Outside Qin Mingshi's house, in a deep jungle, Zhang Ziqing poked his head.

"Elder Xiaoyun actually went in. Could it be that Qin Ming really has a backer?"


"Elder Xiaoyun is responsible for accepting warriors from the small world, so he knows Qin Ming."

"Did Elder Xiaoyun find that Qin Ming is very talented?"

For a while Zhang Ziqing couldn't figure it out.

With Qin Ming's current aptitude, he is indeed worthy of the elders' attention.

But it is not likely that the elders will come in person.

It seems that Elder Xiaoyun valued Qin Ming very early on.

"No wonder I always feel a vague aura surrounding Qin Ming's stone house. It turns out that Elder Xiaoyun is protecting him."

Thinking of this, Zhang Ziqing was afraid for a while.

It is strictly forbidden in the sect for disciples to kill each other, if he rushed into Qin Ming's room to kill him, and was caught by Elder Xiaoyun on the spot, even the eldest son would have no way to protect him.

Moreover, with Qin Ming's aptitude, it is most likely that Xiao Yun slashed him just as soon as he made a move.

Xiao Yun is a Heavenly Scholar, he is not something that a small Origin Scholar can deal with.

"I can't rush in, so how should I kill Qin Ming?"

Zhang Ziqing frowned.

He had been waiting for more than a month, and for more than a month, Qin Ming didn't leave the gate, so he couldn't help but want to rush in several times.

He wanted to give up altogether, but the eldest son was furious like a thunderbolt. If he went back like this, he wouldn't be beaten to death?


Time passed little by little, Qin Ming has been practicing in seclusion for a month and a half.

On this day, the sunlight from the sky shone down, and through the rice paper window, it hit Qin Ming who was sitting cross-legged, reflecting a little bit of light.


A slight voice sounded in Qin Ming's room. The body that hadn't moved for half a month trembled. Qin Ming opened his eyes, and the dark light flashed away in the piercing eyes.

Qin Ming Gujing stood up without a wave and stretched his muscles.

"Finally the ninth floor of the source."

After practicing day and night for more than a month, Qin Ming's realm finally reached the ninth level of Origin Scholars from the second level of Origin Scholars.

Although he practiced day and night for more than a month, Qin Ming didn't find it boring at all, and instead practiced with gusto.

I can feel that I am improving every day, and the joy in my heart is not enough to compare with outsiders.

"The me right now can at least beat me on the first level of Origin Scholars, let's say ten!"

Clenching his fists, Qin Ming felt the surging power in his body, and was even more happy in his heart.

Such a fast cultivation is only possible at the Yuanshi level. Once he advances to the level of a land scholar, even if he has medicine pills, he will slow down.

Unless the blood on the body is replaced with the blood of Tianshi.

Moreover, such non-stop training is harmful to warriors.

The so-called haste makes waste, although such assiduous practice can make great progress in a short period of time.

But after a long time, people's mind and body will be exhausted. When the time comes to practice like this, not only will the progress be rushed, but it may form a huge bottleneck.

Another one, for a martial artist to practice, his state of mind and experience are equally important.

A martial artist who only cultivates behind closed doors cannot reach a very high level.

He has been practicing continuously for a month and a half, and he must take a break.

If it was normal, he must be trying alchemy during the rest time.

But now, he has more important things to do.

"It's time to compete for the potential champion."

Pushing open the door, Qin Ming walked out with firm steps.

Looking at the main mountain, Qin Ming walked there step by step. Today is the day of the potential competition.