"Shi Loong, forgive me for speaking bluntly, but even though we, the Three Peace Faction will not intervene in this matter, there is no guarantee that others will. Moixero had already planned to kill you. Besides hiring the two of us, he also gathered a large number of mafia in the [S] country. If you were to go to the banquet tomorrow night, it would not be so easy for you to escape. On the contrary, if I kill him tonight, it will save you a lot of trouble. "

Zhou Bowen's words did not make sense. Moixero thought that by hiring an SSS Rank hitman, he would be able to easily deal with Chen Shen, this big trouble. However, what he did not expect was that Chen Shen had the three Sect Masters and Zhou Fu Hai's granddaughter by his side.

But even if Zhou Rui was not present, Zhou Bowen and Zhou Jie would probably not be her match.

As for Moixero, he would definitely be waiting at home for news of Chen Shen's death, and choosing to make his move at this time did indeed save him a lot of trouble. At the very least, he wouldn't need to participate in the Hongmen Banquet that he set up tomorrow night.

Although he deserved to die, Chen Shen did not want to let him off so easily …

"Hehe, I appreciate your good intentions, but the matter that I promised General Sutton, I have to complete as well. Otherwise, others will say that I don't keep my promise. Just hold it in for now. As I said earlier, if you still want to take his dog life tomorrow night, I'll personally create conditions for you to live. I guarantee that no one will find out. "

"Shi Loong, even though I admit that your skills are above mine, I still have to remind you that those mafias are not ordinary people. I hope you would reconsider …" Zhou Bowen told everything he knew.

Chen Shen smiled and nodded: "Thank you brother for your advice, I will take care of it."

"Since you insist, I will not stop you. Tomorrow night, Zhou Jie and I will assist you outside." Zhou Bowen did not waste time with words, he turned to Zhou Rui and said respectfully: "Young miss, after this matter is settled, I hope that you can follow us back to M Nation. The Sect Leader is already old, and has always missed you."

Zhou Rui lowered her head, a trace of sadness on her face: "Mn, I've already been out for so long, is Grandfather still angry with me?"

"How could that be? Miss, as long as you go back, everything will be fine." Zhou Bowen consoled.

Zhou Rui regained her spirit, and raised her head to look at Chen Shen: "Master, if you decide to go to Moixero's house tomorrow night, I will go with you.

"Eldest Miss, you're still …"

Without waiting for Zhou Bowen and Zhou Jie to stop him, Chen Shen continued, "You still don't believe in your master's strength? You stay in the villa to protect my wife and them. Moixero is crafty and treacherous, he might even send people to ambush you. With you by their side, I can focus on dealing with him … "

Zhou Rui pondered for a while, and patted his towering chest as if she believed it was true, "Master, don't worry, I will definitely protect Mistress and the others well. I won't let any of them lose a single strand of hair!"

With that said, Zhou Bowen and Zhou Jie both slightly nodded their heads to Chen Shen, showing their gratitude.

Chen Shen also responded in this way.

After that, Zhou Bowen and Zhou Jie did not linger, and after bidding farewell to Chen Shen and Zhou Rui, they disappeared into the night.

Chen Shen helped Catherine change the tires of the car and instructed him not to inform General Sutton of the events that had happened tonight. In case he acted on impulse, not only would he not be able to punish Moixero, he would instead make Moixero bite back and cause unnecessary trouble.

The five great beauties all nodded in agreement and returned to the villa in General Sutton.

Tonight, other than the heartless Chen Shen who was lying on the sofa, sound asleep while drooling, the five beauties were unable to sleep at all.

Especially for Shen Aoxin, when he thought of how she was going to risk going to Moixero's villa tomorrow, she always felt uneasy. From time to time, she would stand up and look at Chen Shen.

But tonight, the one who had the hardest time falling asleep was still Moixero.

He was at home until late at night, but he still didn't hear from the hitman. He was worried so he quickly took out his phone and called the hitman, but the hitman was still off.


After Moixero made over ten calls, he suddenly stood up, and fiercely smashed his phone on the ground.

The black-clothed man with the strange pattern on his face stood in the corner, trembling. He asked in shock: "Mr. Moixero, there is no news from those two assassins, were they killed by Shi Loong?"

Moixero squinted his eyes, gritted his teeth and said: "I never thought that Shi Loong was so powerful that not even an SS-Rank killer could kill him!"

"Then... If those two assassins fell into his hands, he would definitely hand them over to General Sutton, I'm afraid … " The man in black was at a loss, not knowing what to do.

"If I knew that you were so fucking cowardly, I would have killed you first!" Moixero calmed his emotions and then slowly sat on the sofa again. After being silent for a while, he pretended to be calm and continued, "I reckon that the two assassins died without telling me anything. Shi Loong and General Sutton probably didn't know that it was to send out the assassins, if not, with General Sutton's personality, they would have already brought their troops here."

"Mr. Moixero is right, then what should we do now?" Compared to the others, the one the black clothed man was most afraid of was Moixero.

"It doesn't matter if two assassins die! Since they haven't suspected me, I still have a chance to kill Shi Loong! Everything was going according to plan. Tomorrow night, the Mafia would get their weapons ready and prepare for an ambush. Once Catherine is infected with the parasite, it will be time for Shi Loong's death! "

The man in black hurriedly nodded his head, "I'll start it now …"

On the second day, at four in the afternoon, under the anxious gazes of Shen Aoxin and the others, Chen Shen drove Catherine towards Moixero's luxurious villa.

Along the way, Chen Shen calmly swung the steering wheel, his mouth humming a little tune. It didn't look like he was going to a Hongmen Banquet at all.

Catherine looked at him, her heart was full of guilt, and she was unable to calm down for a long time.

I'm sorry Mr. Chen, if I did not invite you all to be my guests in S Nation, such a thing would not have happened, it was all my fault! Catherine's watery blue eyes could not help but moisten as she used her hands to cover up the traces of tears.

"This foreign beauty is really sentimental!" Chen Shen smiled slightly: "Catherine, I have never blamed you for your thoughts, and on the contrary, I have to thank you, if you did not invite me, how could I have met with such an interesting situation?"

"Mr. Chen, you're still in the mood to joke around at this time!"

Catherine once again sized up the man in front of him. He clearly knew that Moixero had set up the Hongmen Feast, yet he still took the initiative to attend.

In her memory, she had never met a man like him before. At the same time that she felt guilty, an indescribable feeling welled up in her heart.

Chen Shen understood what Catherine was worried about, so he comforted him: "Alright, don't blame yourself too much, if you want to blame something, blame it on Moixero, that dog.

"Mr. Chen, thank you. Not only have you cured my illness, you have also helped Father and me without caring about the dangers. I will forever remember this kindness in my heart." After saying that, Catherine's beautiful face flushed slightly red as she added, "I don't know how to thank you. If you need me, I will give up everything I have. But don't worry, I won't pester you to no end, so as to not affect your relationship with Miss Shen. "

"What the f * ck!" There is actually a woman who took the initiative to sleep with me, and she's a hot foreign beauty! " Chen Shen was unable to suppress his excited emotions, he never thought that Catherine would actually say such a shocking thing, and did not know how to reply.

"This …"

Catherine's face flushed red, she did not know why she would say such words. But the only thing she could be certain of was that she had already fallen in love with Chen Shen, uncontrollably …

After more than an hour of travel, the two of them carried an awkward atmosphere and arrived at an empty land not far from Moixero's luxurious villa.

Chen Shen slowly and steadily drove, and then secretly opened his eyes, aimed at the mansion and took a look, then revealed a sinister smile.

"People are hiding well enough!" In order to kill me, Moixero really did put in a lot of effort, he actually found twenty gunners! " Chen Shen opened the car door and turned to face Catherine: "Wait for me in the carriage for a while, I'm going out to take care of some business, I'll be back soon."

Catherine was worried: "Mr. Chen, where are you going?"

"I want to kill the dogs beside Moixero first!" With that, Chen Shen got off the car, and quietly and stealthily entered the villa's outer area.

Inside the villa, Moixero sat on the sofa in the living room and looked out the window sinisterly.

Just then, the black-clothed man with a strange pattern on his face ran over to Mr. Moixero's side and said sinisterly: "Mr. Moixero, Miss Katherine and Shi Loong have arrived!"

"Ha ha!" Moixero let out a strange laugh, "He's finally here! Is everyone ready? "

The black clothed man craftily nodded his head: "They have long since been prepared and hid very covertly. Shi Loong will definitely not notice them."

"Very good! You hide now, I will think of a way to make Catherine eat that bottle of powder, and if she gets infected by the parasite, I will find a reason to leave with her, when that time comes, you must immediately notify the mafia outside, and let them rush in, and kill Shi Loong for me! " Moixero could be said to have schemed everything out, but he definitely would not have thought that the devil was even more powerful than the devil, as his scheme had long been completely exposed …

Chen Shen and Catherine came to the entrance of the villa with a smile on their faces.

Before he knocked on the door, Chen Shen playfully told him in a soft voice: "Catherine, today you are the female protagonist.

"Alright, I understand." Catherine agreed immediately.

Immediately after, Chen Shen pressed the doorbell.

After a while, Moixero opened the door and smiled warmly, it was like a chrysanthemum flower, it was not easy to look at, and it made people feel nauseous.