Seeing her jealous look, Chen Shen was happy and liked her a lot.

"Actually, there's no need to discuss. A lot of things have happened recently, so everyone should take a breather. Why don't we take this opportunity to go play in S Nation?"

"I'm not free like you. The company still has a lot of things to take care of. If you want to go, go by yourself!" Shen Aoxin rejected him flatly.

"Wife, if I go by myself, aren't you afraid that I won't come back?" Chen Shen continued to speak: "General Sutton is a big client of Guo Hong, and he also helped us last time. His daughter, Catherine, was kind enough to invite us, if we do not go, it would be too heartless."

The last time Guo Hong was plotted against by Huo Rugang, he almost went bankrupt. It was all thanks to General Sutton helping him, and of course, they had to rely on Chen Shen to help him, which eased the crisis temporarily.

In regards to this, Shen Aoxin had already wanted to thank the General Sutton since a long time ago, and she naturally did not reject Catherine's invitation.

"You'd better stay there so I don't get annoyed when I see you!" Shen Aoxin glanced at Chen Shen in annoyance, and decided to just ignore him and look at Wu Lan: "Sister Lan, then go and prepare yourself. I will take care of the company's matters for the next few days, then we will go to S Nation."

Just then, Zhou Rui walked down from the second floor. When she heard that Shen Aoxin wanted to go to S Nation, her eyes lit up and she immediately jogged over.

"Mistress, are you and Master going to S Nation? I've never been there before. You must not leave me behind! "

"I can't let you fall anywhere!" Shen Aoxin lovingly held Zhou Rui's hand. While they were together in the villa, Shen Aoxin had already become her little sister: "I can bring you there, but you have to promise not to cause trouble everywhere."

"Mistress, don't worry!" Zhou Rui was so excited that her hands and feet were dancing, her eyes were wide open as though she had thought of something, she returned to her room, picked up the phone and dialed a number.

Chen Shen laughed, as if he had guessed what she wanted to do. Right now, she and Tong Lele, that crazy girl, had already become sisters that could talk about everything.

In less than five minutes, Tong Lele called Shen Aoxin. The content was that she wanted to follow along.

Shen Aoxin could not argue with this crazy girl, and could only agree.

However, the happiest one among them was none other than Chen Shen. Not only would he be able to meet that beautiful girl Catherine again, on the journey to S Nation, he would also be accompanied by four beautiful women.

After deciding on five people to go to [S] country, Shen Aoxin and Wu Lan left the Shen Family Villa together. One of them went to the company to settle some matters, and the other went to handle the procedures related to going abroad.

Two days later, Chen Shen took the four beauties onto the plane at the airport, heading towards State S …

After a long journey, the five finally reached State S. After the plane stopped, Chen Shen and the four great beauties left the plane.

Just as he got off the plane, he saw over 10 luxury cars lined up in a row, with Catherine in the lead car. When he saw them, he immediately opened the door and walked out, passionately greeting them.

This S Nation beauty was dressed in a sexy outfit, revealing her voluptuous body. The haughty thing on her chest trembled continuously as she ran, and she looked at Chen Shen, whose nose was about to bleed.

And what made Chen Shen unable to stop was that Catherine seemed to be overly passionate. When she saw him, she excitedly hugged him tightly, her well-developed chest also sticking tightly to his chest, as she excitedly opened her seductive lips: "Mr. Chen, you're finally here!"

Shen Aoxin saw that Chen Shen looked like he was enjoying the show and secretly cursed in his heart: "Scoundrel, when I see a beauty, I don't even know what my surname is … …"

Tong Lele looked at Catherine strangely, and said softly: "Isn't she too unrestrained, does brother-in-law like this?"

After a while, Catherine also realized that something was wrong. After all, Chen Shen's wife, the Miss Shen, was still here.

"Welcome to the country S as a guest. Hurry up and get on the carriage. My father has already prepared a feast at home."

Shen Aoxin quickly adjusted her complicated feelings. With a smile on her face, she took the initiative to hold Chen Shen's arm, and her small hand even pinched Chen Shen's arm a few times without anyone noticing.

The pain made him grit his teeth, but at the same time, he couldn't cry out. He could only grit his teeth and endure the pain.

They got on the carriages, and along the way, Tong Lele and Zhou Rui curiously looked at the buildings that they passed by.

The architectural styles of S country were very different from those of Hua Xia. The main building was constructed with multiple semi-circular roofs with a light beige tone, giving people a calm and elegant feeling. At the same time, there are also derived relief sculptures of the external wall. In addition, independent tower-shaped structures and bunched helmet-shaped decorations are the product of the background of the times. Forming a solemn, elegant, noble atmosphere.

After about an hour, the team arrived at a deserted area. On this piece of land, they could clearly see a huge villa standing there, surrounded by three meter high concrete walls.

The gate of the villa slowly opened, and the carriages entered one after another. The villa was surrounded by soldiers armed with guns. Twenty of them were extremely conspicuous, and their clothing were all different from the others.

Catherine led the way at the front.

After Tong Lele and Zhou Rui got off the car, they looked around in shock. The two people who had always been in China, had never seen such a scene before.

As for Shen Aoxin and Wu Lan, although they appeared calm on the surface, they were secretly praising Sutton's strength with their hearts.

But Chen Shen acted as if he did not care and casually walked in, as if he was extremely familiar with this villa.

When the twenty odd soldiers saw his figure, they all became impassioned. Their waists became even straighter as they stepped forward and saluted.

"Hello, instructor!"

The deafening slogan caused all the girls to cover their ears, and at the same time, they looked at Chen Shen in shock. They were all surprised in their hearts: "Why do these people call him Instructor?"

Chen Shen laughed, "I've not been your instructor for a long time. Be casual about it, I've scared my wife."

One of the soldiers who looked like a captain shouted loudly, "Only Shi Loong is the instructor for the special forces of the relatives of the General Sutton!"

Chen Shen nodded his head in satisfaction, he patted his shoulder and said: "When I have the time, I will spar with you guys a few times, to see if your skills are useless."

The twenty odd special forces soldiers immediately raised their heads and puffed their chests out. "Prepare to receive Instructor Shi Loong's teachings at any time!"

After chatting for a while, Chen Shen led the girls and followed Catherine into the villa.

In order to welcome guests who had come from far away, General Sutton, as the host, specially hosted a banquet in the villa. At the same time, he invited the nobles of S Nation.

Catherine excitedly ran in front of a man in his fifties. The man's skin was a little yellowish, and his eagle-like eyes were glowing with blue light. His tall nose had a distinctive characteristic of a native of the S Nation. He was roughly 1.9 meters tall, and his physique was strong.

Chen Shen smiled at him, then waved his hand: "Long time no see, General Sutton!"

General Sutton expressionlessly walked over with Catherine. They looked at each other for a moment, then suddenly used the unique warm etiquette of a westerner to give him a warm hug. Then, they used their powerful hands to heavily press on his shoulders.

"Shi Loong, it has been almost two years since we last met. You will need to stay for a few more days, it would be best if you don't go!"

"Hehe, I appreciate General Sutton's good intentions, but I'm currently married, I can't just leave my wife alone in the empty room, right?" With that, Chen Shen smiled at Shen Aoxin.

"Haha, you still haven't changed at all!" The General Sutton sized up the lady beside him: "This beautiful young miss should be the owner of the Guohong Group, Miss Shen."

In the end, Shen Aoxin was still a talented student who had stayed back to study. Furthermore, she had managed the Guohong Group for many years by herself, so putting aside the fact that she had a business mind, some social etiquette was naturally not an issue.

"Thank you, General Sutton, for your exaggeration. We, Guo Hong, are honored to cooperate with you. The last time Guo Hong's goods were robbed, the company was in a crisis. It was thanks to your help that we managed to get through this crisis. "

General Sutton withdrew his arm that was pressing down on Chen Shen's shoulder, and said with a smile: "I only did it with a simple move, Miss Shen should be most grateful to your husband. Shi Loong and I can be considered to be old friends, but I didn't know that his real name was actually Chen Shen, who was treating Catherine. A while ago, he took the initiative to call me, and I was shocked, looks like he really loves you. "

Shen Aoxin lovingly glanced at Chen Shen. What General Sutton said was not wrong, the fact that his Guohong Group was able to turn the tide was indeed his contribution.

"Alright, dad, all the guests have arrived. Don't let them just stand here. Let's start the banquet!" Catherine stared fixedly at Chen Shen, her pair of big blue eyes blinking exceptionally beautifully.

naturally felt his daughter's subtle changes. Ever since he had returned from the last time he treated his illness, his mouth seemed to mutter almost every day about how powerful Chen Shen was.

"You …" The General Sutton smiled meaningfully, and with the treatment of a distinguished guest, he brought everyone to the very front, and gave a grand introduction to the nobles present.

When he introduced Chen Shen, he only said that he was the divine doctor of China who had cured Catherine, and the mister of the Guohong Group, but did not mention anything else.

"Clap clap …"

When the General Sutton finished his introduction, a burst of applause rose and fell.

The nobles of the S Nation present were actually not interested in these few people. They were only afraid of the powerful strength of the General Sutton.

The banquet officially began. Chen Shen and the others were naturally with General Sutton and Catherine. They were holding wine cups in their hands and chatting merrily.

A tall, handsome man in a gorgeous suit was walking toward them.

However, when Catherine saw this person, his expression was clearly somewhat gloomy, and his tone was also somewhat cold …

"Moixero, how did you come here? I don't remember inviting you before …"