Chapter 912: Special earth!

There are countless blessings in the world that can help Baguio complete the transformation, and Yunfeng will naturally not allow Baguio to complete the transformation on a spiritually exhausted earth.

The reason why he appeared on Earth with Baguio was just that the channel he opened up through the Chaos Orb happened to appear in Mount Tai.

If Yun Feng chose by himself, he would definitely choose to open the channel in the broken fairyland, or directly open it on other planets in the Big Dipper star field or the Ziwei star field. In any case, he would not choose the earth with exhausted aura.

"Then Big Brother Yun, are you still taking me here?"

Baguio murmured while clutching his head, but a sly color flashed in his eyes.

Of course she knew that Big Brother Yun brought herself here for another reason, but she rarely saw Yun Feng's helpless look, so she couldn't help but want to tease.

"You girl!"

Yun Feng shook his head and immediately said: "I actually didn't expect the space channel to lead to this place, but since it's here, I can stay here for a while."

The earth that had come to the world of Zhetian was indeed beyond Yun Feng's expectations, but since it had come, Yun Feng didn't want to leave in a hurry.

Although the earth that covers the world is different from the earth before he crossed, there are some similarities after all. Since he crossed, he has always wanted to practice and obtain the energy of heaven, and he has never really relaxed.

Now that it has just landed on the earth that covers the sky, Yun Feng also wants to take advantage of this time to relax on the earth.

What's more, even though the earth's aura is exhausted, there are still some heavens and blessings after all.

Although those caves and blessings could not support Baguio to complete the transformation, the aura in them was enough for Baguio's daily practice.

Hearing Yun Feng's words, Baguio just nodded obediently, and did not object to it.

She didn't know why Yun Feng suddenly wanted to stay in this exhausted world, but since Yun Feng had made a decision, she wouldn't say much.

"Let's go, take a look outside first."

After Yun Feng finished speaking, he took Baguio to the outside of the cave.

After leaving the cave, Yun Feng took Baguio and easily mixed into the travelers who climbed the Tarzan, but because of his and Baguio's unique temperament, it still attracted a lot of attention.

"It turned out to be a world of science and technology. No wonder the aura is so thin."

Baguio followed Yunfeng obediently, his eyes swept over the technology equipment in the hands of the pedestrians around him, and he could not help but mutter.

She is not unfamiliar with the world of science and technology. Although she has never entered the real world of science and technology, she has seen too many products of the world of science and technology when she was in the world of Xianqin. Naturally, she will not enter the world like Grandma Liu. Like Daguanyuan, I was curious about everything.

"This world is not that simple."

Hearing Baguio's murmur, Yun Feng couldn't help but chuckle.

It is true that the aura of the earth that covers the world has long been exhausted, but the earth that covers the world itself has many mysterious colors.

There is not only a heaven on the earth, but also many powerful men from the mythological age have come out of the earth. Kunlun fairy mountain is the ancestral land of the Kunlun survivors. When the Kunlun survivors were in their heyday, only the emperor dared to provoke and break through. Kunlun Fairy Mountain, killed the sleeping supreme in its clan.

And even after the decline of the Kunlun survivors, the forbidden area in the mythical age of Feixianxing is still a huge force.

The Kunlun survivors in their heyday, or the Kunlun immortal clan, looked at the whole world of Zhetian as a behemoth that could be called a name.

Being able to give birth to such a behemoth, even Gu Tianting is on the earth, is enough to prove the mystery and power of this planet!

Even if the aura of the earth now dries up and enters the Age of Domination early, there will be traces of the mythical age after all. Although for the current Yunfeng, the remnants of the mythical age do not have much effect, but for Baguio, those Things are a good opportunity!

In addition, Yunfeng also discovered that there is a problem with the earth, that is, there is a lack of heaven!

Yunfeng possesses the Chaos Orb and can easily perceive the situation of the heavenly path, but the heavenly path that covers the world and the earth is incomplete in Yunfeng's perception, as if some force has erased the part, so that it is incomplete since then!

Although the earth that covers the world has entered the Age of Doom, it has been brilliant after all in the Age of Mythology. Even if a world is in decline, no one can move its heavenly way!

However, the heavenly path of the earth is truly incomplete, and there must be a lot of secrets in it.

Even Yun Feng inferred that the reason why the spiritual energy of the earth that covers the world has dried up, and since then entered the Age of Domination, is largely because of the incompleteness of the earth's heaven!

Hearing Yun Feng's words, Baguio couldn't help but stunned, and then leaned close to Yun Feng's ear, and asked in a low voice, "Did Brother Yun found something?"

She didn't notice anything wrong with the world. The spiritual energy is thin, the world is full of stale air, and the path to practice is not obvious. The high-rise buildings and technological creations are exactly the same as those she once saw in the world of Xianqin, even this Fang Tiandi's technology is much lagging behind the science and technology of Xianqin World.

But she never doubted Yun Feng's words.

Since her own Big Brother Yun asserted that this world is not simple, then she must have discovered something she didn't know!

"You will know soon."

Yun Feng just shook his head when he heard the words, but looked at the sky above, his gaze penetrated layers of obstacles and landed somewhere in the universe, and whispered: "This time it was a coincidence..."

"What, a mysterious look!"

Baguio murmured dissatisfiedly when she saw this, but did not continue to question.

Anyway, Yun Feng also said that she would know soon, then she didn't need to entangle Yun Feng to ask questions.

After all, stalking will not do any good besides causing Yun Feng's disgust.

She is not a fool, so naturally she would not do such a stupid thing!

Seeing that Baguio did not continue to question, Yun Feng nodded imperceptibly.

The reason why he has always been so close to Baguio, apart from really treating Baguio as his own sister, the most important thing is that Baguio acted very well and never bothered him.

Even if it is occasionally stubborn and self-willed, Baguio will stop at it and will never stay entangled.

"Let's go, there will be a good show in two days!"

Yun Feng retracted his gaze and said meaningfully, before taking a step towards the foot of the mountain.

Baguio followed Yun Feng with a thoughtful expression on her face.

However, the expression on Baguio's face did not last long, and it quickly returned to normal. Anyway, according to Yun Feng's statement, it only needs to wait two days, and it doesn't take her to worry about it!