Chapter 4781

Name:Alchemist Sword Sect Author:Gu Dong
Du Xinyue agreed to Du Rui's request and arranged a private time with her father to talk about such an important matter alone. Just got up and left, she originally wanted to stay and spend the night with Du Rui. But seeing this annoying fly beside him, he decided to leave.

"I didn't expect you to be so meticulous in doing things." After waiting for Du Xinyue to leave, Lu Chen slowly opened his mouth and praised Du Rui. I didn't expect Du Rui to send a message through Du Xinyue in order to scare the snake away. At that time, she was a little confused to invite Du Xinyue to come over, but now I finally come to realize it.

"Don't think that you are the smartest person in this world, and everyone else is stupid." Du Rui said with a smile, obviously she has her own way of doing things, and she doesn't need Lu Chen to guide her how to solve this matter.

After all, this is a matter related to her father, of course she wants to solve it herself. No matter what, Lu Chen is also an outsider, and she doesn't want to involve him, but she also knows that it is impossible to solve this deadlock with one person's strength. The appearance of Chase Lu is to solve some difficult troubles for himself, and it is also to give himself confidence. With this master in charge, there is no need to be so shy when doing things.

Of course, Lu Chen didn't know what Du Rui was thinking. If Lu Chen knew that Du Rui was just asking him to do some miscellaneous things. It is estimated that he stood up immediately, patted his ass and left.

Soon there was news from Du Xinyue that Du Wancheng happened to be free that night. Hearing that Du Rui was coming to see her, she went home early to cook for her niece to have a good meal.

Naturally, Du Rui didn't leave Chen Lu alone at home. On the one hand, he avoided another verbal dispute between Chen Lu and his father, and on the other hand, Chen Lu was now his fiancé. Going to see my second uncle is nothing to be gossiped about. What's more, Lu Chen also knew the news, and he can be regarded as a witness.

Du Rui didn't take care of herself too much, after all, she met her elders, she just dressed casually with light makeup, making her look like a lady. Naturally, Lu Chen would not go to punish himself, but due to his current embarrassing status, he went to see his second uncle again. Lu Chen tidied up his makeup a little bit, so he couldn't lose face to Du Rui.

Ding dong! Lu Chen and Du Rui stood outside a unit and rang the doorbell. At this time, Chase Lu finally began to look at the surrounding environment.

This is a fairly ordinary residential area, not high-end at all, and even looks quite old. Ordinary working-class people live in ordinary houses, and the people who live here seem to be no different from their own families at all. But Lu Chen knew that the people living behind this door were not ordinary people. It's Du Rui's second uncle, who is now in charge of most of the Du family's financial power.

low key! Apart from thinking of this word, Chase Lu had no other words to describe this Du Wancheng. correct! It's not low-key, it can only be crazy! After all, why would a rich man abuse himself so much? I can't live in a luxury villa, but can't I live in this dilapidated unit?

However, he was able to trust the old man to hand over his ancestral property to Du Wancheng, but not to Du Wanchun. Naturally, this Du Wancheng is not a psychopath, and must have something special about him. After thinking about this, Chase Lu really wanted to meet the current head of the Du family.

With a creak, the door was opened, and first of all, a small head poked out.

"Sister Rui, are you here?" The one who opened the door was none other than Du Xinyue, Lu Chen's nemesis.

"En!" Du Rui smiled sweetly and nodded to Du Xinyue.

"Why are you here?" Du Xinyue looked away from Du Rui, and immediately saw Lu Chen standing beside Du Rui. The involuntary smile immediately stretched his face.

"I'm your brother-in-law, why can't I come." Lu Chen smiled, but he was happy to bicker with this little girl, but he was oppressing others as brother-in-law.

I didn't expect that Chase Lu would enter the show so soon. Du Rui's face turned red when she didn't come, and she couldn't help twisting Lu Chen's thigh.

Lu Chen was in pain, but he grinned and didn't cry out. Just grabbing Du Rui's slender waist, she couldn't help but tighten her arms tightly, making a very affectionate look, so angry that the little girl who opened the door had her mouth crooked.

"Get out, I don't have a brother-in-law like you. You are not welcome in my family, Sister Rui, come in quickly." Du Xinyue pulled Du Rui from Lu Chen's arms and into the room among. Hurry up and prepare to close the door, shutting Lu Chen, who was stunned in place, out of the room.

"Xinyue, what's going on?" A middle-aged man also came to the door at this time, but he was attracted by the noise.

"Rui'er. You're here, come in quickly." She was the first to see Du Rui inside the door, and happily welcomed Du Rui in.

"You are?" At this time, he glanced at Lu Chen standing outside the door. I looked this young man up and down, ordinary appearance, ordinary dress, ordinary can't be more ordinary. But what is certain is that I don't know this young man at all.

"Hello, you're Uncle Du, right? My name is Lu Chen. I'm Du Rui's fiancé." Lu Chen stretched out his hand and looked at Du Wancheng. A well-fitting jacket showed his perfect figure vividly and exquisitely. He didn't get completely out of shape because of getting fat, and that ordinary dress like Lu Chen instantly gave Lu Chen a feeling of intimacy. Involuntarily, he smiled at Du Wancheng and stretched out his hand.

"Hello, hello. So you are Rui'er's fiancé. I think Rui'er told you about me." When Du Wancheng heard Lu Chen's identity, he was slightly surprised at first, and then frowned slightly coming. Obviously, he did not expect this ordinary young man to be Du Rui's fiancé. The two of them didn't seem to get along at all, they didn't belong to the same world at all, so they frowned slightly. But Du Rui didn't seem to stand up and make any rebuttal because of Lu Chen's words, but looked at herself shyly. In an instant, he burst out laughing, and hurriedly welcomed Lu Chen in.

"Dad, he's not my brother-in-law at all, don't let him in." Du Xinyue was like a door god at this time, still relentlessly stopping Lu Chen.

"You girl, you are a guest from afar, whether he is your future brother-in-law or not, we will welcome him if he is a guest." Du Wan immediately pulled his daughter away to make room for Lu Chen to come in.

Hearing Du Wancheng's words, Lu Chen's face froze slightly. He didn't expect that Du Wancheng was as unfavorable as Du Xinyue, but he didn't say anything because Du Rui was present.

But after thinking about it, Lu Chen figured it out. Putting himself in Du Wancheng's perspective, if he really had a daughter like Du Rui, he would not admit it at all when he saw a son-in-law like him. After all, looking at Du Rui himself, he also felt that the two of them simply did not match.

"Come, come, sit down and wait for a while. My dishes will be cooked in no time." After Du Wancheng welcomed Du Rui and Lu Chen in, he asked Du Xinyue to greet them, and he went into the kitchen again among.

"Sit down!" Du Xinyue greeted Lu Chen angrily, and what she said was cold, but because of her father's face, Du Xinyue could only put on a show.

Lu Chen was not polite, he sat down on the sofa and looked at the unit. Standard two bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom. A large room facing the east and a small room facing the south. On the contrary, the layout of my own home is similar, and the living room is not very big, it has already been filled with furniture. Although there is not much decoration on the wall, it is very clean. It seems that someone is doing housework from time to time. According to the age of the floor, this room should be quite old.

"I didn't expect your uncle to be such a low-key person." Lu Chen couldn't help but sighed. Compared with Du Wanchun's big villa, this room is really too small and simple.

"Hehe, he has always been like this. My grandfather bought him several houses a long time ago, but he just likes living here. He has lived here for more than ten years and hasn't moved again." Du Rui mentioned her second Uncle, although he is a bit puzzled by his approach, he still admires him quite a lot. She also hopes to have this simple life, but she is reluctant to let go of this luxurious life immediately. Only an uncle with this kind of ability can live like a day for ten years.

"Come, come, I've prepared all the meals." On an ordinary small round table, there were already more than a dozen dishes full, and here Du Wancheng was calling two people to come over for dinner.

Du Xinyue quickly took out the bowls and chopsticks and placed them on the table, but she was the only one who didn't have Lu Chen's share. Involuntarily, Lu Chen was embarrassed for a while.

"Come on, you're welcome, just treat this as your own home." Du Wancheng frowned slightly and glanced at Du Xinyue beside him, and quickly sent Du Xinyue's bowls and chopsticks to Lu Chen, letting Lu Chen There is a bowl and chopsticks.

"Dad, that's mine!" Du Xinyue hurriedly wanted to grab the bowl and chopsticks in front of Lu Chen, but she didn't want to let Lu Chen take a bite.

"You child, he's a guest!" Du Wancheng slapped Du Xinyue's wrist, causing her hand to drop instantly.

"What kind of guest, I didn't see it at all." Du Xinyue's stubborn temper came up, and what was not forgiving was that she was not ready to let Lu Chen eat with peace of mind.

"Is your child really that disobedient?" Du Wancheng slapped Du Xinyue's palm fiercely, as if he was educating a child who hadn't grown up yet.

"Don't be offended, it's because my family is not strict, you eat, don't worry about her." Du Wancheng looked at Lu Chen apologetically, but blamed his daughter. On the contrary, he looked like he valued Chase Lu very much.

"Yes, I don't have a tutor. You didn't give me a complete family." As soon as Du Xinyue got angry, she slapped the table and muttered, "I won't eat this meal, you can eat it yourself!" After finishing speaking The angry Du Xinyue ran into the small room and disappeared.

Du Wancheng's face froze, and then it became darker and darker. When he slapped the table, he also stood up, and the whole table trembled.

"By the way, why didn't you see Auntie?" Lu Chen saw that the atmosphere was a bit dignified, and immediately prepared to bring the topic back from the whole awkward atmosphere.

Du Wancheng's face turned even darker, and he glared at Lu Chen fiercely.