Everything was ready, except for the east wind.

With the help of Zhong Hai, Chen Shen chose the factory's address and decorated it simply. The related procedures were handed over to Zhou Leexin, who requested for his father to do the task quickly.

As for the Water and Fire Suspended Embryo Cauldron s that were needed by the medicine factory, under Chen Shen's suggestion, they were greatly improved. Lu Fei also used all his strength to imitate it day and night, forcing out 20 cauldrons so that it could be used at the beginning.

Chen Shen continuously used a week's time to refine a hundred or so Beauty Preserving Pill. He was busy with his chest against the back, but not too happy.

A month later, when everything was ready, Shen Xin's Medicine Industry that was built in the name of Shen Family would be established. As the name suggested, in order to curry favor with Shen Aoxin, he had deliberately used the last word of the two names, which caused Shen Aoxin to have no objection.

The opening ceremony of Shen Xin's medicine industry, organized by Chen Shen, was very grand and attracted the attention of many Huanghai City nobles and the masses. Most of them were male.

Those nobles and officials who came to attend the ribbon cutting ceremony simply wanted to increase their relationship with Shen Family. As for the rest of the male citizens, other than watching the show, they also wanted to see the beauties and celebrities.

Shen Aoxin, Tong Lele, and Wu Lan were naturally present at the event. As the three beauties stood together, they became a scene of beauty. The gazes of the men were locked onto their bodies, unable to leave.

However, there was another important factor that could attract so many people to come and support them, and that was the great star Wen Ruolin. It turned out that in order to create momentum, Chen Shen got Zhong Hai to send someone to release the news in advance, claiming that Wen Ruolin would be endorsing the products of Shen Xin's medicine industry.

When the news came out, it immediately attracted the attention of the entertainment media, and they all rushed to Huanghai City from all over China. There were roughly a hundred reporters, and the scene was extremely grand.

Especially when Wen Ruolin arrived at the scene as promised, all the media reporters seemed to be on stimulants as they fought to be the first to be interviewed. Some of them even started fighting for the headlines.

Fortunately, Zhong Hai had arranged for people to come ahead in advance so they could barely maintain order at the scene.

However, before they could calm down, another wave had occurred. The excitement of the reporters and fans had yet to subside as they saw a black car parked far behind them. Then, two tall, well-built, and dignified beauties got out of the car.

When they saw the two of them, the crowd immediately erupted into cheers: "It's the singer, Luo Manli, and the Queen of Television, Zhao Yueting!"

"Shen Xin Medicine is going to be very popular. All the famous celebrities have come to attend the ribbon cutting ceremony!"

"What nonsense is this!" "Move aside. Today's headlines are mine!"

The reporters and fans all rushed forward, and the scene became chaotic once again.

Chen Shen walked to Wen Ruolin's side and looked at her with interest: "Ruolin, you did not inform me beforehand. There are still people coming."

"How is it? Is this surprise okay? The two of them are my best friends, and after consuming the Beauty Preserving Pill that you gave me, the results are quite obvious. This time, they specifically came to visit you, and also wanted to buy some Beauty Preserving Pill s. " Wen Ruolin chuckled.

"This is necessary! After today's activities are over, I will prepare a few high quality Beauty Preserving Pill s and gift them to the two of them. "

At this time, under the escort of a bodyguard, Luo Manli and Zhao Yuting walked over.

The two of them stamped their feet and carefully sized up Chen Shen. After that, they looked at each other and giggled while covering their mouths.

"Ruolin, is this young man the Divine Doctor Chen you mentioned before?" Zhao Yuting asked with a smile.

Wen Ruolin looked at Chen Shen, and then asked Zhao Yuting: "What, don't tell me you don't see him?"

"Much younger than expected! Ruolin, I didn't expect your taste to be so unique, you like young handsome men. " Saying that, Zhao Yuting looked at Chen Shen with interest.

At the side, Luo Manli also joked: "Ruolin, I never thought that your lover was so young, and was even the creator of Beauty Preserving Pill s research and development. Your future is limitless, you must have picked up a treasure."

Wen Ruolin blushed slightly from being teased, "Don't spout nonsense, he has a wife. If Miss Shen hears about it, it would be a misunderstanding."

"It doesn't matter if you have a wife. If you leave, then you will naturally be together." Zhao Yuting spoke straightforwardly, not caring at all what Chen Shen thought.

Alright!" Don't tease me, I'm here to stand up for Chen Shen today. If there's anything you want to say, say it alone later. " Wen Ruolin was close friends with the two of them and she had told the two of them about the worries in her heart. But who knew that the moment they saw Chen Shen, they would say all these without restraint?

On the other hand, Chen Shen did not think so. He smiled at the two of them: "Two great stars, today I am participating in the establishment of Shen Xin Medicine, I am deeply grateful, I heard from Ruolin that after you two finish consuming the Beauty Preserving Pill, the effect is good, if there are any questions from the reporters, I would like to say a few words."

"It's not a problem to praise you, it's just that we came to the place where the Huanghai City is located this time. Ruolin should have told you already. "We're not as stupid as her. We'll give you a endorsement for free, and as for the corresponding reward, we'll have to accept it." Luo Manli laughed.

Chen Shen smiled and nodded: "Ruolin's friend is my friend. Rest assured, after the event ends, I will prepare the appropriate compensation."

Luo Manli and Zhao Yuting's beautiful eyes lit up, and at the same time, they opened their mouths: "Beauty Preserving Pill …"

When these three words came out, the two of them looked at each other again and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Chen Shen and Wen Ruolin could not help but laugh out loud.

Amidst all the noise, the ribbon cutting ceremony officially began, followed by the incessant sounds of firecrackers. Afterwards, Wu Degui, who was the general manager of Changsheng, acted as the host and gave a speech on stage.

"I welcome all of you to attend the cutting ceremony of Shenxin Pharmacy. I am here to thank all of you for coming …"

After a set of conventional opening remarks, a round of warm applause came from below the stage.

After the applause was over, Wu Degui spoke into the microphone again, "Now let us give a warm round of applause. Welcome to the President Shen, Divine Doctor Chen, Vice Mayor Zhou, and the famous stars Wen Ruolin, Luo Manli, and Zhao Yueting to the stage to cut the decorations!"

The appearance of the three famous celebrities immediately made the crowd boil up again. At this moment, the reporters from far away had all raised their cameras. The people who came to see the celebrities were also cheering nonstop. The atmosphere had reached a climax.

The carefully chosen ceremonial ladies, dressed in red qipao, were the first to ascend the stage from two sides. They stood on two sides and straightened the red ribbons.

Immediately after, Chen Shen, Shen Aoxin and the Vice Mayor Zhou also went up on stage. The six of them smiled as they cut off the red ribbon. Then, the atmosphere broke into applause.

After the six finished cutting their prizes and walked off the stage, Wu Degui walked onto the stage again and said to the microphone, "Today is not only a celebration of the establishment of Shen Xin Medicine, we are also honored to invite the international movie star Wen Ruolin to be our spokesperson. In a while, we will be at the Royal Hotel, where we will hold a product event.

Under a burst of loud cheers and applause, the finale of Shen Xin's medicine industry finally came to an end. Next, everyone took a bus to the pre-reserved Emperor Hotel in preparation for the product launch.

Zhong Hai drove Vice Mayor Zhou and Zhou Leexin to the hotel ahead of time.

Naturally, Chen Shen, Tong Lele and the others sat in the same carriage.

As for Wen Ruolin, she had gotten into Luo Man Li and Zhao Yuting's black carriage, probably telling them to pay more attention to their words and deeds.

However, in addition to the three cars, the media company was also following closely behind. They were like a long line on the road downtown; it was very spectacular …

On the way to the Di Huang Hotel, Tong Lele suddenly rolled her eyes and tried to tease her, "Brother-in-law, Wen Ruolin really put in a lot of effort to get Luo Manli and Zhao Yuting to come here for your sake. It would be difficult even if you didn't get angry!"

"They have nothing to do with me. Today is the happy day for the establishment of the medicinal plant, so you better not speak nonsense at such a crucial moment." Chen Shen reminded.

"Pfft, I never speak nonsense. I'm not like a certain someone, eating from a bowl and even looking at the pot, coaxing Sister Aoxin all day long." Tong Lele made a face at Chen Shen in the rearview mirror.

Chen Shen was driving, his hand on the steering wheel, helplessly shaking his head, he simply ignored her, as though he was saving her the trouble of making it worse, so that she could take the chance.

No matter how suspicious she was of Chen Shen's relationship with him, she could not reveal it in front of outsiders today.

She lovingly held Tong Lele's small hand, "Lele, today's activities are very important to the Shen Family. There are some things that you shouldn't say like before, and you should pay attention to the occasion."

"Sister Aoxin, didn't you also see that Brother-in-law and the three great stars were talking and laughing and ignored us? I'm just speaking the truth! " Tong Lele pouted and said coquettishly.

Shen Aoxin glanced at Chen Shen through the rearview mirror and did not speak.

Seeing that, Wu Lan pursed her lips into a smile, and took the initiative to smooth things over for Chen Shen: "Lele, don't blame your brother-in-law, he did it out of politeness, no matter what, they are here to help us, so we should have the basic etiquette."

As the atmosphere relaxed, Chen Shen began to admire Wu Lan more and more. That mature woman's charm was something that girls did not have.

The caravan quickly arrived at the Emperor Hotel, and everyone got off the carriage, heading towards the banquet hall that was on the first floor.

He remembered the last time Wu Tong and his son teamed up with the boss of Shangloong Society to cause trouble here, and it caused quite a sensation. But today was different from the past. With Shen Family's current position in the Huanghai City, no one could shake it. If any blind person dared to come and cause trouble, they would undoubtedly be courting death.

As Chen Shen's little brother, Zhou Leexin naturally knew how to help his big brother. The press conference had almost been done personally, and Chen Shen was very satisfied with this, he walked in front of him and patted his shoulder: "You must have worked hard recently, when the medicine factory enters the proper state, I will teach you a set of comprehensive fighting techniques. When I'm not around, you can also help Uncle Hai to protect my wife and them."

"Thank you, Big Brother!" Zhou Leexin was elated. He could finally protect the most important person by his side with his own strength.