Lu Fei was actually a local tyrant of the antique street. He bullied the market everyday and specialized in selling fake antiques that he made himself, in order to earn a lot of money.

Even so, the antiques he had copied were extremely similar to the real thing. Even his peers in the industry would be fooled before they had even seen the real thing, let alone those who didn't know anything about it.

However, this was not surprising. Lu Fei's ancestors had been dealing in antiques since the Qing Dynasty, and there were even some who were golden field field field officers. He had lived in such a family since he was young. Naturally, he had been through many things and was extremely knowledgeable about antiques. Furthermore, he had different views and talents as to how to imitate antiques.

Therefore, the antiques that he imitated would rarely be discovered by others. Otherwise, they wouldn't be so engrossed in this profession …

Chen Shen took the initiative to shake hands with him, and indirectly revealed his identity, after knowing that he was from Shen Family, Lu Fei was immediately at a loss of what to do, and was extremely alarmed.

Currently, the position of the Shen Family in the Huanghai City was something no one could shake. Furthermore, Shen Family was a godly doctor who was famous even in the outside world. As a local snakehead, Lu Fei naturally knew of this as well.

If there was anyone who dared to oppose Shen Family, it would undoubtedly be digging their own grave. Huo Rugang and Wu Tong was a living example!

"My dog eyes did not recognize Mt. Tai. After staying in the antique street for too long, I really did not recognize Divine Doctor Chen. I hope that you can be magnanimous and spare me this time!" Lu Fei did not dare to shake hands with Chen Shen, and pleaded for mercy.

"Boss Lu, I haven't done anything, what are you afraid of? Chen Shen retracted his hand, and laughed: "Actually, I still need to thank you, if it wasn't for you wanting to destroy my plan to lure the two of us here to look at the goods, I'm afraid that even if I wandered around for another day, I wouldn't have been able to find the Pill Cauldron."

"Don't say that, Divine Doctor Chen. If you watch carefully, the Water and Fire Suspended Embryo Cauldron on the ground will be taken away for free. Lu Fei wiped away the cold sweat on his face.

"Hehe, how embarrassing. I just said it before, I want to customize another one hundred Pill Cauldron, each for five thousand yuan.

Lu Fei looked at him in astonishment, thinking to himself, what does he need so many Pill Cauldron.

"Divine Doctor Chen, forgive me for my bluntness, but the process of imitating a Water and Fire Suspended Embryo Cauldron is extremely complicated.

"Boss Lu, I didn't say that I want it right now. I just want you to help me prepare in advance. Of course, I will give you the corresponding reward in advance." After Chen Shen finished speaking, he picked up the Water and Fire Suspended Embryo Cauldron with one hand, turned around and walked out of the door without looking back: "I'll take this Pill Cauldron first, go back to the Relief Hall to retrieve the money."

Lu Fei looked at his back, his heart was still in fear, but at the same time, he was filled with suspicions.

The two of them left the antique street. Chen Shen did not return to his Shen Family Villa, but instead, allowed Zhong Hai to drive him straight to Relief Hall.

Halfway there, Zhong Hai curiously asked: "Chen Shen, what exactly are the uses of those hundred Pill Cauldron that you customized, could it be that all of them were used to refine pill?"

Chen Shen nodded with a smile, "Didn't I say before that we need to make a place for our Shen Family? Not long after, these Pill Cauldron will show their uses, and at that time, not only will our Shen Family be in great turmoil before the Huanghai City meeting, it will even shine brilliantly in the entire China."

"Then what exactly are you going to do?" Zhong Hai was unable to guess what he was thinking and asked.

"Hehe, I plan to open a medicine factory in the name of Shen Family to sell pill s refined by these Pill Cauldron. I think that before long, I will personally go to visit Yenching City." Chen Shen said with confidence.

Knowing what he was looking at, Zhong Hai smiled in satisfaction and did not pursue the topic. Because Zhong Hai knew clearly that with his strength, even if he did not have Shen Family, he could still charge into the world of Hua Xia. With him here, perhaps in the near future, his Shen Family would truly be on par with the Four Great Clans in Yan Jing, and might even surpass them …

When the car reached the Relief Hall gate, Chen Shen opened the door and got off, then took the Pill Cauldron out from the car trunk and placed it on the ground.

"Uncle Hai, you don't need to wait for me. If I want to stay here to refine pill tonight, I won't be able to go back."

Zhong Hai nodded, and drove back to Shen Family Villa.

Chen Shen brought the Pill Cauldron to the medicine warehouse and carefully selected twenty odd precious herbs, preparing to start concocting pills.

The pill that he refined was called the Beauty Preserving Pill and was one of the ones that the Mr. Xiao Yao taught him in the early days of pill refining. It was said that it could not only have a positive effect on one's appearance, more importantly, it could completely remove scars, and could even remove the birthmark on Jiang Yaoyao's face. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as a woman takes it for a long time, her skin will be radiant and forever young.

However, the process of refining the pellet was very complicated, including the control of the Pill Cauldron.

When everything was ready, Chen Shen lit up the stove of the Water and Fire Suspended Embryo Cauldron, and then put in the required ingredients. Finally, he poured water on the top layer and started to refine.

During the process of refining the pill, the water in the water was almost completely dried up. He did not dare to be careless as he continued to pour water into the furnace to cool it down.

The ingredients used to refine pill were all extremely precious. If they were unable to draw out its vitality, then even if the pill was refined, its effect would be unsatisfactory and would not be of any use.

Of course, controlling the firepower was also very important. One had to always pay attention to the size of the firepower.

Another hour passed, and the precious herbs in the divine room magically fused together at their best temperature. At the same time, a strong medicinal fragrance immediately overflowed the Pill Cauldron s and filled the entire room …

Chen Shen took in a deep breath of the dense medicinal fragrance that was pervading in the air.

The corners of his mouth curled up, as if he was very satisfied. However, this was not the time to relax yet. He continued adding fire to the stove, pouring water into the sea of water. This lasted for eight hours.

At this time, the precious medicinal ingredients in the divine hall had already been completely fused together. The medicinal fragrance of the Pill Cauldron was even stronger than before, and the Beauty Preserving Pill that was refined could be considered as having succeeded by half.

When the Beauty Preserving Pill was almost fully formed, Chen Shen carefully turned down the flames, then carefully withdrew the fuel from the furnace.

This was because in the entire process of refining pill, the most important part was to disperse the fire. Once the fire was removed, not only would the pill not be able to solidify evenly, it would also affect the effectiveness of the pill.

On the contrary, if the fire was slowed down, the pill would become scorched, and it would probably not be able to withstand the pressure from the inside, causing it to explode.

Chen Shen had been learning medicine from his master Mr. Xiao Yao since childhood, and the more critical the situation, the more he must not lower his guard. From this, it could be seen just how proficient he was in pill refining.

At this time, it was already close to ten in the morning, and the darkness of the night was gradually being illuminated white. In order to refine the Beauty Preserving Pill, he had to spend an entire eleven hours.

After finishing the last step and waiting for the Pill Cauldron to completely cool down, it would be the moment to witness a miracle.

Chen Shen carefully opened the cauldron, and when the Water and Fire Suspended Embryo Cauldron opened it, that irresistible medicinal fragrance accompanied with a burst of warm steam, and rushed over with unstoppable force. In a few seconds, it filled the entire warehouse, as if it was a sauna.

When the inner gas was completely removed, Chen Shen took a closer look and saw that six pill s the size of pearls had appeared in the middle level divine room.

He held one out in front of the window and checked its color against the glowing white light.

The pill was sparkling and translucent. Its color was shiny as it emitted a rich medicinal fragrance.

Chen Shen was grinning from ear to ear and was extremely satisfied. Seems like the efforts he had made last night had not been in vain.

Then, he took out the remaining five pill s from the divine room and placed them in a small bottle he had prepared beforehand. He then tidied up the Pill Cauldron before walking out of the warehouse.

At this time, the sky was already bright, and after a full night of concentrated effort, Chen Shen was slightly tired. Thus, he came to an empty ward and directly lied down without taking off his shoes.

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, he was suddenly woken up by the phone in his pockets ringing. He slowly opened his hazy eyes and took out his phone to see who the person calling was was was, it was Wen Ruolin who had just finished the affair with him.

Because it had already been agreed yesterday, that Jiang Yaoyao would go to the Relief Hall to gather the medicinal pellets today.

After speaking a little more, Chen Shen hung up the phone and stretched his body. He glanced at the clock on the wall, it was already 10 in the morning.

He walked out of the ward and washed his face, waiting for the arrival of the two beauties.

Twenty minutes later, Wen Ruolin and Jiang Yaoyao drove the car all the way to the Relief Hall s. Chen Shen came forward to welcome them with a smile on her face, and brought the two of them to the room where Wen Ruolin had conversed yesterday, so that no good people could see them and hear any false rumors. He didn't mind, but it was hard to explain to Shen Aoxin.

Wen Ruolin was dressed up in a very flirtatious manner today, as if she were a plentiful woman. Jiang Yaoyao, on the other hand, was from a small clan that was pure and cute. It was indeed a beautiful scenery, and instantly, Chen Shen's fatigue disappeared as her vulgar gaze roamed around the two of them.

"Chen Shen, do you know what happened after we separated yesterday?" Wen Ruolin had a charming smile on her face, as though there was some hidden meaning behind her words.

Chen Shen naturally understood the meaning behind Wen Ruolin's words. After all, he had been secretly filmed by the dog cub yesterday, which had turned into quite a big scandal. Because of this matter, Shen Aoxin was so angry that he started criticizing him, and even claimed that he was not allowed to take another step into her room before things were cleared up.

In this regard, he was rather helpless as well. However, he had been busy the whole day yesterday, so he had no time to pay attention to these rumours and reports. Until now, he still wasn't very clear about the details, but of course, he wasn't in the mood to know.

"You want to talk about that scandal, right? Speaking of which, these puppies are pretty boring, I, as a man, am fine with it, but Ruolin, you have to suffer the injustice." Chen Shen laughed and said.

Wen Ruolin smiled meaningfully, as if she didn't care at all: "I've been in the entertainment circle for so many years and have never had a affair with a man before. But now it seems that I've had this experience once in a while, it's not bad.