Chapter 163 You hungry?

Chapter 163 You hungry?

Kan sensed a sudden breeze gently caressing his body, the numbness dissipating. The surroundings felt cozy, a stark contrast to the harsh winds before he passed out in the open space while he was fighting against Ralph.

Recalling the previous environment, he now found himself in a softer place, with a gentle wind against his skin. Curiosity led him to open his eyes and unravel the mystery of his new surroundings.

Upon opening his eyes, he saw himself in a small wall. In the intimate confines of the small bedroom, a singular fan silently traced its orbit above, its rhythmic hum adding a subtle cadence to the room.

The decor within was a testament to a unique blend of tranquility and professional aesthetics, creating a space that harmonized functionality with artistic expression.

The walls of the room were a canvas for a carefully selected collection of paintings. Prominently displayed were depictions of medical equipments, symbolizing the heartbeat of the medical profession.

The canvases captured the intricate details of these essential tools, their contours rendered with precision, evoking a sense of reverence for the healing arts.

Complementing the beautiful artwork were paintings showcasing an array of hospital equipment. Each piece was a visual ode to the tools that navigate the delicate dance between science and humanity.

Intricately portrayed were syringes, blood pressure cuffs, and thermometers – each item holding its own significance in the narrative of care and well-being.

The color palette of the room was thoughtfully chosen, weaving together calming tones to create an atmosphere of serenity. Soft blues and greens dominated, mirroring the soothing hues often associated with healing environments.

The play of light and shadow further enhanced the visual appeal, creating a gentle interplay that contributed to the overall sense of comfort.

"This doesn't look like a hospital and why the whole paintings on the wall?" Kan lamented as he raised his head from the bed.

The bed, adorned with meticulously arranged pillows, stood as the focal point of the room. A haven of repose, it beckoned with its layers of soft linens and a promise of restful sleep.

The fan above, with its unhurried rotation, ensured a constant circulation of air, fostering an environment conducive to relaxation.

As daylight filtered through curtains, it revealed additional elements of the room's decor. Shelves adorned with medical literature and perhaps a few personal mementos hinted at a blend of professional dedication and personal identity.

As Kan gingerly rose from his bed, determination propelled him toward the distant door, but weakness and dizziness soon became formidable adversaries.


Struggling to take even a single step, he succumbed, closing his eyes and clutching his head in an effort to anchor his sanity within the confines of his throbbing brain.

Forced back onto the bed he had just vacated, Kan was enveloped in a momentary stillness, broken only by the abrupt cessation of running water.

A realization dawned – he wasn't alone. The prospect of an uninvited guest jolted him, prompting a silent readiness to either confront or defend.

The door swung open, revealing a woman wrapped in a long towel that veiled her nudity up to her face. She emerged from the bathroom, engaged in the ritual of drying her face, displaying a familiarity with the room that bespoke ownership.

As she treaded softly toward the mirror, humming an unfamiliar tune, Kan, still in silent observation, grappled with the mystery of her identity. She was unequivocally unfamiliar – not Aunt Layla, not Ellie, nor anyone from his recollection.

With a practiced motion, she tossed the damp towel onto a slender line, a routine chore indicating her daily rhythm. However, Kan's anticipation for the usual reveal of inner clothes was met with surprise; she was absent of any undergarments.

A thick fluid went down his throat as he saw the two planetary bodies behind her back. Kan has seen quite a number and sizes of ass-cheeks but her's is an exception. Her ass were not just bountiful but smooth.

It was as if her ass bounced without her making any move. They so beautiful to just watch.

"Gyatt damn!" Kan exclaimed quietly.

Kan couldn't help but smile at such a view. Despite him being weak, he could feel his beast energetically waking up from slumber.

As Kan continued his silent observation, the woman turned, seemingly oblivious to his presence until she discovered his watchful gaze. Breaking the humming cadence, her surprise was evident.

"You're finally awake! Never thought you'd wake up now, not today actually," she remarked, her strides purposeful as she approached a shelf by the side, while Kan remained seated on the bed speechless. He wasn't sure if she's a friend or foe, but one thing was clear, she's beautiful.

As she moved with a captivating grace, her breasts swayed in sync with the rhythm of her steps, a mesmerizing dance that drew Kan's attention. n).o-/v-.e-.1)-B-(I//n

Entranced, he found himself admiring not just her enticing physique but also the allure of her beautiful face.

Her brown hair flowed like a cascade, moving with each bounce, adding an extra layer of elegance to her presence.

What struck Kan was not just her physical beauty but the innate charm that seemed to emanate effortlessly.

Her walk transcended the ordinary, an otherworldly cadence that defied explanation. Kan marveled at the fact that this wasn't a deliberate act but rather the natural, enchanting way she moved.

Unable to contain his admiration, Kan mused, "Such beauty, and yet, her presence remains an enigma to my memory."

Remaining unclothed, she made her way to a nearby shelf, defying Kan's expectation of retrieving clothing for modesty. Instead, she retrieved a small medical instrument, holding it with a familiarity that suggested a routine.

With deliberate steps, she closed the distance between them. As she reached Kan, her gaze locked with his, she smiled and held out of Kan's palm and gently caressed it with her palm before examining it with the medical equipment. Her hands were one of the softest Kan has ever felt.

She attentively examined him with the medical instrument, while Kan, in turn, found his gaze tracing the contours of her form.

His eyes navigated from the graceful curve of her ass down to the ample breasts heaving gently on her chest. A swallow proved inadequate as he struggled to rein in his escalating desires, deploying a hand to temper the response burgeoning within his trousers.

After a momentary pause, she raised her head and remarked, "You're surprisingly resilient. Hmm, you've healed faster than expected."

Sensing Kan's lingering gaze, she met his eyes with an arched eyebrow, prompting an unspoken question. Unfazed, she continued, "Are you hungry?"