Chapter 3713

Name:Alchemist Sword Sect Author:Gu Dong
At the beginning of hunting the Magic pig, because there was so much quantity, they could only hold on reluctantly to prevent it from harming their companions behind them. However, in less than a moment, the four people worked together, and the more they played, the more comfortable they were. Finally, they had the ability to catch their breath.

"It's great. It really needs exercise in actual combat!" Mo shouted excitedly.

"Hey, look, I've killed so many people. I won this competition!" Mo Qing cut off the head of a demon pig and shouted loudly.

"That's strange. It's me." Shiqian also cried, "I killed more than you."

"Stop arguing. It's no use killing many people. Look over there!" Mo Liu's frightened tone attracted the attention of the other three people. As soon as they looked up in their busy schedule, their six eyes almost protruded at the same time!

Under the distant moonlight, I don't know when, the ground has been full of the corpses of magic pigs, and a big circle has been built around the four of them. No wonder the four people feel much more relaxed, and the magic pigs outside can't rush in immediately.

At the end of the corpses of these magic pigs, a figure holding a short black blade and stepping on the strange steps of ghosts. Everywhere he went, there was a miserable howl of the magic pigs, almost one by one. With each knife, there must be a magic pig falling to the ground. His vigorous posture was enough to dazzle the girl!

"Damn it!" What a blow!

Shiqian is going to faint!

Not only he, but also Niu Meng was shocked. Chen Lu's clean and profitable means of landing was a soldier who was used to fighting and killing people like hemp!

"Fool! Brother Xun Yin just doesn't want to show off his strength!" Mo turned his eyes and said, but his eyes could not be removed from Chen Lu. The flying long black hair and strong figure were printed on the girl's heart.

Would it be safe to marry him? Mo narrowed his big eyes and thought secretly.

Shiqian stared at Chen Lu depressed. He felt a strong sense of frustration for the first time. Looking at the look of ink, he knew he had lost.

But Mo Liu showed a happy smile, just happy that Chen Lu had strong strength.

After such a meal, the four people were almost vaulted into the sky by a group of magic pigs. They came back to their senses and hurriedly continued to kill the close magic pigs. In Chen Lu's hands, they were like a beancurd Warcraft, but they still had to fight for a long time. The four people couldn't help feeling that Chen Lu was a pervert.

Chen Lu didn't have much time to pay attention to them. At this time, he was in a very delicate state, and the operation of magic yuan was as smooth as clouds and flowing water.

"What a magical footwork. Who does this guy learn from?" The others were killing in full swing, and Niu Meng sat in the car very leisurely to watch.

Looking at Chen Lu's light and elegant steps, Niu Meng was surprised again. He just felt that Chen Lu seemed to be full of mysteries, which was completely incomprehensible.

Shiqian, who was panting in the fight, saw Chen Lu's leisurely figure and almost vomited blood and fainted. They were unable to move. He actually stepped on the Magic pig as a cushion

He finally understood why the gregarious Warcraft that never fell into the forest was so powerful. When the demon people were always tired, they felt soft in the face of the endless stream of demon pigs like a tide.

"It won't work like this. Let's go back to Uncle Niu Meng first. This is not a competition at school. These Warcraft won't keep hands on us."

Mo Liu nodded and was preparing to go.

Suddenly, a huge magic pig ran over.

Forget others. The Magic pig is facing Shiqian!

Seeing the devil in the stone field, he knew that many pigs were killed by the devil!

"Bad" Niu Meng in the distance flew over like lightning, but it was only a moment. When Niu Meng saw something wrong, Shiqian had been picked up in the air and had no time to rescue!

"Oh, no!" Mo screamed and covered his eyes.

"Shiqian!" Mo Liu exclaimed.

At this time, a white hand suddenly stretched out from the side and grabbed the top of the giant horn of the Magic pig. Shiqian only felt that his abdomen was padded by a soft thing, and his body was not hurt as expected. At the same time, Niu Meng's heavy sword stabbed into the thick skin of the Magic pig almost at the same time!

Niu Meng's heavy sword directly ripped the mutant Magic pig. The mutant Magic pig died in the blink of an eye. The surrounding magic pigs stopped and dispersed immediately.

"Is everything all right?" Niu Meng fell in front of the crowd and looked around, which was a little relieved.


"Seek hidden brother!" Mo Liu rushed forward anxiously.

"No problem, what's this little injury?" Chen Lu shook her head as usual, glanced at the stone paddies lying on the ground and looked at him in surprise.

"Let's go and have a look. My mother is an expert in the healing department. She will recover in a moment." Mo pulls Chen Lu and pushes her to the carriage, leaving Mo Liu standing in a daze.

"Why did he save me?" Shiqian, who had narrowly escaped death, was still a little frightened and swallowed a mouthful of saliva, wondering.

Mo Liu tilted his head, thought for a while, and whispered, "I think you've always hated him. He didn't make trouble for nothing."

Listening to Mo Liu's words, Shiqian couldn't help but concentrate on the carriage in surprise, as if he had been hit by a hammer in his heart.

Sitting in the carriage, Chen Lu felt as if she had been immersed in a hot spring, and her fatigue after the battle had all faded.

"Thank you." Chen Lu shook her healed hand in surprise. She could no longer feel any pain and no trace.

It's amazing that Mrs. Wen Ruan can heal his injury in one face to face.

"What's the matter? My mother can make a dying man alive in an instant as long as his vitality is not exhausted." Mo smiled proudly, "so we don't have to worry about getting hurt."

"It's really powerful." Chen Lu nodded.

It was a warm time in the car, but there was a loud voice outside the car. Chen Lu frowned. Her smart ears and eyes recognized the footsteps of the crowd. Who would come here? And surrounded their carriage.

"Mother Wen Ruan, let's go and have a look." Chen Lu and Mo stood up and jumped out of the car.

As soon as Chen Lu and Mo got out of the car, they heard Shiqian's loud voice shouting, "what do you want? How dare you come to find fault with me and die?"

"It's you who's looking for death! You're arrogant in the city and don't ask who's covering our second childe!" Several men surrounded the crowd shouted fiercely. Dressed as guards, they looked like the city defense army that didn't fall into the city. The leader was an arrogant young man!

The three men of Mo Liu were confronting them. Niu Meng smiled and looked like he was going to let them deal with the matter by themselves.

Chen Lu noticed that these people had a bad intention and asked coldly, "what happened?"

"We don't know. These people suddenly come out and surround us. We don't know which tendon is wrong!" Shiqian spat, and these people suddenly appeared. Even the ink willow could not help but frown.

The arrogant young man glanced at Chen Lu and said, "are you the head of the mercenary regiment?"

"Me?" Chen Lu was stunned, shook her head and said, "I just joined today..."

"Who said that! Of course it's you!" Chen Lu didn't finish his words, but the Mo Liu behind summoned up his strength and rarely affirmed loudly.

In a battle just now, although Chen Lu didn't reveal his real level, his courage and toughness have been recognized by everyone. At this time, he naturally became the center of this group of people. Even Shiqian looked at him with respect for the master.

Chen Lu nodded faintly and admitted, "well, I'm the head. What can I do for you?"

"What's up? Catch it!" The young man confirmed the identity of several people. At the moment, he waved and the bodyguard behind him forced them.

Chen Lu frowned and asked, "why do you catch us?"

"This evening, you bit the head of my mercenary regiment while shaking the sky!" The young man snorted arrogantly, sneered and said the reason: "in the city, no one has ever dared to brush my second childe's mind. I'm the boss of shark fishing. How dare you throw my face? It depends on the master to beat a dog!"

The man said and nodded respectfully to the two three-tier magic soldiers beside him. The two people immediately released their respective Warcraft, and he stared at them arrogantly.

"I know some of you have good strength, but you'd better not resist. I'm the nephew of the Lord of the city. I can control more than this strength. My cousin also recruited a young nine sword demon soldier today. I can find him to deal with you at any time if I like!"

Originally, Chen Lu frowned sensitively when she heard the word "Luo Yuan". When he finished the call, Chen Lu was basically speechless.

The last name is Luo, Luo Yuan, Luo Shi, cousin, seventh floor magician... The guy I met today is the son of the city Lord.

"The nephew of the city Lord? It's amazing. Let me tell you, there are few people we can't provoke in the whole East mirror." Shiqian sneered with disdain and said with a faint irony.

Luo Yuan immediately laughed: "where are you from? How dare you tease me! I think you are really impatient with your life?"

Moliu has no pride in front of Chen Lu, but for thousands of years, they usually walk horizontally in Dongjing. Which one is not respected from above?

"Captain, what should I do?" Several people held their breath and looked bad. At the same time, they looked at Chen Lu for advice.

"What should I do?!" Chen Lulu smiled strangely and released her magic power.

Luo Yuan and the guards seemed to be confused, and their faces froze together!

They felt an incomparable and irresistible huge grinding force, which was slowly released from their bodies to this extent. This force directly pressed them, and they felt their hearts were a little tight. Chen Lu looked down at them faintly, and the corners of her lips made a shallow arc, as if laughing at their ignorance.

Level 9 peak magic force!

The shock melted in the eyes of the people, and the silver light set off a silence around. Everyone stared round, but could not make a sound. Even the ink willows stared into a bronze bell.

"Ninety nine... Magic yuan!" The tongue of Shiqian is seldom knotted.

"I... I'm dreaming..." Shiqian's face was numb. He was hit too much today.

Mo Liu, Mo is also full of disbelief. Although they know that Chen Lu's strength should not be low, it's not so terrible! It's incredible that such a young nine story magic soldier can be called a peerless genius when looking at the whole Dongjing!

No wonder he is so fierce, the peak of the nine layer magic soldier!