Chapter 21: Registered Elf

Chapter 21: Registered Elf

As Kan and the employee stepped into the changing room. Kan noticed that she had a key hung on her waist side. Kan watched as she picked out clothes from the ones he had selected and thought it would fit him. Kan couldn't deny she has a great taste as she picked a pair of nice troursers and even a leather jacket as well. But Kan was not in the changing room to change.

"That ass though. Even though I can only see her ass crack, it's safe to say pounding her right here might not be a bad idea. I hate to say it, but I'm enjoying how this new body of mine is overly excited about women's body. Must be his first," kan made the joke and laughed inwardly while gazing at the ass of the employee who innocently opted to help him pick clothes that would suit his taste.

Kan chose a jean that she gave him to try out but mid way through, Kan thought up a plan and immediately implemented it..."Oh, sorry, looks like the zip is stuck. Mind helping me?" Kan asked and swiftly, she dropped the clothes she held on a bench near the wall next to her and rushed to Kan's aid.

She was only a few inches from kan's body and in her motion to get the zip which Kan had purposely twisted to hook, her boobs were grazing on his chest. Kan revealed a cheeky smile as although that was not his agenda, it was still an added bonus. While the employee sought to work kan's zip, Kan saw that moment as his opportunity.

Kan's nimble fingers deftly reached towards her waist region and found what he was looking for – a set of keys. Feeling a rush of excitement, he pulled out the keys with craftiness akin to a pick pocket and silently held it firm to stop it from clattering together and giving him away.

"Okay, this situation is quite awkward hehehe. Why don't you tell me where the rest room is and I'll go fix it myself?" Kan asked the lady and she obliged. She took him out of the changing room and pointed him towards the dressing room.

Kan made his way towards the changing room exit. He could hear Aunt Layla's cheerful chatter with another customer, providing him with the perfect cover.

As Kan approached the exit, he noticed a sign that read, "Employees Only." With a quick glance around to ensure no one was watching, he unlocked the door, slipped through, and locked it behind him. He was now in the backroom area of the store, where the employees took their breaks and stored extra inventory.

Feeling a sense of triumph, Kan made his way through the backroom, careful not to arouse any suspicion. He spotted an emergency exit door and quickly checked to make sure it wasn't alarmed. It was his lucky day – the door opened without a sound.

With one last look over his shoulder, Kan stepped out into the bustling city streets, leaving behind the clothing store and Aunt Layla. He felt a mix of guilt and excitement, but he knew he had to explore this new world he had transmigrated to.

Kan made his way out of the store and standing before between him and his curiosity was the grand city.

Kan marveled at the world around him. The city was a vibrant hub of modernity, blending futuristic architecture with hints of traditional charm. Skyscrapers adorned with holographic billboards towered over bustling streets filled with electric vehicles and self-driving taxis.

Pedestrians passed by wearing sleek, high-tech clothing that adjusted to the weather and displayed colorful patterns, it was a blast of surprise.

"I dare say they are ahead in technology in this world than my previous," Kan muttered seeing all that went on around him.

As Kan explored further, he noticed that technology was seamlessly integrated into every aspect of life. A nearby food truck used holographic menus, allowing customers to visualize their orders before making a selection. Streetlights dimmed or brightened based on the natural light, optimizing energy consumption. Kan found the world to be almost too good to be true.

The city's transportation system was an engineering marvel. High-speed trains glided effortlessly through the underground, connecting various districts with unparalleled efficiency. The subway station was a bustling hub where people of all ages and backgrounds came together.

As Kan continued his exploration, he witnessed heartwarming scenes of human connection that transcended cultural and technological barriers. In a bustling subway station, a young man got down on one knee and proposed to his blushing fiancée. The onlookers erupted in applause, and some even shed happy tears at the beautiful moment.

It was getting dark but Kan wasn't done yet. In another part of the city, Kan saw a group of musicians playing a fusion of traditional and futuristic instruments. People from all walks of life gathered around, tapping their feet to the infectious rhythm. It was evident that the love for music was universal, regardless of the world's technological advancements.

Then finally, all this time, Kan had only noticed the presence of people with normal ears and not one like his. But as Kan delved deeper, exploring different parts of the city, Kan came across some people with ears like his. Although, Kan noticed they were a lot shorter than he was, like really short.

At most, he saw one with beards but his height could be rivalled with a six year old.

Kan also noticed the smaller elves, were often seen in menial jobs. Some were street cleaners, diligently sweeping away litter to maintain the city's cleanliness. Others worked as delivery personnel, zipping through the streets on hoverboards to ensure packages reached their destinations promptly.

Despite their humble roles, the smaller elves seemed content and performed their tasks with a sense of pride. Kan admired their dedication and resilience, realizing that the people in every world, there were the bosses and then there were people like this, the low end earners.

Kan's excitement of exploring the new world came to a halt when he was stopped by a stern-looking cop. He knew this because the woman in question was in a uniform similar to the one cops would wear in his world. She also had a cap on and an emblem engraved on it.

The officer's eyes narrowed as she noticed Kan's abnormally long elf ears. She approached him, her expression serious.

"Excuse me, sir," she said with authority. "Are you a registered elf?"

Kan was taken aback by the question. He had no idea what a registered elf was, as it was entirely foreign to him.

"I... I don't know what you mean," he stammered, trying to hide his confusion.

The cop's demeanor softened slightly as she realized Kan's bewilderment. "I couldn't help but notice your ears, sir. Not to be problematic, but elves are required to register their presence for the safety and integration of different communities. It helps us keep track of who's who," the woman stated.

Kan nodded, still unsure about the entire concept. "Well, I've just arrived in this mean, it hasn't been long I was born and I had no idea about any registration process,"

The cop seemed to believe his story, but she maintained a cautious eye on him. "Alright, I'll need your information to proceed with the registration. What's your name?"

"Al....Kan," he replied, providing his name as confidently as possible.

"Alkan?" The cop asked.

"Kan..Kan...I mean Kan," Kan stuttered.

The cop jotted down the details while Kan's mind raced. He knew he had to be cautious about revealing too much of his past or the fact that he had transmigrated to this world. He decided it was best to play along until he understood the situation better.

After noting down his information, the cop handed him a small device. "This is your registration card. Keep it with you at all times."

Kan took the card, thanking the officer politely. As he walked away, he couldn't help but wonder what other surprises awaited him in this new world.

As Kan walked away from the stern-looking cop, he couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and apprehension. Being stopped by the officer and having to go through a registration process had been unexpected, but he knew he had to be cautious and not draw any unnecessary attention to himself.

As he continued exploring the city, he came across a bustling police station. It was a modern building with advanced security measures, and officers were coming in and out, busy with their duties. Kan couldn't help but feel a twinge of anxiety as he remembered his encounter with the cop earlier.

Curiosity got the better of him, and he decided to step inside the police station. As he entered, the receptionist greeted him warmly and asked if she could assist him with anything.

Kan hesitated for a moment but decided to go ahead and ask his question. "Excuse me, ma'am. Earlier, I met one of your officers outside, and I had to go through a registration process because of my... uh... ears. I was wondering, is there anything else I need to do?"

The receptionist smiled kindly and reassured him, "Oh, don't worry. The registration process is standard for elves who arrive in the city. It's just a formality to ensure everyone's safety and to help with integration. As long as you have your registration card, you should be fine."

Kan nodded, feeling a bit more at ease with the explanation. "Thank you for clarifying that. Is there anything else I should be aware of while I'm here?"

The receptionist leaned in and lowered her voice slightly. "Well, just a friendly piece of advice. Try to avoid getting into any trouble or breaking any laws. The city's security is top-notch, and they take any infringements seriously. I'm sure you'll be just fine as long as you follow the rules."

Kan nodded gratefully and made a mental note to be extra careful during his stay. He didn't want to risk getting arrested or drawing any unnecessary attention to himself.

As he left the police station, he couldn't help but reflect on how different this world was from his own. The technology, the culture, and the people were all so fascinating and intriguing. Despite his initial mishap, he was determined to make the most of his time here and learn as much as he could about this new and vibrant world.

With his registration card safely tucked away in his pocket, Kan continued his exploration of the city, eager to uncover more of its wonders and mysteries. Little did he know that this adventure would be filled with unexpected twists and turns, and that he would soon find himself entangled in a grand journey that would forever change his life.