Wu Lan's past could be said to be a painful memory that she could never erase. Other than Shen Aoxin, this was the first time she had told the whole story in front of Chen Shen and Tong Lele.

After Tong Lele heard this, she clenched her fists and said angrily, "This is truly something that is worse than a beast! Sister Lan, you don't have to worry. As long as we exist, that creditor won't dare to do anything to you! "

Wu Lan shook his head, and laughed lightly: "I appreciate your good intentions, but I want to settle this matter myself, perhaps in order to give myself an explanation."

"Sister Lan, all these years, you helped me manage the company without any complaints. Now that you are in trouble, how can I ignore you?" Shen Aoxin said firmly.

"But …"

Before Wu Lan's voice fell, Chen Shen who had not made a comment for a long time calmly laughed: "Sister Lan, people have a weak side to them, to be able to show it is not necessarily a bad thing, furthermore you have helped us out quite a bit, and in consideration of reason, we cannot let you take the risk alone. "Don't worry. When your father and that creditor come, I will personally take care of this matter for you.

"Chen Shen, Shen Xin Medicine has just been established, you can't ruin your reputation just because of me!" Wu Lan advised, at the same time her heart was filled with gratitude.

"Hehe, Sister Lan, you don't have to worry, I know what I'm doing. Let alone dealing with a loan sharper hoodlum, I can toy with him to death any second. " Chen Shen said in amusement.

"Then how do you plan to help Sister Lan settle this?" Shen Aoxin asked.

"I haven't thought about this yet. Let's talk about it when we see them." Chen Shen immediately poured another cup of wine and said to Wu Lan: "Sister Lan, you should eat and drink, don't think too much about it if you have anything to do.

Wu Lan nodded her head in gratitude, and poured herself a full cup of wine as well. "Thank you for everyone's concern, but I will handle this matter carefully. I am sorry that my matter has affected your mood. I will punish myself with a cup of wine to express my apologies. "

With that, she drained her cup and continued with another.

Humans could easily get drunk when they had things on their mind. Maybe Wu Lan wanted to use alcohol to numb herself so that she would not think about the unbearable things that had happened in the past.

It was more of a waste of time to draw a cup of wine and drink water. Raising a cup of wine was more worrisome.

Shen Aoxin had always treated Wu Lan as her own sister. Seeing her current state, she felt her heart ache, and wanted to stop her, but Chen Shen gently pulled her hand and gave her a meaningful glance as she raised her wine cup: "Sister Lan, it's boring to drink by yourself.

Wu Lan was different from her usual mature and steady self. Her pretty face was red, and she was slightly drunk as she said: "Alright, we won't return until we're drunk today!"

The two of them drank together for two consecutive hours, and during that time, Wu Lan didn't once again mention anything about her father and her creditor.

In the end, her alcohol tolerance was low, her hand covering her chin, her eyes squinted at Chen Shen, the drunk and seductive appearance was extremely enchanting.

"Chen Shen, let's stop here for today, can you send me back later?" Wu Lan slowly turned her head to the side and said to Shen Aoxin: "Ao Xin, I think you can borrow Chen Shen from me.

Shen Aoxin said worriedly: "Sister Lan, of course I don't mind, it's just that you have to be magnanimous. No matter what happens, and you still have us by your side, we will definitely do our best to help you."

Wu Lan gently nodded her head, then stood up and shakily walked out.

Seeing that, Shen Aoxin and Tong Lele immediately followed, supporting her from the left and right as they left the hotel, Chen Shen following closely behind.

"Chen Shen, take Sister Lan home. I didn't drink much, drive Lele home first. If you have anything to say, you must give me a call." Shen Aoxin instructed.

"Don't worry, old woman. I will definitely complete the mission!" As he said that, Chen Shen hailed a taxi, and with the support of Shen Aoxin and Tong Lele, Wu Lan got on the taxi.

According to the address that Shen Aoxin gave, the driver stepped on the pedal and left.

Shen Aoxin looked at the taxi, her heart full of mixed feelings, and could not help but sigh.

Tong Lele suddenly rolled her eyes, as if she felt that something was amiss, and reminded him: "Sister Aoxin, I have to say that your heart is also big enough. The two of us drank so much wine, are you not afraid that Brother-in-law and Sister Lan would have something happen due to their unruly nature?"

Shen Aoxin lightly tapped her forehead: "Don't speak nonsense, your brother-in-law has the heart and the guts to do so. Although Sister Lan has drank too much on the surface, it's very reasonable for such a thing to never happen."

"Heh heh, that's hard to say! When a woman's heart is hurt, it's often the best time for a man to take advantage of her weakness and enter. If Brother-in-law misses the point, even Sister Lan would probably not be able to withstand it. " Tong Lele laughed.

Shen Aoxin frowned slightly. She couldn't tell what she was feeling, but she still chose to believe in Wu Lan.

"Lele, Sister Lan isn't that kind of person, you don't need to think about it too much. If you have the time, you might as well think about how to help Sister Lan out."

"If I don't think so, it is all because of you, Sister Aoxin. Since you don't even care, I will not care!" Tong Lele pouted and said coquettishly.

Shen Aoxin helplessly shook her head, then opened the car door and spoilt: "Miss Tong, don't be angry, I know you are doing this for my own good, hurry up and get on the car, it's time for me to send you home."

Tong Lele's face changed, and got on the carriage smiling: "Then I'll be troubling Sister Aoxin."


On the way to Wu Lan's apartment, Wu Lan rested her head on Chen Shen's shoulder with her eyes closed, causing Chen Shen to not even dare to move an inch.

No matter when, Wu Lan would always wear a formal attire for the job description of the mature woman's envious beauty. The outline of her sexy and provocative body was perfectly outlined, especially now that her collar was opened and the scene in front of her chest. The corner of Chen Shen's eyes couldn't help but lock onto her chest.

"What are you looking at?" Wu Lan raised her head and asked with a smile.

Chen Shen was startled, he did not expect her to wake up. His gaze immediately pulled away from her chest, faced the front, and said awkwardly: "I didn't see anything."

"Is that so? If a man dares to take responsibility, it's nothing much. " Wu Lan leaned her head on his shoulder again.

Chen Shen deliberately coughed and remained silent.

Now that they were rented out to the small district of Wu Lan's apartment, after paying the money, Chen Shen and Wu Lan got off the car one after another.

Wu Lan swayed back and forth, her steps still unsteady. Chen Shen stepped forward to support her, she did not reject him.

The two of them entered the apartment building, took the elevator to the twelfth floor, and walked in front of Wu Lan's home.

"Sister Lan, since you have already reached home, it's time for me to return. When your father and that creditor of yours arrive at the Huanghai City, remember to inform me immediately." After saying that, he turned around and was about to leave.

Just then, Wu Lan suddenly grabbed his arm, "Stay with me for a while longer, I won't hold you up for too long."

With that, he took out his key and opened the door.

"Ah?" "What kind of rhythm is this?" Chen Shen was completely shocked. In his impression, Wu Lan had always been a mature and steady man, he rarely came into contact with men, yet he actually made such a request.

"This …"

"You're just a man, what are you afraid of? I just want to chat." Wu Lan released Chen Shen's arm and walked into the house.

Since she didn't care, then Chen Shen didn't care at all. Thus, he just swaggered in and closed the door.

Upon entering, Chen Shen's eyes immediately lit up. The apartment wasn't that big, with a living room and an attic. In the living room, there was no extra furniture, only a long sofa, and a coffee table in front. The layout was very simple, with a white style, making the room seem very spacious.

As for the picture frame on the tea table, it attracted Chen Shen's attention. It was a picture of a family. The girl was only about six or seven years old, and her face was brimming with a happy smile …

Wu Lan wandered into the kitchen and took out a bottle of red wine and two goblets.

"Sister Lan, we drank quite a bit tonight, so I think it's best not to drink anymore." Chen Shen pretended to be very upright, but his gaze was still wandering towards Wu Lan's sexy and tender body.

"It's been a long time since I've had so much to drink. Tonight, I realize that wine is indeed a good thing. It can make me forget those painful memories for the time being." With that, Wu Lan opened up the red wine and poured it into two goblets.

"Sister Lan, everyone is drunk. Everyone has their own past that they cannot bear to look back on, including failures, injuries, pain, filth, humiliation, and so on. All sorts of memories are valuable experiences on the road to growth. If I really can't forget, then why not try to learn to relax and maybe have a different feeling. " Chen Shen laughed and brewed a bowl of profound spirit chicken soup.

"I didn't expect you to say something like this. "I'm rather envious of Ao Xin. To be able to be with you everyday." Wu Lan gently sipped the red wine and leaned on the sofa, looking at him flirtatiously.

Chen Shen suppressed the evil thoughts in his heart with difficulty. He had drank too much tonight, and with such a sexy and alluring beauty beside him, he felt a little itchy in his heart. After all, he was still an energetic virgin.

"What's there to be envious of? With Sister Lan's looks and abilities, there must be a lot of suitors by your side. I think that one day, you will meet the other half that is worth entrusting your entire life to."

"Really?" Wu Lan smiled gently, like a blooming rose, her charming face had layers of blush, it was extremely mesmerizing.

"Ding Ling!"

At this time, a text message notification suddenly sounded. When Wu Lan heard it, he rummaged through the cracks in the sofa, "I thought I lost my phone, but it turns out I left it at home."

She picked up the phone. When she saw the message, her eyebrows knitted together and her expression changed. She seemed to have seen some bad news.

Seeing that, Chen Shen leaned his body backwards, and secretly took a look at the information on his phone: Tomorrow morning, at 9 o'clock, in room 201 of Sheng Xin Hotel, you will be coming by yourself, if you dare play any tricks, I will collect your father's corpse.

He pretended not to know and calmly asked: "Sister Lan, you don't look too good, did you receive any bad news?"

Wu Lan immediately put out his phone, afraid that Chen Shen would see it, she pretended to be calm and shook her head: "No, it's just a piece of scam information."

"Sister Lan, you are very clear about my strength. If there is anything else, you must tell me," Chen Shen said with a smile.

"Thank you, Chen Shen. I'm really alright." After Wu Lan finished speaking, his beautiful eyes projected a shining sense of affection, and he couldn't help but lean towards him. Taking advantage of his drunkenness, his delicate lips slightly parted: "Chen Shen, can you stay here to accompany me tonight?"

"Sister Lan you …" Chen Shen was shocked. He could not imagine that this girl would make such a bold request.