Chapter 2877

Name:Alchemist Sword Sect Author:Gu Dong
She couldn't help looking up at Lu Chen. There was no look on Lu Chen's face, not a trace of obscenity. But the rigid outline and temperament give people a sense of security and reliability.

Glancing at the tight yuluan, Lu Chen suddenly smiled and said, "don't be nervous, so many lingzu have not been killed. You and I have tokens. What are you afraid of?"

As soon as yuluan heard it, her body suddenly stiffened. She was also stimulated here today, so she naturally kept nervous, but excessive tension is not a good behavior.


As soon as Lu Chen's voice fell, a man suddenly fell from the top of his head in front of him.


The man fell heavily to the ground.

Lu Chen and yuluan suddenly burst out of their bodies and tried their best to protect themselves.

"Ah... Where is this..."

The visitor is Xuanyu who helped Lu Chen and yuluan unintentionally before.

He was looking for six elders and Lu Chen. They searched inch by inch. As a result, they just didn't know where they were touched and fell down together.

Obviously, now the terrain and organs have changed, so he fell directly from above in front of Lu Chen and yuluan.

Lu Chen and yuluan looked at each other. Obviously, this guy just helped them unintentionally.

If you can, Lu Chen is willing to deceive a guy of the spirit family to be a guide in the middle of the world, rather than kill him.

"Why are you here!"

Xuanyu sat on the ground, saw Lu Chen and asked quickly.

Lu Chen paused and said, "I don't know. I fell in like you and walked around."

"Have you met our spiritual elders?"

Xuanyu asked.

"No." Yu Luan picked Liu Mei, "if we meet, do you think we will still be alive?"

Xuanyu rubbed her head awkwardly and said, "wait a minute, if you encounter it, I'll hold it for you. Just run."

After hearing this, Lu Chen saw a trace of clarity in his eyes. This guy is really naive. I think he should come here to experience with the elders of the family.

Lu Chen put away the token key for the first time, then winked at yuluan and said, "thank you very much."

Yuluan picked her eyebrows and said nothing more.

Lu Chen asked, "but I'm surprised that your elders are not crazy. Why don't we appear here? Is this a forbidden area in your family?"

"Our family?" Xuanyu was slightly stunned and turned to say, "call me Xuanyu. I'm from the spirit family. This is not our family, but we're going to open up a place for trial. Therefore, the elders of the family now don't allow anyone outside the spirit family to appear here and find here."

Lu Chen frowned and said directly, "we really fell in after being chased and killed by the evil family."

The Xuanyu nodded: "I believe you. I watched you fall and almost died."

Lu Chen: "... I believe it."

Yuluan: this guy is so easy to cheat.

The three men talked and walked forward. Lu Chen and yuluan secretly compared several gestures and decided to deceive this guy to the top or find a chance to separate from him. There was no need to kill him. They agreed on this matter.

I walked forward and chatted. I don't know how long I walked. There was a three pronged intersection in front of me.

Lu Chen frowned. He couldn't take out the token now. What about this?

"Three ways?"

Xuanyu was a little stunned: "why don't we walk together one by one? I haven't come down yet, but according to the elder, it's very dangerous in this testing place."

Xuanyu really didn't know that this was the classical tomb, because the elders came with Xuanyu, but because of his father's plea, they wanted to come out with Xuanyu to increase their knowledge.

Xuanyu's father is the head of a small branch of the spirit family. These six elders naturally want to buy him a face.

Take Xuanyu out to Dongjing and come to the Warcraft forest together. The six elders found the classical tomb. It was unintentional, but when they found it, they all wanted to get more benefits. For Xuanyu, they naturally didn't tell the truth, lest he go back and tell his father.

Several people just found the general location of the classical tomb according to the remnant map, but they still don't know where the classical tomb is and how to open it.

So, up to now, Xuanyu hasn't really come in. This guy is really not lying.

Looking at Xuanyu's sincere eyes, yuluan nodded and smiled: "well, listen to you."

Lu Chen is speechless. This guy really has almost no IQ and believes people so easily. You can continue to communicate. If you can, it's good to choose this guy to pave the way for yourself to China.

The three chose a road together and walked forward slowly.

After about ten minutes, the three figures suddenly stopped.

When I came to the end of the road, it was a broken road. Looking at the empty hole in front of me, because there was no light, it looked like a bottomless abyss. I was opening my mouth. With the sound of the faint roaring wind, a trace of cold sweat came out on my back.

"There's no way. It seems that we're going the wrong way." Xuanyu looked at the big hole in front of him, frowned tightly, and kicked a small stone on the edge of the circuit breaker down at will.


A strange noise came from below.

"Who made you kick?" Lu Chen immediately roared, grabbed yuluan, turned and ran to the coming way.

Xuanyu was stunned. Seeing the abnormality, he immediately turned around and ran out with Lu Chen.


There was a sudden loud noise behind him.

Yuluan and Xuanyu looked back at the same time. For a moment, they suddenly shot rows of stone arrows in three directions from the stone walls on both sides where they had just stood. Where they had just stood, they had crossed and nailed them to the opposite wall, just like two hedgehogs.

There were many sharp arrows on the flat ground behind, but they looked like cold arrows.

Lu Chen also looked back quickly. As soon as his scalp tightened, he hurried to speed up his steps and rushed forward, facing their arrows. Because there was no stone wall to stop him, he shot at them like flying. The sound of breaking the air, with profound and majestic power, made people's ears numb.

For a moment, I only saw a group of people running forward, and the sharp arrows behind them rushed towards them.

You can't fly, your cultivation is weakened, and this strange sharp arrow still carries profound inexplicable energy. It's just killing people!

"Come here." Yuluan ran. When she saw a slight turn nearby, she could just hide. This was what she left in her heart when she came. She immediately shouted at Lu Chen and pointed to the side with one hand.

Lu Chen was also moving in that direction at the same time. Obviously, yuluan knew better. He had previous life experience and remembered the route of strange places very well.

Lu Chen pounced on yuluan and rushed in that direction. Seeing this, Xuanyu listened to the wind behind his head and rushed in their direction.

Finally, as soon as Xuanyu was ready to jump on it, he heard a loud crackling sound. The sharp collision made everyone feel tight.

At last, Xuanyu turned his head and saw that the arrow shot like a flying arrow, and the stone wall at the end of the turn shot in like cutting tofu. The collision sound caused by friction was sharp and frightening.

"That's great." Seeing that there was no arrow, Xuanyu slowly retreated, came over and stared at the arrow hair on the stone wall.

At this time, at a small turn, Lu Chen saw yuluan in his arms, breathing air in a big mouth, and his whole face was red.

While taking a big breath, yuluan reached out and rubbed her back, and was protected by Lu Chen in her arms. This is a novel experience that has never been seen before. Her face is not red, but a little... Shy.

Looking at the cold arrow on the stone wall, Lu Chen's mouth was constantly cramped. If he hadn't seen the opportunity just now, his life would have to be sent here. Looking at the whole stone wall, with the arrow tail inserted neatly, Lu Chen felt his head faint.

This place is really strong. What's the matter with this function that can reduce others' accomplishments and magic yuan?

"Too strong." Xuanyu looked at the spectacular scene in front of him, shook his head and said with admiration, "no wonder our elders chose this as a place for trial."

Yuluan smiled bitterly and nodded. Such a simple thing similar to mortals and such an ancient thing, even their demon king and demon king realm can only escape. This place is really too strange.    

"Lu Chen, I admire you." Yuluan said admiringly to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen smiled awkwardly and said, "it's a pity that my strength has been compressed too hard here. It doesn't work at all."

Xuanyu saw this way: "that's also your ability. Your reaction is really fast. Otherwise, we'll all explain here today."

Lu Chen shook his head. There was a dead end ahead. He had to go back. At that moment, he stretched out his hand to pull yuluan and said coldly, "go back." One side is ready to go back.

Xuanyu said, "what if we can't find the way back to those two places?"

Yu Luan said coldly, "there will always be a way."

When there was no way, she stunned the guy, then found the way with Lu Chen's token and walked out with him on her back.

Xuanyu saw Lu Chen and yuluan turn around and leave. He immediately kicked the place he had just avoided. It's really annoying and a broken place.

Boom, boom!

Xuanyu raised her feet and took a few steps. Suddenly, there was a roaring sound behind her.

When Xuan yudun was surprised, he rushed forward and looked back.


Before Xuanyu could see clearly, he bumped into Lu Chen, who stopped listening to the sound. Lu Chen pressed his hand on Xuanyu's head and prevented him from rushing forward.

Xuanyu looked up and saw that yuluan and Lu Chen were watching behind him. Without panic, he stood up in embarrassment.

Starting from the place where they had just hid, the stone wall slowly split and rose upward. The light, weak but absolutely dazzling light, shone from behind the rising stone wall. As the stone wall grew higher and higher, the scene inside stunned Xuanyu.  


The stone wall sank into the stone wall above. The dull sound woke Lu Chen up. The light radiated coldly in the gloom, which made people shiver involuntarily. At the same time, it was not that they were not attracted by its nobility.

Behind the stone wall is a long corridor. The corridor is very wide. It is no longer a rough stone wall. All the colorful and chaotic corridors are covered with gold.

The corridor is carved with various lifelike patterns. The golden color is not gorgeous under the cold and dark light, but blooms the feeling of blocking the cold.