Chapter 4770

Name:Alchemist Sword Sect Author:Gu Dong
Lu Chen quickly filled his stomach, seeing that there was still more than half of the food left, he couldn't help feeling that it was too wasteful. If there is a bag, Chase Lu will choose to pack it and take it away without hesitation.

"I'm so full. If you're full, you should take a good rest. Miss Du, you'd better arrange a place to live for me." Lu Chen stretched his waist, and didn't know if Du Rui was there. what's the plan. On the contrary, the full schedule of the day has made him a little tired.

"Then, why don't you just stay at my house, so you don't have to run back and forth." Du Rui wiped her lips and stood up from the dinner table, just to give Lu Chen an idea.

"That can't be done. This uncle probably doesn't like me. If I stay, he might say something about me. To avoid embarrassment, I'd better go out and live." Rui's father lived together, and the conversation between the two just now didn't seem particularly pleasant.

"Yo, now that the skin has become so thin, it's okay. Just now, I had the cheek to eat with my dad. Now I want to stay here?" Du Rui looked at Lu Chen angrily, and couldn't help laughing again. That scene flashed back in my mind again.

"I was really hungry just now, so I didn't care about my face. The problem of living is not a small matter, it is related to my own sleep quality."

"Okay, okay, stay at ease. My dad basically doesn't live in this place. He still has a house in the suburbs. He dislikes the noise here at night, so he basically goes to the suburbs at night." Du Rui's words made Lu Chen I took a reassurance pill.

"Your family is really rich. There are houses in the suburbs of this city. How many houses does your family have?" Lu Chen couldn't help sighing that he had no other real estate except for one property he got by accident.

"Our house, let me count it." Du Rui's eyes drifted, but she began to recall how many properties there were.

"That's right, I know, anyway, your family is very rich." Lu Chen hurriedly stopped Du Rui from continuing to count, don't think that Du Rui still has some background. Otherwise, it would be a bit embarrassing to buy real estate here with the star's income alone, not to mention that there are countless real estate in other places.

"Don't tell me that your family is in real estate." Chase Lu knew that rich people would get involved in this industry now.

"It's, it's not. My grandpa's generation was in the real estate industry. Naturally, my father and uncles are also involved in this industry. Although they are still involved in other financial fields, real estate is still the main means of making money." Du Ruislow Slowly follow Chase Lu to explain.

"Feelings, you are rich for three generations. Be careful of an old saying, you can't be rich for three generations." Lu Chen couldn't help but joked. Calculated, this generation of Du Rui should be impoverished. But looking at Du Rui's fame and this income, it is estimated that the next generation will not have to worry about food and drink.

"It's really possible." Du Rui frowned slightly, and didn't object to Lu Chen's point of view.

"Just kidding, by the way, what is it that you came to me this time, I don't think I can wipe my hands." Lu Chen looked at Du Rui even more puzzled, obviously he also knew that he was definitely not as simple as pretending to be his fiancé of.

"Go to my room and talk about it." Du Rui looked around carefully, and didn't take Lu Chen's words, but directly pulled Lu Chen up to the second floor of the villa.

Du Rui's room is at the top of the stairs, and when Lu Chen walked into the room, a refreshing fragrance slowly rippled from the tip of his nose. I have to say that this is a girl's room, if my own room probably doesn't have this kind of fragrance.

Looking at the simple and simple room, there is only a big bed, a desk, a small wardrobe, and a computer, but there is nothing else.

This kind of house does not match Du Rui's identity, no matter how you look at it, it is the boudoir of an ordinary girl. It doesn't look like the room where a big star lives, let alone the boudoir of a rich lady.

"Your room is a bit too simple, you don't even have an air conditioner, why should the rich suffer themselves?" Lu Chen couldn't help sighing because he didn't find that the air conditioner was not considered a luxury.

"I seldom came back to live after I grew up, and I have always maintained the current situation. When I was born, my family could only be regarded as ordinary, not rich. It was not until I was in junior high school that my grandfather started to improve. "Du Rui didn't hide why the room was so simple and clean.

"Okay, let's sit!" Du Rui pulled a chair in front of the computer to Lu Chen without being polite, and she sat down on her own bed without fanfare.

"What the hell is it? It's so mysterious." The two sat face to face at such a close distance, and Lu Chen hurriedly broke the current embarrassment.

"The thing is, my grandfather's physical condition is getting worse and worse recently, and he is preparing to hand over his huge fortune to my father's generation." Du Rui quickly opened up her own story.

"Hey, wait!" Lu Chen interrupted Du Rui again. Obviously, he had already guessed the plot. In a family business, it is inevitable that there will be intrigues and intrigues. "Don't tell me." Yes, your father and your uncle are going to fight over the family property."

"It seems that you are not stupid." Du Rui smiled sweetly and praised Lu Chen for his intelligence.

"Wait, it has nothing to do with me. I can't get rid of this matter as an outsider. Besides, I have only learned a little bit about the economics of this family." Lu Chen shrugged, although his mind can turn around , but definitely not the kind of smart person who anticipates the enemy first. Occasionally, I can use my ingenuity, but if I want to participate in the family struggle by myself, Chase Lu absolutely does not have this ability.

"It seems that you are somewhat self-aware. I didn't ask you to participate in these conspiracies. After all, this grandfather has already made his own plans. I'm just afraid that some people will plot against my father." Du Rui said He frowned even tighter, obviously hating this kind of fight between relatives. Interest is really a double-edged sword, hurting others may also hurt yourself.

"You didn't come to ask me to be a bodyguard. Are you kidding me? How can I, an ordinary man, come to be a bodyguard? It's not impossible for your family to have enough money to buy a bodyguard company." Lu Chen grabbed his hand Forehead, obviously Du Rui didn't know that she had inner qi. In front of his eyes, Chase Lu has only shown it once or twice, at most he is extraordinary and there is not much difference between him and ordinary bodyguards.

"Don't be humble, I know you are very powerful, so I asked you to help out." Du Rui said lightly.

"Hey, that means there is no difference in fighting with ordinary people." Lu Chen laughed dryly, not wanting to expose his strength to too many people.

"I know you are not an ordinary person." Du Rui glanced at Lu Chen strangely, and whispered again. At this time, Lu Chen's heart was turbulent, and Du Rui wouldn't know what happened to him.

"Hey, I have one nose, two eyes and one mouth. How could I be not an ordinary person? Don't make fun of me." It's not that Chase Lu doesn't want to help, but it seems that this kind of thing doesn't need his help. Because among ordinary people, some bodyguards are enough to protect his safety.

"It's useless for you to hide it any more. In fact, I have known your difference for a long time. How about this, you have a rest first. I will take you to see my grandfather later, and you will understand then." Du Rui didn't He exposed himself in Lu Chen's face.

"Look at your grandpa and you will understand. Your grandpa can't be a fortune teller." Lu Chen smiled awkwardly. Since Du Rui didn't say it, he didn't plan to say so. However, he has a strong interest in Du Rui's grandfather. What kind of person is he? Is he also a cultivator who breathes true energy inside?

"Okay, I'll arrange a room for you. You can live next door to me." Du Rui didn't continue to respond to Chase Lu, but took him to the next room.

This room has all the modern decorations, and it is obviously luxuriously decorated. According to Du Rui's explanation, it is a room specially for herself and her future husband in the future, because Du Rui's father has decided that if Du Rui gets married, the property will be assigned to her name.

"It's not good for me to sleep here." Chase Lu looked at the brand new house, which can be regarded as Du Rui's new house. It seems a bit embarrassing to live here with an ordinary friend.

"What's the problem? The rooms are all for people to live in. It's just for convenience, so you can make do with it here." Du Rui didn't mind at all.

"This bed is too big. I'm really not used to sleeping alone. Why don't I ask my girlfriend to come and live with me." Lu Chen didn't refute, sitting on the bed and turning his body, facing if What would it feel like to have sex with Yu Qian here.

"Now you feel lonely without your girlfriend by your side? Then, do you want me to come over to accompany you at night?" Du Rui looked shy, and it was hard to imagine that this was what the girl said.

"This... this is not very good." Looking at Du Rui's posture of a little woman in front of him, Lu Chen couldn't help but feel dry mouth for a while, thinking of the previous scene of ripples in the hotel. He couldn't help but twitched his throat for a while, and his speech became a little stiff.

"Haha, I'm just kidding you. I won't sleep on the same bed with you." Du Rui laughed tremblingly, happy for Lu Chen's slightly embarrassed expression. It seems that I am not completely unattractive to Chase Lu.

"Are you tempting me? Be careful, I will deal with you recklessly, and it will be too late for you to cry." Lu Chen was teased for a while, and he couldn't help but hang up the words along his own mouth mouth.

"Do you have the skills? Come on, come on!" Du Rui simply straightened up her chest and back to stand up for Lu Chen.

Seeing the full breasts supported by this action became even more alluring, Chase Lu quickly fell asleep on the bed and turned around to avoid this alluring and criminal scene.

"Sexy but not lustful!" After Du Rui couldn't help but secretly scolded Lu Chen, she didn't make things difficult for her and went back to her room to rest.