Qin Ming didn't know what this meant, but he knew that it was very difficult.

Even now, Qin Ming is terrified.

This is the toughest fight he has ever fought.

Even with the power of a heroic spirit, he can heal his injuries in a short period of time.

Therefore, when fighting, he is not afraid of getting hurt, and he can fight Si Koudai desperately.

But at the end of the battle, Si Koudai had the strength to crush him.

The strength has formed a crush, but there is no ability to resist.

However, with the power of Dao fusion, the fusion of the three avenues, coupled with the energy of the heroic spirit, even in the state of being crushed, he survived with difficulty.

However, Qin Ming didn't think he had the strength to defeat Si Kou Dai.

If it weren't for the heroic spirits to help him, he would have died long ago.

When fighting Si Kodai, the surrounding heroic spirits will stop Si Kodai without hesitation when they see the opportunity.

It was also because of the heroic spirits desperately holding Si Koudai back that he had time to breathe and prepare.

Without the help of the heroic spirit, he had no time to use the power of fusion, and had no time to accumulate power at all.

In the case of not being able to charge, he is definitely not Si Kodai's opponent.

Another one, Si Kodai was forced by the heroic spirits to escape.

In this state, Si Kou Dai's strength has also been greatly affected.

He just needs to restrain Si Koudai.

So Qin Ming didn't think that his strength surpassed that of Si Kou Dai.

"I'm not Si Koudai's opponent." Qin Ming said frankly, "I fought with Si Koudai before, as long as I fought with Si Koudai alone, I was suppressed by Si Koudai without any accident."

"Being able to defeat Si Kou Dai is due to the help of the heroic spirits, and I am victorious!"

Hearing this, Qin Xixuan nodded.

And it is true.

"Heroic spirits are so brave!" Qin Xixuan exclaimed.

She had never seen such a brave warrior.

Even in the face of Si Kodai, who had aroused the power of blood and was superior in strength, the heroic spirits knew that they were dead, so they stepped forward to attack without hesitation.

You must know that even if Qin Ming is in a very bad state, he may faint at any time, and he walks in the group of poisonous demons, and the poisonous demons dare not attack.

If those poisonous demons were as brave as the heroic spirits, even if there was no Si Kodai, they would not be the opponents of the poisonous demons in the realm of 500,000 beasts!

"Brother, although he defeated Si Kou Dai with the help of the heroic spirit, Si Kou Dai's martial arts strength is not as simple as breaking through to the half-step supreme."

"Si Kodai has absorbed a large amount of heroic energy, and his martial arts strength has improved a lot compared to when he just entered the maze."

"Being able to defeat a half-step supreme who has just broken through is already very remarkable. How can it be possible to defeat a strong man who has broken through to half-step supreme for a long time?"

"Even though you are not Si Koudai's opponent, brother, you will definitely be able to defeat Hong Yuanliang, so your martial arts strength must surpass the ordinary half-step supreme!" Qin Xixuan said with a smile.

Qin Ming nodded.

Yes, if Hong Yuanliang, who had just broken through, fought him, he would definitely win in the end.

Although the strength of martial arts broke through to the half-step supreme, Hong Yuanliang's strength has improved a lot.

But his own strength is not without improvement.

When he was attacked by Si Kou with the power of rules, his body was filled with the power of rules, making it impossible for him to heal his injuries with the energy of the heroic spirit, so he used the power of fusion to eliminate the power of rules in his body.

It was also at that time that he truly mastered the power of fusion.