Chapter 283 First Night Together

Chapter 283 First Night Together

The journey changed completely after Damian showed his powers. Kai, and his sister, June, were deeply scared of him. Elena was too, but she had encountered Damian before, so she knew he was powerful.

"How far is the city we are going to?" Damian asked as he looked through the carriage's window.

"Kinda far," Elena answered, "It will take us a few days. The duration depends if we get attacked by beasts or bandits or if the road is damaged, etc."

Damian only laughed at that, "The road may be the only problem. You don't need to worry about beasts or bandits with me here."

Kai had to hide his anger. He disliked the cocky way Damian was acting there, but after seeing his power in person, Kai was scared of trying anything against Damian.

The time inside the carriage made Damian think about many things. Morgana had left with Billy, and he was starting to get worried.

'Did she fool me? What is she up to?' Damian thought. The source of this content no/v(el)bi((n))

He also decided to utilize the rings he had to send a message to Aurora and the others about the dungeon problem he heard about. If that was indeed true, then it was best for them to start moving to avoid getting caught in that mess.

Aurora and the others messaged his back, saying that they would look for more information to see if the freezing of the dungeon floors was real or not.

The atmosphere inside the carriage was a quiet one, so Elena tried to start a conversation with Damian, "So where did you learn how to fight and utilize magic?" She asked.

"Most of the things I know I learned by myself. The dangerous world we live in is the best teacher."

Kai interrupted the conversation, "I bet I know how to fight better than you."

"Stop it, Kai," Elena said, "Don't start a fight again. Didn't you see you cannot win? Also, we are in this together so why not work for a greater purpose?"

"And what about you, mysterious lady? I don't even know your name yet," Damian asked.

She looked at him with shy eyes, "Luna. I am Luna."

"Luna is quiet among strangers," June said.

Damian didn't say another word to her, as he didn't want to make her feel embarrassed, so he just grabbed his fish, gave it a bite and said to June, "This group is quite unique, it seems."

They spent one hour talking about themselves and what would happen next in their journey. But eventually everyone got too tired and it was time to sleep. Damian had to share the carriage with everyone.

The good news was that the carriage was spacious enough to fit everyone inside, but that did not mean they had enough space inside. Kai slept beside his sister, acting like her protector. Damian on the other hand, had both Elena and Luna next to him.

They were really close, sharing a fur mantle among the three. "Don't try anything stupid, right?" Elena whispered.

Damian poked her cheeks using his finger, "And you don't try anything stupid too."

Elena rolled her eyes, "Why would I do something like that? You are handsome and pretty strong but you are not my type."

When she realized what she had said, Elena got red, and she hid herself in the fur mantle, "Good night."

Damian smiled and went to sleep too.

The first night on the road had been peaceful, and they continued their journey during the morning. At one point, they spotted someone in the middle of the road, badly hurt.

"P-Please, help me!" the person said.

June and Elena were about to move to help that person when Damian stopped them, "Don't move."