Chapter 211 One with the blood

Chapter 211 One with the blood

UppTodated from nô/v/e/lb(i)n.c(o)/m

The crowd gasped upon seeing Sully going against his sister Suzzy. They always anticipated the fight but never expected it to be now.

Joaquin, on his seat, was also intrigued by the fight about to unfold before him. He stood up and announced in a commanding tone, "I'm handing over to the champ of this showdown my most prized possession – the Punisher!"

There was a loud cheer from the onlookers as they knew the importance of the Punisher to Joaquin.

"The Punisher? Boss is up for handing over that sweet blade to one of these twins?" Ronan asked curiously.

"He's suddenly developed a soft spot for them, I believe," Marhal replied to Ronan as they continued to watch what was about to happen.

Suzzy's flames flickered ominously as she confronted Sully, her icy counterpart. "Ready for a showdown, Sully?" she taunted, the heat in her voice matching the intensity of her fiery presence.

Sully, exuding arrogance, smirked and replied in his new accent he learned from the werewolves. "Fire against ice? This should be a doddle – quite literally." He conjured icy shards around him, forming a defensive barrier.

Suzzy chuckled, flames dancing with anticipation. "Let's see if your icy ego can withstand the heat."

With a swift motion, she sent a burst of fire toward Sully, who countered with a barrage of icy projectiles. The icy projectiles vaporized into thin air after the encounter.

Sully smirked and shook his head at her fruitless attempt.

Undeterred, Suzzy surged forward, folding her hand to form a large fireball. She raised her hand, sending an inferno from above toward Sully.

Sully instantly crafted an icy shield, protecting himself from her assault. Suzzy pressed on; more fire descended upon Sully as he began to struggle against the increasing pressure.

Suzzy noticed his struggle and quipped, "You're melting under the pressure, Sully!"

The pressure built up until Sully started bending down under the force Suzzy was exerting from above. His knee was almost making contact with the ground due to the force.

Suzzy noticed his struggle and quipped, "You're melting under the pressure, Sully!"

"You think?" Sully replied and suddenly placed his hand on the ground.

As he did so, spikes made of ice began sprouting from the ground and approached Suzzy.

She evaded the assault with a fire of her own but not without being scathed. Some of the ice brushed against her skin, but it wasn't much of a threat.

"I'm pretty amazed by the sudden skill boost in both of you; y'all are picking things up real quick," Joaquin said.

He stood up from his seat and started walking towards them. Continuing his speech, he said, "Time to put those skills to work. I'm dispatching you two on your debut mission as my crew."

The statement came as a shock to Marhal and Ronan. "First mission already? Isn't that too fast?" Both of them wondered.

Joaquin stood before the twins, placed his hands on their shoulders, and said, "pull off this mission flawlessly and prove your worth, and I might just crown you my right-hand men!"

The last statement came as more than a shock to Marhal and Ronan as they heard their boss promising the position of his right-hand men to the newbies.

Both of them had really struggled hard to be his right-hand men, and he's ready to replace them because of these newcomers?

They were not really happy to hear him say that, but they dared not oppose him.

"What's that gig then?" Sully asked.

"No big deal, just your usual gig—take out a few folks daring to defy my orders," Joaquin said.

The twins exchanged encouraging looks before taking deep breaths.

"Marhal and Ronan are rolling with you to up the efficiency; no need to stress about it," Joaquin said.

"Marhal and Ronan?" He called them, and they responded quickly.


"Both of you, tag along with the Riot twins to the Vikings' hideout and handle business," Joaquin said.

"Yes, Boss!" They replied.

Although they weren't happy with what he said, they had no option but to go.

"No time to waste, you're hitting the road now!" he added, and they nodded in agreement.

Marhal, Ronan, and the Riot twins turned to take their leave when Joaquin called them and added, "Boys, as usual, no survivors!"

"That is the drill!" Marhal, Ronan, and the Riot twins replied before walking out for the mission at hand.