Chapter 4849

Name:Alchemist Sword Sect Author:Gu Dong
Today is not the weekend, but when Lu Chen said that he would leave at any time, Yu Qian directly asked for an annual leave to spend time with Lu Chen. Naturally, Chen Lu has no concept of annual leave at all. In Xuanguang's company, he enjoys a high degree of freedom. It is estimated that Xuan Guang, as the chairman, is not as leisurely as Lu Chen.

Walking in the downtown area, Lu Chen accompanied Yu Qian in and out of major shopping malls. But the place I went this time was different from the past. Yu Qian took Lu Chen directly to the counters of men's products and clothing, and helped Lu Chen choose some things he could use.

"Did you change your gender today? It's a bit unexpected that you don't go to a women's clothing store when you're out shopping." Lu Chen turned his head sideways and looked at Yu Qian who was still holding his arm beside him . Lu Chen was a little puzzled by Monk Zhang Er.

"Why, you are my boyfriend. If I don't dress you up nicely, I won't be able to take you out." Yu Qian said to Lu Chen with a slightly mischievous smile.

"Okay, you are not satisfied with my appearance. Why can't I take it out like this. It's just a little handsome and chic." Lu Chen, who came out of the clothing store, had a look of refusal to admit defeat , but I was not prepared to discuss this issue with Yu Qian clearly.

"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore. If you want to leave this time, you don't know when you will come back. It's better to bring some more clothes. Don't let other girls see you I think you are single. At that time, you should attract others again." Yu Qian straightened Lu Chen's collar that was turned inside out after trying on clothes. It's exactly like a mother taking care of her own little child.

"Well, it turns out that you are afraid that I will go out to attract bees and butterflies." Only then did Lu Chen understand that the men's clothing store that Yu Qian took him to visit all day was not to make himself look glamorous, but to use his own Dress up to show that he is a person with a girlfriend. Do not disturb other strangers.

Looking at Yu Qian who lowered her head and straightened her collar, Lu Chen felt warm for a while. Although he is not used to being controlled by others in his life style, after all, Yu Qian standing by his side is his genuine girlfriend. Since he is a girlfriend, Lu Chen always tries to change himself to cater to Yu Qian. If he can't change it, he can only look at Yu Qian around him with a tolerant attitude.

So Lu Chen didn't say much, but he felt warm in his heart. It turned out that it was a good way of life for someone to take care of himself so closely. But this warm life will soon be interrupted, because sooner or later, Lu Chen will be dragged by Dong Lin to investigate the black shadow. Although Chase Lu wanted to find out who was behind the scenes quickly, he didn't want it to be done under the coercion of others. The appearance of Dong Lin made Lu Chen feel a lot awkward, so he hid in his gentle hometown and rested for a few more days.

"What are you thinking, so lost in thought?"

"It's nothing." Chase Lu hurriedly pulled his thoughts back. We will do tomorrow's business tomorrow, so why bother with the future.

"Oh, there's a big shopping mall that's newly opened over there, and there's been a lot of discounts recently, let's go and have a look." Yu Qian didn't continue to ask, but saw that the next goal was to reach out. Putting my hand on Lu Chen's arm, I walked towards the so-called newly opened shopping mall.

Lu Chen couldn't help but couldn't help crying and laughing again. Sure enough, for women, the discounted label is definitely extremely attractive, and Yu Qian beside her is no exception. If that shopping mall didn't offer discounts, Lu Chen could definitely be sure that Yu Qian would never bring herself to this big shopping mall. Because it was two blocks away from the shopping mall they came out of just now. The two walked and chatted for more than half an hour.

According to Lu Chen's habit, he would rather pick some cheap goods from the roadside stalls and just make do with it. But today, after all, I came out with Yu Qian, and I can't always act shabby. It doesn't matter if others look down on me, but if I even look down on Yu Qian. That was Lu Chen's fault.

Looking at the shopping mall in front of him, Lu Chen sighed again. This shopping mall has five floors, and the area is still so huge. If you go shopping, you don't know when you will be able to walk out of this shopping mall.

But Yu Qian was so excited that she didn't pay attention to Lu Chen's complaining sigh. It was already pulling Chen Lu into the gate of the mall.

I didn't expect that the first thing that caught my eye when I walked in the door was not those high-end luxury goods. It's the people who can't see the margins. The bustling crowd is obviously more eye-catching than the exquisite luxury goods placed in the window. After all, people have a mentality to join in the fun. Naturally, there are no exceptions for Lu Chen and Yu Qian. The two of them quickly focused their attention on the crowd. Want to know what happened here.

"Uncle, what happened here? Why are there so many people around here?" At this moment, Yu Qian finally couldn't hold back her curiosity, and wanted to ask the uncle in front what was going on here.

"Well, I don't know. I saw that so many people are hiding here, so I just came to watch the excitement." Obviously, like the two of them, the uncle didn't know what was going on at all, and he was purely here to join in the fun.

"Let's not waste time, let's go shopping early and go home." Lu Chen obviously couldn't see what was going on in front of him, so he didn't plan to see it clearly. I took out my phone and checked that it was past two o'clock in the afternoon. If I finished shopping in this shopping mall, it would be almost dinner time. If I stayed here again, I would definitely miss a lot of time.

Time is money. Lu Chen is a person who values ​​time very much, so he doesn't want to waste his precious time on such things that have nothing to do with him.

"No hurry, no hurry, let's see what's going on here first." Apparently, Yu Qian's curiosity is much greater than that of Lu Chen, and she always feels that if she doesn't want to join in the fun, she feels a burst of excitement in her heart. uncomfortable.

"There are so many people, how can we squeeze in?" Chase Lu sighed as he watched the crowded scene, isn't this trying to embarrass himself?

"With you here, do you still want to ask me this question?" Although I don't know how much Lu Chen's ability is, but Yu Qian, who has seen Lu Chen's ability a little bit, knows clearly that it is very difficult to squeeze in front of the crowd. This kind of trivial matter is not a problem for Lu Chen at all. Naturally, he can't help but wink at Lu Chen again and again, which is to ask Lu Chen to help him open the way to see what is going on ahead.

"It seems that I will never be able to escape the work of being a coolie." Lu Chen sighed, but without any more nonsense, he just pulled Yu Qian and squeezed in towards the crowd.

Lu Chen couldn't help exuding a faint aura around him, and he didn't even need to reach out to push away the crowd. The people in front had already been pushed aside because of that powerful aura, so Lu Chen just saw the stitches directly It is to start quickly interspersed among the crowd.

It was because there were too many people, and Lu Chen didn't dare to make too much publicity, so he could only move forward from left to right. However, I have to marvel at how huge the crowd gathered, and Chase Lu still couldn't see the situation ahead after rushing left and right. Until he took Yu Qian and squeezed to the middle position.

The crowd in front was already tightly packed together, and if they wanted to squeeze forward, there would be no gaps for Chase Lu to penetrate.

"We can only reach this point. We really can't squeeze in." Lu Chen looked at the black head in front of him, and couldn't help but sighed. Soon after they landed, the road behind was also blocked by people who came later. The two people are now trapped in groups among the crowd, and the breath flows around them, and the temperature suddenly rises by a few degrees.

Lu Chen wiped the sweat from his forehead, the sweat was not from exhaustion after using the inner breath just now. It was purely because there were too many people around, and it was suppressed.

Compared with Lu Chen, Yu Qian has one more head on the ground. Obviously, even Lu Chen can only see the dark heads, so Yu Qian is completely shrouded in the shadow of the crowd, and she can't see any tricks at all. Come.

Seeing Yu Qian's anxious face, and the air around her being stagnant, Yu Qian's little face turned red immediately. Beads of sweat kept coming out of his forehead.

"Let's go out, anyway, we can't see any excitement." At this time, Lu Chen retreated again, and it's nothing to consume himself, but it will be hard for Yu Qian beside him.

"We've all squeezed in, now we're getting out, isn't it that we got to such a front position for nothing." Yu Qian felt distressed that it took Lu Chen a long time to get this position.

"Okay, if you want to see the excitement, come on!" Lu Chen couldn't resist Yu Qian, he grabbed Yu Qian's shoulder directly, lifted Yu Qian and threw her into the air, and then he bent down Come. Let Yu Qian straddle her legs and ride on her shoulders. In addition to her height, Yu Qian can see everything in front of her at a glance.

"Ah, what are you doing, you startled me." Yu Qian blushed and looked at the gazes of the people around them on the two of them, and couldn't help but look down at Lu Chen's raised head between her thighs. I really didn't expect Chase Lu to make such a bold move.

"Don't you want to watch the excitement? This way you can always see clearly." Lu Chen smiled, and put his hands on Yuqian's thighs, so that she would not fall off while sitting on his shoulders.

Fortunately, Yu Qian was wearing a pair of water blue jeans today, otherwise she would be completely gone now. But Chase Lu has already done so. I didn't continue to struggle. After looking at Chase Lu, I just turned my eyes to the front of the crowd to see what was going on in front of me.

At this time, a couple of young couples were not to be outdone. The boy also followed Lu Chen's example, squatting down to let his girlfriend sit on his shoulders to watch the excitement in the distance.

But not for a few seconds. The boy's body just tilted up involuntarily. Obviously, he didn't have such huge strength as Chase Lu to support the weight of an adult.

Finally overwhelmed, his girlfriend jumped off his shoulders.

"It's useless, it's only been a few seconds, you can't do it anymore." The girl looked at Lu Chen's relaxed face, and compared her boyfriend's panting and out of breath appearance. He obviously felt that his face was very embarrassing.

"Can you blame me for this? I usually tell you to lose weight, but no man with your weight can handle it now." The man did a thankless job, and he was full of grievances, but his girlfriend here scolded him. Come, I couldn't help but yelled at my girlfriend. Looking at Yu Qian's devilish figure, she was comparing herself to her girlfriend. He is confident that if a beauty of Yu Qian's level sits on his shoulders, she will definitely be able to last for half an hour!