The next day, the kidnapping of an abandoned plastic factory in the eastern suburbs shocked the entire Yellow Sea overnight.

A dozen armed bandits, the international fugitive Lone Wolf, and the Huo Family's First Young Master, Huo Yaozu, all died inside the factory.

After the media received the news, not only did they gather a large number of reporters at the abandoned plastic factory, they also surrounded the Huanghai City police station, fighting to be the first to obtain the information.

Huo Yaozu deserved it, but after his father Huo Rugang received the news, he immediately rushed over to the scene. When he saw his son's corpse was brought before him, he suddenly knelt down and cried out, at the same time, he had also attracted a lot of reporters to watch and interview him, but the most of them were: "Your son kidnapped Miss Shen Family, do you know about it?"

With such a sharp question, Huo Rugang, who had just experienced the pain of losing his son, could only grit his teeth and remain silent.

However, other than Shen Family and the Huo Family knowing the details, there was another important witness, and that was Wang Yashi. After understanding the situation, the police immediately announced to the outside world that Huo Yaozu was the mastermind behind the assassination attempt on Shen Family's young miss, Shen Aoxin, but was found out by my police department's officers. Shen Family's son-in-law, with Officer Wang's help, exterminated the kidnapper and successfully saved the hostage.

As a result, Wang Yashi also became the focus of the news media. The major news media started reporting on him, the city police were fighting against the kidnappers, and so on.

As for Chen Shen, Wang Yashi had only reported the situation to her superiors and did not reveal his identity as a weapons specialist. She also did not reveal her godly killing methods, so naturally she did not attract too much attention.

Of course, Wang Yashi did not do this for the sake of her illusory title, nor was it because she had a deep relationship with him.

It was something that happened in the factory. If she didn't see it with her own eyes, no one would believe it even if she told others. Even she herself felt it was inconceivable. Moreover, the situation back then was extremely dangerous. If Chen Shen had not acted in time, let alone saving Shen Aoxin, even he might not have been able to escape that calamity, which had indirectly saved her life.

Since Chen Shen had always been hiding his identity, then Wang Yashi's relationship between Shen Aoxin and Tong Lele would naturally not be leaked, and it would all be treated as repaying him a favor. Not to mention the fact that the other side were all evil people, they deserved to die!


What Huo Yaozu had done to Shen Aoxin, had thoroughly touched his reverse scale, and had him killed. But in the end, he was at most a playboy who acted against the laws of nature, and the one who truly wanted to kill Chen Shen and Shen Aoxin was Huo Rugang.

Huo Rugang had colluded with Wu Tong previously in an attempt to annex the Huo Family's right to trade in the East Sea. In the end, Wu Tong lost to Chen Shen and rolled back to the East Island Country with his tail between his legs. On the contrary, not only did he not restrain himself, he even increased his murderous intent by another level.

Now, he had just lost his son, so he was in deep grief. It was precisely at this time that Chen Shen wanted to completely defeat him and let him know the consequences of plotting against his wife.

Thus, on this morning, after Zhong Hai and Chen Shen finished their statements at the police station, the two of them drove to the office building in the municipal government.

"Chen Shen, I have already followed your instructions and placed all the evidence inside." Zhong Hai handed over a file in front of Chen Shen.

"Good!" With this, that old bastard Huo Rugang will not be able to turn over any more! " With that, Chen Shen opened the car door and swaggered into the city.

With someone leading, Chen Shen arrived at the deputy mayor's office. But just as he arrived at the door, he heard a wave of reprimand from inside.

"Dong, dong, dong!" He knocked on the door out of courtesy.

"Come in!"

Then, Chen Shen opened the door and went in. As soon as he went in, he saw a familiar face.

Last night, because he was driving illegally, Wang Yashi called someone to bring him back to the Bureau. Seems like he was released through his father's connections, and is currently being scolded.

"Vice Mayor Zhou, how have you been?" Chen Shen pretended not to know Zhou Leexin and came to the front of Vice Mayor Zhou.

When Zhou Leexin saw Chen Shen coming in, he was immediately stunned. He did not expect that his rival, who was driving so fast last night, would actually come to his father's office.

"It's Chen Shen, why didn't you inform me when you came, so that I could take care of the matter at hand." With that, Vice Mayor Zhou glared at Zhou Leexin as if he had failed to meet expectations.

"Ugh …"

At this time, Zhou Leexin didn't have time to pay attention to his father's stern gaze, and was shocked in his heart. Last night, Tong Lele was just saying that she was her boyfriend, why did she suddenly become Shen Family's son-in-law?

"Hehe, I came here today specifically to visit the Vice Mayor Zhou, I hope it doesn't affect your work." Chen Shen turned to look at Zhou Leexin, and then laughed meaningfully.

"Of course not!" Following that, the Vice Mayor Zhou shouted at Zhou Leexin sternly: "You leave first! Don't go anywhere at night! I'll deal with you when I get home! "

Zhou Leexin lowered his head, pursed his lips, and looked unconvinced, but due to his father's majesty, he could only obediently leave the office. When he closed the door behind him, he glanced at Chen Shen, thinking: "What did he come to find father for, it can't be that he wants to tell on me!"

Seeing Zhou Leexin going out, the Vice Mayor Zhou politely gestured for him to sit.

"You must be ashamed. This son of mine really doesn't let me feel at ease."

"Eh?" I think that young master is a talented person, it's not like you need to worry about him. "

Chen Shen asked even though he knew the answer to the question, but at the same time he had a better idea of what it meant. Last night, he had provoked Zhou Leexin because of his affair with him. He thought that he would say some small things in front of the Vice Mayor Zhou, but now it seems like he had been worrying too much about everything.

However, even if Zhou Leexin were to tell his father, Chen Shen wouldn't have anything to worry about, because the documents in his hands were enough for Vice Mayor Zhou to give his all to help him.

"Let's not mention him anymore!" Vice Mayor Zhou immediately changed the topic and asked worriedly, "I already know about the matter with Huo Yaozu. Is Miss Shen Family alright?"

"Don't worry, my wife was just scared. After a few days, she will be alive and kicking again."

Vice Mayor Zhou nodded in relief, and asked again: "Chen Shen, what are you looking for me for today?"

I was waiting for you to ask! Chen Shen then handed the archive in his hand to Vice Mayor Zhou: "You'll know once you take a look."

Vice Mayor Zhou looked at Chen Shen in astonishment, he casually opened the folder and took out the documents from inside, then he carefully examined them once.

However, just as he finished reading one, he suddenly frowned.

"Chen Shen, where did you get this evidence?"

"Heh heh, of course it was provided by someone who knew about it. When necessary, he would criticize her face to face." Chen Shen's words carried a hint of warning.

The Vice Mayor Zhou nervously leafed through another few other documents, and in the end, lightly placed them back into the archive, his eyes still somewhat blurred.

"I understand. I will send someone to investigate this matter later!" "However …"

The corner of Chen Shen's mouth lifted slightly, and he stood up: "Vice Mayor Zhou doesn't need to worry, I only have one goal, whether or not I can accomplish it, I will have to trouble you. As for the evidence, you should know which one to destroy. "

As he spoke, he turned around to leave. As he walked out of the door, he did not forget to turn back and tease, "I can see that your complexion isn't bad lately. It seems like the prescription that I gave you is working."

Looking at Chen Shen's retreating back, the Vice Mayor Zhou sighed, and said helplessly: "Huo Rugang is finished."

Chen Shen walked out of the City Hall, but just as he walked to the main entrance, he was stopped by Zhou Leexin.

So it turned out that after Zhou Leexin left the office, he did not listen to his father's words and went back home immediately.

"What did you say to my father?" Zhou Leexin asked arrogantly.

Chen Shen saw through his concerns and laughed coldly: "Hehe, you don't have to be afraid, I just need Vice Mayor Zhou to help me with a little. If there's nothing else, I'll be leaving first."

"Wait! really didn't say anything? " Zhou Leexin still had some doubts.

This brat acted so arrogantly in front of others, but he was still someone who was afraid.

"If I say there's no such thing as' no ', then there's no such thing as' no '. If you don't believe me, you can ask your father." Chen Shen was obviously annoyed by his boredom.

Zhou Leexin uncertainly nodded his head, and started to write like a woman, "My father mentioned you before. He said that you had great medical skills, but I didn't think that you would know how to drive. In yesterday's competition, I admit that I was no match for you, but since you are Shen Family's son-in-law, I suggest that you best not offend Tong Lele again, so as to prevent others from misunderstanding! "

"Holy sh * t!" You are quite fucking upright! It's no wonder that crazy girl looked down on you! " Chen Shen secretly cursed in his heart, and directly ignored him and went around.

"I will definitely challenge you again!" Zhou Leexin shouted.

After getting rid of the annoying Zhou Leexin, Chen Shen got on the car.

"Chen Shen, how do you know Zhou Leexin?" Zhong Hai asked curiously.

Chen Shen was speechless. "It's all because of that crazy girl Tong Lele."

Seeing that, Zhong Hai laughed inexplicably, before returning to his usual serious expression.

"Vice Mayor Zhou saw the evidence and agreed to help us?"

"He has no choice but to help!" Chen Shen shrugged his shoulders and said disdainfully: "Last time at the Emperor Hotel, I said that I was a poor official, but have you ever seen a poor official's son drive a luxurious sports car? "He is currently unable to protect himself. In order to protect his black gauze hat, he will definitely do as we ask."

Zhong Hai's evaluation of Chen Shen had always been very high, and had now even reached the level of admiration. Not only was his skill impressive, his shrewdness was also very deep.

"You sinners are just waiting for death!" Huo Rugang's good days had finally come to an end! Chen Shen, where are we going next? "

Chen Shen's dark eyes looked outside the window, and could not help but recall his master's instructions, there were hidden dragons and crouching tigers in China, he must not be careless, and now that he looked at it, there was danger everywhere.

However, no matter who it was, whoever dared to murder his wife, even if the road in front of him was a sea of fire and thorns, he would conquer the thorns and thorns, trampling over the sea of fire.

After remaining silent for a while, Chen Shen replied indifferently: "Return to the Shen Family Villa, and complete what needs to be done. After tonight, Huo Rugang's Huo Group, will completely disappear from the Huanghai City."

Zhong Hai nodded his head firmly, he started the engine and grew out.