"A large amount of heroic energy is sealed inside?" Qin Xixuan nodded, "No wonder I am eager to swallow it."

She is very sensitive to energy.

Although she couldn't see any difference between this elixir and other holy beast elixir, her body had already reacted.

Qin Xixuan's eyes lit up.

With this kind of elixir, Qin Ming can swallow the elixir without disturbing him every time when Qin Ming gives her heroic energy.

Since Qin Ming's heroic energy was sufficient, she has been using the heroic energy for cultivation.

Every day she has to absorb a lot of heroic energy.

But the heroic spirit energy cannot be stored by her, so she has to disturb Qin Ming every day.

It's all right now, Qin Ming gave her some of these pills, and she would not bother him for a long time.

"I have refined a lot. Besides giving it to you, it can also be rewarded to the human fighters in the Yuexuan world." Qin Ming said with a smile, "If you want to make others obey orders, you can use strong methods or benefit them."

"As long as there is enough interest, anyone can be driven."

"Under normal circumstances, I will use strong means and interests at the same time."

If you want the human fighters in Yuexuan World to really obey orders, it can't just be because they have enmity with the Poison Demon Clan.

Perhaps at first, hatred would unite them.

But after defeating the poisonous demons in Yuexuan World, can they still obey orders?

Qin Ming believes that only with eternal interests can others listen to him forever.

He never thought about using strong means to force others to obey his orders.

The poisonous demon family uses strong means to control the poisonous demons.

Although the effect is very good, the side effects are also very serious.

The selfishness of the poisonous demons is caused by this tough method.

"Brother, isn't it too wasteful to give the energy of the human warriors in the Yuexuan world?" Qin Xixuan didn't want to give the energy of the human warriors in the Yuexuan world.

Heroic spirit energy is really too precious.

Even though Qin Ming already has a lot of heroic energy, she still hopes for more.

The more heroic spirit energy the better, it is best to only enter and exit.

Qin Ming shook his head: "I also know that the energy of heroic spirits is very precious."

"But no matter how precious something is, it can only generate value when it is used."

"Just like we fought with Si Kodai in the maze, Si Kodai sent us a large number of poisonous demons precisely because of the precious energy of the heroic spirits."

"It is precisely because Si Kodai sent the poisonous demons to death that I was able to cultivate a large number of heroic spirits."

"Without the help of the heroic spirits, we could not be Si Kodai's opponents."

In the labyrinth, Qin Ming would not have been able to defeat Si Kou Dai without relying on a large number of heroic spirits.

As for the source of a large number of heroic spirits, the largest part was contributed by Si Kou.

Si Kodai was too greedy, he wanted too much heroic energy, and finally shot himself in the foot.

If Si Kodai hadn't given him those poisonous demons, he wouldn't have been able to cultivate so many powerful heroes.

In the end, Si Kou Dai had a bigger chance of winning, and Qin Ming didn't have any confidence that he would have the last laugh.

Si Kodai was killed by his greed.

He didn't want to be like Skodai.

Heroic spirit energy is very good, if it is not used to improve strength, it will always be stored in the mind space.

It is very possible that he will be killed in the end, and the energy of these heroic spirits in his mind will also be taken away by others.

Qin Xixuan still looked at Qin Ming reluctantly.

Although she knew that what Qin Ming said was reasonable, she just couldn't bear it.