When refining alchemy, the alchemist cannot leave even a single step.

Even if you leave, let people watch the fire in the pill furnace.

For people to watch Huohou and leave by themselves, this must be the refining of elixir below the beast level, and the refining of elixir of the beast level can only be watched all the time.

Now that Qin Ming has withdrawn the flame, logically speaking, the alchemy should be over.

But the elixir spinning in the sky undoubtedly told him that alchemy was not over yet.

It is very difficult to understand why the flames have been withdrawn, and there is no flame to provide energy for it, why it does not fail and is still refining itself.

The alchemy that has been refined for so many years has been subverted by Qin Ming.

Jin Feiyun felt that he did not live in the same world as Qin Ming.

Why is his understanding of alchemy completely different from Qin Ming's understanding of alchemy?

"Because the energy is in those three liquid medicines." Qin Ming didn't speak, and Jin Junyuan stepped forward and said.

Qin Ming nodded with a smile, and continued to choose Yuan Zhi.

He had discovered long ago that energy could be stored in medicinal liquid.

Just like his blood, it contains a lot of energy.

When he was refining Cangshi Pill, because he used his own blood to refine alchemy, the difficulty of refining Cangshi Pill would be much lower.

He can even stimulate the energy in the blood, helping him quickly fuse the medicinal liquid.

There is a lot of energy in his blood, and there is energy in Yuan Zhi.

It's just that alchemists cannot manipulate these energies.

Because the energy in the source plant is very unstable.

This time, he used four kinds of Yuanzhi to make alchemy, and he wanted to use the energy in Yuanzhi.

These energies are useless, alchemists generally let these energies evaporate naturally.

After using these energies, Qin Ming found that it was much easier for him to make alchemy.

Just wanting to use these energies is not an easy task. You need to have a good understanding of Yuan Zhi, and you must choose well when matching Yuan Zhi, otherwise the energy and medicinal properties are the same and conflict with each other, and a pot of elixir will be destroyed directly. destroyed.

Glancing at the two people who were studying the liquid medicine in the sky, Qin Ming continued to search for Yuan Zhi with a smile.

He believed that with the alchemy strength of the two of them, they should be able to see the mystery soon.

Jin Feiyun and Jin Junyuan really saw it.

They were very close to the liquid medicine and could see it clearly.

"I understand, it is Yuan Zhi's own energy that is driving the medicinal liquid to fuse together." Jin Feiyun suddenly realized, "When Qin Ming tempered the three Yuan Zhi medicinal properties, he also tempered all the energy in them. come out."

"So after the ghost fires are evacuated, they can still refine themselves!"

"Although it looks simple, there is a great knowledge in making the energy of Yuanzhi not conflict. Some people have studied it before, and they want to use the energy in Yuanzhi."

"It's just that there are very few people who can do this, and even if they do, it will make it more troublesome for the alchemist. You also need to consider the medicinal properties of Yuanzhi, and whether there is a conflict between the energies between Yuanzhi, which needs to be adjusted by the alchemist."

"In this way, not only will it not save the alchemist from trouble, but it will waste the energy of the alchemist, and the gain outweighs the loss!"

"I didn't expect that Qin Ming would successfully fuse the three kinds of Yuanzhi's energies together without any conflict."

There is a lot of energy in Yuanzhi. As an alchemist, he deals with Yuanzhi every day, so how could he not know it?

But even if he knew, he turned a blind eye.