"Uncle also came. Why didn't he come in with you guys?" Shen Aoxin asked.

Chen Shen laughed and shrugged. He then looked at Wu Lan, as though Wu Lan was the one who did not want him to enter.

"Ao Xin, I was the one who didn't let him in because I didn't want you guys to see his ugly face." Wu Lan's words were mixed with a little hatred, and his expression instantly darkened.

"Sister Lan, actually, everyone has their own mistakes. If your father realizes that he is wrong, there is no harm in giving him a chance to correct it. We can all help you." Shen Aoxin advised.

Wu Lan shook her head in disappointment, "I gave him a chance before; But I was wrong. Not only did he want to use my body to pay my debts when I graduated from college. This time, she even brought the Chu with a big mouth to look for me. This kind of father who is inferior to beasts, do you think he will still be able to be saved? "

"I don't think there's any hope at all! For myself, I actually did not hesitate to collude with my creditors to sell off my daughter's precious body. Tong Lele pouted and said angrily.

Shen Aoxin tugged her small hands, signalling to her not to speak carelessly.

"Sister Lan, logically speaking, this is your family's matter, I have no right to interfere. Moreover, I am an orphan and do not understand the concept of kinship very well. But no matter what, he is still your father, so it's not too late to listen to his explanation before making a decision. " After saying that, Chen Shen turned and pushed open the door to the Profound Entrance. He paced back and forth outside the door, and called out to his anxious father: "Uncle, come in!"

Wu Lan's father ran over and asked excitedly, "Did Xiaolan forgive me?"

Chen Shen waved his hand, "I am only giving you a chance to explain. Whether or not you can get Sister Lan's forgiveness will depend on how you accept your mistakes."

Wu Lan's father walked into the villa and greeted the few of them respectfully, "You are all Xiao Lan's friends, right? I am her father, you can call me Old Wu. I am an incompetent father, and thanks to you all for helping Xiao Lan to succeed in Huanghai City, I thank you all. "

"Tch!" You're not only an incompetent father, you've caused so much harm to your own daughter, and you even licked your lips and showed your face in front of the Sister Lan. Tong Lele rolled her eyes at him in disdain.

"Sigh …" Old Wu was speechless and sighed as she lowered her head.

"Lele, how can you say that to an elder! Shen Aoxin reprimanded Old Wu, and then explained to her, "Uncle, this sister of mine has an open mouth, so please don't mind her."

"If she has something to say, just say it. Moreover, if he can do it, why would she be afraid of others saying it?" Tong Lele pouted her lips, showing her that she was unconvinced.

Shen Aoxin helplessly shook her head.

"Ao Xin, don't blame Lele. She was right." Wu Lan said coldly.

Old Wu knew that she had done worse than animals, but she did indeed come to see her daughter this time, so she explained, "Xiao Lan, a few years ago, I was bewitched and did that heartless thing. But since you left, I've realized my mistake. Not only have I quit gambling, I've gotten a job. The gambling debts I owed him have more or less been repaid, but Chu with a big mouth was unwilling to forgive me, he wanted me to repay him with interest as well. I had originally wanted to secretly come to Huanghai City to look for you, but I was targeted by his subordinates, who forced me to bring him along, claiming that if I didn't agree, I would be buried alive! I am just a commoner, how could I dare to oppose him. "

Wu Lan was slightly moved by his words and couldn't help but sink into deep thought.

Chen Shen squinted his eyes, he suddenly became curious about the Chu with a big mouth and asked: "Uncle, who is this Chu with a big mouth, and what is his background, for you to be so afraid of him?"

Old Wu let out a long sigh, "Lad, you guys are in Huanghai City, so you don't know what this bully's doing in Yenching City. With the support of Kang Family, he opened an underground casino in the Western District. On normal days, besides usurping high profits and loans, he also collected protection fees everywhere, and there was no one that dared to offend or even resist him, and they could only accept it and allow themselves to be manipulated by him … "

"Hearing you speak like that, Chu with a big mouth is simply a beast wearing human skin. However, he won't be arrogant for the time being. Chen Shen continued to ask: "According to what I know, Kang Family is one of the Four Great Clans of the Yenching City, why would they become the backer of a hoodlum?

Old Wu was a native of Yenching City, and since she had been in and out of the underground casinos all year round, she could be considered an old fox. Naturally, she had some understanding of the famous Kang Family.

"The person in charge of the Kang Family is called Kang Bo Wen. He had just gotten together with his second wife and named Kang Wenloong after his son at such a young age. Kang Wenloong was a dragon amongst men, he was extremely proficient in business, but because of the influence of his family, he had never held anyone in high regard. As long as he had projects or companies, he would use any means possible to obtain them. However, China is a society governed by the law, so he secretly colluded with some gangs and did things for him. The Chu with a big mouth is one of them. "

"Oh!" No wonder the Chu with a big mouth said that the young master Kang Family is his big brother. Looks like the enmity between us has formed. " Chen Shen laughed and said.

Wu Lan felt extremely guilty. Shen Xin Medicine had just started, and at this critical moment, if he provoked Kang Family, it would definitely have an impact.

"Chen Shen, it's all because of you helping me, that's why you've indirectly angered the Kang Family. If I knew earlier, the Chu with a big mouth was related to them, I …"

"This is not Sister Lan's fault. No matter what, Kang Family is still a famous family, and if it's because of this matter, I'm afraid that you're just putting up a front for Chu with a big mouth, it's only so-so. Moreover, even if they wanted to take revenge recklessly, it would not be enough to make them afraid. " Chen Shen said confidently.

Hearing his words, Wu Lan felt a lot more at ease, but she still had some concerns. After all, the Kang Family was different from the opponents she met before.

Shen Aoxin was also a little worried at this time, and she fell into deep thought.

Seeing that he had deviated from the main topic, Chen Shen laughed, "As for whether or not I will make an enemy out of Kang Family, I wanted to see the results very soon. Now, let's get back to business. Sister Lan, you heard your father's explanation. Whether you want to forgive him or not is entirely up to you, we have no right to interfere. "

Wu Lan glanced at Old Wu. If he wanted to forgive him, it would be hard to do so in a short period of time.

"Right now, I am truly unable to forgive him. But on account of father and daughter, he can stay in Huanghai City, and I will do my best to honor him."

Old Wu nodded her head lightly, "Xiao Lan, I am already very satisfied that you treated me like this. When I find a place to stay, I will find another job, enough to support myself. You have suffered all these years, no need to worry about me.

Wu Lan turned her head and secretly shed a few tears. Perhaps, at this moment, those painful memories that she could not bear to look back on for many years, were relieved after hearing Old Wu's words.

Helping people to the end, Chen Shen smiled slightly: "Uncle, I see that you don't need to find a place to stay and work. I am a doctor, there is a clinic called Relief Hall in Huanghai City, I just happen to be missing a doctor, if you do not mind, you can come to my place."

Old Wu was moved to tears. "Xiao Lan was safe and sound today. Thanks to your help, and now that my livelihood has been taken care of, I really don't know how to thank you."

To be honest, I don't dare agree with what you have done. It's just that you are the father of the Sister Lan, and I am only doing this because of her. If you truly want to thank me, then do your best to make up for your mistake and treat your daughter well. Chen Shen said straightforwardly.

With regards to Chen Shen's straightforward reply, Old Wu knew that he owed his daughter too much and couldn't help but feel ashamed.

But at the same time, he looked at the young man in front of him differently and couldn't help but to ask curiously, "Lad, I've seen your skills before at the hotel and they are indeed powerful." But I didn't expect you to be a doctor. You're really young and capable. "Excuse me, but do you have a girlfriend? If you don't, Xiao Lan is also single. Why don't you …"

"Uncle, your kindness is in my heart, but I'm already married." Chen Shen walked to Shen Aoxin's side and held her hand.

"I'm really sorry, I really didn't know." Old Wu explained in panic.

"Haha, those who don't know are innocent. Uncle, you don't need to take it to heart."

Wu Lan looked at the two of them holding hands, her expression a little disappointed. She didn't know why she felt this way, but she understood one thing.

With Chen Shen's help, Old Wu's problem was successfully solved.

After experiencing this kind of thing, Wu Lan was physically and emotionally exhausted. She wanted to return to her apartment as soon as possible, so after bidding farewell to the others, he left the Shen Family villa.

As she still had some grudges in her heart, the job of sending Old Wu off to the Relief Hall naturally fell to Chen Shen.

Old Wu had already gotten on the carriage, while Chen Shen and Wu Lan stood outside the villa and looked at each other.

"Chen Shen, thank you for helping me this much." Wu Lan's eyes revealed dense gratitude.

"Sister Lan is too courteous, you help Ao Xin manage the company, I can let you handle whatever you want, I should help you out, furthermore, we are friends, if our friends are in trouble, how can I ignore them?" Chen Shen specifically emphasized on the word friend.

"That's right!" We are friends, you and Ao Xin. We are friends. " Wu Lan lowered her head slightly, looking very lonely.

Chen Shen embarrassedly touched his head: "Sister Lan, about last night's matter, I …"

Wu Lan knew what he wanted to say, and interrupted him: "Last night, both of us were drunk, I am not too sure what exactly happened, I hope you can forget about it, and treat Ao Xin well."

"Sister Lan, I don't want you to get hurt because of a moment of recklessness, but of course, I don't want Ao Xin to …"

Before she finished speaking, Wu Lan's sweet lips lightly covered Chen Shen's lips. After a few seconds, Wu Lan's beautiful face turned red and retreated, then revealed a charming smile.

"Chen Shen, I want to tell you this, it was not because I acted recklessly at that time."

With that said, Wu Lan turned and quickly walked to the front of the carriage. She glanced at Chen Shen, then opened the door and got in.

Chen Shen was stunned in place, he pursed his lips and smelled something, which lingered between his teeth as the aftertaste lingered.