger than the other, and one palm was thicker than the other. The more powerful the fire attribute is.

There are as many as 18 palms, and the power is incomparably powerful. From a distance, it seems that there are huge flame mountains pressing against the land dust one after another.

In an instant, Lu Chen was shrouded in a blanket of flame fingerprints. The Wuchuan lake below his feet rumbled, emitting hot smoke, and then evaporated rapidly.

Everyone watching the war smelled a burning gas and was shocked.

"I didn't expect Zhao Yan's strength to be so strong. It seems that it's not far from breaking through the spirit heaven."

"I don't know if I can defeat Yang Chen?"

"Should it be ok?"

By this time, people no longer doubt Lu Chen's strength, so they are not sure whether Zhao Yan can defeat him.

Yang Qi, sitting in the middle of the mountain, remained motionless.

As for the Feng Shenyu, standing behind Zhao Zichuan, his eyes looked through the 18 palm prints and looked at Lu Chen who was caught in the sky fire. A deep shock flashed in his eyes.

Lu Chen waved the dark sword in his hand and pierced the palm prints in an instant. The black light of Yingtian swooped up and blasted away the fire.

Zhao Yan was stunned and hurried to the palm of his hand, but he didn't expect that Lu Chen had broken ten palm prints, and the eleventh palm print couldn't last long.

"Damn it."

His face was finally gloomy, and the ferocious color in his eyes disappeared. At this moment, he knew why he lost to the other party with the powerful strength of Qianyuan.

But the key thing is that he can't lose, because he is the most powerful disciple among the inner disciples, regardless of Long Xiao.

If he is defeated, there will be no one who can defeat Lu Chen among the disciples in the Xuantian realm of lingxu valley.

Thinking of this, he drew out 70% of the fire attribute spiritual power in his body and completely gathered it in his palm. The blazing breath spread out, and the fire patterns were formed one by one, interwoven into a piece of training, and fought towards Lu Chen.

At this time, Lu Chen has broken the 17th palm print.


The 18th palm print was also split.

That is, at this moment, the horse shaped by the fire pattern split down.

Lu Chen's eyes were shining. He waved the ink sword in his hand from bottom to top and cut it out. The black light of Yingtian rushed up. The sound of sword pterin rang through, and the sword Qi with poison attribute flew out.

With a few puffs, the fire chain cracked.


Zhao Yan flew out upside down. The corner of his mouth overflowed with blood and withdrew from Baizhang. Only then did he stabilize his body.

He coughed a few times with a gloomy face, and his face became very pale. Looking at Lu Chen, he showed deep shock and fear.

However, his red eyes were full of unwilling. In the later stage of Xuantian realm, he was about to break through the cultivation of Lingtian realm, but he was defeated by Lu Chen.

What a shame!

"Come again!"

He glared at Lu Chen fiercely, almost roared out, and his voice was very hoarse. He ran Lingli with a bang, so he rolled up a fire and rushed to Lu Chen.

"You're a little weak."

Lu Chen looked at the unwilling Zhao Yan and shook his head. With a wave of the ink sword in his hand, the sword Qi suddenly fell, "bang", hit Zhao Yan's chest, and a mass of blood burst out.

"Ah." Zhao Yan gave a cry of pain and poured out again.

Everyone was shocked to see this.

Is this Yang Chen's cultivation in the nine star limitless realm?

Long Xiao flew out with a gloomy face and gave a light to wrap Zhao Yan who flew out upside down to avoid him falling into the lake.

Then, he held Zhao Yan on one shoulder and looked at the sword mark on his chest. His face was gloomy again.

"Elder martial brother long, don't worry, I can't die." Zhao Yan said with a pale face.

"Of course I can't die. If I hadn't collected some spiritual power, you would be a corpse now." Lu Chen said expressionless.

"So I should thank you?" Long Xiao said coldly.

"Hehe, if you want to thank, just give tens of millions of Lingjing." Lu Chen smiled.

"It seems that you are determined to be right with me." Long Xiao said.

"What do you call that?" Lu Chen was immediately angry and said without fear, 'isn't it for mutual progress that you hold this competition? Or is it selling dog meat with sheep's head? "

"You...?" The Dragon roared angrily.

"What are you? Am I wrong? Besides, which one of the competition says that you are not allowed to challenge your spiritual Valley disciples?" Lu Chen interrupts his words impolitely.

"Is your skill inferior to others, do you still blame others?"

"Yang Chen, if you have the courage, will you fight with me?" The Dragon roared angrily.

"It's funny. You held this competition to break through the spirit heaven realm. Now that you have broken through the spirit heaven realm, why are you still participating in the competition?"

Lu Chen sneered twice and said fearlessly, "besides, is it interesting for you to challenge a nine star limitless realm at the beginning of a spiritual realm?"

When long Xiao heard the speech, he was so angry that his face was livid, and his eyes showed his killing intention: "aren't you afraid of me when you say so much?"

"I'm afraid of you?"

Lu Chen sneered: "after I break through the Xuantian realm, it's easy to defeat you."

"OK, I'll wait for you to break through the Xuantian realm."

Long Xiao took a deep look at Lu Chen, forced down the killing intention in his heart, and helped Zhao Yan back.

Zhao Yan also looked at Lu Chen angrily.

"I'll fight you."

At that moment, suddenly, a tall young man with a red cloak and a bloody face came out.

As soon as he came up, the air suddenly became cold and glowed with blood.

"Who are you?" Lu Chen asked.

"Five poisons, Yang Shen." The young man with a bloody face glanced coldly at Lu Chen.

"Yang Shen? I haven't heard of it. I only know that there is a person named Zhao Zichuan in your five poisons sect. Unfortunately, he has broken through the spirit heaven realm, otherwise I really don't mind fighting with him." Lu Shen said casually.

"Even Yang Shen hasn't heard of it. Is this man really arrogant or false arrogant?"

"Anyway, this man is so brave."

"Having said that, it seems that he has something to rely on if he dares to do so."

On the lake, the children of all sects and families were surprised again. Although Yang Shen's name is not as big as Zhao Zichuan's, he is also the No. 2 figure among the disciples of lingxu valley.

Yang Chen's saying this is undoubtedly sweeping the face of Yang Shen and the five poisons cult in public. How can the party not be angry?

"You're brave. I'll see how much weight you have."

Sure enough, Yang Shen's face sank as soon as he heard Lu Chen's words, and his eyes flashed a dark meaning. The red cloak behind him crackled and rushed out as a blood shadow.

His speed was very fast. At the moment of approaching the land dust, he set off a heavy storm and swept in like a tornado.

"Wind attribute power?"

Lu Chen was slightly surprised. No wonder Yang Shen's speed was so fast. It turned out that he was cultivating the power of wind attribute.

However, he is not weaker than Yang Shen in speed.

The only thing worth noting is that he can't use this footwork in front of the public, so he is not in a hurry to attack, but first put on a defensive posture.

At this moment, Yang Shen changed again;

He moved his feet and trampled in the void, leaving silver footprints, blooming brilliance and showing a sense of mystery.

And he himself was covered with a layer of silver light, shuttling through the void and sending out bursts of howling.

He can't breathe faster than three meters from Lu's sight.

In the explosion of silver light, he approached, fell with one hand and empty fingers. He was like the claws of a kind of spirit bird, falling with silver white light, and tearing down silver arcs.

Lu Chen frowned when facing the silver arc, and with a stroke of his palm, "Pooh", he saw a black light column burst out, but he didn't expect to be torn by the silver arc immediately.

"Chirp -" it was at this moment that a sharp and huge howling came from the sky, and then the land dust felt the explosion of silver light in the sky.

Lu Chen looked up and was surprised, but he saw that in the crazy silver light, he actually imagined a silver giant eagle. It was really silver, as if it was poured with silver water.

The silver giant shadow is huge. With its silver wings open, it is hundreds of feet huge. Those Eagle claws are huge. When they rush to the landing dust, the bright silver light collapses like a snow mountain, with great momentum.

The sound of chirping resounded through the sky, making Lu Chen only feel the roar of his eardrum.

His spirit was shocked, his eyebrows frowned tightly, and his eyes flashed a dignified color. He suddenly ran the poison attribute spiritual power in his body, opened and closed his hands, and the poison light surged out and burst into black light.

Then, Lu Chen played the ink sword, "whew", and the dark poisonous sword Qi rushed into the sky. From a distance, it was like a black light column, soaring up with the falling silver light.

When Yang Shen saw this cold smile, a fierce light appeared in his dark eyes, and the blood light on his face was also strong. Between his steps, it was like a silver storm, covering a thousand feet.

In this way, no matter where Lu Chen goes, he will be under his attack.

However, Lu Chen had no intention to escape. He didn't retreat. In his concentrated eyes, he had a strong fighting idea, and countless strands of black brilliance came out.

Before long, Lu Chen was like a dark shadow, moving in the silver storm. The Wuchuan lake at his feet roared and rushed up water columns, but it was just rushed up and evaporated in an instant.

Poisonous light and silver light intertwined around Lu Chen's body, forming a terrible picture, which made many people scared.

"Brother Zhao, do you think your junior brother can defeat him?"

On the pavilion, Long Xiao stood beside Zhao Zichuan with his hands on his back, watching the war, and asked in a flat tone.